A selection of faculty publications from the Department of Ocean & Earth Sciences, College of Sciences, Old Dominion University.


Submissions from 1998


Radiocarbon From Nuclear Testing Applied to Age Validation of Black Drum, Pogonias cromis, Steven E. Campana and Cynthia M. Jones


Vertical Profiles of Virus-Like Particles and Bacteria in the Water Column and Sediments of Chesapeake Bay, USA, Lisa A. Drake, Keun-Hyung Choi, A. G. Edward Haskell, and Fred C. Dobbs


Iron in Ice Cores from Law Dome, East Antarctica: Implications for Past Deposition of Aerosol Iron, R. Edwards, Peter N. Sedwick, Vin Morgan, C. F. Boutron, and S. Hong


Age, Growth, and Mortality of Black Drum, Pogonias cromis, in the Chesapeake Bay Region, Cynthia M. Jones and Brian Wells


Lead Isotopes and Selected Metals in Ice from Law Dome, Antarctica, K. J. R. Rosman, W. Chisholm, C. F. Boutron, S. Hong, R. Edwards, Vin Morgan, and Peter N. Sedwick


A Geochemical Study of Marine Sediments from the Mac. Robertson Shelf, East Antarctica: Initial Results and Palaeoenvironmental Implications, Peter N. Sedwick, P. T. Harris, L. G. Robertson, G. M. McMurtry, M. D. Cremer, and P. Robinson


Trace Element Signatures in Otoliths Record Natal River of Juvenile American Shad (Alosa Sapidissima), Simon R. Thorrold, Cynthia M. Jones, Steven E. Campana, James W. McLaren, and Joseph W. H. Lam


Accurate Classification of Juvenile Weakfish Cynoscion regalis to Estuarine Nursery Areas Based on Chemical Signatures in Otoliths, Simon R. Thorrold, Cynthia M. Jones, Peter K. Swart, and Timothy E. Targett

Submissions from 1997


Yield-Per-Recruit Analysis and Management Strategies for Atlantic Croaker, Micropogonias Undulatus, in the Middle Atlantic Bight, Luiz R. Barbieri, Mark E. Chittenden, and Cynthia M. Jones


Destruction of Chloropigments in Copepod Guts, A. B. Bochdansky and D. Deibel


Thermophilic Bacterial Activity in a Deep-Sea Sediment from the Pacific Ocean, Fred C. Dobbs and Karen A. Selph


Resuspension and Transport of Fine Sediments by Waves, Chiang C. Mei, She-jun Fan, and Kang-ren Jin


Detection of Harmful Algal Blooms Using Photopigments and Absorption Signatures: A Case Study of the Florida Red Tide Dinoflagellate, Gymnodinium breve, David F. Millie, Oscar M. Schofield, Gary J. Kirkpatrick, Geir Johnson, Patricia A. Tester, and Btyan T. Vintard


Age and Growth of Larval and Juvenile Atlantic Croaker, Micropogonias Undulatus, from the Middle Atlantic Bight and Estuarine Waters of Virginia, Stephen W. Nixon and Cynthia M. Jones


Regulation of Algal Blooms in Antarctic Shelf Waters by the Release of Iron From Melting Sea Ice, Peter N. Sedwick and Giacomo R. DiTullio


Fluxes of Copper-Complexing Ligands from Estuarine Sediments, Stephen A. Skrabal, John R. Donat, and David J. Burdige


Response of Otolith Microchemistry to Environmental Variations Experienced by Larval and Juvenile Atlantic Croaker (Micropogonias Undulatus), Simon R. Thorrold, Cynthia M. Jones, and Steven E. Campana

Submissions from 1996


Nutrients and Chlorophyll at the Shelf Break Off the Southeastern United States During the Genesis of Atlantic Lows Experiment: Winter 1986, L. P. Atkinson, J. L. Miller, T. N. Lee, and W. M. Dunstan


Biogenic Matter Diagenesis on the Sea Floor: A Comparison Between Two Continental Margin Transects, William M. Berelson, Jim McManus, Kenneth H. Coale, Kenneth S. Johnson, Tammy Kilgore, David J. Burdige, and Cynthia Pilskaln


