Theses and dissertations published by graduate students in the Department of Human Movement Studies & Special Education, College of Education, Old Dominion University, since Fall 2016 are available in this collection. Backfiles of all dissertations (and some theses) have also been added.
In late Fall 2025, all theses will be digitized and available here. In the meantime, consult the Library Catalog to find older items in print.
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Dissertation: Examining the Physical Activity Experiences of Blind and Visually Impaired Women, Lindsay E. Ball
Dissertation: The Volleyball Attack: Training, Kinematics, and the Role of the Torso, Kiara Baeleah Barrett
Dissertation: Differential Effects of Physical Activity on Social Interactions of Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Christianna Blanchard-Alworth
Dissertation: Effects of Ordered Eating on Various Postprandial Measures, Brian K. Ferguson
Dissertation: Coach to Teach: Effects of eCoaching on Special Education Teacher Implementation of Discrete Trial Training, Olga Karadimou
Dissertation: Co-Constructing Physical Education Resources and Recommendations with Blind Adults, M. Ally Keene
Dissertation: Physical Educators’ Self-Efficacy to Teach Students with Disabilities Across Instructional Placements, Lindsey Ann Nowland
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Thesis: Climbers’ Risk Perceptions of Erosion from Flooding at Carderock Recreation Area, Chandler J. Berry
Thesis: Effect of Acute Caffeine Ingestion on On-Field Performance in Division 1 Female Field Hockey Players, Nicole Danielle Fredricks
Thesis: Effects of Chewing Time on Gastrointestinal Discomfort, Substrate Use, and Performance During Running, Thomas Geaney
Thesis: The Effects of Lifting With Intent on Hip and Knee Moments During Back Squats, Kyle A. Parrish
Thesis: Effects of Physical Characteristics of Placebos on Exercise Performance, Owen Sipes
Thesis: A Reflection of Experiences of Adults with Type 1 Diabetes in Integrated Physical Education Classes, Kalleigh West
Thesis: Effects of a Climbing-Specific Training Program on Upper-Body Power in Novice Climbers Compared to Advanced Climbers, Dallas E. Wood
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Thesis: The Relationship of Strength, Mobility, and Performance Variables on Throwing Speed in Baseball Catchers, Caleigh D. Hall
Thesis: Social Emotional Competency Change During the Pandemic: Impacts of a Virtual Physical Activity Program, Austin Kulp
Dissertation: A Biomechanical Analysis of Back Squats: Motion Capture, Electromyography, and Musculoskeletal Modeling, Eva Maria Urdiales Maddox
Thesis: An Exploration of Different Motivations Between Stakeholders and Visitors of the Potomac Heritage National Scenic Trail, Colin McCormack
Thesis: Physical Activity, Social Support, and Health-Related Quality of Life in Adults with Visual Impairment, Tayah Lynn Otterness
Dissertation: The Associations of Cardiovascular Disease, Physical Activity Intensities, and Measures of Obesity on Static Balance in Middle-Aged and Older Adults, Hannah Martha Twiddy
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Dissertation: Psychological Factors and Gastrointestinal Symptoms During Running, Alex Michael Ehlert
Thesis: Predictions of Knee Joint Contact Forces Using Only Kinematic Inputs with a Recurrent Neural Network, Kaileigh Elisabeth Estler
Thesis: The Impact of Muscular Strength on Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors, Joel Ernest Harden
Dissertation: Students with Orthopedic Impairments' Perspectives Toward Integrated Physical Education, Katherine E. Holland
Dissertation: Physical Education and Extracurricular Activity Participation of Autistic, Neurodivergent, Disabled Trans Adults, Steven Kelly Holland
Thesis: Interpreting Summer in the Parks in the National Capital Area of the National Park Service, Brendan J. Kane
Thesis: Effect of a 2-Week Relaxing Music Intervention on Anxiety, Stress, and Gut Symptoms in Aerobic Exercisers, Halie Marisa Maass
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Thesis: Physical Education Teachers' Attitudes Towards Teaching Zumba to Children With Disabilities, Evelina C. Brandon
Thesis: Experiences in Physical Education and Sport: The Intersection of Identifying as a Female, an Athlete, and Visually Impaired, Margaret Buckley
Thesis: Assessment of Coordination and Proprioception in Youth With Autism Spectrum Disorder, Taylor Kristina Jones
Thesis: Air Pollution and Outdoor Recreation on Urban Trails: A Case Study of the Elizabeth River Trail, Norfolk, VA, James E. McCann
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Dissertation: An Exploration of the Relationships Between Sense of Community, Park Benefits, and Neighborhood Park Use, Kimberly Tilford Centers
