A selection of faculty publications from the Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice, College of Arts & Letters, Old Dominion University.


Submissions from 2024


Empirical Examination of Factors that Influence Official Decisions in Criminal Cases Against Police Officers, Francis D. Boateng, Daniel K. Pryce, Michael K. Dzordzormenyoh, Ming-Li Hsieh, and Alan Cuff


Community-Centric Approaches to Coastal Hazard Assessment and Management in Southside Norfolk, Virginia, USA, Dalya Ismael, Nicole Hutton, Mujde Erten-Unal, Carol Considine, Tancy Vandecar-Burdin, Christopher Davis, and Yin-Hsuen Chen


U. S. Residents' Current Attitudes Towards Immigrants and Immigration: A Study from the Life in Hampton Roads Survey, Daniel K. Pryce


The Challenges and Rewards of Carrying Out Qualitative Research on the Police in the African American Community, Daniel K. Pryce and Ingrid Phillips Witaker


Teaching Dobbs to Disrupt U.S. Hegemony and Build Feminist Solidarities, Derek P. Siegel

Submissions from 2023


A Mixed-Method Analysis of the News Media Framing of Gender Non-Conforming Victims of Homicide in the U.S. from 2012 to 2022, Susana Avalos, Hayley Jackey, and Iyan Wickel


Like Treating the Symptom Rather than the Cause - the Omission of Courses over Terrorism in NSA Designated Institutions, Ida L. Oesteraas


The Role of Procedural Justice in Policing: A Qualtative Assessment of African Americans' Perceptions and Experiences in a Large US City, Daniel K. Pryce and Ingrid Phillips Whitaker


Sexuality and Gender Inclusivity in Victim Service Providers' Information Materials, Shon M. Reed

Submissions from 2022


CIVIIC: Cybercrime in Virginia: Impacts on Industry and Citizens Final Report, Randy Gainey, Tancy Vandecar-Burdin, Jay Albanese, Thomas Dearden, James Hawdon, and Katalin Parti


Reproductive Regrets Among a Population-Based Sample of U.S. Women, Arthur L. Greil, Michele H. Lowry, Andrea R. Burch, Kathleen Slauson-Blevins, Nicholas Park, and Julia McQuillan


COVID-19 Vaccination in Palestine/Israel: Citizenship, Capitalism, and the Logic of Elimination, Nicolas Howard and Emily Schneider


Attitudes About Cybersecurity Articulation Agreements and Transfer Students: A Statewide Survey of Faculty Members and Advisors, Brian K. Payne, Tracy Vandecar-Burdin, and Daniela Cigularova


Toward a Student-Ready Cybersecurity Program: Findings from a Survey of STEM-Students, Lora Pitman, Brian K. Payne, Tancy Vandecar-Burdin, and Leonora Thorbjornsen


Distorted Reality: A Commentary on DiMarco et al. (2022) and the Question of Male Sexual Victimization, B. Kennath Widanaralalage, Shon M. Reed, Maria João Lobo Antunes, Christina DeJong, Gillian M. Pinchevsky, Rachel Lovell, and Cristy E. Cummings

Submissions from 2021


Faculty and Advisor Advice for Cybersecurity Students: Liberal Arts, Interdisciplinarity, Experience, Lifelong Learning, Technical Skills, and Hard Work, Brian K. Payne, Bria Cross, and Tancy Vandecar-Burdin


Cybersecurity, Technology, and Society: Developing an Interdisciplinary, Open, General Education Cybersecurity Course, Brian K. Payne, Wu He, Cong Wang, D. E. Wittkower, and Hongyi Wu


A Sociological Perspective on Pidgin's Viability and Usefulness for Development in West Africa, Victoria M. Time and Daniel K. Pryce

Submissions from 2020


Hernández v. Mesa and Police Liability for Youth Homicides Before and After the Death of Michael Brown, Delores Jones-Brown, Joshua Ruffin, Kwan-Lamar Blount-Hill, Akiv Dawson, and Cicely J. Cottrell


Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Trends in Cybercrime Research: An Examination, Brian K. Payne and Lora Hadzhidimova


