Assessing Deeper Learning: Developing, Implementing, and Scoring Performance Tasks
2019Douglas G. Wren and Christopher R. Gareis
Deeper learning has been defined as “the skills and knowledge that students must possess to succeed in 21st century jobs and civic life” (William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, 2013). Assessing Deeper Learning: Developing, Implementing, and Scoring Performance Tasks examines the role of performance assessment to facilitate student attainment of the core competencies of deeper learning. The book details a journey that a large school district undertook to create a system of performance tasks designed to assess students’ proficiency in critical thinking, problem solving, and effective communication. Chapters devoted to the development and implementation of the district’s high-quality performance tasks and rubrics highlight successes and lessons learned during the journey. Additional chapters focus on such topics as types of performance assessments, instructional methods that promote student engagement and deeper learning, policy, and how teacher leaders can drive this innovation to serve the teaching, learning, assessment, and accountability needs of schools. Assessing Deeper Learning: Developing, Implementing, and Scoring Performance Tasks was written for teachers, administrators, superintendents, and policy makers to better understand the challenges and opportunities afforded by using performance assessment to promote deeper learning. [From Amazon.com]
Research-Based Instructional Practices of Effective Principals
2018C. Steven Bingham (Editor), Paula Egelson (Editor), and Karen Sanzo (Editor)
Extant literature on evidence-based instructional strategies mediated by elementary and secondary school leaders is surprisingly scant. Seeking to fill the gap, the editors of this book have curated the research and craft knowledge of eminent and emergent practitioner scholars who collectively provide a starting place for aspiring and practicing principals.
Each author builds on research-based instructional practice in schools and districts in which they have worked, either as principals or as school-university or service-provider partners. They provide examples, action plans, frameworks, lessons learned, and strategies to successfully develop and implement research-based instruction and supporting structures in schools and classrooms. … [Amazon.com]
Conducting Effective and Productive Psychoeducational and Therapy Groups: A Guide for Beginning Group Leaders
2018Nina W. Brown
Conducting Effective and Productive Psychoeducational and Therapy Groups offers a four-part structure designed to prepare future and beginning group leaders for the challenges that lie ahead: Getting Started, Encouraging Productivity, Troubleshooting/Problem Solving, and Closures. Along the way, readers will find practical, step-by-step instructions and guidance; activities to promote involvement, growth, and self-understanding; as well as processes and procedures to prevent and resolve difficult behaviors. Also included are 40+ activities, a typology of difficult member profiles, strategies to increase leader effectiveness, and a chapter on toxicity among groups as well as group members. [From the publisher]]
Psychoeducational Groups: Process and Practice (Fourth Edition)
2018Nina W. Brown
With this 4th edition, Psychoeducational Groups remains the only comprehensive, user-friendly guide to planning, implementing, facilitating, and evaluating psychoeducational groups. The 4th edition expands the discussions about group leaders’ knowledge base, self-development, and techniques; best practices for group facilitation; and effective uses for group therapeutic factors. Substantial new material includes templates, scripts, and sample forms; suggestions for leader interventions for group and individual issues and difficulties; a social media policy; and the effectiveness of manualized and cyber/virtual groups. [From Amazon.com]
Diabetes and Keeping Fit For Dummies
2018Sheri R. Colberg
Nearly one in 11 people in the United States are affected by diabetes, a staggering number with both personal and social costs. If you’re one of these millions of people with diabetes or prediabetes, the American Diabetes Association recommends two types of physical activity as primary components of your self-care: aerobic exercise and strength training. Featuring everything from a starter walking plan to strength and resistance training plans, Diabetes & Keeping Fit For Dummies offers all the guidance and step-by-step instruction you need to make exercise a priority in your diabetes management.
