A selection of faculty publications from the Department of Ocean & Earth Sciences, College of Sciences, Old Dominion University.


Submissions from 2006


Past Glacial and Interglacial Conditions in the Arctic Ocean and Marginal Seas - A Review, Dennis A. Darby, Leonid Polyak, and Henning A. Bauch


Red and Black Tides: Quantitative Analysis of Water-Leaving Radiance and Perceived Color for Phytoplankton, Colored Dissolved Organic Matter, and Suspended Sediments, Heidi M. Dierssen, Raphael M. Kudela, John P. Ryan, and Richard C. Zimmerman


Dynamics of Carbon Allocation in a Deep-Water Population of the Deciduous Kelp Pleurophycus gardeneri (Laminariales), Clare M. Dominik and Richard C. Zimmerman


Iron in Ice Cores From Law Dome: A Record of Atmospheric Iron Deposition for Maritime East Antarctica During the Holocene and Last Glacial Maximum, Ross Edwards, Peter N. Sedwick, Vin Morgan, and Claude Boutron


The Role of Lipids During Embryonic Development of the Euphausiids Euphausia Pacifica and Thysanoessa Spinifera, Se-Jong Ju, H. Rodger Harvey, Jaime Gómez-Gutiérrez, and William T. Peterson


Hydrographic Observations During the 2002 IOC Contaminant Baseline Survey in the Western Pacific Ocean, C. I. Measures, Greg A. Cutter, W. M. Landing, and R. T. Powell


Evaluating the Biogeochemical Cycle of Selenium in San Francisco Bay Through Modeling, Shannon L. Meseck and Gregory A. Cutter


Effects of Salinity Changes on the Photodegradation and Ultraviolet-Visible Absorbance of Terrestrial Dissolved Organic Matter, E. C. Minor, J. Pothen, B. J. Dalzell, H. Abdulla, and K. Mopper


Nitrogen Fixation and Release of Fixed Nitrogen by Trichodesmium spp. in the Gulf of Mexico, Margaret R. Mulholland, Peter W. Bernhardt, Cynthia A. Heil, Deborah A. Bronk, and Judith M. O'Neil


Western Caribbean Sea Surface Temperatures During the Late Quaternary, Matthew W. Schmidt, Maryline J. Vautravers, and Howard J. Spero


Substituting Otoliths for Chemical Analyses: Does Sagitta = Lapillus?, Nathan G. Smith and Cynthia M. Jones


Thermometric Measurements of the Molecular Sublayer at the Air-Water Interface, B. Ward


Marine and Freshwater Cyanophages in a Laurentian Great Lake: Evidence from Infectivity Assays and Molecular Analyses of g20 Genes, Steven W. Wilhelm, Matthew J. Carberry, Melanie L. Eldridge, Leo Poorvin, Matthew A. Saxton, and Martina A. Doblin


Vertical Distribution of Decapod Larvae in the Entrance of an Equatorward Facing Bay of Central Chile: Implications for Transport, Beatriz Yannicelli, Leonardo R. Castro, Arnoldo Valle-Levinson, Larry Atkinson, and Dante Figueroa

Submissions from 2005


Circulation, Mixing and the Distribution of Remineralized Nutrients, Larry P. Atkinson, John Huthnance, and Jose L. Blanco


Burial of Terrestrial Organic Matter in Marine Sediments: A Re-Assessment, David J. Burdige


Ridding Ships' Ballast Water of Microorganisms, Fred C. Dobbs and Andrew Rogerson


Chemistry of Surface Waters: Distinguishing Fine-Scale Differences in Sea Grass Habitats of Chesapeake Bay, Emmanis Dorval and Cynthia M. Jones


Do Viruses Affect Fecundity and Survival of the Copepod Acartia tonsa Dana?, Lisa A. Drake and Fred C. Dobbs


Biophysical Mechanisms of Larval Fish Ingress into Chesapeake Bay, Jonathan A. Hare, Simon Thorrold, Harvey Walsh, Christian Reiss, Arnoldo Valle-Levinson, and Cynthia Jones


The Effect of Growth Rate, Phosphorus Concentration, and Temperature on N-2 Fixation, Carbon Fixation, and Nitrogen Release in Continuous Cultures of Trichodesmium IMS101, Margaret R. Mulholland and Peter W. Bernhardt


