A selection of faculty publications from the Department of Physics, College of Sciences, Old Dominion University.


Submissions from 2008


Measurement of ep→epπᵒ Beam Spin Asymmetries Above the Resonance Region, CLAS Collaborative, M. J. Amaryan, H. Bagdasaryan, S. Bültmann, S. L. Careccia, K. V. Dharmawardane, G. E. Dodge, G. Gavalian, N. Guler, C. E. Hyde-Wright, N. Kalantarians, A. Klien, A. V. Klimenko, S. E. Kuhn, M. R. Niroula, S. Tkachenko, L. B. Weinstein, and J. Zhang


First Measurement of Target And Double Spin Asymmetries for ep → epπ° in the Nucleon Resonance Region Above the Δ (1232), CLAS Collaborative, M. J. Amaryan, H. Bagdasaryan, S. Bültmann, G. E. Dodge, N. Guler, N. Kalantarians, A. Klein, S. E. Kuhn, S. Tkachenko, L. B. Weinstein, and J. Zhang


Experimental Study of Isovector Spin Sum Rules, A. Deur, P. Bosted, V. Burkert, D. Crabb, V. Dharmawardane, G. E. Dodge, T. A. Forest, K. A. Griffioen, S. E. Kuhn, R. Minehart, and Y. Prok


Extended Tuning of an Injection-Locked Diode Laser, M. K. Shaffer, G. Ranjit, and C. I. Sukenik


Investigation of Loading of Pulsed and Continuous-Wave Optical Dipole Force Traps, M. Shiddiq, E. M. Ahmed, M. D. Havey, and C. I. Sukenik


3He Spin-Dependent Cross Sections and Sum Rules, K. Slifer, M. Amarian, L. Auerbach, T. Averett, J. Berthot, P. Bertin, B. Bertozzi, K. McCormick, F. Sabatié, and L. Todor


Light Vector Mesons in the Nuclear Medium, M. H. Wood, M. J. Amaryan, H. Bagdasaryan, S. L. Careccia, K. V. Dharmawardane, G. E. Dodge, G. Gavalian, N. Guler, C. E. Hyde-Wright, H. G. Juengst, N. Kalantarians, A. Klein, K. V. Klimenko, S. E. Kuhn, J. Lachniet, M. R. Niroula, R. A. Niyazov, S. Tkachenko, L. B. Weinstein, J. Zhang, and CLAS Collaboration

Submissions from 2007


Cross sections for the 𝛾p -> K*⁰ Σ⁺ reaction at E𝛾 = 1.7-3.0 GeV, M. Amarian, H. Bagdasaryan, S. Bültmann, S. L. Careccia, G. E. Dodge, G. Gavalian, N. Guler, C. E. Hyde-Wright, A. Klein, A. V. Klimenko, S. E. Kuhn, M. R. Niroula, S. Tkachenko, L. B. Weinstein, J. Zhang, et al., and The CLAS Collaboration


Erratum: Cross Sections for the 𝛾p -> K*⁰ Σ⁺ reaction at E𝛾 = 1.7-3.0 GeV (Physical Review C. 75, 042201), M. Amarian, H. Bagdasaryan, S. Bültmann, G. E. Dodge, G. Gavalian, C. E. Hyde-Wright, A. Klein, S. E. Kuhn, F. Sabatié, L. B. Weinstein, et. al., and The CLAS Collaboration


First Measurement of Beam-Recoil Observables Cx and Cz in Hyperon Photoproduction, M. J. Amaryan, H. Bagdasaryan, H. Bektasoglu, S. Bültmann, S. L. Careccia, K. V. Dharmawardane, G. E. Dodge, T. A. Forest, N. Guler, C. E. Hyde-Wright, N. Kalantarians, A. Klein, S. E. Kuhn, J. Lachniet, M. R. Niroula, R. A. Niyazov, L. M. Qin, F. Sabatié, S. Tkachenko, L. B. Weinstein, J. Yun, et al., and CLAS Collaboration


