Submissions from 2020
Collision of Li2+ with Li(2s) and Li(2p): Differential and Total Ionization; Discrete Excitations; Elastic Scattering, and Total Cross Section, H.R.J. Walters and Colm T. Whelan
B-Meson Light-Cone Distribution Amplitude From Euclidean Quantities, Wei Wang, Yu-Ming Wang, Ji Xu, and Shuai Zhao
Thermal Emittance and Lifetime of Alkali-Antimonide Photocathodes Grown On GaAs and Molybdenum Substrates Evaluated in a -300 kV dc Photogun, Y. Wang, M. A. Mamun, P. Adderley, B. Bullard, J. Grames, J. Hansknecht, C. Hernandez-Garcia, G. A. Krafft, G. Palacios-Serrano, M. Poelker, M. L. Stutzman, R. Suleiman, M. Tiefenback, S. Wijethunga, J. Yoskowitz, and S. Zhang
Question 1: Car Flip; Question 2: A Mole of People, Larry Weinstein
Question 1: Plowing Snow; Question 2: Wasted Food, Larry Weinstein
Solutions for Fermi Questions, January 2020: Question 1: Car Flip; Question 2: A Mole of People, Larry Weinstein
Question 1: Coffee Consumption; Question 2: Active Volcanoes, Lawrence Weinstein
Probing the Deuteron at Very Large Internal Momenta, C. Yero, D. Abrams, Z Ahmed, F. Hauenstein, S.A. Wood, J. Zhang, et al., and Hall C. Collaboration
Beam-Target Helicity Asymmetry E in K⁺Σ⁻ Photoproduction On The Neutron, N. Zachariou, K. P. Adhikari, M. Khachatryan, M. Mayer, Y. Prok, Et al., and CLAS Collaboration
Heavy Quark Expansion for Heavy-Light Light-Cone Operators, Shuai Zhao
The CLAS12 Software Framework and Event Reconstruction, V. Ziegler, N. A. Baltzell, F. Bossù, D. S. Carman, P. Chatanon, M. Contalbrigo, J. Newton, and M. Ungaro
Submissions from 2019
Beam Asymmetry Σ for the Photoproduction of η and ή Mesons at Eγ = 8.8GeV, S. Adhikari, A. Ali, M. J. Amaryan, A. Austregesilo, F. Barbosa, J. Barlow, A. Barnes, E. Barriga, R. Barsotti, T. D. Beattie, V. V. Berdnikov, T. Black, N. Wickramaarachchi, B. Zihlmann, and The GlueX Collaboration
Drift Chamber Calibration and Particle Identification in the P-349 Experiment, D. Alfs, A. Asaturyan, M. Carmignotto, M. Diermaier, W. Eyrich, B. Glowacz, D. Grzonka, Florian Hauenstein, T. Horn, K. Kilian, D. Lersch, S. Malbrunot-Ettenauer, A. Mkrtchyan, H. Mkrtchyan, P. Moskal, P. Nadel-Turonski, W. Oelert, J. Ritman, T. Sefzick, V. Tadevosyan, E. Widmann, M. Wolke, S. Zhamkochyan, M. Zieliński, A. Zink, and J. Zmeskal
First Measurement of Near-Threshold J/ᴪ Exclusive Photoproduction Off the Proton, M. Ali, M. Amaryan, E.G. Anassontzis, Q. Zhou, X. Zhou, B. Zihlmann, and GlueX Collaboration
Structure Constants of Twist-Two Light-Ray Operators in the Triple Regge Limit, Ian Balitsky
Conformal Invariance of Transverse-Momentum Dependent Parton Distributions Rapidity Evolution, Ian Balitsky and Giovanni A. Chirilli
Finite Volume Matrix Elements of Two-Body States, Alessandro Baroni, Raúl A. Briceño, Maxwell T. Hansen, and Filipe G. Ortega-Gama