Thesis: Examining Self-Contained and Integrated Physical Education Experiences Among Individuals with Visual Impairments, Rebecca Coffey
Dissertation: Medical Specialty Camps: A Holistic Approach to Assist in the Management Of Diabetes, Takeyra Monique Collins
Dissertation: High School Student Attributions, Interest, and Self-Efficacy in Fitness Testing, Summer Davis
Dissertation: Examining the Relationship Between Expectancy-Value Motivation, Barriers, and Physical Activity Engagement Among Adults with Visual Impairments, Tiffany Nicole Kirk
Thesis: Effects of a Postural Restoration Focused Intervention on Muscle Activation During Deadlifts, Caleb Richardson
Thesis: Indicators and Thresholds for Black Bear Viewing Proximity Preferences At Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge, Meghan M. Roberts
Dissertation: The Effects of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Thickness, Knee Joint Laxity, Activity Level, Neuromuscular Imbalances and Lower Extremity Muscular Activation Patterns on Anterior Cruciate Ligament Loading, Zachary A. Sievert
Thesis: Effects of High-Carbohydrate Versus Mixed-Macronutrient Meals on Soccer Physiology and Performance, Jaison Lee Wynne
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Dissertation: Physiological Tremor in Handgun Aiming and Shooting Tasks, Kyle J. Kellran
Thesis: Effects of Knee Sleeves on Knee Mechanics During Squats at Variable Depths, Alexandria A. Trypuc
Thesis: Scrapbook Interviewing: Exploring Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder’s Experiences in Physical Education, Amanda Yessick
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Dissertation: Hip Mechanics of Unilateral Drop Landings, Bobbie S. Irmischer
Thesis: Effects of a Unilateral Strength and Plyometric Training Program for Division I Soccer Players, Eric Potter
Dissertation: Participation in Youth Running Events: The Role of Parental Involvement and Satisfaction, Michelle L. Redmond
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Dissertation: Neuropathy Detection, Quality of Life Tools & Treatment for Type 2 Diabetes, Jennifer J. Brown
Thesis: Factors Influence High School Students' Enrollment in Elective Physical Education: A Mixed Method Study, Summer Davis
Dissertation: Building Stronger Communities: The Reciprocity between University, Student, and Community through Service-Learning, Jennifer Ellen Goff
Dissertation: An Exploration of Ticket Pricing in Intercollegiate Athletics, Craig A. Morehead
Dissertation: Sport, Twitter Hashtags and the Public Sphere, Brendan O'Hallarn
Thesis: The Effect of Fasted vs Fed High-Intensity Interval Exercise on Metabolism and Diet, William Joseph Perez
Thesis: The Effects of Fitness Level and Sex on EPOC Following High Intensity Interval and Moderate Intensity Aerobic Exercise, Rachel Lauren Simmons
Thesis: The Relationship Between Landing Error Scoring System-Real Time and Dorsiflexion Range of Motion in Recreational Athletes, Hannah M. Twiddy
Thesis: Associations Between Physical Activity, Physical Fitness, and Falls Risk in Healthy Older Individuals, Christopher Deane Vaughan
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Dissertation: Educational Practices and Attainment of Competency in the Professional Preparation of an Athletic Trainer, Julie M. Cavallario
Thesis: Effects of the JAQBLOQ Forearm and Straight Arm Plank on Core Muscle Activation, Jacquelyn R. Clark
Dissertation: Lower Extremity Biomechanics in Individuals With and Without Previous Hamstring Injury, Jessica A. Mutchler
Thesis: The Effect of Posterior Foot Positions on Electromyography, Joint Kinetics and Energetics During a Sit-to-Stand in Young and Older Adults, Eric A. Pitman
Thesis: The Effects of Pre-Maximal Exertion Inhalation of Ammonia and the Performance Effects During Deadlift Maximal Tests, Justin Nicholas Vigil
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Thesis: New Media and the NFL Fan: Determining the Impact of New Media on Team Identification in Displaced NFL Fans, Dorothy R. Collins
Thesis: Adolescent Interest and Physical Activity Fluctuation in Technology-Integrated Physical Education, Loren Anne Dragon
Dissertation: Health-Related Quality of Life in Physically Active Individuals with a History of Injury, Megan N. Houston
Dissertation: Effects of a Slow Linear Oxidative Fatigue Protocol on Hamstring Strength and Functional Performance, Zahra C. Ismaeli
Thesis: Intensity of Exercise and Endothelial Function in Healthy Adults, Jacquelyn R. Moxey
Thesis: The Effects of Squat Depth on Lower Extremity Joint Kinetics, ACL Loading, PCL Loading, Tibiofemoral Compressive Forces and Activations of Eight Lower Extremity Muscles, Zachary A. Sievert