Cascade Production in the Reactions 𝛾p → K⁺ K⁺(X) and 𝛾p → K⁺K⁺ π⁻⁻(X), M. J. Amaryan, H. Bagdasaryan, S. Bültmann, S. L. Careccia, K. V. Dharmawardane, G. E. Dodge, G. Gavalian, N. Guler, C. E. Hyde-Wright, N. Kalantarians, A. Klein, S. E. Kuhn, M. R. Niroula, S. Tkachenko, L. B. Weinstein, J. Zhang, et al., and CLAS Collaboration


Measurement of Coherent ɸ-Meson Photoproduction from the Deuteron at Low Energies, M. J. Amaryan, H. Bagdasaryan, S. Bültmann, S. L. Careccia, K. V. Dharmawardane, G. E. Dodge, G. Gavalian, N. Guler, C. E. Hyde-Wright, A. V. Klimenko, S. E. Kuhn, S. Tkachenko, L. B. Weinstein, et. al., and CLAS Collaboration


Quark Contribution to the Small-𝔁 Evolution of Color Dipole, Ian Balitsky


Quark-Hadron Duality in Spin Structure Functions g(1)(p) and g(1)(d), P. E. Bosted, K. V. Dharmawardane, G. E. Dodge, T. A. Forest, S. E. Kuhn, Y. Prok, G. Adams, M. Amarian, P. Ambrozewicz, M. Anghinolfi, H. Bagdasaryan, M. Bektasoglu, S. Bültmann, S. L. Careccia, G. Gavalian, N. Guler, C. E. Hyde-Wright, H. G. Juengst, A. Klein, J. Lachniet, R. A. Niyazov, L. M. Qin, F. Sabatié, S. Tkachenko, L. B. Weinstein, J. Yun, and J. Zhang


A General Model of Resistive Wall Instability in Linear Accelerators, Jean R. Delayen


Low and Medium β Superconducting Cavities and Accelerators, Jean R. Delayen


Form Factors and Wave Functions of Vector Mesons in Holographic QCD, Hovhannes R. Grigoryan and Anatoly V. Radyushkin


Experimental study of exclusive ²H(e,e'p)n reaction mechanisms at high Q², S. E. Kuhn, M. J. Amaryan, H. Bagdasaryan, M. Bektasoglu, S. L. Careccia, K. V. Dharmawardane, G. E. Dodge, N. Guler, C. E. Hyde-Wright, H. G. Juengst, N. Kalantarians, A. Klein, M. R. Niroula, R. A. Niyazov, S. Tkachenko, L. B. Weinstein, J. Zhang, et. al., and CLAS Collaboration


Reactive Oxygen Emission From Microwave Discharge Plasmas, S. Popovic, M. Rašković, S. P. Kuo, and L. Vuskovic


Plasma Treatment of Bulk Nb Surface in the Ar/Cl2 Discharge, M. Rašković, L. Vuskovic, S. Popovic, A.-M. Valente-Feliciano, and L. Phillips

Submissions from 2006


Differential Cross Sections for 𝛾 + p → K⁺ + Y for Λ and Σ⁰ Hyperons, H. Bagdasaryan, M. Bektasoglu, S. L. Careccia, S. Bültmann, G. E. Dodge, N. Guler, C. E. Hyde-Wright, H. G. Juengst, A. V. Klimenko, S. E. Kuhn, S. Tkachenko, L. B. Weinstein, J. Zhang, et al., and CLAS Collaboration


Erratum: η' Photoproduction on the Proton for Photon Energies from 1.527 to 2.227 GeV (Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, pg 062001, 2006), H. Bagdasaryan, M. Bektasoglu, S. L. Careccia, K. V. Dharmawardane, G. E. Dodge, C. E. Hyde-Wright, A. Klein, S. E. Kuhn, L. M. Qin, F. Sabatié, L. B. Weinstein, et al., and CLAS Collaboration


Measurement of the Deuteron Structure Function F₂ in the Resonance Region and Evaluation of its Moments, H. Bagdasaryan, S. Bültmann, K. V. Dharmawardane, G. E. Dodge, T. A. Forest, G. Gavalian, N. Guler, C. E. Hyde-Wright, H. G. Juengst, S. E. Kuhn, L. B. Weinstein, J. Yun, et al., and CLAS Collaboration


