Green Gentrification and Environmental Injustice: A Complexity Approach to Policy
2024Heather E. Campbell, Adam Eckerd, and Yushim Kim
This book argues that, given the complex nature of the urban environment, we cannot find one optimal solution to reducing environmental injustice, in part because there is no singular cause. Environmental injustice emerges in particular settings because of the combined and interdependent effects of a variety of different policy and community characteristics. The authors argue that addressing these interlinked problems requires an understanding of the clusters of community and contextual factors that combine in a variety of ways to both create problems and imply policy approaches to managing them. They argue for the use of complexity-informed methods to assist in making public policy choices, such as Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) and Agent-based Modeling (ABM), to enable us to better identify plausible solutions for specific contexts.
This volume offers a new perspective for strategically managing urban policy that considers the risk of gentrification and gentrification-related displacement, with the ultimate goal of improving social justice. Environmental injustice, pollution remediation, gentrification, and displacement are interlinked problems, all of which impinge on social justice in US cities. However, public policy research, and often practice as well, has tended to separately consider urban policy issues such as environmental injustice, brownfields and other pollution remediation, how to redevelop neighborhoods, and how to contend with gentrification and displacement. In this book the authors take a new perspective to such intertwined urban policy issues, using complexity thinking and, more importantly, complex adaptive systems approaches, in order to develop context-sensitive policy approaches to managing these ongoing problems. [From the publisher]
Engaged Learning in the Public Service Classroom
2024Josephine Gatti Schafer (Editor) and Bruce D. McDonald III (Editor)
Many that pursue a career in public service do so because they have a passion for their communities and want to pursue solutions to vexing challenges in society. As a result, instructors teaching public service, administration, and policy courses are challenged to incorporate a range of community engagement practices into their classes to allow students to explore their passion in greater depth, while also developing skills to operate in a dynamic governance environment. This pedagogical text explores the variety of ways in which students can become more engaged throughout the public service curriculum.
Engaged Learning in the Public Service Classroom introduces a wide range of activities, practices, and behaviors involving students in learning by exploring real-world contexts and issues. Utilizing the tools and concrete examples in the book, students are encouraged to actively explore, experiment, evaluate, and reflect on practical challenges, helping to foster their critical thinking and motivating them to learn. Considering the numerous methods of engaged learning, the editors offer a framework for understanding and implementing different types of engaged learning practices, including Field of Practice, Community as Laboratory, and Service Learning, exploring the benefits and practical considerations of each. To maximize the book’s utility and to provide faculty with the best opportunity for successful implementation, the final section of the book focuses on anticipating and overcoming possible challenges when implementing engaged learning.
This innovative new book is designed specifically to help support current and future instructors and faculty in the disciplines of public affairs, public administration, and public policy, including graduate students. [From the publisher]
The Craft of Teaching in Public Affairs: Instructors Reflecting on the Tools and Tips of Their Trade
2024William Hatcher (Editor), Beth M. Rauhaus (Editor), and Bruce D. McDonald III (Editor)
This book explores the art and science of teaching in public affairs programs by asking top instructors to discuss their tools and tips for the trade.
Public affairs is a discipline that builds scholarly knowledge but also trains and educates public administrators to improve their careers, organizations, and communities. Instructors in public affairs programs at the university level therefore play a vital role in safeguarding the governing capacity of public bureaucracies and nonprofits, and it is crucial that their teaching is effective. Containing chapters written by award-winning teachers, grounded in first-hand experience and supplemented with education research, this book offers guidance to new and veteran instructors alike on what works (and doesn’t) in public affairs classrooms. Topics covered include teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels, teaching nontraditional students, promoting inclusivity in the classroom, managing classrooms, teaching effectively online, and defining student success in the classroom, among other themes.
This book will be of keen interest to instructors currently teaching courses on public administration, public policy, and nonprofit management, as well as PhD students looking to enhance their teaching skills. [From the publisher]
From Mao's Art Soldier to Xi’s Cartoonist: Political Cartoons
2024Shaomin Li
In the book's first half, the author and artist Shaomin Li tells the story of his unique experiences in China and the United States in a well-illustrated way. In the book's second half, he includes some 60 cartoons of contemporary political and current affairs that he has drawn in recent years. These cartoons include international events, US-China relations, corruption, collusion between officials and business people, and various characters such as Xi Jinping, Biden, Putin, Kim Jong-un, Musk, Cook, Gates, and others. [From Amazon.com]
Multi-Sector Partnerships for the Public Good
2023Samuel Brown (Editor) and Richard Gregory Johnson III (Editor)
What is the way that societies improve and solve problems? What is the purpose of business in society? Is there a role for markets and business in issues of civic good, justice, equality, education, environment, health or collective action? Current economic principles, which underpin our trust in markets are not value neutral. Therefore, how we design “market solutions” to problems should be the focus of vigorous and open debate. Multi-sector Partnership is a concept that has re-focused us on the meaning of the goods and social practices we value as citizens in a global society. Multi-sector partners emerge in society to offer innovative approaches to dealing with pressing, yet complex, social, economic and weather-related 21st century challenges.