Finite Volume Matrix Elements of Two-Body States With One Current Insertion, Alessandro Baroni, Raúl Briceño, Maxwell Hansen, and Felipe Ortega
Form Factors of Two-Hadron States From a Covariant Finite-Volume Formalism, Alessandro Baroni, Raúl Briceño, Maxwell T. Hansen, and Felipe G. Ortega-Gama
Progress Report on the Relativistic Three-Particle Quantization Condition, Tyler D. Blanton, Raúl A. Briceño, Maxwell T. Hanson, Fernando Romero-Lopez, and Stephen R. Sharpe
PDFs in Small Boxes, Raúl A. Briceño, Juan V. Guerrero, Maxwell T. Hansen, and Christopher J. Monahan
Consistency Checks for Two-Body Finite-Volume Matrix Elements: Conserved Currents and Bound States, Raúl A. Briceño, Maxwell T. Hansen, and Andrew W. Jackura
Three-Particle Systems With Resonant Subprocesses in a Finite Volume, Raúl A. Briceño, Maxwell T. Hansen, and Stephen R. Sharpe
Unitarity of the Infinite-Volume Three-Particle Scattering Amplitude Arising From a Finite-Volume Formalism, Raúl A. Briceño, Maxwell T. Hansen, Stephen R. Sharpe, and Adam P. Szczepaniak
Spectroscopy of Neon for the Advanced Undergraduate Laboratory, H. C. Busch, M. B. Cooper, and C. I. Sukenik
Maximum Performance of Cavities Affected By The High-Field Q-Slope (HFQS), G. Ciovati, A.V. Gurevich, and I. P. Parajuli
A Multi-Layered SRF Cavity for Conduction Cooling Applications, Gianluigi Ciovati, G. Cheng, E. Daly, G. V. Eremeev, J. Henry, R. A. Rimmer, Ishwari Prasad Parajuli, and U. Pudasaini
Comparing Proton Momentum Distributions in A = 2 and 3 Nuclei Via 2H 3H and 3He (e,e′p) Measurements, R. Cruz-Torres, F. Hauenstein, A. Schmidt, D. Nguyen, D. Abrams, H. Albataineh, S. Alsalmi, D. Androic, K. Aniol, W. Armstrong, J. Arrington, H. Atac, D. Bulumulla, C. E. Hyde, V. Khachatryan, M. N.H. Rashad, L. B. Weinstein, Z. Y. Ye, J. Zhang, and Jefferson Lab Hall A Tritium Collaboration
Compact SRF Linac for High Brilliance Inverse Compton Scattering Light Source, Kirsten E. Deitrick, Jean R. Delayen, Geoffrey A. Krafft, and Balša Terzić
Overview of SRF Deflecting and Crabbing Cavities, Subashini De Silva
Simulation and Measurements of HOM Filter of the LARP Prototype RF-Dipole Crabbing Cavity Using an RF Test Box, Subashini U. De Silva, Jean R. Delayen, and Z. Li
Analysis of Higher Order Multipoles of the 952.6 Mhz RF-Dipole Crabbing Cavity for the Jefferson Lab Electron Ion Collider, Subashini U. De Silva, J. R. Delayen, V. S. Morozov, H. Park, and S. Sosa
Equilibria and Synchrotron Stability in Two Energy Storage Rings, B. Dhital, Jean R. Delayen, Y. S. Derbenev, D. Douglas, Geoffrey A. Krafft, F. Lin, B. Morozov, and Y. Zhang
Two-Energy Storage-Ring Electron Cooler for Relativistic Ion Beams, Bhawin Dhital, Jean R. Delayen, Y. S. Derbenev, D. Douglas, Geoffrey A. Krafft, F. Lin, V. S. Morozov, and Y. Zhang