High-Energy Effective Action From Scattering of QCD Shock Waves, Ian Balitsky


η’ Photoproduction on the Proton for Photon Energies from 1.527 to 2.227 GeV, M. Bektasoglu, S.L. Careccia, K. V. Dharmawardane, G. E. Dodge, C. E. Hyde-Wright, H. G. Juengst, A. Klein, S. E. Kuhn, A. V. Klimenko, L. M. Qin, F. Sabatié, S. Tkachenko, L. B. Weinstein, J. Yun, J. Zhang, et al., and CLAS Collaboration


Trap Loss in a Dual-Species Rb-Ar* Magneto-Optical Trap, H. C. Busch, M. K. Shaffer, E. M. Ahmed, and C. I. Sukenik


Scaling Tests of the Cross Section for Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering, C. Muñpz Camacho, A. Camsonne, M. Mazouz, C. Ferdi, G. Gavalian, E. Kuchina, M. Amaryan, K. A. Aniol, M. Beaumel, H. Benaoum, D. Hayes, C. E. Hyde-Wright, H. Ibrahim, P. E. Ulmer, and L. B. Weinstein


Measurement of Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering With a Polarized-Proton Target, S. Chen, M. Amarian, H. Bagdasaryan, M. Bektasoglu, S. Bültmann, S. L. Careccia, K. V. Dharmawardane, G. E. Dodge, T. A. Forest, G. Gavalian, N. Guler, C. E. Hyde-Wright, H. G. Juengst, A. Klein, S. E. Kuhn, J. Lachniet, M. R. Niroula, R. A. Niyazov, L. M. Qin, F. Sabatié, S. Tkachenko, L. B. Weinstein, J. Yun, J. Zhang, and CLAS Collaboration


Measurement of the High-Field Q Drop in the TM010 and TE011 Modes in a Niobium Cavity, Gianluigi Ciovati and Peter Kneisel


Diffuse Light Scattering Dynamics Under Conditions of Electromagnetically Induced Transparency, V. M. Datsyuk, I. M. Sokolov, D. V. Kupriyanov, and M. D. Havey


Measurement of the x- and Q2 -Dependence of the Asymmetry A1 on the Nucleon, K. V. Dharmawardane, S. E. Kuhn, P. Bosted, Y. Prok, G. Adams, P. Ambrozewicz, M. Anghinolfi, G. Asryan, H. Avakian, H. Bagdasaryan, M. Bektasoglu, S. Bültmann, S. L. Careccia, G. E. Dodge, T. A. Forest, G. Gavalian, N. Guler, C. E. Hyde-Wright, H. G. Juengst, A. Klein, J. Lachniet, M. R. Niroula, R. A. Niyazov, L. M. Qin, F. Sabatié, S. Tkachenko, L. B. Weinstein, and J. Zhang


Electron Scattering from High-Momentum Neutrons in Deuterium, A.V. Klimenko, S. E. Kuhn, H. Bagdasaryan, S. Bültmann, S. L. Careccia, K. V. Dharmawardane, Gail Dodge, G. Gavalian, N. Guler, C.E. Hyde-Wright, A. Klein, R. A. Niyazov, S. Tkachenko, L. B. Weinstein, et al., and CLAS Collaboration


Plasma Treatment of Bulk Niobium Surfaces for SRF Cavities, M. Rašković, L. Vuškovic, S. Popović, L. Phillips, A. -M. Valente-Feliciano, S. B. Radovanov, and L. Godet


Plasma Emission Redistribution in a Single Cylce of a Pulsed DC Magnetron, W. Zhu, G. Buyle, J. Lopez, S. Shanmugmurthy, A. Belkind, K. Becker, and R. De Gryse

Submissions from 2005


Beam-Helicity Asymmetries in Double-Charged-Pion Photoproduction on the Proton, H. Bagdasaryan, M. Bektasoglu, S. Bültmann, Gail Dodge, N. Guler, C. E. Hyde-Wright, H. G. Juengst, A. Klein, S. E. Kuhn, L. M. Qin, W. Roberts, F. Sabatié, S. Tkachenko, L. B. Weinstein, J. Yun, J. Zhang, et al., and CLAS Collaboration


