Submissions from 2013
Uncoupling Between Dinitrogen Fixation and Primary Productivity in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, Eyal Rahav, Barak Herut, Noga Stambler, Edo Bar-Zeev, and Margaret R. Mulholland
Fish Species Distribution in Seagrass Habitats of Chesapeake Bay Are Structured by Abiotic and Biotic Factors, Jason J. Schaffler, Jacques van Montfrans, Cynthia M. Jones, and Robert J. Orth
Arsenic and Phosphorus Biogeochemistry in the Ocean: Arsenic Species as Proxies for P-Limitation, Oliver Wurl, Louise Zimmer, and Gregory A. Cutter
Submissions from 2012
Rapid and Noncontaminating Sampling System For Trace Elements in Global Ocean Surveys, Gregory A. Cutter and Kenneth W. Bruland
Introduction to Special Section on Recent Advances in the Study of Optical Variability in the Near-Surface and Upper Ocean, T. Dickey, M. L. Banner, P. Bhandari, T. Boyd, L. Carvalho, and O. Wurl
An Introduction to Ecology of Infectious Diseases - Oysters and Estuaries, Eileen E. Hofmann and Susan E. Ford
Novel Lineages of Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus in the Global Oceans, Sijun Huang, Steven W. Wilhelm, H. Rodger Harvey, Karen Taylor, Nianzhi Jiao, and Feng Chen
δ13C Is a Signature of Light Availability and Photosynthesis in Seagrass, Xingping Hu, David J. Burdige, and Richard C. Zimmerman
Diversity, Distribution, and Expression of Diazotroph nifH Genes in Oxygen-Deficient Waters of the Arabian Sea, Amal Jayakumar, Mamoon M. D. Al-Rshadat, Bess B. Ward, and Margaret R. Mulholland
Database of Diazotrophs in Global Ocean: Abundance, Biomass, and Nitrogen Fixation Rates, Y. W. Luo, S. C. Doney, L. A. Anderson, M. Benavides, I. Berman-Frank, A. Bode, S. Bonnet, K. H. Boström, D. Böttjer, D. G. Capone, and M. R. Mulholland
Evaluation of Electrophoretic Protein Extraction and Database-Driven Protein Identification from Marine Sediments, Eli K. Moore, Brook L. Nunn, Jessica F. Faux, David R. Goodlett, and H. Rodger Harvey
Identifying and Tracking Proteins Through the Marine Water Column: Insights Into the Inputs and Preservation Mechanisms of Protein in Sediments, Eli K. Moore, Brook L. Nunn, David R. Goodlett, and H. Rodger Harvey
The Role of Larval Dispersal in Metapopulation Gene Flow: Local Population Dynamics Matter, Daphne M. Munroe, John M. Klinck, Eileen E. Hofmann, and Eric N. Powell
Impact of Abrupt Deglacial Climate Change on Tropical Atlantic Subsurface Temperatures, Matthew W. Schmidt, Ping Chang, Jennifer E. Hertzberg, Theodore R. Them II, Link Li, and Bette L. Otto-Bliesner
Solar Forcing of Florida Straits Surface Salinity During the Early Holocene, Matthew W. Schmidt, William A. Weinlein, Franco Marcantonio, and Jean Lynch-Stieglitz
Controls on Dissolved Cobalt in Surface Waters of the Sargasso Sea: Comparisons with Iron and Aluminum, R. U. Shelley, Peter N. Sedwick, T. S. Bibby, P. Cabedo-Sanz, T. M. Church, R. J. Johnson, A. I. Macey, C. M. Marsay, E. R. Sholkovitz, S. J. Ussher, P. J. Worsfold, and M. C. Lohan
The Ross Sea: In a Sea of Change, Walker O. Smith, Peter N. Sedwick, Kevin R. Arrigo, David G. Ainley, and Alejandro H. Orsi
Decorin Expression, Straw-Like Structure, and Differentiation of Human Costal Cartilage, Michael W. Stacey, Janna Grubb, Anthony Asmar, Julie Pryor, Hani Elsayed-Ali, Ali Beskok, Diganta Dutta, Annie Fecteau, Alice Werner, Dennis A. Darby, and Robert Kelly
Glacial Shortcut of Arctic Sea-Ice Transport, Michael Stärz, Xun Gong, Rüdiger Stein, Dennis A. Darby, Frank Kauker, and Gerrit Lohmann