Measurement of Nuclear Transparency Ratios for Protons and Neutrons, M. Duer, O. Hen, E. Piasetzky, L. B. Weinstein, A. Schmidt, I. Korover, E. O. Cohen, H. Hakobyan, S. Adhikari, G. Angelini, H. Avakian, C. Ayerbe Gayoso, L. Barion, M. Battaglieri, A. Beck, I. Bedlinski, A. S. Biselli, S. Boiarinov, W. J. Briscoe, X. Zheng, Et al., and The CLAS Collaboration
Direct Observation of Proton-Neutron Short-Range Correlation Dominance in Heavy Nuclei, M. Duer, A. Schmidt, J. R. Pybus, E. P. Segarra, A. Hrnjic, L. B. Weinstein, M. Hattawy, F. Hauenstein, S.E. Kuhn, and CLAS Collaboration
Working Group 6 Summary: Spin and 3D Structure, Oleg Eyser, Bakur Parsamyan, and Ted Rogers
Polarized Hyperon Production in Single-Inclusive Electron Positron Annihilation at Next-To-Leading Order, Leonard Gamberg, Zhong-Bo Kang, Daniel Pitonyak, Marc Schlegel, and Shinsuke Yoshida
First Results on Nucleon Resonance Photocouplings from the γp → π+π−p Reaction, E. Golovatch, V. D. Burkert, D. S. Carman, R. W. Gothe, K. Hicks, M. J. Amaryan, M. Khachatryan, A. Klein, Y. Prok, and CLAS Collaboration
Polarization Analysis of p̄ Produced in pA Collisions, D. Grzonka, D. Alfs, A. Asaturyan, M. Carmignotto, M. Diermaier, W. Eyrich, B. Glowacz, F. Hauenstein, T. Horn, and K. Kilian
Exploring the Structure of the Bound Proton With Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering, M. Hattawy, N. A. Baltzell, R. Dupré, S. Bültmann, B. Torayev, G. Gavalian, F. Hauenstein, S. E. Kuhn, M. Khachatryan, M. Mayer, J. Poudel, Y. Prok, L. B. Weinstein, J. Zhang, Z. W. Zhao, and CLAS Collaboration
Beam-Beam Effect: Crab Dynamics Calculation in JLEIC, He Huang, Vasiliy Morozov, Yves Roblin, Amy Sy, Fanglei Lin, Yuhong Zhang, Balša Terzić, Salvador Sosa, and Isurumali Neththikumara
Universality Class of Explosive Percolation in Barabási-Albert Networks, Habib E. Islam and M. K. Hassan
Parton Distribution Functions From Loffe Time Pseudo-Distributions, Bálint Joó, Joseph Karpie, Kostas Orginos, Anatoly V. Radyushkin, David Richards, and Savvas Zafeiropoulos
Pion Valence Structure from Ioffe-Time Parton Pseudodistribution Functions, Bálint Joó, Joseph Karpie, Kostas Orinos, Anatoly V. Radyushkin, David G. Richards, Raza Sabbir Sufian, and Savvas Zafeiropoulos
Improving Stem Recruitment Through a Theme-Based Summer Residential Camp Focused on Sea Level Rise, Vukica M. Jovanović, Balša Terzić, Mujde Erten-Unal, Victoria Hill, George McLeod, Michelle Covi, David Burdige, Jenifer Alonzo, Justin Mason, Tysha Batts, and Cynthia Tomovic
Field-Dependent Nonlinear Surface Resistance and Its Optimization by Surface Nanostructuring in Superconductors, Takayuki Kubo and Alex Gurevich
Muon Capture in Nuclei: An ab initio Approach Based on Green's Function Monte Carlo Methods, A. Lovato, N. Rocco, and Rocco Schiavilla
Collinear Factorization in Wide-Angle Hadron Pair Production in e + e − Annihilation, E. Moffat, T. C. Rogers, N. Sato, and A. Signori