Exclusive Photoproduction of the Cascade Ξ Hyperons, H. Bagdasaryan, M. Bektasoglu, K. V. Dharmawardane, G. E. Dodge, T. A. Forest, G. Gavalian, N. Guler, C. E. Hyde-Wright, A. V. Klimenko, S. E. Kuhn, L. M. Qin, L. B. Weinstein, J. Yun, et al., and CLAS Collaboration


Alignment Dynamics of Slow Light Diffusion in Ultracold Atomic 85Rb, S. Balik, R. G. Olave, C. I. Sukenik, M. D. Havey, V. M. Datsyuk, I. M. Sokolov, and D. V. Kupriyanov


High-Energy Effective Action From Scattering of QCD Shock Waves, Ian Balitsky


Levitation Using Microwave-Induced Plasmas, R. J. Exton, S. Popovic, G. C. Herring, and M. Cooper


Exclusive ρ0 Meson Electroproduction from Hydrogen at CLAS, C. Hadjidakis, M. Guidal, M. Garçon, J.-M. Laget, E. S. Smith, M. Vanderhaeghen, G. Adams, P. Ambrozewicz, E. Anciant, M. Anghinolfi, H. Bagdasaryan, K. V. Dharmawardane, G. E. Dodge, T. A. Forest, G. Gavalian, M. Guler, C. E. Hyde-Wright, A. Klein, A. V. Klimenko, S. E. Kuhn, R. A. Niyazov, L. M. Qin, F. Sabatie, L. B. Weinstein, and J. Yun


Higher Twist Analysis of the Proton g₁ Structure Function, M. Osipenko, W. Melnitchouk, S. Simula, P. Bosted, V. Burkert, M. E. Christy, K. Griffioen, C. Keppel, and S. E. Kuhn


Global Analysis of Data on the Proton Structure Function g₁ and the Extraction of its Moments, M. Osipenko, S. Simula, W. Melnitchouk, P. Bosted, V. Burkert, E. Christy, K. Griffioen, C. Keppel, S. Kuhn, and G. Ricco

Submissions from 2004


Complete Angular Distribution Measurements of Two-Body Deuteron Photodisintegration Between 0.5 and 3 GeV, H. Bagdasaryan, H. Bektasoglu, G. E. Dodge, T. A. Forest, C. E. Hyde-Wright, A. Klein, A. V. Klimenko, S. E. Kuhn, F. Sabatié, S. Stepanyan, L. B. Weinstein, J. Yun, et al., and The CLAS Collaboration


Complete Measurement of Three-Body Photodisintegration of 3He for Photon Energies Between 0.35 and 1.55 GeV, H. Bagdasaryan, M. Bektasoglu, K. V. Dharmawardane, G. E. Dodge, T. A. Forest, G. Gavalian, N. Guler, C. E. Hyde-Wright, A. Klein, S. E. Kuhn, L. M. Qin, S. Stepanyan, L. B. Weinstein, J. Yun, et al., and The CLAS Collaboration


Scattering of Shock Waves in QCD, Ian Balitsky


Experimental Determination of the Evolution of the Bjorken Integral at Low Q², A. Deur, P. Bosted, V. Burkert, G. Cates, J.P. Chen, Seonho Choi, D. Crabb, C.W. de Jager, R. De Vita, G.E. Dodge, R. Fatemi, T.A. Forest, F. Garibaldi, R. Gilman, E. W. Hughes, X. Jiang, W. Korsch, S. E. Kuhn, W. Melnitchouk, Z.-E. Meziani, R. Minehart, A.V. Skabelin, K. Slifer, M. Taiuti, and J. Yun


Measurement of Beam-Spin Asymmetries for π⁺ Electroproduction Above the Baryon Resonance Region, K. V. Dharmawardane, G. E. Dodge, C. E. Hyde-Wright, S. E. Kuhn, L. M. Qin, F. Sabatié, L. B. Weinstein, J. Yun, et al., and CLAS Collaboration