Multi-sector partnerships, loosely defined as activities with an embedded social purpose, is about using skills from a range of sectors to craft innovative responses to address social problems. It aims at social impact but does not exclude economic wealth creation. Thus, it is not limited to the non-profit or social sectors but seeks to mobilize and align interests of diverse stakeholders in the social, public and private sectors by creating non-financial incentives for collective action. Multi-sector partnerships involve recognizing that social problems are potential opportunities for collaboration, building on existing social networks, harnessing market forces that combine and mobilize resources, inciting positive change in various domains, and designing solutions for sustainable development.
The purpose of this edited volume is to provide academic and practitioners with the essential conceptual frameworks and tools for creating successful Multi-sector ventures, initiatives, programs or partnerships that seek to tackle global social issues and collective action problems. [From the publisher]
Government Responsiveness in Race-Related Crisis Events
2023Vickie T. Carnegie (Author)
Government Responsiveness in Race-Related Crisis Events argues that decision-making in crisis events related to race and ethnicity (RRCEs) is distinctive based upon the historical treatment of people of color and current narratives surrounding race in the United States. The author presents racially sensitive crisis events, not as independent problems, but as symptoms of an underlying condition which began upon the country's founding. She contends public officials will need to recognize and draw upon the interrelated nature of these crises for effective solutions and introduces a decision-making model for race-related crisis events. The author uses grounded theory and a critical race lens to explore the decision-making of public officials in Alabama, South Carolina, and Mississippi concerning the removal of the Confederate Flag from state grounds in the aftermath of the 2015 Charleston Church Shooting. [From the publisher]
Public-Private Stewardship: Achieving Value-for-Money in Public-Private Partnerships
2023Joshua M. Steinfeld
This book offers a defense acquisition perspective that provides action orientations and decision making to increase the value-for-money (VFM) of public-private partnerships (PPPs) through public-private stewardship (PPS). The differing motives of the public and the private sector are not conducive to partnership that leads to optimal outcomes. PPS is offered to practitioners and academics as a solution to failures of PPPs by following the public stewardship tenets of fiduciary responsibility and advancing the public interest while factoring in the additional elements of the private sector. The public values of transparency, accountability, responsibility, responsiveness, efficiency, effectiveness, equity, diversity, inclusion, fairness, and security, among others, can be shared in success between the public and private partners. By establishing shared values aligning with each stakeholder’s measures for success, it is possible to devise value propositions for stakeholder decision making that supports inter-organizational strategy, operations, tactics, goals, and objectives. PPS practices can further ensue as the public-private steward utilizes tools of expertise and organizational capacity. The book provides seven portraits of practitioners in the practice of PPS to assist PPP stakeholders achieve VFM. PPS is illustrated using examples in the Department of Navy (DON) and Department of Defense (DOD). [Amazon.com]
Vital and Valuable: The Relevance of HBCUs to American Life and Education
2022James V. Koch and Omari H. Swinton
Historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) are a crucial element of higher education in the United States. As of 2021, there were more than 100 HBCUs, with a total enrollment of approximately 300,000 students. Many of the most famed figures in African American history attended HBCUs, and the alumni of these institutions have a strong track record of upward mobility and professional attainment. However, the value and contributions of HBCUs are too often overlooked and underappreciated.
In Vital and Valuable, two distinguished economists provide a groundbreaking analysis of HBCUs. James V. Koch and Omari H. Swinton give a balanced assessment of the performance of HBCUs, examining metrics such as admissions and enrollment trends, graduation and retention rates, administrative expenses, spending on intercollegiate athletics, and student debt. They emphasize the distinctive features that make HBCUs what they are, considering whom they serve and how, while contextualizing these institutions within the landscape of American higher education.