A Coupled, Non-Linear, Steady State Model for Early Diagenetic Processes in Pelagic Sediments, Surya P. Dhakar and David J. Burdige


A Computer-Simulated Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism Analysis of Bacterial Small-Subunit rRNA Genes: Efficacy of Selected Tetrameric Restriction Enzymes for Studies of Microbial Diversity in Nature, Craig L. Moyer, James M. Tiedje, Fred C. Dobbs, and David M. Karl


Development and Lipid Composition of the Harpacticoid Copepod Nitocra Spinipes Reared on Different Diets, Gregory M. Weiss, George B. McManus, and H. Rodger Harvey


Effect of Light/Dark Transition on Carbon Translocation in Eelgrass Zostera marina Seedlings, Richard C. Zimmerman and Randall S. Alberte

Submissions from 1995


The Oceanographer's Toolkit: Common Data Formats, Larry Atkinson and Steve Hankin


Current Meter Observations in the Old Bahama Channel, L. P. Atkinson, T. Berger, P. Hamilton, E. Waddell, K. Leaman, and T. N. Lee


Influence of Zooplankton Grazing on Free Dissolved Enzymes in the Sea, Alexander B. Bochdansky, Staša Puškarić, and Gerhard J. Herndl


Time to Metamorphosis of Blue Crab Callinectes Sapidus Megalopae: Effects of Benthic Macroalgae, Robert D. Brumbaugh and John R. McConaugha


Trophic Transfer of Fatty Acids, Sterols, and a Triterpenoid Alcohol Between Bacteria, a Ciliate, and the Copepod Acartia Tonsa, Melissa C. Ederington, George B. McManus, and H. Rodger Harvey


Elimination of Dissolved Sulfide Interference in the Flow-Injection Determination of Sigma-CO2 by Addition of Molybdate, Rigel L. Lustwerk and David J. Burdige


Phylogenetic Diversity of the Bacterial Community from a Microbial Mat at an Active, Hydrothermal Vent System, Loihi Seamount, Hawaii, Craig L. Moyer, Fred C. Dobbs, and David M. Karl


Mississippi River Flood Waters That Reached The Gulf Stream, Peter B. Ortner, Thomas N. Lee, Peter J. Milne, Rod G. Zika, M. Elizabeth Clarke, Guillermo P. Podesta, Peter K. Swart, Patricia A. Tester, Larry P. Atkinson, and Walter R. Johnson


Fisheries and Oceanography off Galicia, NW Spain: Mesoscale Spatial and Temporal Changes in Physical Processes and Resultant Patterns of Biological Productivity, K. R. Tenore; M. Alonsonval; L. P. Atkinson; J. M. Cabanas; R. M. Cal; H. J. Campos; F. Castillejo; E. J, Chesney; N. Gonzalez; R. B. Hanson; C. R. McClain; A. Miranda; M. R. Roman; J. Sanchez; G. Santiago; L. Valdes; M. Varela; and J. Yoder

Submissions from 1994


Assessment of Genetic Diversity of Seagrass Populations Using DNA Fingerprinting: Implications for Population Stability and Management, Randall S. Alberte, Gregory K. Suba, Gabriele Procaccini, Richard C. Zimmerman, and Steven R. Fain


The Oceanographer's Toolkit: OceanAtlas and Atlast, Larry P. Atkinson


A Comparison of a Validated Otolith Method to Age Weakfish, Cynoscion regalis, With the Traditional Scale Method, Susan K. Lowerre-Barbieri, Mark E. Chittenden Jr., and Cynthia M. Jones


Estimation of Diversity and Community Structure Through Restriction-Fragment-Length-Polymorphism Distribution Analysis of Bacterial 16s Ribosomal-RNA Genes from a Microbial Mat at an Active, Hydrothermal Vent System, Loihi Seamount, Hawaii, Craig L. Moyer, Fred C. Dobbs, and David M. Karl


Contribution of Zooplankton Lipids to the Flux of Organic Matter in the Northern Adriatic Sea, Mirjana Najdek, Staša Puškarić, and Alexander B. Bochdansky