Hyperon Photoproduction in the Nucleon Resonance Region, K. V. Dharmawardane, G. E. Dodge, C. E. Hyde-Wright, S. E. Kuhn, L. M. Qin, L. B. Weinstein, J. Yun, et al., and CLAS Collaboration


Unique Electron Polarimeter Analyzing Power Comparison and Precision Spin-Based Energy Measurement, J. M. Grames, C. K. Sinclair, J. Mitchell, E. Chudakov, H. Fenker, A. Freyberger, D. W. Higinbotham, M. Poelker, M. Steigerwald, M. Tiefenback, and Vipuli Dharmawardane


Measurement of the Electric Form Factor of the Neutron at Q² = 0.5 and 1.0 GeV²/c², Jefferson Lab E93-026 Collaboration, G. Warren, F. Wesselmann, H. Zhu, A. Klimenko, S. E. Kuhn, L. Yuan, J. Yun, B. Zihlmann, and et al.


Spectral Dependence of Coherent Backscattering of Light in a Narrow-Resonance Atomic System, D. V. Kupriyanov, I. M. Sokolov, N. V. Larionov, P. Kulatunga, C. I. Sukenik, S. Balik, and M. D. Havey


Inclusive Photoproduction of Lepton Pairs in the Parton Model, A. Psaker

Submissions from 2003


Precision Measurement of the Proton and Deuteron Spin Structure Functions g2 and Asymmetries A2, P. L. Anthony, R. G. Arnold, T. Averett, H. R. Band, N. Benmouna, W. Boeglin, H. Borel, P. E. Bosted, S. L. Bültmann, G. R. Court, C. E. Hyde-Wright, S. E. Kuhn, F. Sabatie, and F. R. Wesselmann


Measurement of ep → e ' p π⁺π⁻ and Baryon Resonance Analysis, M. Bektasoglu, L. Ciciani, K. V. Dharmawardane, G. E. Dodge, T. A. Forest, C. E. Hyde-Wright, A. Klein, A. V. Klimenko, S. E. Kuhn, R. A. Niyazov, L. M. Qin, F. Sabatié, S. Stepanyan, L. B. Weinstein, J. Yun, et al., and CLAS Collaboration


ep → ep π⁰ Reaction Studied in the Δ(1232) Mass Region Using Polarization Asymmetries, M. Bektasoglu, L. Ciciani, K.V. Dharmawardane, G. E. Dodge, T.A. Forest, C.E. Hyde-Wright, A. Klein, A. V. Klimenko, S. E. Kuhn, S. Stepanyan, L. B. Weinstein, et al., and CLAS Collaboration


Kinematically Complete Measurement of the Proton Structure Function F₂ in the Resonance Region and Evaluation of its Moments, M. Bektasoglu, L. Ciciani, K. V. Dharmawardane, G. E. Dodge, C. E. Hyde-Wright, A. Klein, A. V. Klimenko, S. E. Kuhn, F. Sabatié, S. Stepanyan, L. B. Weinstein, J. Yun, et al., and CLAS Collaboration


First Measurement of Transferred Polarization in the Exclusive e p → e'K+ →Λ, M. Bektasoglu, K. V. Dharmawardane, G. E. Dodge, T. A. Forest, C. E. Hyde-Wright, A. V. Klimenko, S. E. Kuhn, R. A. Niyazov, L. M. Qin, L. B. Weinstein, and J. Yun


The Neutron Charge Form Factor and Target Analyzing Powers From 3He (e→, e 'n) Scattering, J. Bermuth, P. Merle, C. Carasco, D. Baumann, R. Böhm, D. Bosnar, M. Ding, M. O. Distler, J. Friedrich, and A. Klein


Interpretation of the Θ+ as an Isotensor Pentaquark With Weakly Decaying Partners, Simon Capstick, Philip R. Page, and Winston Roberts


Final State Interaction Effects in 3He (e→, e' p), C. Carasco, J. Bermuth, P. Merle, P. Bartsch, D. Baumann, R. Böhm, D. Bosnar, M. Ding, M. O. Distler, and A. Klein


