Submissions from 2020
Opportunities in Manufacturing of Advanced Materials for Second Career-Seeking Students, Oleksandr Kravchenko, Konstantin Cigularov, and Tancy J. Vandecar-Burdin
A Daily Diary Study of Drinking and Nondrinking Days in Nonstudent Alcohol Users, Cathy Lau-Barraco and Ashley N. Linden-Carmichael
An Ecological Momentary Assessment of Self-Improved and Self-Evaluation Body Comparisons: Associations with College Women's Body Dissatisfaction and Exercise, Rachel I. MacIntyre, Kristin E. Heron, Abby L. Braitman, and Danielle Arigo
The Rise, Fall, and Repair of Trust for Automated Driving Systems, Scott Mishler and Jing Chen
Visual Estimates of Blood Loss by Medical Laypeople: Effects of Blood Loss Volume, Victim Gender, and Perspective, Rachel Phillips, Marc Friberg, Mattias Lantz Cronqvist, Carl-Oscar Jonson, and Erik Prytz
Somatic Symptoms and Binge Eating in Women's Daily Lives, Kelly A. Romano, Kristin E. Heron, Kathryn E. Smith, Ross D. Crosby, Scott G. Engel, Stephen A. Wonderlich, Raina D. Pang, and Tyler B. Mason
Ethical Decision Making Behind the Wheel – A Driving Simulator Study, Siby Samuel, Sarah Yahoodik, Yusuke Yamani, Krishna Valluru, and Donald L. Fisher
The Convergence Between Cultural Psychology and Developmental Science: Acculturation as an Exemplar, Seth J. Schwartz, Ágnes Szabó, Alan Meca, Colleen Ward, Charles R. Martinez Jr., Cory L. Cobb, Verónica Benet-Martínez, Jennifer B. Unger, and Nadina Pantea
Your Email Didn't Find Me Well: Employee Perceptions of Work and Feeling Safe During COVID-19, J. Drake Terry, Konstantin Cigularov, Phillip Dillulio, Miranda Maverick, and Kate Warnock
Submissions from 2019
Robot Peacekeepers: An Investigation of Cross-Cultural Trust, James Bliss, Qin Gao, Xiaoxiao Hu, Makoto Itoh, Shelby Long, Yiannis Papelis, and Yusuke Yamani
Medical Students' Experiences and Outcomes Using a Virtual Human Simulation to Improve Communication Skills: Mixed Methods Study, Timothy Guetterman, Rae Sakakibara, Srikar Baireddy, Frederick W. Kron, Mark W. Scerbo, James F. Cleary, and Michael D. Fetters
Rationale and Design of a Remote Web-Based Daily Dairy Study Examining Sexual Minority Stress, Relationship Factors, And Alcohol Use In Same-Sex Female Couples Across the United States: Study Protocol of Project Relate, Kristin E. Heron, Robin J. Lewis, Alexander T. Shappie, Charlotte A. Dawson, Rachel Amerson, Abby L. Braitman, Barbara A. Winstead, and Michelle L. Kelley
Mobile Technology Use and mHealth Text Message Preferences: An Examination of Gender, Racial, and Ethnic Differences Among Emerging Adult College Students, Kristin E. Heron, Kelly A. Romano, and Abby L. Braitman
Health Disparities Among Exclusively Lesbian, Mostly Lesbian, and Bisexual Young Women, Robin J. Lewis, Sarah J. Ehlke, Alexander T. Shappie, Abby L. Braitman, and Kristin E. Heron
Board 141: Engineering Identity as a Predictor of Undergraduate Students' Persistence in Engineering, Debra A. Major, Seterra D. Burleson, Xiaoxiao Hu, and Kristi J. Shryock
Students with Learning Disabilities, Pair Programming And Situational Motivation, Shana L. Pribesh, Wu He, Silvana M. Watson, Debra A. Major, Li Xu, Ling Li, Xin Tian, Anjee Gorkhali, and Yuming He
What's In A Tag? A Quick Primer On #SIOP19, Paul H. Thoresen and J. Drake Terry
Estimating Cognitive Workload in an Interactive Virtual Reality Environment Using EEG, Christoph Tremmel, Christain Herff, Tetsuya Sato, Krzysztof Rechowicz, Yusuke Yamani, and Dean J. Krusienski
Fighting For Time: Spillover and Crossover Effects of Long Work Hours Among Dual-Earner Couples, Xiaohong Xu, Yisheng Peng, Peng Zhao, Richard Hayes, and William P. Jimenez
Submissions from 2018