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Dissertation: Lower Extremity Biomechanics During Single Leg Drop Landings in Individuals with Patellofemoral Pain, Stacey L. Gaven
Thesis: Effects of Ankle Immobilization on Lower Extremity Joint Coupling Variability, Kristin M. Gundy
Thesis: Effect of Health-Related Fitness Knowledge on Adolescent Interest and Participation in Physical Activity, Melissa Leonetti
Thesis: Effect of a Lateral Wedge Insole Over a One Week Period in a Healthy Population, Sarah E. Sudheimer
Dissertation: Changes in the Dynamics of Postural and Locomotor Control as a Result of Varying Task Demands, Kathleen Sherry Thomas
Dissertation: An Assessment of Post-Professional Athletic Training Students' Critical Thinking Skills and Dispositions, Jessica Marie Walter
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Thesis: Optimizing Chronic Slow Breathing Training to Cause a Therapeutic Effect on Heart Rate Variability, Jennifer Joy Brown
Dissertation: The Influence of Interlimb Differences on Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury Risk Factors in Female Collegiate Soccer Athletes, Eric Kevin Greska
Dissertation: Alternative Therapy and Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes, Carmine R. Grieco
Thesis: The Effects of Acute Hypoxia on Marksmanship, Chelsea Mary Moore
Thesis: The Relationship Between Heart Rate Variability, Shooting Experience, and Tactical Pistol Performance, Andrew Gerard Thompson
Dissertation: Evidence-Based Practice for the Athletic Training Profession, Cailee Elizabeth Welch
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Thesis: Descriptive Study of the State of Post-Professional Athletic Training Education Points of Distinctiveness, Specialty Certifications, and Competencies, Taylor Stephanie Arman
Thesis: Fatigue Effects in Lower Extremity Biomechanics During Unanticipated Sidestep Cutting in Young Adolescent Lacrosse Athletes, Julie Ann Bamberg
Thesis: Clinical Satisfaction Levels of National Athletic Trainers' Association Accredited Post-Professional Athletic Training Graduates, Nicole Catalano
Dissertation: Evidence-Based Practice in Clinical Athletic Training Education, Dorice A. Hankemeier
Dissertation: The Association Between Different Clinical Methods for Evaluating Lower Extremity Muscular Function, Roger Olen Kollock Jr.
Thesis: The Comparison of Hamstring/Quadriceps Strength Ratio in the Dominant Versus the Non-Dominant Leg of Elite Female Artistic Gymnasts, Marina Moure
Thesis: An Analysis of NCAA Enforcement and its Influence on Conference Bowl Revenue: Does the Punishment Fit the Crime from a Financial Perspective?, Mark Joseph Patterson
Thesis: Plantar Pressure Distribution Differences in Physically Active Individuals With and Without Functional Ankle Instability During a Side Cut, J'nai Pittman
Thesis: The Effect of Maturation on Hip and Knee Kinetics and Kinematics During an Unanticipated Sidestep Cutting Task in Male Youth Lacrosse Players, Crystal M. Sullivan
Thesis: Effect of Body Mass and Added Mass on Treadmill Performance, Rachel Elizabeth Walker
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Dissertation: Neuromechanical Analysis of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Risk Factors in Female Collegiate Soccer Athletes, Nelson Cortes
Thesis: The Effects of Two Types of Fatigue on an Unanticipated Side-Step Cutting Task as Measured by Kinematic and Kinetic Variables, Shawn E. Lucci
Dissertation: Evidence-Based Practice in Undergraduate Athletic Training Education, Sarah A. Manspeaker
Thesis: The Effects of an Anterior Cruciate Ligament Prevention Program and Retention Period on Lower Extremity Biomechanics, Ryan S. McCann
Thesis: Dog Parks: An Application of Place Attachment Theory, Andrew Pariser
Thesis: The Correlation Between Visual Observations and Inclinometric Measurements for Special Tests Related to Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome, Erin Quada
Thesis: The Effects of Two Different Fatigue Protocols on Lower Extremity Kinematics and Kinetics During an Unanticipated Running Stop-Jump, David L. Quammen
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Thesis: Immediate Effect of Heel-Pain Orthosis And An Augmented Low-Dye Taping on Plantar Pressures and Pain in Subjects with Plantar Fasciitis, Tracy Andus
Thesis: A Means-End Approach to Understanding Adventure Race Participation, Brandii Brinkley
Thesis: Design Development and Implementation of a Resiliency-Based After-School Program for Sixth Grade Students Through Recreational Activities, Takeyra Collins
Thesis: The Effect of Instruction on Jump-Landing Kinematics in Collegiate Age Female Athletes Over Time, Jena Lynne Etnoyer
Thesis: After School Programs: Resiliency Through Recreation, Aaron Johnston