Biogeochemical Control of Phosphorus Cycling and Primary Production in Lake Michigan, R. S. Walsh, Gregory A. Cutter, W. M. Dunstan, J. Radford-Knoery, and J. T. Elder


The Biogeochemistry of Hydrogen Sulfide: Phytoplankton Production in the Surface Ocean, Russell S. Walsh, Gregory A. Cutter, William M. Dunstan, Joel Radford-Knoery, and Jennifer T. Elder


Modeling Daily Production of Aquatic Macrophytes from Irradiance Measurements: A Comparative Analysis, Richard C. Zimmerman, Alejandro C. Pasini, and Randall S. Alberte

Submissions from 1993


A Comparison of NO and N20 Production by the Autophic Nitrifier Nitrosomonas europaea and the Heterotrophic Nitrifier Alcaligenes faecalis, Iris C. Anderson, Mark Poth, Julie Homstead, and David J. Burdige


Age, Growth, and Mortality of Atlantic Croaker, Micropogonias undulatus, in the Chesapeake Bay Region, With a Discussion of Apparent Geographic Changes in Population Dynamics, Luiz R. Barbieri, Mark E. Chittenden Jr., and Cynthia M. Jones


Benthic Microalgal Production at Stellwagen Bank, Massachusetts Bay, USA, Lawrence B. Cahoon, Guy R. Beretich Jr., Carrie J. Thomas, and Amy M. McDonald


Spatial and Temporal Occurrence of Spanish Mackerel Scomberomorus maculatus in Chesapeake Bay, Mark E. Chittenden Jr., Luiz R. Barbieri, and Cynthia M. Jones


Metalloids in Wet Deposition on Bermuda: Concentrations, Sources, and Fluxes, Gregory A. Cutter


A Reproductive-Resting Stage in an Harpacticoid Copepod, and the Significance of Genetically Based Differences Among Populations, D. J. Lonsdale, P. Weissman, and Fred C. Dobbs


Changes in the Sea-Ice Brine Community During the Spring-Summer Transition, McMurdo Sound, Antarctica .2. Phagotrophic Protists, Diane K. Stoecker, Kurt R. Buck, and Mary Putt

Submissions from 1992


The Role of Benthic Fluxes of Dissolved Organic Carbon in Oceanic and Sedimentary Carbon Cycling, Davd J. Burdige, Marc J. Alperin, Juliana Homstead, and Christopher S. Martens


Molecular and Physiological Responses of Diatoms to Variable Levels of Irradiance and Nitrogen Availability: Growth of Skeletonema Costatum in Simulated Upwelling Conditions, G. Jason Smith, Richard C. Zimmerman, and Randall S. Alberte


Boulder Streams, Debris Fans, and Pleistocene Climate Change in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Central Virginia, G. Richard Whittecar and Derek W. Ryter

Submissions from 1991


Hydrogen Sulfide and Radon in and Over the Western North Atlantic Ocean, T. W. Andreae, Gregory A. Cutter, N. Hussain, J. Radford-Knoery, and M. O. Andreae


The Kinetics of Organic Matter Mineralization in Anoxic Marine Sediments, David J. Burdige


Trace Elements in Estuarine and Coastal Waters: U.S. Studies from 1986-1990, Gregory A. Cutter


Gulf Stream Frontal Eddy Influence on Productivity of the Southeast United States Continental Shelf, Thomas N. Lee, James A. Yoder, and Larry P. Atkinson


Observations of a Cyclonic Ring: Gulf Stream Coalescence Event over the Blake Plateau, Julie McClean-Padman and Larry P. Atkinson


Lingin Derived Organic Matter in Georgia Coastal Waters, Mary Ann Moran, Lawrence R. Pomeroy, Edward S. Sheppard, and Larry P. Atkinson


Distribution of Terrestrially Derived Dissolved Organic Matter on the Southeastern United States Continental Shelf, Mary Ann Moran, Lawrence R. Pomeroy, Edward S. Sheppard, Larry P. Atkinson, and Robert E. Hodson