Exercise improves fitness, increases insulin sensitivity, maintains bone health, helps in weight management, and improves sleep patterns. Who can’t benefit from those things? This informative, down-to-earth guide shows you how to incorporate exercise into your routine, even if you haven’t been in a gym since high school. [Frpm Amazon.com]
Black Women College Students: A Guide to Student Success in Higher Education
2018Felicia Commodore, Dominique J. Baker, and Andrew T. Arroyo
The latest book in the Key Issues on Diverse College Students series explores the state of Black women students in higher education. Delineating key issues, proposing an original student success model, and describing what institutions can do to better support this group, this important book provides a succinct but comprehensive exploration of this underrepresented and often neglected population on college campuses. Full of practical recommendations for working across academic and student affairs, this is a useful guide for administrators, faculty, and practitioners interested in creating pathways for Black female college student success. Whether this book is read cover to cover or used as a resource manual, the pages contain critical insights that should be taken into serious consideration wherever Black women college students are concerned. [From Amazon.com]
Education Reimagined: Leading Systemwide Change with the ISTE Standards
2018Helen Crompton
Educational leaders play a central role in developing a culture of change and providing the conditions for innovation in schools, and that role varies by job title. District leaders make changes across multiple schools, principals lead change across their schools and teacher leaders guide change within and across grade levels. But no matter the role, a framework that identifies the knowledge and behaviors required for leaders to make student learning possible and for teachers to be empowered is a necessity. The ISTE Standards for Education Leaders offer a concrete framework to help leaders set goals and provide a vision for transformative systems change within educational institutions. The ISTE Standards for Educators and the ISTE Standards for Students are also used by leaders to provide holistic change with a shared vision and direction for all. Education Reimagined provides aspiring and established leaders an on-ramp for using the ISTE Standards to guide change in their educational systems. This booklet contains examples showing how those in specific leadership roles can use the ISTE Standards in their work; reflection questions applicable to all leadership roles; vignettes demonstrating how a variety of leaders in a diverse range of schools have embraced the ISTE Standards for Education Leaders; an explanation of other frameworks and standards that connect with and complement the ISTE Standards for Education Leaders and a crosswalk between the ISTE Essential Conditions and the ISTE Standards for Education Leaders. [Amazon.com]
Mobile Learning and Higher Education: Challenges in Context
2018Helen Crompton (Editor) and John Traxler (Editor)
Mobile Learning and Higher Education provides case studies of mobile learning in higher education settings to showcase how devices can transform learning at the undergraduate and graduate levels. With the rapid diffusion of networked technologies among the adult populations of many countries and the supersession of the once-ubiquitous lecture approach with active learner-centered teaching for deep understanding, mobile devices are increasingly used in higher education classrooms to offer unique and effective new approaches to teaching and learning. A cutting-edge research volume, this collection also provides a springboard for building better practices in higher education institutions. [From Amazon.com]
Creative Investigations in Early Art
2018Angela Eckhoff
While the visual and performing arts are powerful curricular companions to early STEM experiences, educators may not have the tools and resources to introduce art beyond painting and drawing. Creative Investigations in Early Art provides them with an inquisitive, explorative approach to boost young learners, creativity and critical-thinking, communication, and problem-solving skills through artistic expression. … [Amazon.com]
Creative Investigations in Early Engineering and Technology
2018Angela Eckhoff
Early childhood teachers continue to seek activities that promote STEM-based learning. But most STEM books focus on science and math, excluding technology and engineering. Creative Investigations in Early Engineering and Technology helps teachers create a more well-rounded STEM learning program. … [From Amazon.com]
Creative Investigations in Early Science
2018Angela Eckhoff
Young children are born scientists with an innate desire to analyze and investigate the world around them. Creative Investigations in Early Science helps educators expand and encourage young learners inquisitive nature as they explore the physical, life, and earth sciences. [From Amazon.com]
Counseling & Helping Skills: Critical Techniques to Becoming a Counselor
2018Edward Neukrug
Counseling and Helping Skills: Critical Techniques to Becoming a Counselor provides counselors and other helping professionals with a complete guide to developing the skills and competencies necessary to support a diverse spectrum of clients.
The text is divided into two sections. Part I begins with a chapter that describes nine characteristics of an effective counselor and then moves on to chapters that examine foundational, essential, and commonly used skills. Some skills discussed include nonverbal behaviors, forming an equal relationship, non-pathologizing, honoring and respecting clients, listening, empathy, affirmation giving, offering alternatives, self-disclosure, modeling, collaboration, and more. A separate chapter on information-gathering and solution-focused questions is provided next. Part I concludes with a chapter on specialized skills such as advocacy, assessment for lethality, confrontation, cognitive-behavioral responses, interpretation, positive counseling, life-coaching, and crisis, trauma, and disaster counseling. … [From Amazon.com]
Group Therapy
2017Nina W. Brown
This book presents the basic knowledge needed for becoming an effective group leader, a rationale and guide for the group leader’s personal development, descriptions and examples for different types of groups that used in varying settings for a range of target audiences, and suggested skills and techniques to facilitate groups. Each chapter focuses on a major portion for the art and science of group leadership as the basic premises underlying this presentation are that there are subjects and topics that emerged from research as supportive of specific topics related to groups and group leaders, such as group developmental stages, and other topics that are more abstract and complex because these also need and rely on the inner resources and development of the group leader, such as group process commentary. The art factors provide the group leader with the expertise and knowledge for deciding when and how to intervene, helping to assist when members or the group become stuck, using the material generated in the here and now, facing the challenges of difficult members and difficult groups, constructive use of emotional intensity, conflict, and prevention of the negative impact of the leader’s counter transference on members and/or on the group. Covered are becoming a group leader, group dynamics and therapeutic factors, cultural and diversity factors, ethics, professional standards and legal concerns, effective use of developmental group stages, general guidelines for planning and implementing groups, group facilitation skills, the group leader’s personal development, strategies for building a therapeutic self, group challenges, difficulties and interventions: member level, and group level challenges and interventions. [From Amazon.com]
Counselor Self-Care
2017Gerald Corey, Michelle Muratori, Jude T. Austin, and Julius A. Austin
Self-care is critical for effective and ethical counseling practice and this inspirational book offers diverse, realistic perspectives on how to achieve work–life balance and personal wellness from graduate school through retirement. In addition to the authors’ unique perspectives as professionals at different stages of their careers, guest contributors—ranging from graduate students, to new professionals, to seasoned counselors—share their experiences and thoughts about self-care, including what challenges them most. Both personal and conversational in tone, this book will help you to create your own practical self-care action plan through reflection on important issues, such as managing stress, establishing personal and professional boundaries, enhancing relationships, and finding meaning in life.
