Submissions from 2025
Unlocking the Potential of Primary Healthcare Nurse Practitioners Globally: A Concept Analysis of Their Added Value, Isabelle Savard, Gina Sophia Costanzo, Colette Henderson, Deborah C. Gray, Melanie Rogers, and Kelley Kilpatrick
Submissions from 2024
How Should Focus Be Shifted From Individual Preference to Collective Wisdom for Patients at the End of Life with AntiMicrobial-Resistant Infections?, Jeannie P. Cimiotti, Kimberly Adams Tufts, Lucia D. Wocial, and Elizabeth Peter
Advanced Practice Nursing Initiatives in Africa, Moving Towards The Nurse Practitioner Role: Experiences from the Field, Deborah C. Gray, Melanie Rogers, and Minna K. Miller
An Online Module to Promote Self-Care and Resiliency in Nursing Students, Karen Higgins, Janice Hawkins, Beth Tremblay, and Lynn Wiles
A Global Perspective of Advanced Practice Nursing Research: A Review of Systematic Reviews, Kelley Kilpatrick, Isabelle Savard, Li-Anne Audet, Gina Costanzo, Mariam Khan, Renee Atallah, Mira Jabbour, Wentao Zhou, Kathy Wheeler, Elissa Ladd, Deborah C. Gray, Colette Henderson, Lori A. Spies, Heather McGrath, and Melanie Rogers
The Association of Skin Cancer Prevention Knowledge, Sun-Protective Attitudes, and Sun-Protective Behaviors in a Navy Population, Rachel Newnam, Uyen Le-Jenkins, Carolyn Rutledge, and Craig Cunningham
Submissions from 2023
Nurses as Oral Health Champions, Janice E. Hawkins
Creating a Primary Care Track in Prelicensure Nursing Education, Janice E. Hawkins, Lynn L. Wiles, Jamela Martin, Beth Tremblay, Karen Higgins, and Ingrid Mahoney
Use of the Rasch Model for Fit Statistics and Rating Scale Diagnosis for the Student Perception Appraisal- Revised, Robert J. Hawkins, Janice Hawkins, Beth Tremblay, Lynn Wiles, and Karen Higgins
A Global Perspective of Advanced Practice Nursing Research: A Review of Systematic Reviews Protocol, Kelley Kilpatrick, Isabelle Savard, Li-Anne Audet, Abby Kra-Friedman, Reneé Atallah, Mira Jabbour, Wentao Zhou, Kathy Wheeler, Elissa Ladd, Deborah C. Gray, Colette Henderson, Lori A. Spies, Heather McGrath, and Melanie Rogers
A Quality Improvement Project to Improve Management of Urinary Tract Infections in a System of Pediatric Urgent Care Centers, Benjamin Klick, Tammy Speerhas, Jessica Parrott, Jeffrey Bobrowitz, Anne McEvoy, Debra Conrad, and Theresa Guins
Impact of Culturally Tailored Shared Medical Appointments on Diabetes Self-Care Ability and Knowledge in African Americans, Adrienne L. Reddick and Deborah C. Gray
Contributing Factors to Withdrawal Decisions of Military and Nonmilitary Nursing Students, Beth Tremblay, Janice E. Hawkins, Robert E. Hawkins, Karen Higgins, Lynn Wiles, and Jamela Martin
A Comparison of Chief Complaints, Specific Diagnoses, and Demographics of Pediatric Urgent Care Visits Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Retrospective Study, Zaharoula A. Viennas, Julie Martin, Benjamin Klick, Tammy Speerhas, Turaj Vazifedan, Danielle Millspaugh, Jennifer Ferris, Margret Bedle, Lauren Paluch, and Theresa Guins
Submissions from 2022
Strategies to Improve Mother's Own Milk Expression in Black and Hispanic Mothers of Premature Infants, Diana Cartagena, Jacqueline M. McGrath, Barbara Reyna, Leslie A. Parker, and Joleen McInnis
A Better Future For All, Janice Hawkins
What I Learned During Sigma's European Regional Conference, Janice E. Hawkins
A Comparison of Factors that Impact Retention of Nursing Students With and Without Military Experience: A Mixed Method Study, Janice E. Hawkins, Karen Higgins, Jamela Martin, Lynn Wiles, Ingrid Mahoney, Robert Hawkins, and Beth Tremblay
Advanced Practice Nursing Roles, Regulation, Education, and Practice: A Global Study, Kathy J. Wheeler, Minna Miller, Joyce Pulcini, Deborah Gray, Elissa Ladd, and Mary Kay Rayens