Deglacial Variability of Antarctic Intermediate Water Penetration into the North Atlantic from Authigenic Neodymium Isotope Ratios, Ruifang C. Xie, Franco Marcantonio, and Matthew W. Schmidt
High Resolution Determination of Nanomolar Concentrations of Dissolved Reactive Phosphate in Ocean Surface Waters Using Long Path Liquid Waveguide Capillary Cells (LWCC) and Spectrometric Detection, Louise A. Zimmer and Gregory A. Cutter
Submissions from 2011
Iron Limitation of a Springtime Bacterial and Phytoplankton Community in the Ross Sea: Implications for Vitamin B12 Nutrition, Erin M. Bertrand, Mak A. Saito, Peter A. Lee, Robert B. Dunbar, Peter N. Sedwick, and Giacomo R. DiTullio
Cascading Migrations and Implications for Vertical Fluxes in Pelagic Ecosystems, Stephen M. Bollens, Gretchen Rollwagen-Bollens, Joel A. Quenette, and Alexander B. Bochdansky
Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane and the Stoichiometry of Remineralization Processes in Continental Margin Sediments, David J. Burdige and Tomoko Kamada
Modern Dirty Sea Ice Characteristics and Sources: The Role of Anchor Ice, Dennis A. Darby, Wesley B. Myers, Martin Jakobsson, and Ignatius Rigor
Lithospheric Control on the Spatial Pattern of Azores Hotspot Seafloor Anomalies: Constraints from a Model of Plume-Triple Junction Interaction, Jennifer E. Georgen
Draft Genome Sequence of Strain HIMB100, a Cultured Representative of the SAR116 Clade of Marine Alphaproteobacteria, Jana Grote, Cansu Bayindirli, Kristin Bergauer, Paula C. de Moraes, Huan Chen, Lindsay D'Ambrosio, Bethany Edwards, Beatriz Fernandez-Gomez, Mariam Hamisi, Dan Nguyen, Yoshimi M. Rii, Emily Saeck, Charles Schutte, and Brittany Widner
Evidence from the Florida Straits for Younger Dryas Ocean Circulation Changes, Jean Lynch-Stieglitz, Matthew W. Schmidt, and William B. Curry
Abundance of Eukaryotic Microbes in the Deep Subtropical North Atlantic, Danielle Morgan-Smith, Gerhard J. Herndl, Hendrik M. van Aken, and Alexander B. Bochdansky
Use of SARIMA Models to Assess Data-Poor Fisheries: A Case Study With A Sciaenid Fishery Off Portugal, Nuno Prista, Norou Diawara, Maria J. Costa, and Cynthia M. Jones
Florida Straits Deglacial Temperature and Salinity Change: Implications for Tropical Hydrologic Cycle Variability During the Younger Dryas, Matthew W. Schmidt and Jean Lynch-Stieglitz
Meridional Shifts in the Marine ITCZ and the Tropical Hydrologic Cycle Over the Last Three Glacial Cycles, Matthew W. Schmidt and Howard J. Spero
Early Season Depletion of Dissolved Iron in the Ross Sea Polynya: Implications for Iron Dynamics on the Antarctic Continental Shelf, Peter N. Sedwick, C. M. Marsay, B. M. Sohst, A. M. Aguilar-Islas, M. C. Lohan, M. C. Long, K. R. Arrigo, R. B. Dunbar, M. A. Saito, W. O. Smith, and G. R. DiTullio
Characterization of Putative Iron Responsive Genes as Species-Specific Indicators of Iron Stress in Thalassiosiroid Diatoms, LeAnn P. Whitney, Jeremy J. Lins, Margaret P. Hughes, Mark L. Wells, and P. Dreux Chappell
Production and Fate of Transparent Exopolymer Particles in the Ocean, Oliver Wurl, Lisa Miller, and Svein Vagle
Submissions from 2010
Effect of the Heterotrophic Dinoflagellate Oxyrrhis Marina and the Copepod Acartia Tonsa on Vertical Carbon Flux in and Around Thin Layers of the Phytoflagellate Isochrysis Galbana, A. B. Bochdansky, S. M. Bollens, G. C. Rollwagen-Bollens, and A. H. Gibson
Role of Macroscopic Particles in Deep-Sea Oxygen Consumption, Alexander B. Bochdansky, Hendrik M. Van Aken, and Gerhard J. Herndl
Effluent Organic Nitrogen (EON): Bioavailability and Photochemical and Salinity-Mediated Release, Deborah A. Bronk, Quinn N. Roberts, Marta P. Sanderson, Elizabeth A. Canuel, Patrick G. Hatcher, Rajaa Mesfioui, Katherine C. Filippino, Margaret R. Mulholland, and Nancy G. Love