Psychometric Properties of a Modified Moral Injury Questionnaire in a Military Population, Abby L. Braitman, Allison R. Battles, Michelle L. Kelley, Hannah C. Hamrick, Robert J. Cramer, Sarah Ehlke, and Adrian J. Bravo
Utilization, Receptivity and Reactivity to Interactive Voice Response Daily Monitoring in Risky Drinking Smokers Who Are Motivated to Quit, Amy M. Cohn, Hoda Elmasry, and Sarah J. Ehlke
Grief and Avoidant Death Attitudes Combine to Predict the Fading Affect Bias, Jeffrey A. Gibbons, Sherman A. Lee, Ashley M. A. Fehr, Kalli J. Wilson, and Timothy R. Marshall
Cultural Stressors, Identity Development, and Substance Use Attitudes Among Hispanic Immigrant Adolescents, Timothy J. Grigsby, Myriam Forster, Alan Meca, Byron L. Zamboanga, Seth J. Schwartz, and Jennifer B. Unger
Human Factors and Simulation in Emergency Medicine, Emily M. Hayden, Ambrose H. Wong, Jeremy Ackerman, Margaret K. Sande, Charles Lei, Leo Kobayashi, Michael Cassara, Dylan D. Cooper, Kimberly Perry, William E. Lewandowski, and Mark W. Scerbo
Measuring Sexual Minority Stressors in Lesbians Women's Daily Lives: Initial Scale Development, Kristin Heron, Abby L. Braitman, Robin J. Lewis, Alexander T. Shappie, and Phoebe T. Hitson
Advancing the Engineering Field: Opportunities to Support Transfer Students, Vukica M. Jovanovic, Narketta Sparkman-Key, Konstantin P. Cigularov, Daniela Cigularova, Bonita G. Anthony, and Otilia Popescu
Sexual Coercion, Drinking to Cope Motives, and Alcohol-Related Consequences Among Self-Identified Bisexual Women, Michelle L. Kelly, Sarah J. Ehlke, Robin J. Lewis, Abby L. Braitman, Wendy Bostwick, Kristin E. Heron, and Cathy Lau-Barraco
The Use of Item Response Theory in Survey Methodology: Application in Seat Belt Data, Mark K. Ledbetter, Norou Diawara, and Bryan E. Porter
Independent and Interactive Associations of Negative Affect, Restraint, and Impulsivity in Relation to Binge Eating Among Women, Tyler B. Mason, Kathryn E. Smith, Jason M. Lavender, and Robin J. Lewis
Preconceptional Health Behavior Change in Women with Overweight and Obesity: Prototype for SMART Strong Healthy Women Intervention, Frank T. Materia, Joshua M. Smyth, Kristin E. Heron, Marianne Hillemeier, Mark E. Feinberg, Patricia Fonzi, and Danielle Symons
Transient Signals and Inattentional Blindness in a Multi-Object Tracking Task, Dakota B. Palmer, Yusuke Yamani, Taylor L. Bobrow, Nicole D. Karpinsky, and Dean J. Krusienski
Broad Autism Phenotypic Traits and the Relationship to Sexual Orientation and Sexual Behavior, Lydia R. Qualls, Kathrin Hartmann, and James F. Paulson
Affective Influences Without Approach-Avoidance Actions: On the Congruence Between Valence and Stimulus-Response Mappings, Motonori Yamaguchi and Jing Chen
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of a Gaze-Based Training Intervention on Latent Hazard Anticipation Skills for Young Drivers: A Driving Simulator Study, Yusuke Yamani, Pinar Biçaksiz, Dakota B. Palmer, Nathan Hatfield, and Siby Samuel
Submissions from 2017
Socio-Cognitive Factors and Perceived Consequences Associated With Alternative Forms of Alcohol Use, Abbly L. Braitman, Ashley N. Linden-Carmichael, Amy L. Stamates, and Cathy Lau-Barraco
Protective Behavioral Strategies as a Context-Specific Mediator: A Multilevel Examination of Within- and Between-Person Associations of Daily Drinking, Abby L. Braitman, Ashley N. Linden-Carmichael, and James M. Henson
Drinking to Cope With Depressive Symptoms and Ruminative Thinking: A Multiple Mediation Model Among College Students, Adrian J. Bravo, Matthew R. Pearson, and James M. Henson
Initial Construct Validity Evidence of a Virtual Human Application for Competency Assessment in Breaking Bad News to a Cancer Patient, Timothy C. Guettermann, Frederick W. Kron, Toby C. Campbell, Mark W. Scerbo, Amy B. Zelenski, James F. Cleary, and Michael D. Fetters
