Submissions from 2015
Bracing of the Trunk and Neck Has a Differential Effect on Head Control During Gait, S. Morrison, D. M. Russell, K. Kelleran, and M. L. Walker
Hip Strengthening Compared With Quadriceps Strengthening in Conservative Treatment of Patients With Patellofemoral Pain: A Critically Appraised Topic, Chyrsten L. Regelski, Brittany L. Ford, and Matthew C. Hoch
On-Field Signs and Symptoms Associated With Recovery Duration After Concussion in High School and College Athletes: A Critically Appraised Topic, Jaebin Shim, Deanna H. Smith, and Bonnie Van Lunen
Submissions from 2014
Concurrent Validity of Accelerations Measured Using a Tri-Axial Inertial Measurement Unit while Walking on Firm, Compliant, and Uneven Surfaces, Michael H. Cole, Wolbert van den Hoorn, Justin K. Kavanagh, Steven Morrison, Paul W. Hodges, James E. Smeathers, and Graham K. Kerr
Differential Effects of Fatigue on Movement Variability, N. Cortes, J. Onate, and S. Morrison
Peroneal Reaction Time After Ankle Sprain: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Matthew C. Hoch and Patrick O. McKeon
Health-Related Quality of Life in Individuals With Chronic Ankle Instability, Megan N. Houston, Bonnie L. Van Lunen, and Matthew C. Hoch
Perceptions of the Counseling Profession: From Health Science Graduate Faculty and Students, Kaprea F. Johnson, Christianne Fowler, Karen Kott, and Margaret Lemaster
Injury Prevention with Physical Therapy, Karen Kott and Margaret F. Lemaster
Comparison of Corded and Cordless Handpieces on Forearm Muscle Activity, Procedure Time and Ease of Use During Simulated Tooth Polishing, Gayle McCombs and Daniel M. Russell
Effectiveness of Diathermy in Comparison With Ultrasound or Corticosteroids in Patients With Tendinopathy: A Critically Appraised Topic, Philip A. Szlosek, John Taggart, Julie M. Cavallario, and Johanna M. Hoch
Future Directions of Evidence-Based Practice in Athletic Training: Perceived Strategies to Enhance the Use of Evidence-Based Practice, Cailee E. Welch, Dorice A. Hankemeier, Aimee L. Wyant, Danica G. Hays, William A. Pitney, and Bonnie L. Van Lunen
An Evidence-Based Practice Educational Intervention for Athletic Trainers: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Cailee E. Welch, Bonnie L. Van Lunen, and Dorice A. Hankemeier
Perceived Outcomes of Web-Based Modules Designed to Enhance Athletic Trainers' Knowledge of Evidence-Based Practice, Cailee E. Welch, Bonnie L. Van Lunen, Dorice A. Hankemeier, Aimee L. Wyant, Jessica M. Mutchler, William A. Pitney, and Danica G. Hays
Submissions from 2013
Test-Retest Reliability and Construct Validity of the Tinetti Performance-Oriented Mobility Assessment in People With Stroke, Jennifer Canbek, George Fulk, and John Echternach
The Effects of a Semi-Rigid Ankle Brace on a Simulated Isolated Subtalar Joint Instability, Julie Choisne, Matthew C. Hoch, Sebastian Bawab, Ian Alexander, and Stacie I. Ringleb
Instruction and Jump-Landing Kinematics in College-Aged Female Athletes Over Time, Jena Etnoyer, Nelson Cortes, Stacie I. Ringleb, Bonnie L. Van Lunen, and James A. Onate
The Effectiveness of Prophylactic Ankle Braces in Reducing the Incidence of Acute Ankle Injuries in Adolescent Athletes: A Critically Appraised Topic, Kelley E. Farwell, Cameron J. Powden, Meaghan R. Powell, Cailee W. McCarty, and Matthew C. Hoch
A Feedback Inclusive Neuromuscular Training Program Alters Frontal Plane Kinematics, Eric K. Greska, Nelson Cortes, Bonnie L. Van Lunen, and James A. OƱate
Perceptions of Approved Clinical Instructors: Barriers in the Implementation of Evidence-Based Practice, Dorice A. Hankemeier and Bonnie L. Van Lunen
Use of Evidence-Based Practice Among Athletic Training Educators, Clinicians, and Students, Part 1: Perceived Importance, Knowledge, and Confidence, Dorice A. Hankemeier, Jessica M. Walter, Cailee W. McCarty, Eric J. Newton, Stacy E. Walker, Shana L. Pribesh, Beth E. Jamali, Sarah A. Manspeaker, and Bonnie L. Van Lunen
Comparing Responsiveness of Six Common Patient-Reported Outcomes to Changes Following Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Prospective Studies, Jennifer S. Howard, Christian Lattermann, Johanna M. Hoch, Carl G. Mattacola, and Jennifer M. Medina McKeon
Commentary on "The Motor Learning Strategy Instrument: Interrater Reliability Within Usual and Virtual Reality Physical Therapy Interventions", Karen M. Kott and Sharon Held
Use of Evidence-Based Practice Among Athletic Training Educators, Clinicians, and Students, Part 2: Attitudes, Beliefs, Accessibility, and Barriers, Cailee W. McCarthy, Dorice A. Hankemeier, Jessica M. Walter, Eric J. Newton, and Bonnie L. Van Lunen
Effectiveness of Low-Level Laser Therapy Combined With an Exercise Program to Reduce Pain and Increase Function in Adults With Shoulder Pain: A Critically Appraised Topic, Aimee L. Thornton, Cailee W. McCarty, and Mollie-Jean Burgess
Submissions from 2012
Landing Technique Affects Knee Loading and Position During Athletic Tasks, Nelson Cortes, Steven Morrison, Bonnie L. Van Lunen, and James A. Onate
Two-week Joint Mobilization Intervention Improves Self-Reported Function, Range of Motion, and Dynamic Balance in Those With Chronic Ankle Instability, Matthew C. Hoch, Richard D. Andreatta, David R. Mullineaux, Robert A. English, Jennifer M. Medina McKeon, Carl G. Mattacola, and Patrick O. McKeon
Plantar Vibrotactile Detection Deficits in Adults with Chronic Ankle Instability, Matthew C. Hoch, Patrick O. McKeon, and Richard D. Andreatta
Upper Extremity Strength Characteristics in Female Recreational Tennis Players With and Without Lateral Epicondylalgia, Ann M. Lucado, Morey J. Kolber, M. Samuel Cheng, and John L. Echternach Sr.