The Widespread Occurrence of Coupled Carbonate Dissolution/Reprecipitation in Surface Sediments on the Bahamas Bank, David J. Burdige, Xinping Hu, and Richard C. Zimmerman
Benthic Ecology From Space: Optics and Net Primary Production in Seagrass and Benthic Algae Across the Great Bahama Bank, Heidi M. Dierssen, Richard C. Zimmerman, Lisa A. Drake, and David J. Burdige
Theory of Island Biogeography on a Microscopic Scale: Organic Aggregates as Islands for Aquatic Pathogens, M. M. Lyons, J. E. Ward, Holly Gaff, R. E. Hicks, J. M. Drake, and Fred C. Dobbs
The Path to Preservation: Using Proteomics to Decipher the Fate of Diatom Proteins During Microbial Degradation, Brook L. Nunn, Ying S. Ting, Lars Malmström, Yihsuan S. Tsai, Angela Aquier, David R. Goodlett, and H. Rodger Harvey
Modeling the Vertical Distributions of Downwelling Plane Irradiance and Diffuse Attenuation Coefficient in Optically Deep Waters, X. J. Pan and Richard C. Zimmerman
Turbulent Mixing in a Strongly Forced Salt Wedge Estuary, David K. Ralston, W. Rockwell Geyer, James A. Lerczak, and Malcolm Scully
Operation and Application of a Regional High-Frequency Radar Network in the Mid-Atlantic Bight, Hugh Roarty, Scott Glenn, Josh Kohut, Donglai Gong, Ethan Handel, Erick Rivera, Teresa Garner, Larry Atkinson, Wendell Brown, Chris Jakubiak, Mike Muglia, Sara Haines, and Harvey Seim
A Seasonal Study of Dissolved Cobalt in the Ross Sea, Antarctica: Micronutrient Behavior, Absence of Scavenging, and Relationships with Zd, Cd, and P., M. A. Saito, T. J. Goepfert, A. E. Noble, E. M. Bertrand, Peter N. Sedwick, and Giacomo R. DiTullio
Determination of Total Dissolved Cobalt in UV-Irradiated Seawater Using Flow Injection with Chemiluminescence Detection, Rachel U. Shelley, Bernhard Zachhuber, Peter N. Sedwick, Paul J. Worsfold, and Maeve C. Lohan
On the Fractional Solubillity of Copper in Marine Aerosols: Toxicity of Aeolian Copper Revisited, Edward R. Sholkovitz, Peter N. Sedwick, and Thomas M. Church
Variations in Synechococcus Cell Quotas of Phosphorus, Sulfur, Manganese, Iron, Nickel, and Zinc within Mesoscale Eddies in the Sargasso Sea, Benjamin S. Twining, Daliangelis Nunez-Milland, Stefan Vogt, Rodney S. Johnson, and Peter N. Sedwick
Causes of Tropical Atlantic Paleo-Salinity Variation During Periods of Reduced AMOC, Xiuquan Wan, Ping Chang, and Matthew W. Schmidt
Clay Mineral Cycles Identified by Diffuse Spectral Reflectance in Quaternary Sediments From the Northwind Ridge: Implications for Glacial-Interglacial Sedimentation Patterns in the Arctic Ocean, Lyanne N. Yurco, Joseph D. Ortiz, Leonid Polyak, Dennis A. Darby, and Kevin A. Crawford
Submissions from 2009
A Robust, Multisite Holocene History of Drift Ice off Northern Iceland: Implications for North Atlantic Climate, John T. Andrews, Dennis A. Darby, Dennis Eberle, Anne E. Jennings, Matthias Moros, and Astrid Ogilvie
Thin Layer Formation During Runaway Stratification in the Tidally Dynamic San Francisco Estuary, Alexander B. Bochdansky and Stephen M. Bollens
Geobiology: Evidence for Early Life on Earth and the Search for Life on Other Planets, Sherry L. Cady and Nora Noffke
Anthropogenic Osmium in Rain and Snow Reveals Global-Scale Atmospheric Contamination, Cynthia Chen, Peter N. Sedwick, and Mukul Sharma
Optics and Remote Sensing of Bahamian Carbonate Sediment Whitings and Potential Relationship to Wind-Driven Langmuir Circulation, H. M. Dierssen, Richard C. Zimmerman, and David J. Burdige