Development and Evaluation of Tracer Particles for Use in Microzooplankton Herbivory Studies, Mary Putt


Lava-Seawater Interactions at Shallow-Water Submarine Lava Flows, Francis J. Sansone, Joseph A. Resing, Gordon W. Tribble, Peter N. Sedwick, Kevin M. Kelly, and Ken Hon

Submissions from 1990


Estimates of Spawning Stock Size of Blue Crab, Callinectes Sapidus, in Chesapeake Bay, 1986-1987, Cynthia M. Jones, John R. McConaugha, Patrick J. Geer, and Michael H. Prager


Fecundity of Blue Crab, Callinectes Sapidus, in Chesapeake Bay: Biological, Statistical and Management Considerations, Michael H. Prager, John R. McConaugha, Cynthia M. Jones, and Patrick J. Geer

Submissions from 1989


Hydrographic Variability of Southeastern United States Shelf and Slope Waters During the Genesis of Atlantic Lows Experiment: Winter 1986, Larry P. Atkinson, Eiichi Oka, Sunny Y. Wu, Thomas J. Berger, Jackson O. Blanton, and Thomas N. Lee

Submissions from 1988


Consequences of Thymidine Catabolism for Estimates of Bacterial Production: An Example from a Coastal Marine Sediment, Kevin R. Carman, Fred C. Dobbs, and James B. Guckert


Sulfide in Surface Waters of the Western Atlantic Ocean, Gregory A. Cutter and Christian F. Krahforst


Callianassa trilobata (Crustacea: Thalassinidea) Influences Abundance of Meiofauna and Biomass, Composition, and Physiologic State of Microbial Communities within its Burrow, Fred C. Dobbs and James B. Guckert


Microbial Food Resources of the Macrofaunal-Deposit Feeder Ptychodera bahamensis (Hemichordata: Enteropneusta), Fred C. Dobbs and James B. Guckert


Variability of Surface Pigment Concentrations in the South Atlantic Bight, Charles R. McClain, James A. Yoder, L. P. Atkinson, J. O. Blanton, T. N. Lee, J. J. Singer, and Frank Muller-Karger

Submissions from 1987


The Relationship of Upwelling to Mussel Production in the Rias on the Western Coast of Spain, Jack O. Blanton, Kenneth R. Tenore, F. Castillejo, Larry P. Atkinson, Franklin B. Schwing, and Amy Lavin


Validation of the Otolith Increment Aging Technique for Striped Bass, Morone Saxatilis, Larvae Reared Under Suboptimal Feeding Conditions, Cynthia Jones and Edward B. Brothers


Shoreward Intrusion of Upper Gulf Stream Water onto the United States Southeastern Continental Shelf, Lie-Yauw Oey, Larry P. Atkinson, and Jackson O. Blanton


Preservation of ATP in Hypersaline Environments, Bruce J. Tuovila, Fred C. Dobbs, Paul A. LaRock, and B. Z. Siegel


Acceleration of Nutrient Uptake by Phytoplankton in a Coastal Upwelling Ecosystem: A Modeling Analysis, Richard C. Zimmerman, James N. Kremer, and Richard C. Dugdale


Is Growth of Eelgrass Nitrogen Limited? A Numerical Simulation of the Effects of Light and Nitrogen on the Growth Dynamics of Zostera marina, Richard C. Zimmerman, Robert D. Smith, and Randall S. Alberte

Submissions from 1986


Mesoscale Hydrographic Variability in the Vicinity of Points Conception and Arguello During April May 1983: The OPUS 1983 Experiment, Larry P. Atkinson, Kenneth H. Brink, Russ E. Davis, Burton H. Jones, Theresa Paluszkiewicz, and David W. Stuart


Sediment Processing and Selective Feeding by Pectinaria koreni (Polychaeta: Pectinariidae), Fred C. Dobbs and Teresa A. Scholly


Wind-Driven Upwelling in the Vicinity of Cape Finisterre, Spain, Charles R. McClain, Shenn-Yu Chao, Larry P. Atkinson, Jack O. Blanton, and Frederico De Castillejo