Based on this analysis, Koch and Swinton offer actionable policy recommendations that can help HBCUs build on their successes and address their weaknesses. They stress that empirical data on educational outcomes is essential to effective leadership of individual institutions as well as policy decisions that affect HBCUs. Vital and Valuable is essential reading for policy makers and experts in the field of higher education as well as a broader public interested in understanding the contributions of HBCUs. [Amazon.com]
The Rise of China, Inc.: How the Chinese Communist Party Transformed China Into a Giant Corporation
2022Shaomin Li
Leveraging its absolute power, low human rights advantage, and tolerance by other countries, the Chinese Communist Party has transformed China into a giant corporation. Living and working is not a right, but a privilege granted by the party. State-owned firms are business units or subsidiaries, private firms are joint ventures, and foreign firms are franchisees of the party. 'China, Inc.' enjoys the agility of a firm and the vast resources of a state. Meanwhile, foreign firms competing with Chinese firms can find themselves matched against the mighty Chinese state. The Rise of China, Inc. will interest many readers: it will compel business scholars to rethink state-firm relationships; assist multinational business practitioners in formulating effective strategies; aid policy-makers in countering China's expansion; and inform the public of the massive corporate organization China has become, and how democracies can effectively deal with it. [Amazon.com]
Teaching Public Budgeting and Finance: A Practical Guide
2021Bruce D. McDonald III (Editor) and Meagan M. Jordan (Editor)
Many universities offer the Master of Public Administration (MPA) or other public affairs degree, which includes at least one course in public budgeting or public financial management. The faculty who teach these courses can however sometimes struggle to cover the breadth of material required and to fully engage students in what can be a technical subject. Teaching Public Budgeting and Finance: A Practical Guide addresses this challenge by sharing hands-on classroom expertise from leading scholars and creative instructors in the field. Drawing on their extensive experiences with teaching, researching, and engaging in service, each contributor reflects on how their area of expertise can be taught most effectively, providing a discussion of student learning outcomes, pedagogical approaches, relevant resources, and appropriate course assignments.
While no one book can provide a final say on classroom instruction, this first-of-its kind primer on teaching public budgeting and financial management courses is a detailed, indispensable guide for all faculty looking to improve the learning experience of students in the classroom. Teaching Public Budgeting and Finance: A Practical Guide is required reading for early career faculty as they prepare to teach the course for what may be the first time, as well as for more senior faculty looking to update their course, complement their own teaching strengths, or teaching the course for the first time in several years. [Amazon.com]
Communicating Climate Change: Making Environmental Messaging Accessible
2021Juita-Elena (Wie) Yusuf (Editor) and Burton St. John III (Editor)
This book focuses on theoretical and applied observations concerning how experts, advocates, and institutions make climate change information accessible to different audiences. It concentrates on three key elements of climate change communication – access, relevance, and understandability – to provide an understanding of how these elements allow multiple groups of stakeholders to act on the information to build resilience. This book will be of great interest to students and researchers of climate change and environmental communication, as well as practitioners interested in understanding how to better engage stakeholders through climate change-related communication. [From the publisher]
Runaway College Costs: How College Governing Boards Fail to Protect Their Students
2020James V. Koch and Richard J. Cebula
In the United States, college costs, especially tuition and fees, have increased much more rapidly than either the overall Consumer Price Index or median household income. This cost inflation has effectively closed the doors of higher education to many qualified students and contributed to a staggering $1.5 trillion in student debt. Additionally, the number of college enrollments in the United States actually declined for eight straight years between 2011 and 2019, as college student bodies became increasingly stratified on the basis of family incomes.
Virtually every public college cost increase, however, requires a positive vote from each university's governing board―and the record shows that these votes are nearly always unanimous. In Runaway College Costs, James V. Koch and Richard J. Cebula argue that many trustees have forgotten that they should act as fiduciaries who represent the best interests of students, parents, and taxpayers. Instead, Koch and Cebula explain, too often many trustees prize size and more prestigious rankings over access and affordability. These misplaced priorities make them vote in favor of ever more plush facilities, expensive intercollegiate athletic programs, administrative bloat, and outdated models of instruction and research. … [Amazon.com]
The Impoverishment of the American College Student
2019James V. Koch
Tuition and fees at public colleges and universities consistently have risen two to three times as fast as the Consumer Price Index in recent years. Since 2000, these costs have grown 60 percent faster than health care costs. The results, James Koch
argues, have been rapidly rising student debt (now $1.4 trillion nationally), rising delinquencies in student debt repayment, and a dysfunctional stratification of public college student bodies on the basis of family incomes. Higher education funding and tuition and fee inflation are complicated matters that few people understand well. In The Impoverishment of the American College Student, Koch clarifies the central issues and explores the data to sort through the challenges. It is essential reading for anyone who believes that maintaining access to public colleges and keeping them affordable are vitally important to our society’s future. [From the back cover.]