Measurement of the Cross Sections for Inclusive Electron Scattering in the E12-14-012 Experiment at Jefferson Lab, M. Murphy, H. Dai, D. Abrams, A. M. Ankowski, B. Aljawrneh, S. Alsalmi, J. Bane, S. Barcus, O. Benhar, V. Bellini, J. Bericic, D. Biswas, A. Camsonne, J. Castellanos, J.-P. Chen, M. E. Christy, K. Craycraft, R. Cruz-Torres, D. Day, S.-C. Dusa, E. Fuchey, T. Gautam, C. Giusti, J. Gomez, C. Gu, T. Hague, J.-O. Hanson, F. Hauenstein, D. W. Higinbotham, C. E. Hyde, C. M. Jen, C. Keppel, S. Li, R. Lindgren, H. Liu, C. Mariani, R. E. McClellan, D. Meekins, R. Michaels, M. Mihovilovic, D. Nguyen, M. Nycz, L. Ou, B. Pandey, V. Pandey, K. Park, G. Perera, A. J. R. Puckett, S. N. Santiesteban, S. Širca, T. Su, L. Tang, Y. Tian, N. Ton, B. Wojtsekhowski, S. Wood, Z. Ye, J. Zhang, and The Jefferson Lab Hall A Collaboration
Electron-Ion Collider Performance Studies With Beam Synchronization via Gear-Change, I. Neththikumara, Geoffrey A. Krafft, Y. Roblin, and Balša Terzić
Design and Commissioning of a Magnetic Field Scanning System for SRF Cavities, Ishwari Prasad Parajuli, Gianluigi Ciovati, W. A. Clemens, Jean R. Delayen, J. Nice, and Alex V. Gurevich
Measurement of Surface Resistance Properties With Coaxial Resonators - Review, HyeKyoung Park, Subashini De Silva, and J. R. Delayen
Design of a Proof-of-Principle Crabbing Cavity for the Jefferson Lab Electron-Ion Collider, HyekYoung Park, Subashini U. De Silva, Salvador I. Sosa Guitron, and Jean R. Delayen
Argon Metastable and Resonant Level Densities in Ar and Ar/Cl² Discharges Used for the Processing of Bulk Niobium, Jeremy Peshl, Roderick McNeill, Charles I. Sukenik, Milka Nikolić, Svetozar Popović, and Leposava Vŭsković
Recent Results From Nb₃Sn Single Cell Cavities Coated at Jefferson Lab, U. Pudasaini, M. J. Kelley, Gianluigi Ciovati, G.V. Eremeev, M. J. Kelley, C. E. Reece, Ishwari Prasad Parajuli, and Md. Nizam Sayeed
Factorization of Jet Cross Sections in Heavy-Ion Collisions, Jian-Wei Qiu, Felix Ringer, Nobuo Sato, and Pia Zurita
Generalized Parton Distributions and Pseudodistributions, Anatoly V. Radyushkin
Structure of Parton Quasi-Distributions and Their Moments, A. V. Radyushkin
Numerical Exploration of Three Relativistic Particles in a Finite Volume Including Two-Particle Resonances and Bound States, Fernando Romero-López, Stephen R. Sharpe, Tyler D. Blanton, Raúl A. Briceño, and Maxwell T. Hansen
Measurement of the Magnetic Field Penetration Into Superconducting Thin Films, Iresha Harshani Senevirathne, Gianluigi Ciovati, and Jean R. Delayen
The US Electron Ion Collider Accelerator Designs, A. Seryi, S.V. Benson, S.A. Bogacz, P.D. Brindza, M.W. Brucker, A. Camsonne, E. Daly, P.V. Degtiarenko, Y.S. Derbenev, M. Diefenthaler, J. Dolbeck, R. Ent, R. Fair, D. Fazenbaker, Y. Furletova, B.R. Gamage, D. Gaskell, R.L. Geng, P. Ghoshal, R.C. York, and et al.