Potential Export of Unattached Benthic Macroalgae to the Deep Sea Through Wind Driven Langmuir Circulation, H. M. Dierssen, Richard C. Zimmerman, Lisa A. Drake, and David J. Burdige
Influence of Irradiance and Iron on the Growth of Colonial Phaeocystic antarctica: Implications for Seasonal Bloom Dynamics in the Ross Sea, Antarctica, Nathan S. Garcia, Peter N. Sedwick, and Giacomo R. DiTullio
Profiles of Ocean surface Heating (POSH): A New Model of Upper Ocean Diurnal Warming, Chelle L. Gentemann, Peter J. Minnett, and Brian Ward
Nutrient Cycles and Marine Microbes in a CO2-Enriched Ocean, David A. Hutchins, Margaret R. Mulholland, and Feixue Fu
Cross-Basin Comparison of Phosphorus Stress and Nitrogen Fixation in Trichodesmium, Annette M. Hynes, P. Dreux Chappell, Sonya T. Dyhrman, Scott C. Doney, and Eric A. Webb
Effects of Non-Equilibrium Plasma on Eukaryotic Cells (Final Report: Grant FA9550-06-1-0004), Mounir Laroussi, Fred C. Dobbs, and Old Dominion University
Peptide Hydrolysis and the Uptake of Dipeptides by Phytoplankton, Margaret R. Mulholland and Cindy Lee
Early Neoproterozoic Origin of the Metazoan Clade Recorded in Carbonate Rock Texture: REPLY, Fritz Neuweiler, Elizabeth C. Turner, and David J. Burdige
Synergistic Effects of Iron and Temperature on Antarctic Phytoplankton and Microzooplankton Assemblages, J. M. Rose, Y. Feng, G. R. DiTullio, R. B. Dunbar, C. E. Hare, P. A. Lee, M. Lohan, M. Long, W. O. Smith Jr., B. Sohst, S. Tozzi, Y. Zhang, and D. A. Hutchins
Patterns of Larval Atlantic Croaker Ingress into Chesapeake Bay, USA, Jason J. Schaffler, Christian S. Reiss, and Cynthia M. Jones
Spatial Variation in Otolith Chemistry of Atlantic Croaker Larvae in the Mid-Atlantic Bight, Jason J. Schaffler, Christian S. Reiss, and Cynthia M. Jones
CIRENE Air-Sea Interactions in the Seychelles-Chagos Thermocline Ridge Region, J. Vialard, J. P. Duvel, M. J. McPhaden, P. Bouruet-Aubertot, B. Ward, E. Key, D. Bourras, R. Weller, P. Minnett, and A. Weil
On the Interpretation of Caribbean Paleo-Temperature Reconstructions During the Younger Dryas, Xiuquan Wan, Ping Chang, R. Saravanan, Rong Zhang, and Matthew W. Schmidt
Submissions from 2008
Food Limitation in Larval Fish: Ontogenetic Variation in Feeding Scope and Its Potential Effect on Survival, Alexander B. Bochdansky, Peter Grønkjær, Pierre Pepin, and William C. Leggett
Rates of Carbonate Dissolution in Permeable Sediments Estimated From Porewater Profiles: The Role of Sea Grasses, David J. Burdige, Richard C. Zimmerman, and Xinping Hu
Radiocarbon Evidence for the Importance of Surface Vegetation on Fermentation and Methanogenesis in Contrasting Types of Boreal Peatlands, J. P. Chanton, P. H. Glaser, L. S. Chasar, David J. Burdige, M. E. Hines, D. I. Seigel, L. B. Tremblay, and W. T. Cooper
Arctic Perennial Ice Cover Over the Last 14 Million Years, Dennis A. Darby
Ice-Rafted Detritus Events in the Arctic During the Last Glacial Interval, and the Timing of the Innuitian and Laurentide Ice Sheet Calving Events, Dennis A. Darby and Paula Zimmerman
Ship Ballast Tanks: How Microbes Travel The World, Fred C. Dobbs
Interactions Between Changing pCO2, N2 Fixation, and Fe Limitation in the Marine Unicellular Cyanobacterium Crocosphaera, Fei-Xue Fu, Margaret R. Mulholland, Nathan S. Garcia, Aaron Beck, Mark E. Warner, Sergio A. Sañudo, and David A. Hutchins
The Use of Extractable Lipofuscin for Age Determination of Crustaceans: Reply to Sheehy (2008), H. Rodger Harvey, David H. Secor, and Se-Jong Ju
Impacts of Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Material on Surface Ocean Heating in the Chukchi Sea, Victoria J. Hill