Submissions from 2021
Workplaces Can Change The World, Valerie Clary-Muronda and Janice E. Hawkins
Raise Your Voice to Promote Childhood Vaccines: Vaccines Save Lives, Janice Hawkins
A Global Perspective of Advanced Practice Nursing Research: A Review of Systematic Reviews, Colette Henderson, Abby Kra-Friedman, Li-Anne Audet, Isabelle Savard, Lori A. Spies, Heather McGrath, Wentao Zhou, Kathy Wheeler, Elissa Ladd, Deborah C. Gray, Mra Jabbour, Renée Atallah, Melanie Rogers, and Kelley Kilpatrick
Nursing, Physical Therapy, and Cytotechnology Graduate and Undergraduate Students' Attitudes Toward Teamwork Before and After Participation in an Interprofessional Education Experience, Shelley C. Mishoe, Muge Akpinar Elci, Rebecca Poston, Kimberly Adams Tufts, and Beth Thompson
Guidelines on Prescriptive Authority for Nurses 2021, David Stewart, Madrean Schober, Lisa Nissen, Elissa Ladd, Kimberley Lamarche, Marie-Lyne Bournival, Deborah Gray, Sonia Sevilla, Marieke Kroezen, and Frances Wong
Submissions from 2020
High School Competitive Diving Injuries: National Athletic Treatment Injury and Outcomes Network (NATION), Susan M. Braid and Eric Schussler
Designing A Virtual Learning Environment Takes a Village, Janice Hawkins
Think "Glocal": Advancing the Sustainable Development Goals During Stay at Home Orders, Janice Hawkins
Stop the Bleed: Preparing Bystanders to Manage Life-Threatening Hemorrhage, Janice Hawkins, Heather Killion, Brandon Sparrer, and Lynn Wiles
Using Social Media as a Platform for Increasing Knowledge of Lung Cancer Screening in High-Risk Patients, Aimee Strong and Michelle Renaud
Three Cases of COVID-19 Pneumonia That Responded to Icosapent Ethyl Supportive Treatment, Winston Suh, Ivan Urits, Omar Viswanath, Alan D. Kaye, Haresh Patel, Wade Hall, and Jonathan P. Eskander
The Role Mentoring Plays in the Transition of Practice of Newly Credentialed Athletic Trainers, Stacy E. Walker, Stephanie Mazerolle Singe, and Julie M. Cavallario
Maximizing Use of Social Media to Improve Member Engagement in a Professional Organization, Peixin Wang, Brett Morgan, Paul Packard, Victoria Goode, and Denise Tola
Submissions from 2019
Just Culture: It's More Than Policy, Linda Paradiso and Nancy Sweeney
The Relationship Between Physical Activity and Cardiorespiratory Fitness Among People Living With Human Immunodeficiency Virus Throughout The Life Span, Allison R. Webel, Joseph Perazzo, J. Craig Phillips, Kathleen M. Nokes, Cynthia Rentrope, Rebecca Schnall, Rita Musanti, Kimberly Adams Tufts, Elizabeth Sefcik, Mary Jane Hamilton, Carmen Portillo, Puangtip Chaiphibalsarisdi, Penelope Orton, Liana Davis, and Carol Dawson Rose
Submissions from 2018
How to Prepare Interprofessional Teams in Two Weeks: An Innovative Education Program Nested in Telehealth, Tina S. Haney, Karen Kott, Carolyn M. Rutledge, Bruce Britton, Christianne N. Fowler, and Rebecca D. Poston
The Practical Utility and Suitability of Email Interviews in Qualitative Research, Janice E. Hawkins
Making a Global Impact One Vaccine at a Time, Janice E. Hawkins and Deborah C. Gray
Submissions from 2017
Holistic Self-Care: Tai Chi, Qigong Training for Caregivers at an Alzheimer Disease Assisted Living Facility, Sunny Alperson and Christianne Fowler
DNA Methylation Patterns in Cord Blood of Neonates Across Gestational Age Association With Cell-Type Proportions, Susan M. Braid, Kwame Okrah, Amol Shetty, and Hector Corrada Bravo
The Effects of Low-Intensity Therapeutic Ultrasound on Measurable Outcomes: A Critically Appraised Topic, Sarah Daniels, Gabriela Santiago, Jennifer Cuchna, and Bonnie Van Lunen