Coulomb Sum Rule for 4HE, J. Carlson, J. Jourdan, Rocco Schiavilla, and I. Sick


Measurement of Correlated Multiple Light Scattering in Utracold Atomic 85Rb, P. Kulatunga, C. I. Sukenik, S. Balik, M. D. Havey, D. V. Kupriyanov, and I. M. Sokolov


Coherent Backscattering of Light in Atomic Systems: Application to Weak Localization in an Ensemble of Cold Alkali-Metal Atoms, D. V. Kupriyanov, I. M. Sokolov, P. Kulatunga, C. I. Sukenik, and M. D. Havey


Measurement of Inclusive Spin Structure Functions of the Deuteron, J. Yun, S. E. Kuhn, G. E. Dodge, T. A. Forest, M. Bektasoglu, L. Ciciani, C. E. Hyde-Wright, A. Klein, A. V. Klimenko, L. M. Qin, S. Stepanyan, L. B. Weinstein, et al., and CLAS Collaboration

Submissions from 2002


Publisher's Note: η Photoproduction on the Proton for Photon Energies from 0.75 to 1.95 GeV [Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 222002 (2002)], M. Bektasoglu, K. V. Dharmawardane, G. E. Dodge, C. E. Hyde-Wright, A. Klein, S. E. Kuhn, R. A. Niyazov, S. Stepanyan, L. B. Weinstein, et al., and CLAS Collaboration


η Photoproduction on the Proton for Photon Energies From 0.75 to 1.95 GeV, M. Bektasoglu, K. V. Dharmawardane, G. E. Dodge, C. E. Hyde-Wright, A. Klein, S. E. Kuhn, S. Stepanyan, J. Yun, et al., and CLAS Collaboration


First Measurement of the Double Spin Asymmetry in ep → e ‘π⁺ in the Resonance Region, G. E. Dodge, K. V. Dharmawardane, T. A. Forest, C. E. Hyde-Wright, A. Klein, S. E. Kuhn, R. A. Niyazov, L. B. Weinstein, J. Yun, et. al., and CLAS Collaboration


Negative-Parity Baryon Masses Using an O(a)-Improved Fermion Action, M. Göckeler, R. Horsley, D. Pleiter, P. E. L. Rakow, G. Schierholz, C. M. Maynard, and D. G. Richards


A Rf Discharge Cell for Saturated Absorption Spectroscopy of Metastable Argon, C. I. Sukenik and H. C. Busch


Simultaneous Trapping of Rubidium and Metastable Argon in a Magneto-Optical Trap, C. I. Sukenik and H. C. Busch

Submissions from 2001


Effective Field Theory for the Small-x Evolution, I. Balitsky


Corrected Article: Exclusive Electroproduction of ᵠ Mesons at 4.2 GeV [Physical. Rev. C 63, 065205, (2001)], M. Bektasoglu, L. Ciciani, G. E. Dodge, T. A. Forest, C. E. Hyde-Wright, S. E. Kuhn, L. M. Qin, F. Sabatié, L. B. Weinstein, et al., and The CLAS Collaboration


Exclusive Electroproduction of ᵠ Mesons at 4.2 GeV, M. Bektasoglu, L. Ciciani, G. E. Dodge, T. A. Forest, C. E. Hyde-Wright, S. E. Kuhn, L. M. Qin, F. Sabatié, L. B. Weinstein, et al., and The CLAS Collaboration


Electroproduction of the Λ(1520) Hyperon, M. Bektasoglu, G. E. Dodge, T. A. Forest, C. E. Hyde-Wright, S. E. Kuhn, R. A. Niyazov, L. B. Weinstein, et al., and The CLAS Collaboration


Gamma Echo Interpreted as a Phase-Shift Induced Transparency, Gilbert R. Hoy and Jos Odeurs


Coherent-Path Model for Nuclear Resonant Scattering of Gamma Radiation From Nuclei Excited by Synchrotron Radiation, Gilbert R. Hoy, Jos Odeurs, and Romain Coussement


The ep → e'p η Reaction at and Above the S₁₁ (1535) Baryon Resonance, R. Thompson, G. E. Dodge, C. E. Hyde-Wright, A. Klein, S. E. Kuhn, R. A. Niyazov, L. M. Qin, L. B. Weinstein, et al., and The CLAS Collaboration