Instability of Flux Flow and Production of Vortex-Antivortex Pairs by Current-Driven Josephson Vortices in Layered Superconductors, Ahmad Sheikhzada and Alex Gurevich
Magnetized Electron Source for JLEIC Cooler, R. Suleiman, P.A. Adderley, J.F. Benesch, D.B. Bullard, J.R. Delayen, J.M. Grames, J. Guo, F.E. Hannon, J. Hansknecht, C. Hernandez-Garcia, R. Kazimi, G.A. Krafft, M.A. Mamun, M. Poelker, M.G. Tiefenback, Y.W. Wang, S.A.K. Wijethunga, J. T. Yoskowitz, and S. Zhang
Improving Performance of Inverse Compton Sources Through Laser Chirping, Balsa Terzić, A. Brown, I. Drebot, T. Hagerman, E. Johnson, Geoffrey A. Krafft, C. Maroli, V. Petrillo, and M. Ruijter
Measurement of Double-Polarization asymmetries in the Quasi-Elastic He→ 3 (e→, e′ p) Process, The Jefferson Lab Hall A Collaboration, M. Mihovilović, G. Jin, E. Long, Y.-W. Zhang, K. Allada, B. Anderson, M. Canan, S. Golge, and R. Schiavilla
Announcement: In Memory of Yong Ho Chin, Michael Thoennessen, Debbie Brodbar, Brant Johnson, Jean Delayen, Dan Kulp, Frank Zimmermann, and Maria Poko
Nuclear Theory and Event Generators for Charge-Changing Neutrino Reactions, J. W. Van Orden and T. W. Donnelly
Large Transverse Momentum in Semi-Inclusive Deeply Inelastic Scattering Beyond Lowest Order, B. Wang, J. O. Gonzalez-Hernandez, T. C. Rogers, and N. Sato
Complete Matching for Quasidistribution Functions in Large Momentum Effective Theory, Wei Wang, Jian-Hui Zhang, Shuai Zhao, and Ruilin Zhu
Question 1: Cost to Carpool; Question 2: Waiting in TSA Lines, Larry Weinstein
Question 1: Driving Rain, Question 2: Cooking off Ammo, Larry Weinstein
Question 1: Electric Cars; Question 2: Chicken Poop, Larry Weinstein
Question 1: Goosed; Question 2: Buying Groceries, Larry Weinstein
Question 1: I'm Stoked!; Question 2: Geckos, Larry Weinstein
Question 1: Losing Weight; Question 2: Artificial Moon, Larry Weinstein
Question 1: Losing Weight; Question 2: Shampoo Bottles, Larry Weinstein
Solutions for Fermi Questions, December 2019: Question 1: Electric Cars; Question 2: Chicken Poop, Larry Weinstein
Solutions for Fermi questions, February 2019: Question 1: Driving Rain, Question 2: Cooking Off Ammo, Larry Weinstein
Solutions for Fermi Questions, March 2019: Question 1: I'm Stoked!; Question 2: Geckos, Larry Weinstein
Space Charge Study of the Jefferson Lab Magnetized Electron Beam, Sajini A.K. Wijethunga, J. F. Benesch, Jean R. Delayen, F. E. Hannon, C. Hernandez-Garcia, Geoffrey A. Krafft, M. A. Mamun, M. Poelker, R. Suleiman, and S. Zhang
Simulation Study of the Emittance Measurements in Magnetized Electron Beam, S.A.K. Wijethunga, J. Benesch, Jean R. Delayen, F. E. Hannon, Geoffrey A. Krafft, M. A. Mamun, G. Palacios-Serrano, M. Poelker, R. Suleiman, and S. Zhang
Quark-Mass Dependence of Elastic πK Scattering from QCD, David J. Wilson, Raúl A. Briceño, Jozef K. Dudek, Robert G. Edwards, and Christopher E. Thomas
New Simulations for Ion-Production and Back-Bombardment in GaAs Photo-guns, Josh Yoskowitz, J. Grames, J. Hansknecht, C. Hernandez-Garcia, G. Krafft, M. Poelker, R. Suleiman, G. Palacios-Seranno, S. Wijethunga, and B. Van Der Geer