Aging, Neuromuscular Decline, and the Change in Physiological and Behavioral Complexity of Upper-Limb Movement Dynamics, S. Morrison and K. M. Newell
The Effectiveness of Injury-Prevention Programs in Reducing the Incidence of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Sprains in Adolescent Athletes, Jeffrey Paszkewicz, Tristen Webb, Brian Waters, Cailee Welch McCarty, and Bonnie Van Lunen
Clinical Preceptors' Perspectives on Clinical Education in Post-Professional Athletic Training Education Programs, Kelvin Phan, Cailee W. McCarty, Jessica M. Mutchler, and Bonnie Van Lunen
Two Different Fatigue Protocols and Lower Extremity Motion Patterns During a Stop-Jump Task, David Quammen, Nelson Cortes, Bonnie L. Van Lunen, Shawn Lucci, Stacie I. Ringleb, and James Onate
Falls and Physical Activity in Persons with Multiple Sclerosis, J. J. Sosnoff, B. M. Sandroff, J. H. Pula, S. M. Morrison, and R. W. Motl
Submissions from 2011
Approved Clinical Instructors' Perspectives on Implementation Strategies in Evidence-Based Practices for Athletic Training Students, Dorice A. Hankemeier and Bonnie L. Van Lunen
Avoid Low Back Pain, Karen Kott and Gayle McCombs
Educator Perceptions of the Evidence-Based Teaching Model in Undergraduate Athletic Training Education, Sarah A. Manspeaker, Bonnie Van Lunen, Paula S. Turocy, Shana Pribesh, and Dorice Hankemeier
Student Knowledge, Attitudes, and Use of Evidence-Based Concepts Following an Educational Intervention, Sarah A. Manspeaker, Bonnie Van Lunen, Paula S. Turocy, Shana Pribesh, and Dorice Hankemeier
Overcoming Barriers to Implementation of Evidence-Based Practice Concepts in Athletic Training Education: Perceptions of Select Educators, Sarah Manspeaker and Bonnie Van Lunen
Mobility, Balance, and Falls in Persons with Multiple Sclerosis, Jacob J. Sosnoff, Michael J. Socie, Morgan K. Boes, Brian M. Sandroff, John H. Pula, Yoojin Suh, Madeline Weikert, Steven Morrison, and Robert W. Motl
Submissions from 2010
The Reliability of Portable Fixed Dynamometry During Hip and Knee Strength Assessments, Roger O. Kollock Jr., James A. Onate, and Bonnie Van Lunen
Balance Training Reduces Falls Risk in Older Individuals With Type 2 Diabetes, Steven Morrison, Sheri R. Colberg, Mita Mariano, Henri K. Parson, and Arthur I. Vinik
Submissions from 2009
Curricular Satisfaction Levels of National Athletic Trainers' Association- Accredited Postprofessional Athletic Training Graduates, Kevin J. Henry, Bonnie Van Lunen, Brian Udermann, and James A. Onate
Test-Retest Reliability and Minimal Detectable Change Scores for the Timed "Up & Go" Test, the Six-Minute Walk Test, and Gait Speed in People With Alzheimer Disease, Julie D. Ries, John L. Echternach, Leah Nof, and Michelle Gagnon Blodgett
An Assessment of Burnout in Undergraduate Athletic Training Education Program Directors, Jessica M. Walter, Bonnie L. Van Lunen, Stacy E. Walker, and Zahra C. Ismaeli
Submissions from 2008
Dependence in Prestroke Mobility Predicts Adverse Outcomes Among Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke, Mary I. Dallas, Shari Rone-Adams, John L. Echternach, Lawrence M. Bass, and Dawn M. Bravata
Energy Balance During Backpacking, L. C. Hill, D. P. Swain, and E. L. Hill
Submissions from 2007
Reference Group Data for the Functional Gait Assessment, Martha L. Walker, Alvis G. Austin, Gina M. Banke, Suzanne R. Foxx, Lynn Gaetano, Laurie A. Gardner, Jill McElhiney, Kisiah Morris, and Liz Penn
Submissions from 2004
Fitness Levels of Middle Aged Martial Art Practitioners, P. Douris, A. Chinan, M. Gomez, A. Aw, D. Steffens, S. Weiss, and J. Echternach
Submissions from 2000
Fine-Tuning the Exercise Formula, David Swain
Submissions from 1995
Patellofemoral Pain in Female Ballet Dancers: Correlation With Iliotibial Band Tightness and Tibial External Rotation, John Winslow and Evangeline Yoder