Detecting Agitation Onset in Individuals With Dementia Using Smart Phone Sensors, Christianne Fowler, Ajay Gupta, Kurt Maly, Karen Karlowicz, Maheedhar Gunnam, Rohila Gudipati, Mahesh Kukunooru, and Rahul Rachamalla
Stand At Ease, Then Forward, March!, Janice E. Hawkins
Telehealth and eHealth in Nurse Practitioner Training: Current Perspectives, Carolyn M. Rutledge, Karen Kott, Rebecca Poston, Christianne Fowler, and Tina S. Haney
A Decade of Diabetes Hospitalizations: Meaningful Information for Community-Based Health Services Administrators for Identifying and Assessing Risk, Jewel Shepherd, Koren Goodman, and Manasi Sheth-Chandra
Submissions from 2016
A "CLARION" Call for Embracing IPE as the Status Quo for Preparing Health Professionals to Engage in Interprofessional Health Research, Kimberly Adams Tufts
Animal Assisted Therapy in a Special Needs Dental Practice: An Interprofessional Model for Anxiety Reduction, Caren M. Cajares, Carolyn M. Rutledge, and Tina S. Haney
The Effectiveness of an Anesthesia Handoff Tool: An Electronic Health Record Application to Enhance Patient Safety, Karen Gillikin and Nathaniel Apatov
I'm Still Standing, But I'm Not Standing Still, Janice E. Hawkins
Assent Described: Exploring Perspectives From the Inside, Rebecca D. Poston
An Overview of Antithrombotics in Ischemic Stroke, Patricia A. Schweickert, John R. Gaughen, Elizabeth M. Kreitel, Timothy J. Shephard, Nina J. Solenski, and Mary E. Jensen
Submissions from 2015
An Intersectional Perspective on Stigma as a Barrier to Effective HIV Self-Management and Treatment for HIV-Infected African American Women, Kimberly Adams Tufts
Novel Interventions for HIV Self-Management in African American Women: A Systematic Review of mHealth Interventions, Kimberly Adams Tufts, Kaprea F. Johnson, Jewel Goodman Shepherd, Juyoung Lee, Muna S. Bait Ajzoon, Lauren B. Mahan, and Miyoung Kim
Effectiveness of Health Education Teachers and School Nurses Teaching Sexually Transmitted Infections/ Human Immunodeficiency Virus Prevention Knowledge and Skills in High School, Elaine A. Borawski, Kimberly A. Tufts, Erika S. Trapl, Laura L. Hayman, Laura D. Yoder, and Loren D. Lovegreen
Promoting Interprofessional Collaboration, Global Health Awareness and Leadership Skills Through International Service-Learning, Janice E. Hawkins and Christine A. Sump
The Noncompete Clause and the Nurse Anethetist: An Assessment of Knowledge, Perception, and Experience, Briana K. Meseroll, Nathaniel M. Apatov, and Carolyn M. Rutledge
Submissions from 2014
Adverse Health Effects of Spousal Violence Among Women Attending Saudi Arabian Primary Health-Care Clinics, H. M. Eldoseri, K. A. Tufts, Q. Zhang, and J. N. Fish
Perceptions of the Counseling Profession: From Health Science Graduate Faculty and Students, Kaprea F. Johnson, Christianne Fowler, Karen Kott, and Margaret Lemaster
Telehealth: Preparing Advanced Practice Nurses to Address Healthcare Needs in Rural and Underserved Populations, Carolyn M. Rutledge, Tina Haney, Michele Bordelon, Michelle Renaud, and Christianne Fowler
Predicting Post-Deployment Family Adaptation in U.S. Navy Families, Micah A. Scott, Esther H. Condon, Arlene J. Montgomery, and Spencer R. Baker
Submissions from 2013
I'm Still Standing: Five Strategies to Survive Going Back to School, Janice Hawkins
Submissions from 2012
Bridging the Gap Between Student and Real World. Student Perspectives on Nursing Externships, Janice Hawkins, Lauren O'Connor, and Rachelle Ann Santo Domingo
A Preliminary Study on the Potential of Manuka Honey and Platelet-Rich Plasma in Wound Healing, Scott A. Sell, Patricia S. Wolfe, Andrew J. Spence, Isaac A. Rodriguez, Jennifer M. McColl, Rebecca L. Petrella, Koyal Garg, Jeffery J. Ericksen, and Gary L. Bowlin
Submissions from 2011