High Current High Charge Magnetized and Bunched Electron Beam From a DC Photogun for JLEIC Cooler, S. Zhang, P. A. Adderley, J. F. Benesch, D. B. Bullard, Jean R. Delayen, J. M. Grames, J. Guo, F. E. Hannon, J. Hansknecht, C. Hernandez-Garcia, R. Kazimi, Geoffrey A. Krafft, M. A. Mamun, M. Poelker, R. Suleiman, M.G. Tiefenback, Y.W. Wang, and S.A.K. Wijethunga
Measurement of the Beam Spin Asymmetry of →ep → e'p'η in the Deep-Inelastic Regime with CLAS, B. Zhao, A. Kim, K. Joo, I . Bedlinskiy, W. Kim, V. Kubarovsky, M. Ungaro, G. Gavalian, A. Klein, S. E. Kuhn, and CLAS Collaboration
Submissions from 2018
Search for a Dark Photon in Electroproduced e + e − pairs with the Heavy Photon Search experiment at JLab, P. H. Adrian, N. A. Baltzell, M. Battaglieri, M. Bondí, S. Boyarinov, S. Bueltmann, G. Kalicy, H. Szumila-Vance, L. B. Weinstein, and Heavy Photon Search Collaboration
Nucleon and Nuclear Structure Through Dilepton Production, I. V. Anikin, N. Baltzell, M. Boer, R. Boussarie, V. M. Braun, S. J. Brodsky, A. Camsonne, W. C. Chang, L. Colaneri, and C. E. Hyde
Power Corrections to TMD Factorization for Z-Boson Production, I. Balitsky and A. Tatasov
Asymmetric Relativistic Fermi Gas Model for Quasielastic Lepton-Nucleus Scattering, M. B. Barbaro, A. De Pace, T. W. Donnelly, J. A. Caballero, G. D. Megias, and J. W. Van Orden
Local Chiral Interactions, the Tritium Gamow-Teller Matrix Element, and the Three-Nucleon Contact Term, A. Baroni, R. Schiavilla, L. E. Marcucci, L. Girlanda, A. Kievsky, A. Lovato, S. Pastore, M. Piarulli, Steven C. Pieper, M. Viviani, and R. B. Wiringa
First Measurement of Ξ− Polarization in Photoproduction, J. Bono, L. Guo, K. P. Adhikari, M. J. Amaryan, G. Charles, G. Gavalian, M. Khachatryan, A. Klein, Y. Prok, J. Zhang, and Z. W. Zhao
Probing the Wave Nature of Light-Matter Interaction, D. E. Boone, C. H. Jackson, A. T. Swecker, J. S. Hergenrather, K. S. Wenger, O. Kokhan, Balša Terzić, I. Melnikov, I. N. Ivanov, E. C. Stevens, and G. Scarel
Resonances from Lattice QCD, Raúl A. Briceño
Isoscalar ππ; KK; ηη Scattering and the σ; f0; f2 Mesons from QCD, Raul A. Briceño, Jozef J. Dudek, Robert G. Edwards, and David J. Wilson
Scattering Processes and Resonances from Lattice QCD, Raúl A. Briceño, Jozef J. Dudek, and Ross D. Young
Finite-Volume Effects Due to Spatially Nonlocal Operators, Raúl A. Briceño, Juan V. Guerrero, Maxwell T. Hansen, and Christopher J. Monahan
Numerical Study of the Relativistic Three-Body Quantization Condition in the Isotropic Approximation, Raúl A. Briceño, Maxwell T. Hansen, and Stephen R. Sharpe
Electron- and Positron-Impact Ionization of Inert Gases, R. I. Campeanu, H. R. J. Walters, and Colm T. Whelan
Double K-S(0) Photoproduction off the Proton at CLAS, S. Chandavar, J. T. Goetz, K. Hicks, D. Keller, M. C. Kunkel, M. Paolone, D. P. Weygand, K. P. Adhikari, S. Adhikari, Z. Akbar, G. Charles, G. Gavalian, M. Khachatryan, A. Klein, Y. Prok, J. Zhang, Z. W. Zhao, and The CLAS Collaboration