Seasonal Variability of Near-Surface Hydrography and Frontal Features in the Northern Gulf of Alaska and Prince William Sound, Stephen R. Okkonen, David L. Cutchin, and Thomas Royer


Iron in the Sargasso Sea (Bermuda Atlantic Time-Series Study Region) During Summer: Eolian Imprint, Spatiotemporal Variability, and Ecological Implications, Peter N. Sedwick, T. M. Church, A. R. Bowie, C. M. Marsay, S. J. Ussher, K. M. Achilles, P. J. Lethaby, R. J. Johnson, M. M. Sarin, and D. J. McGillicuddy


Hydrographic and Biological Changes in the Taiwan Strait During the 1997-1998 El Niño Winter, S. Shang, C. Zhang, H. Hong, Q. Liu, G. T. F. Wong, C. Hu, and B. Huang


High-Temperature Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization for Detecting Escherichia coli in Seawater Samples, Using rRNA-Targeted Oligonucleotide Probes and Flow Cytometry, Ying Zhong Tang, Karina Yew Hoong Gin, and Tok Hoon Lim


A Unique Seasonal Pattern in Phytoplankton Biomass in Low-Latitude Waters in the South China Sea, Chun-Mao Tseng, George T. F. Wong, I.-I. Lin, C.-R. Wu, and K.-K. Liu


Variability of Sea Ice Cover in the Chukchi Sea (Western Arctic Ocean) During the Holocene, Anne de Vernal, Claude Hillaire-Marcel, and Dennis A. Darby


Absorption and Backscattering in the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas, Jian Wang, Glenn F. Cota, and David A. Ruble

Submissions from 2004


Light Dependence of Selenium Uptake by Phytoplankton and Implications for Predicting Selenium Incorporation into Food Webs, Stephen B. Baines, Nicholas S. Fisher, Martina A. Doblin, Gregory A. Cutter, Lynda S. Cutter, and Brian Cole


Relevant Scales in Zooplankton Ecology: Distribution, Feeding, and Reproduction of the Copepod Acartia Hudsonica in Response to Thin Layers of the Diatom Skeletonema Costatum, Alexander B. Bochdansky and Stephen M. Bollens


Analytical Intercomparison Between Flow Injection-Chemiluminescence and Flow Injection-Spectrophotometry for the Determination of Picomolar Concentrations of Iron in Seawater, Andrew R. Bowie, Peter N. Sedwick, and Paul J. Worsfold


Sources And Cycling of Carbonyl Sulfide in the Sargasso Sea, Gregory A. Cutter, Lynda S. Cutter, and Katherine C. Filippino


A Holocene Record of Changing Arctic Ocean Ice Drift Analogous to the Effects of the Arctic Oscillation, Dennis A. Darby and Jens F. Bischof


Transport of the Harmful Bloom Alga Aureococcus anophagefferens by Oceangoing Ships and Coastal Boats, Martina A. Doblin, Linda C. Popels, Kathryn J. Coyne, David A. Hutchins, S. Craig Cary, and Fred C. Dobbs


Interactive Regulation of Dissolved Copper Toxicity by an Estuarine Microbial Community, Christina L. Dryden, Andrew S. Gordon, and John R. Donat


Does Antarctic Krill Employ Body Shrinkage as an Overwintering Strategy?, Se-Jong Ju, H. Rodger Harvey, H. C. Shinn, Y. Kim, and S. H. Kang


Age and Growth of Scotia Sea Icefish, Chaenocephalus aceratus, From the South Shetland Islands, M. La Mesa, J. Ashford, E. Larson, and M. Vacchi


Black Carbon in Estuarine and Coastal Ocean Dissolved Organic Matter, Antonio Mannino and H. Rodger Harvey


Dinitrogen Fixation and Release of Ammonium and Dissolved Organic Nitrogen by Trichodesmium IMS101, Margaret R. Mulholland, Deborah A. Bronk, and Douglas G. Capone


Modeled and Observed Empirical Orthogonal Functions of Currents in the Yucatan Channel, Gulf of Mexico, Lie-Yauw Oey, Tal Ezer, and Wilton Sturges


Influence of Short-Term Variations in Food on Survival of Crassotrea Gigas Larvae: A Modeling Study, Eric N. Powell; Eleanor A, Bochenek; John M. Klinck; and Eileen E. Hofmann