On the Linear Relation Between mb And Ms for Discrimination Between Explosions and Earthquakes, Ali A. Nowroozi


In Situ Growth and Chemical Composition of the Giant Kelp, Macrocystis pyrifera: Response to Temporal Changes in Ambient Nutrient Availability, Richard C. Zimmerman and James N. Kremer

Submissions from 1985


Microbial Manganese Reduction by Enrichment Cultures from Coastal Marine Sediments, David J. Burdige and Kenneth H. Nealson


Fault Movements and Tectonics of Eastern Iran: Boundaries of the Lut Plate, Ali A. Nowroozi and A. Mohajer-Ashjai


Effects of El Nino on Local Hydrography and Growth of the Giant Kelp, Macrocystis Pyrifera, at Santa Catalina Island, California, Richard C. Zimmerman and Deborah L. Robertson

Submissions from 1984


Review of Upwelling Off the Southeastern United States and Its Effect on Continental-Shelf Nutrient Concentrations and Primary Productivity, Larry P. Atkinson, James A. Yonder, and Thomas N. Lee


Coastal Upwelling Off The Rias Bajas, Galicia, Northwest Spain I: Hydrographic Studies, J. O. Blanton, L. P. Atkinson, F. Fernandez de Castillejo, and A. Lavin Montero


The Marine Biogeochemistry of Selenium: A Re-Evaluation, Gregory A. Cutter and Kenneth W. Bruland


Trace-Elements in Ilmenite - A Way to Discriminate Provenance or Age in Coastal Sands, Dennis A. Darby


Changes in the Lower Chesapeake Bay Food-Chain in Presence of the Sea Nettle Chrysaora-quinquecirrha (Scyphomedusa), David Feigenbaum and Michael Kelly


Episodic Nutrient Supply to a Kelp Forest Ecosystem in Southern California, Richard C. Zimmerman and James N. Kremer

Submissions from 1983


Climatology of the Southeastern United States Continental Shelf Waters, Larry P. Atkinson, Thomas N. Lee, Jackson O. Blanton, and William S. Chandler


Transport and Fate of River Discharge on the Continental Shelf of the Southeastern United States, J. O. Blanton and L. P. Atkinson


A Pore Water/Solid Phase Diagenetic Model for Manganese in Marine Sediments, David J. Burdige and Joris M. Gieskes


Monitoring Defecation Activity of Infaunal Deposit Feeders, Fred C. Dobbs


Immediate Effects of a Storm on Coastal Infauna, Fred C. Dobbs and Joseph M. Vozarik


Low-Frequency Current and Temperature Variability From Gulf Stream Frontal Eddies and Atmospheric Forcing Along the Southeast U.S. Outer Continental Shelf, Thomas N. Lee and Larry P. Atkinson


Cluster Analysis of Grain Size Parameters from a Beach Ridge Complex, Cape Henry, Virginia, Amy T. Robbins and G. Richard Whittecar


Cape Romain and the Charleston Bump: Historical and Recent Hydrographic Observations, J.J. Singer, L. P. Atkinson, J. O. Blanton, and J. A. Yoder

Submissions from 1982


An Evaluation of Nutrient Sources to Onslow Bay, North Carolina, Larry P. Atkinson, Leonard J. Pietrafesa, and Eileen E. Hofmann

Submissions from 1981


Continental Shelf Processes Affecting the Oceanography of the South Atlantic Bight. Progress Report, 1 June 1980-1 June 1981, Larry P. Atkinson


Role of Gulf Stream Frontal Eddies in Forming Phytoplankton Patches on the Outer Southeastern Shelf, James A. Yoder, Larry P. Atkinson, Thomas N. Lee, Hongsuk H. Kim, and Charles R. McClain

Submissions from 1980


First Preliminary Report of the GABEX-1 Cruises: Station Logs, Standard Sections and Maps and Time Series Transects, Larry P. Atkinson, James J. Singer, and William S. Chandler


Ocean Chlorophyll Studies From a U-2 Aircraft Platform, Hongsuk H. Kim, Charles R. McClain, Lamdin R. Blaine, William D. Hart, Larry P. Atkinson, and James A. Yoder