Date of Award

Spring 5-1984

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)



Committee Director

Evelyn J. Singer

Committee Member

Linda L. Davis

Committee Member

Helen Yura

Call Number for Print

Special Collections LD4331.N8J65


The purpose of this study was to explore feelings of loneliness among relocated elderly residents of age-segregated, high-rise apartment buildings and any relationship between these subjective feelings of loneliness and certain variables which were hypothesized as predictors of feelings of loneliness. The variables studied in relation to loneliness were cathectic investment, activity, and perceptions of health. A non-experimental survey design where data were collected by interviewing subjects was used. The sample consisted of 18 female residents of a high-rise apartment building for the elderly. Each was interviewed using the Loneliness Rating Scale developed by Dr. Gloria M. Francis and a Health Information Questionnaire. No significant correlations were found between loneliness and the three variables; cathectic investment~ activity, and perceptions of health. However, there were indications that further refinement of the cathectic investment portion of the tool and the development of a specific tool for evaluating activity might yield more significant results.


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