Physical Forcing of Phytoplankton Community Structure and Primary Production in Continental Shelf Waters of the Western Antarctic Peninsula, Barbara B. Prézelin, Eileen E. Hofmann, Mark Moline, and John M. Klinck


Potential Contaminants at a Dredged Spoil Placement Site, Charles City County, Virginia, as Revealed by Sequential Extraction, Jianwu Tang, G. Richard Whittecar, Karen H. Johannesson, and W. Lee Daniels

Submissions from 2003


Academic Fleet Renewal- Two Years Later, Larry Atkinson


Observations of Cross Channel Structure of Flow in an Energetic Tidal Channel, Mario Caceres, Arnoldo Valle-Levinson, and Larry P. Atkinson


Sources of Sediment Found in Sea Ice From the Western Arctic Ocean, New Insights Into Processes of Entrainment and Drift Patterns, Dennis A. Darby

Ocean Color Remote Sensing of Seagrass and Bathymetry in the Bahamas Banks by High-Resolution Airborne Imagery, Heidi M. Dierssen, Richard C. Zimmerman, Robert A. Leathers, T. Valerie Downes, and Curtiss O. Davis


Effects of Epiphyte Load on Optical Properties and Photosynthetic Potential of the Seagrasses Thalassia Testudinum Banks ex König and Zostera Marina L, Lisa A. Drake, Fred C. Dobbs, and Richard C. Zimmerman


Demographic Assessment of the Blue Crab (Callinectes Sapidus) in Chesapeake Bay Using Extractable Lipofuscins as Age Markers, Se-Jong Ju, David H. Secor, and H. Rodger Harvey


New Evidence for Enhanced Ocean Primary Production Triggered by Tropical Cyclone, I. Lin, W. Timothy Liu, Chun-Chieh Wu, George T. F. Wong, Chuanmin Hu, Zhiqiang Chen, Wen-Der Liang, Yih Yang, and Kon-Kee Liu


The Role of Physical, Chemical, and Microbial Heterogeneity on the Field-Scale Transport and Attachment of Bacteria, Brian J. Mailloux, Mark E. Fuller, Tullis C. Onstott, James Hall, Hailiang Dong, Mary F. Deflaun, Sheryl H. Streger, Randi K. Rothmel, Maria Green, Donald J. P. Swift, and Jon Radke


Extracellular Enzyme Activity and Uptake of Carbon and Nitrogen Along an Estuarine Salinity and Nutrient Gradient, Margaret R. Mulholland, Cindy Lee, and Patricia M. Gilbert


Flow Induced by Upwelling Winds in an Equatorward Facing Bay: Gulf of Arauco, Chile, Arnoldo Valle-Levinson, Larry P. Atkinson, Dante Figueroa, and Leonardo Castro


A Biooptical Model of Irradiance Distribution and Photosynthesis in Seagrass Canopies, Richard C. Zimmerman

Submissions from 2002


Length-At-Age in Juvenile Patagonian Toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides), J. Ashford, C. Jones, S. Bobko, and I. Everson


Oceanographic Observations in Chilean Coastal Waters Between Valdivia and Concepcion, Larry P. Atkinson, Arnoldo Valle-Levinson, Dante Figueroa, Ricardo De Pol-Holz, Victor A. Gallardo, Wolfgang Schneider, Jose L. Blanco, and Mike Schmidt


Response of Anchovy (Engaulis ringens) off Northern Chile to the 1997-1999 El Niño-La Niña Sequence, José L. Blanco, Patricio Barria, Jorge Castillo, and Larry P. Atkinson


Impact of Sea Grass Density on Carbonate Dissolution in Bahamian Sediments, David J. Burdige and Richard C. Zimmerman


Arctic Ice Export Events and Their Potential Impact on Global Climate During the Late Pleistocene, Dennis A. Darby, Jens F. Bischof, Robert F. Spielhagen, Steven A. Marshall, and Stephen W. Herman


Microbial Ecology of Ballast Water During a Transoceanic Voyage and the Effects of Open-Ocean Exchange, Lisa A. Drake, Gregory M. Ruiz, Bella S. Galil, Timothy L. Mullady, Daniela O. Friedmann, and Fred C. Dobbs