Bribery and Corruption in Weak Institutional Environments: Connecting the Dots from a Comparative Perspective
2019Shaomin Li
Drawing on twenty years of research and observations, Li explains how bribery and corruption are carried out in countries with weak institutional environments, and how these activities become globalized. By distinguishing rule-based, relation-based and clan-based governance, this book offers a novel explanation to the age-old puzzle of why some countries thrive despite corruption. It also sheds lights on the symbiotic roles corruption and anticorruption campaigns play in maintaining dictatorships. Applying cost-benefit analysis to different governance environments, Li argues that as non-rule-based economies expand, the transition from relying on private relationships to relying on public rules is inevitable. However, by highlighting the globalization of corruption by non-rule-based countries, this book warns against the potential threats and consequences of bribery by powerful dictatorial governments. This book will appeal to scholars, analysts and graduate students studying corruption, as well as policymakers, business professionals and executives seeking insights into the characteristics of bribery and corruption within different institutional settings. [From Amazon.com]
State Politics and the Affordable Care Act: Choices and Decisions
2019John C. Morris, Martin K. Mayer, Robert C. Kenter, and Luisa M. Lucero
After a great deal of discussion and debate across all levels of government, President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act (ACA) into law in March 2010. Since President Trump's election into office, the ACA has stayed in the headlines. Trump has continued to call for the replacement and repeal of the ACA, and several efforts have spawned in both the House and the Senate to accomplish this goal. Unlike welfare reform, which was generally embraced by all states, the ACA has proven very divisive in some states, with some states actively seeking to block implementation. Alternative solutions continue to prove elusive. To better understand the major factors driving decision-making process and state-level dynamics influencing state support or opposition of the ACA, this book examines the initial implementation through established support and opposition factors across four states: Alabama, Michigan, California, and New Hampshire. The choices made by states are a direct consequence of long-term forces, and the choices made at the national level. State Politics and the Affordable Care Act will be of interest to scholars researching in public administration, policy formulation and implementation, and policy analysis. [From Amazon.com]
Capital Management and Budgeting in the Public Sector
2019Arwiphawee Srithongrung (Editor), Natalia B. Ermasova (Editor), and Juita-Elena (Wie) Yusuf (Editor)
To create an enhanced quality of life, attract business relocation, and enhance equity in access to public infrastructure, governmental bodies must take certain precautions with their money. Budgeting at such a high level requires careful evaluation and research that addresses every aspect of financial management.
Capital Management and Budgeting in the Public Sector provides emerging research exploring the theoretical and practical aspects of long-term capital planning, annual capital budgeting, capital budget execution, and public spending evaluation. Featuring coverage on a broad range of topics such as fiscal federalism, political regime, and project execution management, this book is ideally designed for managers, accountants, professionals, practitioners, and researchers working in the areas of public finance and/or international development.
"Carry On the Revolution to the End"?: Propaganda Posters in China
2018Shaomin Li
The book reviews the way in which art, in the form of posters, was used by Mao Zedong and the Chinese Communist Party to serve their revolution. It centers on the era of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution (1966-1976) and discusses the way in which the revolutionary theory of art was formed and mobilized people to use posters to “carry on the revolution to the end,” as Mao called them to do. From the propaganda posters used during the Cultural Revolution, the author identifies the features of persuasion and distortion that are most common in these posters: they persuade people to do what they do not want to do, and they distort reality by showing the opposite. Based on his experience as a propaganda artist in Mao’s era, the author reviews the evolution of propaganda posters in China from the revolutionary era to today, and discusses what is at the “end” of Mao’s revolution – in today’s China. [From the back cover]
Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems: 11th IFIP WG 8.9 Working Conference, CONFENIS 2017, Shanghai, China, October 18-20, 2017, Proceedings
2018A. Min Tjoa (Editor), Li-Rong Zheng (Editor), Zhou Zou (Editor), Maria Raffai (Editor), Li Da Xu (Editor), and Niina Maarit Novak (Editor)
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 11th IFIP WG 8.9 Working Conference on Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems, CONFENIS 2017, held in Shanghai, China, in October 2017. [Amazon.com]
The State of the Region: Hampton Roads 2017
2017James V. Koch, Robert McNab, Vinod Agarwal, Barbara Blake-Gonzalez, Kelly Brown, Chris Colburn, Vicky Curtis, Steve Daniel, Chip Filer, Elizabeth Janik, Timothy M. Komarek, LEAD Hampton Roads Class of 2017, Feng Lian, Sharon Lomax, Janet Molinaro, and Ziniya Zahedi
This is Old Dominion University's 18th annual State of the Region report. While it represents the work of many people connected in various ways to the university, the report does not constitute an official viewpoint of Old Dominion, or its president, John R. Broderick. The report maintains the goal of stimulating thought and discussion that ultimately will make Hampton Roads an even better place to live. We are proud of our regions many successes, but realize that it is possible to improve our performance. In order to do so, we must have accurate information about "where we are" and a sound understanding of the policy options open to us.
