Date of Award

Spring 5-1984

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)



Committee Director

Helen Yura

Committee Member

Ann Bennett

Committee Member

Kathryn A. Caufield

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.N8L4


This study was a comparison of the similarities and differences between the registered nurses' perception and clients' perception of human need fulfillment alterations in the client with uterine cancer. The effect of level of educational preparation and number of years work experience on the nurses' perception was also analyzed. The participants were 15 registered nurses and 15 clients who had uterine cancer and were admitted to two acute care hospitals in Tidewater. Registered nurses were asked to complete the tool entitled Human Needs Assessment Scale and rate the 35 human needs in relation to the perceived importance for the client. The client, for whom the nurse was providing care, rated the 35 human needs in relation to their perceived importance for them. There were no significant differences in the nurses' and clients' perception or was correlation found between the nurses' perception and level of educational preparation and years work experience.


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