ISTE Standards for Educators: A Guide for Teachers and Other Professionals
2017Helen Crompton
This guide is your go-to resource for understanding, preparing for and adopting the ISTE Standards for Educators. It provides a deeper look at the Educator Standards, advice on getting started with implementing the standards, and profiles and tips for adopting the standards by role. This booklet includes: the ISTE Standards for Educators with concept definitions and testimonials, analysis of how the Educator Standards connect to other standards and frameworks, reflective questions and tips for implementing specific competencies within the standards and profiles by job role identifying tips and approaches to adopting the standards. [From the publisher]
Organizational Behavior for School Leadership: Leveraging Your School for Success
2017Leslie S. Kaplan and William A. Owings
Organizational Behavior for School Leadership provides a theoretical and practical framework to help emerging leaders build the mental models they need to be effective. Presenting traditional, modern, and contemporary perspectives, each chapter offers opportunities for readers to reflect on the ideas and apply their leadership perspective and skills to their own work settings. In this way, this important book helps graduate students in educational leadership understand organizational situations and circumstances, an essential step in making appropriate decisions about people, school operations, and the community that generate improved student and teacher outcomes. [From the publisher]
Multicultural Education of Children and Adolescents
2017M. Lee Manning, Leroy G. Baruth, and G. Lea Lee
Multicultural Education of Children and Adolescents explores the foundations of diversity through cultural portraits of young people from a variety of backgrounds, and provides practical strategies for shaping and implementing a multicultural curriculum. In Part I, the authors introduce multicultural education as a concept and document the increasing cultural diversity of the United States. The text describes, in Part II, various cultural groups―including African, American Indian, and Hispanic cultures―to help pre-service teachers better understand the backgrounds of diverse learners. Part III focuses on topics that educators should consider when planning and implementing programs that teach acceptance and respect for cultural diversity. Through this series of applied chapters, teacher candidates will learn to use the most effective instructional practices with diverse learners, and to work successfully with families, school personnel, and administrators to implement a multicultural program. … [Amazon.com]
20 Formative Assessment Strategies that Work: A Guide Across Content and Grade Levels
2017Kate Wolfe Maxlow and Karen L. Sanzo
This book provides teachers and school leaders with practical, effective, and proven assessment strategies that are immediately implementable in classrooms. You’ll learn about 20 high-impact formative assessment strategies, with details on how they can be applied to a variety of content areas and grade levels, including mathematics, science, language arts, social studies, and various electives. In this accessible book, these experienced authors demonstrate the how and why, along with a framework for folding these new ideas into job-embedded professional development. 20 Formative Assessment Strategies that Work provides the full toolkit for implementing, managing, and modifying these assessment strategies in your school and classrooms today. [Amazon.com]
Dictionary of Counseling and Human Services
2017Edward Neukrug, Mike Kalkbrenner, and Kevin Snow
The Dictionary of Counseling and Human Services offers professionals and others interested in the helping professions common definitions of close to 3,000 major words and terms used by a wide variety of mental health professionals. In addition, the book provides a focused study tool for human service professionals and counselors who are studying for credentialing exams (e.g., comps, NCC, HS-BCP). Using a coding system, the book distinguishes words and terms most likely used by human service professionals from those used by counselors and ranks them based on the likelihood that they will be asked on a credentialing exam. We think you will find the book a useful resource as you delve further into the fields of counseling and human services. [From Amazon.com]
Counseling Theory and Practice (2nd Edition)
2017Edward S. Neukrug
Developed for helping professionals, Counseling Theory and Practice explains what it means to be an effective helper, discusses foundations of classic counseling and psychotherapy theories, provides an overview of emerging theories, and gives students the opportunity to develop their own approaches to counseling and psychotherapy practice.