Securing the Internet of Things
2017Shancang Li and Li Da Xu
Securing the Internet of Things provides network and cybersecurity researchers and practitioners with both the theoretical and practical knowledge they need to know regarding security in the Internet of Things (IoT). This booming field, moving from strictly research to the marketplace, is advancing rapidly, yet security issues abound. This book explains the fundamental concepts of IoT security, describing practical solutions that account for resource limitations at IoT end-node, hybrid network architecture, communication protocols, and application characteristics. Highlighting the most important potential IoT security risks and threats, the book covers both the general theory and practical implications for people working in security in the Internet of Things. [From Amazon.com]
Applied Spatial Modelling and Planning
2017John R. Lombard (Editor), Eliahu Stern (Editor), and Graham Clarke (Editor)
Applied Spatial Modelling and Planning shows how much geographical research is policy relevant to a wide variety of agencies through the use of GIS and spatial modelling in applied geography. The book’s chapters contain a cross-section of innovative applications and approaches to problem solving within five major domains of the dynamics of economic space, housing and settlements, population movements and population ageing, health care, and the environment. Using a number of case studies on the use of GIS and spatial modelling, this book demonstrates the fact that much of what is done by quantitative geographers is not only relevant within academia, but also has use in policy work. ... [From Amazon.com]
Transport Carrier Costing
2017Wayne Talley
Covering cost structures and cost problems as well as costing methodologies, this book, first published in 1988, aims to enhance understanding of the economics of all types of transportation: freight and passenger, by truck, rail, bus and air. Beginning with an overview of transportation costing from the perspective of the carrier, user and government, Talley goes on to present the necessary information for evaluating costing methodologies. He then examines various regulatory and individual-carrier costing methodologies, and finally discusses the important new standalone-costing methodology. [From Amazon.com]
2016 State of the Commonwealth Report
2016James V. Koch, Vinod Agarwal, Barbara Blake-Gonzalez, Terry L. Clower, Vicky Curtis, Steve Daniel, Larry "Chip" Filer, Tim Komarek, Feng Lian, Sharon Lomax, Wolfgang Mairinger, Alice McAdory, Robert McNab, Janet Molinaro, Mike Phelps, and Ken Plum
This is the second State of the Commonwealth Report produced by the Center for Economic Analysis and Policy at Old Dominion University. It is jointly sponsored by ODU's Strome College of Business and the Virginia Chamber of Commerce. While the report represents the work of many people connected in various ways to the university, it does not constitute an official viewpoint of Old Dominion, or it's president, John R. Broderick. Similarly, it does not represent the views of the Virginia Chamber of Commerce or it's president, Barry DuVal.
The report maintains the goal of stimulating thought and discussion that ultimately will make Virginia an even better place to live, work, and do business. We are proud of the Commonwealth's many successes, but realize that it is possible to improve our performance. In order to do so, we must have accurate information about "where we are" and a sound understanding of the policy options open to us.
The State of the Region: Hampton Roads 2016
2016James V. Koch, Vinod Agarwal, Christopher B. Colburn, Vicky Curtis, Steve Daniel, Larry "Chip" Filer, Timothy Komarek, Feng Lian, Sharon Lomax, Wolfgang Mairinger, Alice McAdory, Robert McNab, Janet Molinaro, and Lisa Suhay
This is Old Dominion University's 17th annual State of the Region report. While it represents the work of many people connected in various ways to the university, the report does not constitute an official viewpoint of Old Dominion or it's president, John R. Broderick. The report maintains the goal of stimulating thought and discussion that ultimately will make Hampton Roads an even better place to live. We are proud of our region's many successes, but realize that it is possible to improve our performance. In order to do so, we must have accurate information about "where we are" and a sound understanding of the policy options open to us.
East Asian Business in the New World: Helping Old Economies Revitalize
2016Shaomin Li
East Asian Business in the New World: Helping Old Economies Revitalize discusses how to conduct business in East Asia. The main objective of the book is to help American workers and businesses gain competitive advantages in a global marketplace in which the emerging Asian economies are rapidly becoming major players. The American economy appears to be on decline, especially relative to the rapidly rising economies in places such as China. To revitalize the American economy and those of the ‘old world’, we must pay close attention to the economies with which America competes. … [From Amazon.com]
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