Effects of Nonequilibrium Atmospheric Pressure Plasmas on the Heterotrophic Pathways of Bacteria and on their Cell Morphology, Mounir Laroussi, J. Paul Richardson, and Fred C. Dobbs


Phosphorus Dynamics in Cultures and Natural Populations of Trichodesmium spp, Margaret R. Mulholland, Sheri Floge, Edward J. Carpenter, and Douglas G. Capone


Peptide Hydrolysis, Amino Acid Oxidation, and Nitrogen Uptake in Communities Seasonally Dominated by Aureococcus Anophagefferens, Margaret R. Mulholland, Christopher J. Gobler, and Cindy Lee


Wintertime Shoreward Near-Surface Currents South of Cape Hatteras, Dana K. Savidge


Nitrate Anomaly in the Upper Nutricline in the Northern South China Sea - Evidence for Nitrogen Fixation, George T. F. Wong, Shi-Wei Chung, Fuh-Kwo Shiah, Chung-Chi Chen, Liang-Saw Wen, and Kon-Kee Liu


The Transformation of Iodate to Iodide in Marine Phytoplankton Cultures, George T. F. Wong, Ajcharaporn U. Piumsomboon, and William M. Dunstan

Submissions from 2001


Future Research Vessels, Larry P. Atkinson


Uptake of Dissolved Organic Selenides by Marine Phytoplankton, Stephen B. Baines, Nicholas S. Fisher, Martina A. Doblin, and Gregory A. Cutter


Seasonal Climatology of Hydrographic Conditions in the Upwelling Region Off Northern Chile, J. L. Blanco, A. C. Thomas, M.-E. Carr, and P. T. Strub


Control of Phytoplankton Growth by Iron Supply and Irradiance in the Subantarctic Southern Ocean: Experimental Results From the SAZ Project, P. W. Boyd, A. C. Crossley, G. R. DiTullio, F. B. Griffiths, D. A. Hutchins, B. Queguiner, Peter N. Sedwick, and T. W. Trull


Short-Term Temporal and Spatial Dynamics of Bacterioplankton near Barbados in the Caribbean Sea, Keun-Hyung Choi, Fred C. Dobbs, and Robert K. Cowen


Effects of Iron, Silicate, and Light on Dimethylsulfoniopropionate Production in the Australian Subantarctic Zone, G. R. DiTullio, P. N. Sedwick, D. R. Jones, P. W. Boyd, A. C. Crossley, and D. A. Hutchins


Iron in East Antarctic Snow: Implications for Atmospheric Iron Deposition and Algal Production in Antarctic Waters, Ross Edwards and Peter N. Sedwick


Hydrogeological Characterization of the South Oyster Bacterial Transport Site Using Geophysical Data, Susan S. Hubbard, Jinsong Chen, John Peterson, Ernest L. Majer, Kenneth H. Williams, Donald J. Swift, Brian Mailloux, and Yoram Rubin


Control of Phytoplankton Growth by Iron and Silicic Acid Availability in the Subantarctic Ocean: Experimental Results From the SAZ Project, D. A. Hutchins, Peter N. Sedwick, G. R. DiTullio, P. W. Boyd, B. Queguiner, F. B. Griffiths, and C. Crossley


Yield-Per-Recruit Analysis for Black Drum, Pogonias cromis, Along the East Coast of the United States and Management Strategies for Chesapeake Bay, Cynthia M. Jones and Brian K. Wells


Growth Rate Variability and Lipofuscin Accumulation Rates in the Blue Crab Callinectes Sapidus, Se-Jong Ju, David H. Secor, and H. Rodger Harvey


Holocene Sediment Records From the Continental Shelf of Mac. Robertson Land, East Antarctica, Peter N. Sedwick, Peter T. Harris, Lisette G. Robertson, Gary M. McMurtry, Maximilian D. Cremer, and Philip Robinson


Introduction to Special Section: SAZ Project, T. W. Trull, Peter N. Sedwick, F. B. Griffiths, and S. R. Rintoul


Dark Production: A Significant Source of Oceanic COS, M. Von Hobe, Gregory A. Cutter, A. J. Kettle, and M. O. Andreae


The Effect of Spectral Composition on the Photochemical Production of Hydrogen Peroxide in Lake Water, Andrea Y. L. Wong and George T. F. Wong


