Old Dominion University's Center for Bioelectrics hosted its 2024 Research Retreat on November 7, 2024 at the ODU Priority Club in Norfolk, VA. Abstracts from some of the presentations are available here.
Submissions from 2024
Agenda/Program: Frank Reidy Research Center for Bioelectrics Retreat 2024, Frank Reidy Research Center for Bioelectrics, Old Dominion University
Application of Pulsed Electric Fields to Gating Blood-Brain Barrier for Drug Delivery, Pavel A. Solopov, Siqi Guo, Shu Xiao, and John D. Catravas
Cell Death Mechanism by Dual Treatments of Nanosecond Electric Pulses and Cold Atmospheric Plasma, Zobia Minhas, Edwin A. Oshin, Lifang Yang, Chunqi Jiang, and Siqi Guo
Dynamics of Cell Membrane Lesions Under the Electrical Stress, Mantas Silkunas, Giedre Silkuniene, and Andrei G. Pakhomov
Effects of nsPEFs on Electron Transport and Mitochondrial Structures and Functions, Stephen J. Beebe, Kamal Asadipour, Britney Ruedinger, Lucas Potter, Teresa Hooker, and Nicola Lai
Evaluating the Effect of Biomaterials on Electric Field in a Nanosecond Pulsed Helium Plasma Jet, Edwin A. Oshin, Arthur Dogariu, and Chunqi Jiang
Generation of Mitochondria-Depleted Cell Lines - a Tool for Assessing Mitochondrial Transfer, Chris Osgood, M. Stacey, and C. Wyckoff
IDH2 Mutation in Chondrosarcoma: Shedding Light on Mitochondrial Metabolism and Cellular Physiology, Caleb Wyckoff, Michael Stacey, and Christopher Osgood
Impact of the Dielectric Surface on the Electric Field in a 10-ns Transient Plasma in Methane-Air Mixture, Md Ziaur Rahman, Christopher J. Kliewer, and Chunqi Jiang
Plasma Membrane Charging and Electropermeabilization Measured Using Strobe Fluorescence Microscopy, Iurii Semenov, Joel Bixler, Bennett Ibey, and Andrei Pakhomov
Removal of Organic Pollutants in Water by a Nanosecond Pulsed Sliding Discharge, Zina Nisha, Ethan Pacheck, Zach Caudell, Olga Pakhomova, and Chunqi Jiang
Targeting the Dysregulation of Peroxiporins for Cancer Therapy, Siqi Guo
The Anaerobic Rose Chamber Imaging Method (ARCIM) for Probing the Live C. difficile Dynamics, Tatiana Zvonareva, Melissa Madril, Cody Scott, Eleni Zivla, David Courson, and Erin Purcell