Applying High Impact Practices in an Interdisciplinary Cybersecurity Program, Brian K. Payne, Lisa Mayes, Tisha Parades, Elizabeth Smith, and Hongyi Wu


Police Procedural Justice, Lawyer Procedural Justice, Judge Procedural Justice, and Satisfaction with the Criminal Justice System: Findings from a Neglected Region of the World, Daniel K. Pryce and George Wilson

Submissions from 2019


Iron Deficiency Anemia, Population Health and Frailty in a Modern Portuguese Skeletal Sample, Samantha M. Hens, Kanya Godde, and Kristin M. Macak


The Evaluation of Procedural Justice Training in the Norfolk Police Department, Norfolk Virginia, Robert Kenter, Mengyan Dai, and Lindsey Thomas


Using Labeling Theory as a Guide to Examine the Patterns, Characteristics, and Sanctions Given to Cybercrimes, Brian K. Payne, Brittany Hawkins, and Chunsheng Xin

Submissions from 2018


"Can a Poem Stop a Jail from Being Built?" On Fugitive Counter-Ethics as Prison Pedagogy, Meghan McDowell and Alison Reed


Young and Unafraid: Queer Criminology's Unbounded Potential, Vanessa R. Panfil


Cyber Security and Criminal Justice Programs in the United States: Exploring the Intersections, Brian K. Payne and Lora Hadzhidimova


Religion and Crime Studies: Assessing What Has Been Learned, Melvina Sumter, Frank Wood, Ingrid Whitaker, and Dianne Berger-Hill

Submissions from 2017


Thai Massage and Commercial Sex Work: A Phenomenological Study, Elizabeth Monk-Turner and Charlie G. Turner

Submissions from 2016


A Comparative Study of Satisfaction With the Police in the United States and Australia, Mengyan Dai and Xin Jiang


Race and Gender Neutral Pretrial Risk Assessment, Release Recommendations, and Supervision, Mona J.E. Danner, Marie VanNostrand, and Lisa M. Spruance


Nurturing Non-Market Spaces in the Digital Environment, Roderick Graham


A New Way to Estimate the Potential Unmet Need for Infertility Services Among Women in the United States, Arthur L. Greil, Kathleen S. Slauson-Blevins, Stacy Tiemeyer, Julia McQuilan, and Karina M. Shreffler


Community College For All: How Two-Year Criminal Justice Transfer Students Perceive Their Educational Experience, Elizabeth Monk-Turner, John Allen, John Casten, Cathy Cowling, Charles Gray, David Guhr, Kara Hoofnagle, Jessica Huffman, Moises Mina, and Brian Moore

Submissions from 2015


Risk-Based Pretrial Release Recommendation and Supervision Guidelines, Mona J.E. Danner, Marie VanNostrand, and Lisa M. Spruce


Potential Partnerships: Progressive Criminology, Grassroots Organizations, and Social Justice, Tim Goddard, Randolph R. Myers, and Kaitlyn J. Robinson


Economies of the Internet I: Intersections, Kylie Jarrett, Julia Velkova, Peter Jakobsson, Roderick Graham, and David Gehring


President's Message, Brian K. Payne


"Don't Talk To Me About Deception": The Necessary Erosion of the Trans-Panic Defense, Aimee Wodda and Vanessa R. Panfil

Submissions from 2014


Beyond the Strait and Narrow: The Import of Queer Criminology for Criminology and Criminal Justice, Vanessa R. Panfil and Jody Miller


President's Message, Brian Payne


Women, Law, and Human Rights in Cameroon: Progress or Status Quo?, Victoria M. Time

Submissions from 2013


Introduction to the Special Issue on Inequality in the Digital Environment, Roderick Graham


Rural-Urban Migration and Mental and Sexual Health: A Case Study in Southwestern China, Xiushi Yang


Correlates of Consistent Condom Use Among Female Entertainment Workers in Shanghai, China: A Repeated Measures Analysis, Xiushi Yang and Guomei Xia

Submissions from 2012


Delineating Interpersonal Communication Networks: A Study of the Diffusion of an Intervention Among Female Entertainment Workers in Shanghai, China, Yiyun Chen, Carl Latkin, David D. Celentano, Xiushi Yang, Xiaoming Li, and Guomei Xia