Extended Tailing of Bacteria Following Breakthrough at the Narrow Channel Focus Area, Oyster, Virginia, Pengfei Zhang, William P. Johnson, Timothy D. Scheibe, Keun-Hyung Choi, Fred C. Dobbs, and Brian J. Mailloux


Top-Down Impact Through a Bottom-Up Mechanism. In Situ Effects of Limpet Grazing on Growth, Light Requirements and Survival of the Eelgrass Zostera marina, Richard C. Zimmerman, Diana L. Steller, Donald G. Kohrs, and Randall S. Alberte

Submissions from 2000


Soapbox: The Academic Research Fleet: An Exciting Time for Renewal, Larry Atkinson


Intraspecific Variation in the Selenium Requirement of Different Geographic Strains of the Toxic Dinoflagellate Gymnodinium catenatum, Martina A. Doblin, Susan I. Blackburn, and Gustaaf M. Hallegraeff


Modifications of the C37 Alkenone and Alkenoate Composition in the Water Column and Sediment: Possible Implications for Sea Surface Temperature Estimates in Paleoceanography, Joan O. Grimalt, Jürgen Rullkötter, Marie-Alexandrine Sicre, Roger Summons, John Farrington, H. Rodger Harvey, Miguel Goñi, and Ken Sawada


Alteration Processes of Alkenones and Related Lipids in Water Columns and Sediments, H. Rodger Harvey


The Effects of Light and Nitrate Levels on the Relationship Between Nitrate Reductase Activity and (NO3-)-N-15 Uptake: Field Observations in the East China Sea, Chin-Chang Hung, George T. F. Wong, Kom-Kee Liu, Fuh-Kwo Shiah, and Gwo-Ching Gong


Inference of Tidal Elevation in Shallow Water Using a Vessel-Towed Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler, Chunyan Li, Arnoldo Valle-Levinson, Larry P. Atkinson, and Tom C. Royer


Biochemical Composition of Particles and Dissolved Organic Matter Slong an Estuarine Gradient: Sources and Implications for DOM Reactivity, Antonio Mannino and H. Rodger Harvey


The Linkage Between Upper Circumpolar Deep Water (UCDW) and Phytoplankton Assemblages on the West Antarctic Peninsula Continental Shelf, Barbara B. Prézelin, Eileen E. Hofmann, Claudia Mengelt, and John M. Klinck


Iron and Manganese in the Ross Sea, Antarctica: Seasonal Iron Limitation in Antarctic Shelf Waters, Peter N. Sedwick, Giacomo R. DiTullio, and Denis J. Mackey


Convergence of Lateral Flow Along a Coastal Plain Estuary, Arnoldo Valle-Levinson, Chunyan Li, Kuo-Chuin Wong, and Kamazima M. M. Lwiza


Fortnightly Variability in the Transverse Dynamics of a Coastal Plain Estuary, Arnoldo Valle-Levinson, Kuo-Chuin Wong, and Kamazima M. M. Lwiza


Measurements of Salinity in the Coastal Ocean: A Review of Requirements and Technologies, Catherine Woody, Eddie Shih, Jerry Miller, Thomas Royer, Larry P. Atkinson, and Richard S. Moody

Submissions from 1999


Resource Allocation and Sucrose Mobilization In Light Limited Eelgrass Zostera marina, Teresa Alcoverro, Richard C. Zimmerman, Donald G. Kohrs, and Randall S. Alberte


Continental Runoff and Effects on the North Atlantic Ocean Subtropical Mode Water, Larry P. Atkinson and Chester E. Grosch


Comparative Study of Selenium Requirements of Three Phytoplankton Species: Gymnodinium catenatum, Alexandrium minutum (Dinophyta) and Chaetoceros cf. tenuissimus (Bacillariophyta, Martina A. Doblin, Susan I. Blackburn, and Gustaaf M. Hallegraeff


Modeling the Effects of Doliolids on the Plankton Community Structure of the Southeastern US Continental Shelf, A. G. Edward Haskell, Eileen E. Hofmann, Gustav-Adolf Paffenhofer, and Peter G. Verity


Use of Extractable Lipofuscin for Age Determination of Blue Crab Callinectes Sapidus, Se-Jong Ju, David H. Secor, and H. Rodger Harvey