Submissions from 2000


Renormalons as Dilation Modes in the Functional Space, A. Babansky and I. Balitsky


High Energy Effective Action From Scattering of Shock Waves in QCD, Ian Balitsky


Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering at Small x, Ian Balitsky and Elena Kuchina


Quantitative Analysis of Ultra-Fine Goethite in Rust Layer on Steel Using Mossbauer and X-Ray Diffraction Spectroscopy, Masato Yamashita, Toshihei Misawa, H. E. Townsend, and D. C. Cook

Submissions from 1999


Factorization and High-Energy Effective Action, Ian Balitsky


Role of Spontaneous Emission in Ultracold Two-Color Optical Collisions, C. I. Sukenik and T. Walker

Submissions from 1998


Factorization and Effective Action for High-Energy Scattering in QCD, Ian Balitsky


Factorization for High-Energy Scattering, Ian Balitsky


Low Saturation Intensities in Two-Photon Ultracold Collisions, C. I. Sukenik, D. Hoffman, S. Bali, and T. Walker

Submissions from 1997


How Much of the Nucleon Spin is Carried by Glue?, Ian Balitsky and Xiangdong Ji


Core Scattering of Stark Wave Packets, M. L. Naudeau, C. I. Sukenik, and P. H. Bucksbaum

Submissions from 1996


Deep Inelastic Scattering of Polarized Electrons by Polarized ³He and the Study of the Neutron Spin Structure, P. L. Anthony, R. G. Arnold, H. R. Band, H. Borel, P. E. Bosted, V. Breton, G. D. Cates, T. E. Chupp, F. S. Dietrich, J. Dunne, R. Erbacher, J. Felbauum, H. Fonvielle, R. Gearhart, R. Holmes, E. W. Hughes, J. R. Johnson, D. Kawall, C. Keppel, S. E. Kuhn, R. M. Lombard-Nelsen, J. Marroncle, T. Maruyama, W. Meyer, Z.- E. Meziani, H. Middleton, J. Morgenstern, N. R. Newbury, G. G. Petratos, R Pitthan, R. Prepost, Y. Robin, S. E. Rock, S. H. Rokni, G. Shapiro, T. Smith, P. A. Souder, M. Spengos, F. Staley, L. M. Stuart, Z. M. Szlata, Y. Terrien, A. K. Thompson, J. L. White, M. Woods, J. Xu, C. C. Young, G. Zaplac, and E142 Collaboration


Inclusive Electron Scattering From Nuclei at x≃1, J. Arrington, P. Anthony, R. G. Arnold, E. J. Beise, J. E. Belz, P. E. Bosted, H.- J. Bulten, M. S. Chapman, K. P. Coulter, F. Dietrich, R. Ent, M. Epstein, B. W. Filippone, H. Gao, R. A. Gearhart, D. F. Geesaman, J.- O. Hansen, R. J. Holt, H. E. Jackson, C. E. Jones, C. E. Keppel, E. R. Kinney, S. Kuhn, K. Lee, W. Lorenzon, A. Lung, N.C.R. Malkins, D. J. Margaziotis, R. D. McKeown, R. G. Milner, B. Mueller, J. Napolitano, J. Nelson, T.G. O'Neill, V. Papavassiliou, G. G. Petratos, D. H. Potterveld, S. E. Rock, M. Spengos, Z. M. Szalata, L. H. Tao, K. van Bibber, J.F.J. van den Brand, J. L. White, D. Winter, and B. Zeidman


Operator Expansion for High-Energy Scattering, Ian Balitsky


Q² Evolution of Chiral-Odd Twist-3 Distributions hL(𝓍, Q²) and e(𝓍, Q²) in Large- Nc QCD, I.I. Balitsky, V. M. Braun, K. Koike, and K. Tanaka


Ionization of Rydberg Wave Packets by Subpicosecond, Half-Cycle Electromagnetic Pulses, C. Raman, C. W. S. Conover, C. I. Sukenik, and P. H. Bucksbaum


Mechanical Alloying of Nitrogen into Iron Powders, J. Rawers, D. Govier, and D. Cook


Spectroscopy of Atoms Confined to the Single Node of a Standing Wave in a Parallel-Plate Cavity, V. Sandoghar, C. I. Sukenik, S. Haroche, and E. A. Hinds

Submissions from 1995


Two-Body Photodisintegration of the Deuteron up to 2.8 GeV, J. E. Belz, D. H. Potterveld, S. E. Kuhn, J.F. J. van den Brand, J. L. White, B. Zeidman, and et al.