Shallow Marine Carbonate Dissolution and Early Diagenesis-Implications from an Incubation Study, Xinping Hu and David J. Burdige
Transverse Structure of Wind-Driven Flow at the Entrance to an Estuary: Nansemond River, Diego A. Narváez and Arnoldo Valle-Levinson
Turbulent Lifestyle: Microbial Mats on Earth’s Sandy Beaches—Today and 3 Billion Years Ago, Nora Noffke
Forcing and Dynamics of Seafloor-Water Column Exchange on a Broad Continental Shelf, William B. Savidge, Ann Gargett, Richard A. Jahnke, James R. Nelson, Dana K. Savidge, R. Timothy Short, and George Voulgaris
Sublethal and Killing Effects of Atmospheric-Pressure, Nonthermal Plasma on Eukaryotic Microalgae in Aqueous Media, Ying Zhong Tang, Xin Pei Lu, Mounir Laroussi, and Fred C. Dobbs
CO2 Sensitivity of Southern Ocean Phytoplankton, Philippe D. Tortell, Christopher D. Payne, Yingyu Li, Scarlett Trimborn, Bjorn Rost, Walker O. Smith, Christina Riesselman, Robert B. Dunbar, Peter Sedwick, and Giacomo R. DiTullio
A Tribute to Peter George Brewer in Celebration of His 65th Birthday, George T. F. Wong, Robert F. Anderson, Michael P. Bacon, Hein J. W. de Baar, James W. Murray, and Mary I. Scranton
Submissions from 2007
Otolith Chemistry Reflects Frontal Systems in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, J. R. Ashford, A. I. Arkhipkin, and C. M. Jones
Grazing Impacts of Diverse Zooplankton Taxa on Thin Layers, Alexander Bochdansky
Apres le Deluge: Microbial Landscape of New Orleans After the Hurricanes, Fred C. Dobbs
CO2 Control of Trichodesmium N-2 Fixation, Photosynthesis, Growth rates, and Elemental Ratios: Implications for Past, Present, and Future Ocean Biogeochemistry, D. A. Hutchins, F.-X. Fu, Y. Zhang, M. E. Warner, Y. Feng, K. Portune, P. W. Bernhardt, and M. R. Mulholland
Light environment and Seasonal Dynamics of Microalgae in the Annual Sea Ice at Terra Nova Bay, Ross Sea, Antarctica, L. Lazzara, I. Nardello, C. Ermanni, O. Mangoni, and V. Saggiomo
The Fate of Nitrogren Fixed by Diazotrophs in the Ocean, Margaret R. Mulholland
Response of Eelgrass Zostera marina to CO2 Enrichment: Possible Impacts of Climate Change and Potential for Remediation of Coastal Habitats, Sherry L. Palacios and Richard C. Zimmerman
Simulations of Phytoplankton Species and Carbon Production in the Equatorial Pacific Ocean 1. Model Configuration and Ecosystem Dynamics, Baris Salihoglu and Eileen E. Hofmann
Impact of Anthropogenic Combustion Emissions on The Fractional Solubility of Aeroosol Iron: Evidence From The Sargasso Sea, Peter N. Sedwick, Edward R. Sholkovitz, and Thomas M. Church
Green Autofluorescence in Dinoflagellates, Diatoms, and Other Microalgae and its Implications for Vital Staining and Morphological Studies, Ying Zhong Tang and Fred C. Dobbs
Application of MALDIs-MS to Identification of Phytoplankton in Ballast Water, Dana Woodruff, Karen L. Wahl, Nancy B. Valentine, and Fred Dobbs
Submissions from 2006
Biogeochemistry of Arsenic and Antimony in the North Pacific Ocean, Gregory A. Cutter and Lynda S. Cutter
Past Glacial and Interglacial Conditions in the Arctic Ocean and Marginal Seas - A Review, Dennis A. Darby, Leonid Polyak, and Henning A. Bauch
Red and Black Tides: Quantitative Analysis of Water-Leaving Radiance and Perceived Color for Phytoplankton, Colored Dissolved Organic Matter, and Suspended Sediments, Heidi M. Dierssen, Raphael M. Kudela, John P. Ryan, and Richard C. Zimmerman
Dynamics of Carbon Allocation in a Deep-Water Population of the Deciduous Kelp Pleurophycus gardeneri (Laminariales), Clare M. Dominik and Richard C. Zimmerman