Submissions from 2011


Internet as Digital Practice: Examining Differences in African American Internet Usage, Roderick Graham and Danielle Taana Smith


A Survey of Georgia Adult Protective Services Staff: Implications for Older Adult Injury Prevention and Policy, Sheryl M. Stasser, Judith Kerr, Patricia S. King, Brian Payne, Sarah Beddington, Danielle Pendrick, Elizabeth Leyda, and Frances McCarty


Community Corrections Professionals' Views of Sex Offenders, Sex Offender Registration and Community Notification and Residency Restrictions, Richard Tewksbury, Elizabeth E. Mustaine, and Brian K. Payne


The Function of Indigenous Law in a Modern Economic and Political State: The Cameroon Scenario, Victoria M. Time

Submissions from 2010


Electronic Supervision and the Importance of Evidence Based Practices, Matthew De Michele and Brian Payne


The Role of Probation and Parole Officers in the Collaborative Response to Sex Offenders, Brian K. Payne and Matthew DeMichele


Criminology and Criminal Justice: Differences in Programs at the Master's Level, Ruth Triplett and Elizabeth Monk-Turner

Submissions from 2009


Race, Class or Neighborhood Context: Which Matters More in Measuring Satisfaction with Police?, Yuning Wu, Ivan Y. Sun, and Ruth A. Triplett

Submissions from 2008


Rap Music: Gender Difference in Derogatory Word Use, Elizabeth Monk-Turner and D'Ontae Sylvertooth


Warning: Sex Offenders Need to be Supervised in the Community, Brian K. Payne and Matthew DeMichele

Submissions from 2007


Probation and Parole Officers Speak Out--Caseload and Workload Allocation, Matthew DeMichele and Brian K. Payne


Teaching Parenting Skills in a Methadone Treatment Setting, Randy R. Gainey, Kevin P. Haggerty, Charles B. Fleming, and Richard F. Catalano

Submissions from 2006


The Criminal Justice Response to Elder Abuse in Nursing Homes: A Routine Activities Perspective, Brian K. Payne and Randy R. Gainey


Improving Group Work: Voices of Students, Brian K. Payne, Elizabeth Monk-Turner, Donald Smith, and Melvina Sumter

Submissions from 2005


Social Disorganization and the Ability and Willingness to Enact Control: A Preliminary Test, Ruth A. Triplett, Ivan Y. Sun, and Randy R. Gainey

Submissions from 2004


Neighborhood Characteristics and Crime: A Test of Sampson and Groves' Model of Social Disorganization, Ivan Y. Sun, Ruth A. Triplett, and Randy R. Gainey

Submissions from 2003


A Comparison of Human Energy Fields Among Children, Youth, Adults, & Dahn Masters, Geoffrey K. Leigh, Karen A. Polonko, and Catherine D. Leigh


Justifications for the Probation Sanction Among Residents of Virginia--Cool or Un-Cool?, Brian K. Payne, Randy R. Gainey, Ruth A. Triplett, and Mona J. E. Danner

Submissions from 2002


The Influence of Demographic Factors on the Experience of House Arrest, Brian K. Payne and Randy R. Gainey

Submissions from 1999


Anomie, Deviant Behavior, and the Olympics, Brian K. Payne and Bruce L. Berg


School-Based Juvenile Boot Camps: Evaluating Specialized Treatment and Rehabilitation (STAR), Chad R. Trulson and Ruth Triplett

Submissions from 1998


Effectiveness of Prevention Interventions with Youth at High Risk of Drug Abuse, Richard F. Catalano, Kevin P. Haggerty, Randy R. Gainey, Marilyn J. Hoppe, and Devon D. Brewer


Conceptualizing the Impact of Health Care Crimes on the Poor, Brian K. Payne


Grandparents Today: A Demographic Profile, Maximiliane E. Szinovacz


Challenges for the Next Century, Ruth Triplett

Submissions from 1990


Cohabitation and Marital Stability in the United States, Jay D. Teachman and Karen A. Polonko