Theses and dissertations published by graduate students in the Graduate Program in International Studies, College of Arts & Letters, Old Dominion University, since Fall 2016 are available in this collection. Backfiles of all dissertations (and some theses) have also been added.
In late Fall 2024, all theses will be digitized and available here. In the meantime, consult the Library Catalog to find older items in print.
Theses/Dissertations from 1995
Thesis: The Entry of the People's Republic of China Into the Korean War, Yueliang Shen
Thesis: Czechoslovakia's "Velvet Divorce" Ethnicity in the Post-Cold War World, Jonathan Robert Wert
Theses/Dissertations from 1994
Thesis: The Atlantic Conference at Argentia (9-12 August 1941) The Anglo-American Agreement on the Defeat of Nazi Germany, John Michael Sweeney
Theses/Dissertations from 1993
Thesis: Iranian Foreign Policy Shedding the Pariah Image, Joseph Edward Gleason Jr.
Thesis: The Impractical Ideal Costa Rica, the United States and Central America Reunification, 1902-1932, Donald R. Lam
Thesis: The Nuclear Contamination of Kazakhstan, Rebecca Marie Matter
Thesis: Towards a Universal Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, T. P. Radhakrishnan
Theses/Dissertations from 1992
Thesis: France and NATO: A Case of Misunderstanding, Servane Burel
Thesis: Increasing International Military Interdependence: Defense Cooperation in the New World Order, Sheila Callaham-Gay
Thesis: Port Visits as a Component of Soviet Naval Diplomacy in the Mediterranean Sea 1967-1986, John Mark Ickes
Thesis: Russophobia and Judophobia Backlash in Extremist Russian Nationalism, 1987-1990, Connie Moray
Thesis: The Implementation of the Reagan Administration's Counterterrorist Policy, Howard Lawrence Steinberg
Theses/Dissertations from 1991
Thesis: Inter-American Indemnity: Internal Security and the Mutual Security Program for Latin America (1951-1961), Robert George Baker
Thesis: Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988) An Attempt to Explore the Role of Khomeiniism in the War, Masoud Bonyanian
Thesis: Uncle Sam's Lesbians: Power, Empowerment, and the Military Experience, Patricia Lee Davis
Thesis: At the Crossroads: U.S. National Interests in the Gulf and the Middle East, Khalid I. DeKhayel
Thesis: The Origins of the Department of Defense Recommendation to Cross the 38th Parallel During the Korean War, Wayne A. Kirkbride
Thesis: The Political and Ideological Context of Broadcast News CBS Nightly News Coverage of Eastern Europe, Terese A. Thompson
Thesis: In the Shadow of Oriental Culture: A Study of the Impact of Confucianism on Japan's Economic Development After World War II, Xuedong Xu
Thesis: Japan Looks at An Uncertain China: The Role of Japan's Aid to China, Yixin Yang
Theses/Dissertations from 1990
Thesis: Franco-American Relations and the Emergence of French Nuclear Armament, 1939-1962, Regis Hugues Philippon
Theses/Dissertations from 1989
Thesis: Mine Warfare in the Russian and Soviet Navies, Jeffrey K. Bray
Thesis: Arctic Leverage: Canadian Sovereignty and Security, Nathaniel French Caldwell Jr.
Thesis: Towards the 21st Century: Long Cycles and the Future of the United States, John Davis
Thesis: British Foreign Policy and the Crimean War A Study in Uncoordinated Diplomacy, Ronald W. Kennedy
Thesis: Signals Intelligence in World War II Ultra and the Air War in Europe, Demetrio J. Perez
Thesis: Honduras Pawn and Policy Maker, Elizabeth P. Thornton
Thesis: Containment, Cliency and the Revolution in Vietnam, Deborah Tompsett-Makin
Theses/Dissertations from 1988
Thesis: Television and the Integration of Europe in the Era of Satellite Communications, John Erick Roos
Theses/Dissertations from 1986
Thesis: Decreasing Allied Support for Anti-Soviet Strategic Embargoes a Demonstration of the Declining Hegemony of the United States, Tracey A. Johnstone
Thesis: Bark or Bite Perspectives on Economic Sanctions for Foreign Policy Objectives, Rodney W. Skotty
Theses/Dissertations from 1985
Thesis: Controlling the Big Stick: The United States Navy and the Cuban Intervention of September 1906, Christopher A. Abel
Thesis: Small Farmers' Cooperatives in Brazil, 1964-1984 Reasons for Success or Failure, Henry H. Gerber
Thesis: Curtain of Silence Japanese in Soviet Custody, 1945-1956, William F. Nimmo
Theses/Dissertations from 1984
Thesis: The Gift of the Gods: The Impact of the Korean War on Japan, John P. Bowen
Thesis: The Uneasy Triangle The Impact of China on U.S.-Soviet Relations in the 1970's SALT: A Case Study, Karen Elizabeth Toenjes
Theses/Dissertations from 1983
Thesis: An Arms Race in Outer Space Between the United States and the Soviet Union Implications for U.S. Foreign Policy, Gary Morgan Jensen
Theses/Dissertations from 1981
Thesis: Mining the Deep Seabed Implications for International Law and American Foreign Policy, Steven H. Fitzgerald
Thesis: The African Foreign Policy of the German Democratic Republic, Heide R. Kersey