Empirical Investigation of a Model of Sexual Minority Specific and General Risk Factors for Intimate Partner Violence Among Lesbian Women, Robin J. Lewis, Tyler B. Mason, Barbara A. Winstead, and Michelle L. Kelley
Self-Reported Pain in Male and Female Iraq/Afghanistan-Era Veterans: Associations with Psychiatric Symptoms and Functioning, Jennifer C. Naylor, H. Ryan Wagner, Mira Brancu, Megan Shepherd-Banigan, Eric Elbogen, Michelle Kelley, Teresa Fecteau, Karen Goldstein, Nathan A. Kimbrel, and Christine E. Marx
An Examination of the Most Recent Episode of Molly Use Among College Students, Amy L. Stamates, Ashley N. Linden-Carmichael, Brynn E. Sheehan, Perter D. Preonas, and Cathy Lau-Barraco
Submissions from 2016
Early Visual Perception Potentiated by Object Affordances: Evidence From a Temporal Order Judgment Task, Atsunori Ariga, Yuki Yamada, and Yusuke Yamani
Correcting Misconceptions About Gamification of Assessment: More Than SJTs and Badges, Michael B. Armstrong, Jared Z. Ferrell, Andrew B. Collmus, and Richard N. Landers
Categorizing Fetal Heart Rate Variability With and Without Visual Aids, Amanda J. Ashdown, Mark W. Scerbo, Lee A. Belfore II, Stephen S. Davis, and Alfred Z. Abuhamad
Neural Responses to Maternal Praise and Criticism: Relationship to Depression and Anxiety Symptoms in High-Risk Adolescent Girls, Robin L. Aupperle, Amanda S. Morris, Jennifer S. Silk, Michael M. Criss, Matt R. Judah, Sally G. Eagleton, Namik Kirlic, Jennifer Byrd-Craven, Raquel Phillips, and Ruben P. Alvarez
Initiation and Retention in Couples Outpatient Treatment for Parents with Drug and Alcohol Use Disorders, Abbly L. Braitman and Michelle L. Kelley
Personalized Boosters For a Computerized Intervention Targeting College Drinking: The Influence of Protective Behavioral Strategies, Abby L. Braitman and James M. Henson
Depressive Symptoms and Alcohol-Related Problems Among College Students: A Moderated-Mediated Model of Mindfulness and Drinking to Cope, Adrian J. Bravo, Matthew R. Pearson, Leah E. Stevens, and James M. Henson
Early Adverse Experiences and Health: The Transition to College, Kelly B. Filipkowski, Kristin E. Heron, and Joshua M. Smyth
Eyes Wide Open: Pupil Size as a Proxy for Inhibition in the Masked-Priming Paradigm, Jason Geller, Mary L. Still, and Alison L. Morris
Acceptability of Aggression Among Children Who Reside With Substance-Abusing Parents: The Influence of Behavioral Dysregulation, Exposure to Neighborhood Violence, and Interparental Violence, Michelle L. Kelley, Abby L. Braitman, Robert J. Milletich, Brittany F. Hollis, Rachel E. Parsons, Tyler D. White, Cassie Patterson, Brianna Haislip, and J. Matthew Henson
Behavioral Couples Treatment for Substance Use Disorder: Secondary Effects on the Reduction of Risk for Child Abuse, Michelle L. Kelley, Adrian J. Bravo, Abby L. Braitman, Adrienne K. Lawless, and Hannah R. Lawrence
The Influence of a Crosshair Visual Aid on Observer Detection of Simulated Fetal Heart Rate Signals, Rebecca A. Kennedy, Mark W. Scerbo, Brittany L. Anderson-Montoya, Lee A. Belfore II, Alfred Z. Abuhamad, and Stephen S. Davis
Alcohol Use Variability in a Community-Based Sample of Nonstudent Emerging Adult Heavy Drinkers, Cathy Lau-Barraco, Abbly L. Braitman, Amy L. Stamates, and Ashley N. Linden-Carmichael
Differences in Weekday Versus Weekend Drinking Among Nonstudent Emerging Adults, Cathy Lau-Barraco, Abby L. Braitman, Ashley N. Linden-Carmichael, and Amy L. Stamates
A Latent Profile Analysis of Drinking Patterns Among Nonstudent Emerging Adults, Cathy Lau-Barraco, Abby L. Braitman, Amy L. Stamates, and Ashley N. Linden-Carmichael
Identifying Patterns of Situational Antecedents to Heavy Drinking Among College Students, Cathy Lau-Barraco, Ashley N. Linden-Carmichael, Abby L. Braitman, and Amy L. Stamates