Acceptability of Behavioral Treatments for Insomnia, Daniel Bluestein, Amanda C. Healey, and Carolyn M. Rutledge
Re: Sleep and the Family Doctor: Time to Lead, D. Bluestein, A. C. Healey, and C. M. Rutledge
Coping Strategies of Family Members of Hospitalized Psychiatric Patients, Phyllis M. Eaton, Bertha L. Davis, Pamela V. Hammond, Esther H. Condon, and Zina T. McGee
Educating Advanced Practice Nurses in Using Social Media in Rural Health Care, Carolyn M. Rutledge, Michelle Renaud, Laurel Shephard, Michele Bordelon, Tina Haney, Donna Gregory, and Paula Ayers
Educating Advanced Practice Nurses in Using Social Media in Rural Health Care, Carolyn M. Rutledge, Michelle Renaud, Laurel Shepherd, Michele Bordelon, Tina Haney, Donna Gregory, and Paula Ayers
Telehealth Stroke Education For Rural Elderly Virginians, Patricia A. Schweickert, Carolyn M. Rutledge, David C. Cattell-Gordon, Nina J. Solenski, Mary E. Jensen, Sheila Branson, and John R. Gaughen
Submissions from 2010
Psychosocial Correlates of Insomnia Severity in Primary Care, Daniel Bluestein, Carolyn M. Rutledge, and Amanda C. Healey
The Effect of Culture on Urinary Incontinence: Do We Really Understand?, Karen A. Karlowicz
Submissions from 2009
Taking Be proud! Be responsible! to the Suburbs: A Replication Study, Elaine A. Borawski, Erika S. Trapl, Kimberly Adams-Tufts, Laura L. Hayman, Merdith A. Goodwin, and Loren D. Lovegreen
Direct-To-Consumer Advertising For Erectile Dysfunction Drugs, Karen A. Karlowicz
Evaluation of the Urinary Incontinence Scales© to Measure Change After Experiential Learning: A Pilot Study, Karen A. Karlowicz
Submissions from 2008
Continence Care: The Need for Creativity and Innovation, Karen A. Karlowicz
Submissions from 2007
The Impact of Stress Management on Nurse Productivity and Retention, Tammi F. Milliken, Paul T. Clements, and Harry J. Tillman
Benchmarking Quality in Online Teaching and Learning: A Rubric for Course Construction and Evaluation, Mona P. Ternus, Kay L. Palmer, and Debbie R. Faulk
Submissions from 2006
Teaching and Learning in Urology Nursing, Karen A. Karlowicz
Engendering Student Empathy For Disabled Clients With Urinary Incontinence Through Experiential Learning, Karen A. Karlowicz and Kay L. Palmer
Submissions from 2005
Enhancing the Geriatric Competence of Urologic Nurses, Karen A. Karlowicz
Submissions from 2004
Making Tough Decisions, Karen A. Karlowicz
Using Standardized Patients to Teach and Evaluate Nurse Practitioner Students on Cultural Competency, Carolyn M. Rutledge, Laurel Garzon, Micah Scott, and Karen Karlowicz
Submissions from 2003
A Qualitative Review of the Native American Caregivers Support Program: The Successes, Barriers, and Training Needs, Holly A. Beard, M. Yvonne Jackson, Meg Graves, Floyd Godfrey, and Clare Houseman
Needed: Urologic Nursing Mentors for New Grads, Karen A. Karlowicz
Submissions from 2002
How Physicians Feel About Assisting Female Victims of Intimate-Partner Violence, Ramani N. Garimella, Stacey B. Plichta, Clare Houseman, and Laurel Garzon
Continuing Competence in Selected Health Care Professions, Burden S. Lundgren and Clare A. Houseman
Submissions from 2000
Comparison of Neonatal Nurse Practitioners' and Pediatric Residents' Care of Extremely Low-Birth-Weight Infants, M. Gary Karlowicz and Jennifer L. McMurray
Submissions from 1998
Sensitizing Students to Functional Limitations in the Elderly: An Aging Simulation, Sherry Allen, Viki Lorraine, Anne Lockett, and Carolyn M. Rutledge
Submissions from 1995
The Importance of Religion for Parents Coping with a Chronically Ill Child, Carolyn M. Rutledge, Jeffrey S. Levin, David B. Larson, and John S. Lyons
Submissions from 1989
House Bill 1024: A Chronology, Clare Houseman, Leslie Hurt, Lucy Smith, and Michele Zimmerman