The book is organized into four primary sections, each addressing theoretical schools. Section 1 explores psychodynamic approaches, including psychoanalysis, Jungian therapy, and Adlerian therapy. Section 2 is devoted to existential-humanistic approaches such as existential therapy, Gestalt therapy, and person-centered counseling, while Section 3 discusses cognitive-behavioral approaches, including behavior therapy, cognitive behavior therapy, rational-emotive behavior therapy, and reality therapy. Section 4 describes post-modern therapies and examines the relatively new approaches of narrative therapy, solution-focused brief therapy, and relational cultural therapy, a form of feminist therapy. The final chapter explores a number of more recent and emerging theories. [Amazon.com]
Theory, Practice, and Trends in Human Services: An Introduction
2017Edward S. Neukrug
This easy-to-understand text addresses critical topics in human services to provide you with a comprehensive overview of the field. You'll learn about professional issues and major theories related to human service work as well as about how to work with varying client populations and become a culturally competent helper. Major content areas include professional issues, standards in the profession (skill standards, ethics, accreditation, and credentialing), history, counseling theory, helping skills, human development, group and family counseling, community systems, consultation and supervision, and research, testing, and evaluation. The last chapter (on career development) gives you an opportunity to examine whether human services is the right field for you and helps you understand the career counseling process. The book is further distinguished by its experiential emphasis, unique use of personal vignettes, and focus on the development of the helper. [From Amazon.com]
The Oxford Handbook of Aphasia and Language Disorders
2017Anastasia M. Raymer (Editor) and Leslie J. Gonzalez Rothi (Editor)
What is immediately clear when meeting individuals with acquired brain damage is that the patterns of communication impairments vary in remarkable ways among these individuals. Aphasia and related communication disorders, while devastating life events for individuals who acquire brain damage, provide lessons of considerable interest to many clinicians and researchers trying to understand the brain's neurological and psychological complexity and develop methods to facilitate optimum recovery of lost language and communication functions following brain damage. The Oxford Handbook of Aphasia and Language Disorders weaves theoretical and neurological foundations with rational, motivated clinical approaches to assessment, diagnosis, and intervention for aphasia and related communication disorders. The contributing authors, experienced clinicians and scientists with strong backgrounds in neurological and cognitive neuropsychological theories, bridge theory to clinical practice, reviewing the extant literature in each aphasia syndrome while exploring implications for guiding clinical decision-making. … [From Amazon.com]
Nutrition for Health, Fitness, and Sport
2017Melvin H. Williams, Eric S. Rawson, and J. David Branch
Nutrition for Health, Fitness & Sport, now in its Eleventh edition, provides the reader with thorough coverage of the role nutrition plays in enhancing one’s health, fitness, and sport performance. Current research and practical activities are incorporated throughout… [From Amazon.com]
Postmodern Career Counseling: A Handbook of Culture, Context, and Cases
2016Louis A. Busacca (Editor) and Mark C. Rehfuss (Editor)
This practiced-based handbook describes postmodern career counseling models and methods designed to meet clients’ diverse needs in today’s challenging work environment. Readers will gain a solid understanding of the theoretical underpinnings of postmodern career counseling and learn practical approaches to counseling clients of various ages and backgrounds on occupational choice and other issues, such as coping with developmental tasks, career transitions, and work traumas.
Drawing directly from their experiences with clients, career counseling experts link theory to practice in 17 application chapters that demonstrate the process of postmodern career assessment and intervention embedded in culture and context. Multicultural case vignettes and a “Practical Application Guide” in each of these chapters facilitate classroom learning and discussion. [Amazon.com]
Guide to Studying Spanish in Spain: Everything You Need to Know to Experience Studying Spanish in Spain
2016Sharon Judge
Have you always dreamed of studying Spanish in Spain but found you didn’t know where to go, what school to choose, or what courses to take? ? Do you have a teenager who wants to spend a gap year or summer studying Spanish in Spain? This up-to-date guide will help you decide whether, where, and how to choose the city you wish to study in, as well as the school, the specific course, the type of accommodations, and other aspects of your trip. You’ll be able to avoid some pitfalls and cope with others, giving you the confidence you need to select the best Spanish school in Spain. [From Amazon.com]
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