A Preliminary Investigation of Caffeinated Alcohol Use During Spring Break, Ashley N. Linden-Carmichael and Cathy Lau-Barraco
College Student Dating Partner Drinking Profiles: Differences in Relationship Functioning and Relationship-Specific Alcohol Expectancies, Ashley N. Linden-Carmichael, Cathy Lau-Barraco, and Michelle L. Kelley
Molly Users Versus Non-Users in a Sample of College Alcohol Drinkers: Differences in Substance-Related Harms and Sensation Seeking, Ashley N. Linden-Carmichael, Amy L. Stamates, Brynn E. Sheehan, and Cathy Lau-Barraco
Facilitating a Whole-Life Approach to Career Development: The Role of Organizational Leadership, Michael L. Litano and Debra A. Major
The Course and Interrelationship of Maternal and Paternal perinatal Depression, James F. Paulson, Sharnail D. Bazemore, Janice H. Goodman, and Jenn A. Leiferman
Large Reductions Are Possible in Older Driver Crashes at Intersections, Siby Samuel, Yusuke Yamani, and Danald L. Fisher
Caffeinated and Non-Caffeinated Alcohol Use and Indirect Aggression: The Impact of Self-Regulation, Brynn E. Sheehan, Ashley N. Linden-Carmichael, and Cathy Lau-Barraco
Alcohol Expectancies Mediate the Relationship Between Age of First Intoxication and Drinking Outcomes in College Binge Drinkers, Amy L. Stamates, Cathy Lau-Barraco, and Ashley Linden-Carmichael
Standardized Patient Encounters Periodic Versus Postencounter Evaluation of Nontechnical Clinical Performance, T. Robert Turner, Mark W. Scerbo, Gayle A. Gliva-McConvey, and Amelia M. Wallace
Finding Success in Failure: Using Latent Profile Analysis to Examine Heterogeneity in Psychosocial Functioning Among Heavy Drinkers Following Treatment, Adam D. Wilson, Adrian J. Bravo, Matthew R. Pearson, and Katie Witkiewitz
Object Affordances Potentiate Responses but Do Not Guide Attentional Prioritization, Yusuke Yamani, Atsunori Ariga, and Yuki Yamada
Age-Related Differences in Vehicle Control and Eye Movement Patterns at Intersections: Older and Middle-Aged Drivers, Yusuke Yamani, William J. Horrey, Yulan Liang, and Donald L. Fisher
The Sea Is Rising… But Not Onto the Policy Agenda: A Multiple Streams Approach to Understanding Sea Level Rise Policies, Juita-Elena (Wie) Yusuf, Katharine Neill, Burton St. John III, Ivan K. Ash, and Kaitrin Mahar
Submissions from 2015
The Impact of Time Perspective Latent Profiles on College Drinking: A Multidimensional Approach, Abby L. Braitman and James M. Henson
Clarifying Observed Relationships Between Protective Behavioral Strategies and Alcohol Outcomes: The Importance of Response Options, Abby L. Braitman, James M. Henson, and Kate B. Carey
Five Facets of Mindfulness and Psychological Health: Evaluating a Psychological Model of the Mechanisms of Mindfulness, David B. Brown, Adrian J. Bravo, Corey R. Roos, and Matthew R. Pearson
Defining and Characterizing Differences in College Alcohol Intervention Efficacy: A Growth Mixture Modeling Application, James M. Henson, Matthew R. Pearson, and Kate B. Carey
Beyond Same Sex Attraction: Gender Variant Based Victimization is Associated with Suicidal Behavior and Substance Use for Other Sex Attracted Adolescents, Michael Ioerger, Kimberly L. Henry, Peter Y. Chen, Konstantin P. Cigularov, and Rocco G. Tomazic
Modeling Risk for Child Abuse and Harsh Parenting in Families with Depressed and Substance-Abusing Parents, Michelle L. Kelley, Hannah R. Lawrence, Robert J. Milletich, Brittany F. Hollis, and James M. Henson
Discrepant Alcohol Use, Intimate Partner Violence, and Relationship Adjustment Among Lesbian Women and Their Same-Sex Intimate Partners, Michelle L. Kelley, Robin J. Lewis, and Tyler B. Mason
Emotional Distress, Alcohol Use, and Bidirectional Partner Violence Among Lesbian Women, Robin J. Lewis, Miguel A. Padilla, Robert J. Milletich, Michelle L. Kelley, Barbara A. Winstead, Cathy Lau-Barraco, and Tyler B. Mason