Exclusive Electron Scattering from Deuterium at High Momentum Transfer, H. J. Bulten, P. L. Anthony, R. G. Arnold, J. Arrington, E. J. Beise, E. Belz, K. van Bibber, P. E. Bosted, J.F.J. van den Brand, M. S. Chapman, K. P. Coulter, F. S. Dietrich, R. Ent, M. Epstein, B. W. Filippone, H. Gao, R.A. Gearhart, D. F. Geesaman, J.-O. Hansen, R. J. Holt, H. E. Jackson, C. E. Jones, C. E. Keppel, E. Kinney, S. E. Kuhn, K. Lee, W. Lorenzon, A. Lung, N.C.R. Makins, D. J. Margaziotis, R.D. McKeown, R. G. Milner, B. Mueller, J. Napolitano, J. Nelson, T.G. O'Neill, V. Papavassiliou, G. G. Petratos, D. H. Potterveld, S. E. Rock, M. Spengos, Z. M. Szalata, L. H. Tao, J. L. White, and B. Zeidman


A-Dependence of Nuclear Transparency in Quasielastic A (e, e'p) at high Q², T. G. O'Neill, W. Lorenzon, P. Anthony, R. G. Arnold, J. Arrington, E. J. Beise, J. E. Belz, P. E. Bosted, H.- J. Bulten, M. S. Chapman, K. P. Coulter, F. Dietrich, R. Ent, M. Epstein, B. W. Filippone, H. Gao, R. A. Gearhart, D. F. Geesaman, J.- O. Hansen, R. J. Holt, H. E. Jackson, C. E. Jones, C. E. Keppel, E. R. Kinney, S. Kuhn, K. Lee, A. Lung, N.C.R. Makins, D.J. Margaziotis, R. D. McKeown, R. G. Milner, B. Mueller, J. Napolitano, J. Nelson, V. Papavassiliou, G. G. Petratos, D. H. Potterveld, S. E. Rock, M. Spengos, Z. M. Szalata, L. H. Tao, K. van Bibber, J.F.J. van den Brand, J. L. White, and B. Zeidman


Evidence for Virtual Compton Scattering from Proton, J.F.J. van den Brand, R. Ent, P. L. Anthony, R. G. Arnold, J. Arrington, E. J. Beise, J. E. Belz, P. E. Bosted, H. J. Bulten, M. S. Chapman, K. P. Coulter, F. S. Dietrich, M. Epstein, B. W. Filippone, H. Gao, R. A. Gearhart, D. F. Geesaman, J.-O. Hansen, R. J. Holt, H. E. Jackson, C. E. Jones, C. E. Keppel, E. R. Kinney, S. Kuhn, K. Lee, W. Lorenzon, A. Lung, N.C.R. Makins, D.J. Margaziotis, R.D. McKeown, R.G. Milner, B. Mueller, J. Napolitano, J. Nelson, T. G. O'Neill, V. Pavavassiliou, G. G. Petratos, D. H. Potterveld, S. E. Rock, M. Spengos, Z. M. Szalata, L. H. Tao, K van Bibber, D. A. Wasson, J.L. White, and B. Zeidman

Submissions from 1994


Multinucleon Effects in Muon Capture on ³He at High Energy Transfer, S. E. Kuhn, W. J. Cummings, G. E. Dodge, S. S. Hanna, B. H. King, Y. M. Shin, J. G. Congleton, R. Helmer, R. B. Schubank, N. R. Stevenson, U. Wienands, Y. K. Lee, G. R. Mason, B. E. King, K. S. Chung, J. M. Lee, and D. P. Rosenzweig