Testing a Model of Caffeinated Alcohol-Specific Expectancies, Ashley N. Linden-Carmichael, Cathy Lau-Barraco, and Amy L. Stamates
Minority Stress, Depression, Relationship Quality, and Alcohol Use: Associations with Overweight and Obesity Among Partnered Young Adult Lesbians, Tyler B. Mason and Robin J. Lewis
Mindfulness and Emotional Outcomes: Identifying Subgroups of College Students Using Latent Profile Analysis, Matthew R. Pearson, Adrienne K. Lawless, David B. Brown, and Adrian J. Bravo
The Gaze-Cueing Effect in the United States and Japan: Influence of Cultural Differences in Cognitive Strategies on Control of Attention, Saki Takao, Yusuke Yamani, and Atsunori Ariga
Submissions from 2014
How Patients' Self-Disclosure about Sickle Cell Pain Episodes to Significant Others Relates to Living with Sickle Cell Disease, Valerian J. Derlega, Louis H. Janda, Jeannie Miranda, Ian A. Chen, B. Mitchell Goodman III, and Wally Smith
Substance-Abusing Mothers and fathers' Willingness to Allow Their Children to Receive Mental Health Treatment, Michelle L. Kelley, Gabrielle M. D'Lima, James M. Henson, and Cayla Cotton
Caffeinated Alcohol Use and Expectancies for Caffeine Versus Alcohol, Cathy Lau-Barraco and Ashley N. Linden
Drinking Buddies: Who Are They And When Do They Matter?, Cathy Lau-Barraco and Ashley N. Linden
Caffeinated Alcohol Consumption Profiles and Associations With Use Severity and Outcome Expectancies, Cathy Lau-Barraco, Robert J. Milletich, and Ashley N. Linden
Protective Behavioral Strategies, Alcohol Expectancies, and Drinking Motives in a Model of College Student Drinking, Ashley N. Linden, Cathy Lau-Barraco, and Robert J. Milletich
Profiles of Binge Eating: The Interaction of Depressive Symptoms, Eating Styles, and Body Mass Index, Tyler B. Mason and Robin J. Lewis
The Role of Politics and Proximity in Sea Level Rise Policy Salience: A Study of Virginia Legislators’ Perceptions, Juita-Elena (Wie) Yusuf, Burton St. John III, and Ivan K. Ash
Submissions from 2013
Alcohol Use and Trauma Exposure Among Male and Female Veterans Before, During, and After Military Service, Michelle L. Kelley, Jennifer Runnals, Matthew R. Pearson, Marinell Miller, John A. Fairbank, and VA Mid-Atlantic MIRECC Women Veterans Workgroup
The Assessment of Protective Behavioral Strategies: Comparing the Absolute Frequency and Contingent Frequency Response Scales, Benjamin A. Kite, Matthew R. Pearson, and James M. Henson
A Brief Motivational Intervention for Heavy Alcohol Use in Dental Practice Settings: Rationale and Development, James A. Neff, Scott T. Walters, Abby L. Braitman, Michelle L. Kelley, Michele L. Darby, and Margaret F. Lemaster
Daily Use of Protective Behavioral Strategies and Alcohol-Related Outcomes Among College Students, Matthew R. Pearson, Gabrielle M. D'Lima, and Michelle L. Kelley
Unplanned Drinking and Alcohol-Related Problems: A Preliminary Test of the Model of Unplanned Drinking Behavior, Matthew R. Pearson and James M. Henson
Predictive Effects of Good Self-Control and Poor Regulation on Alcohol-Related Outcomes: Do Protective Behavioral Strategies Mediate?, Matthew R. Pearson, Benjamin A. Kite, and James M. Henson
Impulsivity Like Traits and Risky Driving Behaviors Among College Students, Matthew R. Pearson, Elaine M. Murphy, and Ashley N. Doane
The Effects of External Motivation and Real-Time Automated Feedback on Speeding Behavior in a Naturalistic Setting, Ian J. Reagan, James P. Bliss, Ron Van Houten, and Bryan W. Hilton
Submissions from 2012
Investigating Insight as Sudden Learning, Ivan K. Ash, Benjamin D. Jee, and Jennifer Wiley
Training Evaluation in Virtual Worlds: Development of a Model, Richard N. Landers and Rachel C. Callan