A selection of faculty publications from the Department of Psychology, College of Sciences, Old Dominion University.


Submissions from 2025


Don't Leave the Good Things in the Rearview! A Field Experiment Examining the Influence of a Positive Work Reflection Intervention on Taxi Drivers' Work Behaviors, Xiaoxiao Hu, Yujie Zhan, Su Kyung (Irene) Kim, William P. Jimenez, and Xiang Yao


Are Positive and Negative Leader Humor Two Different Coins? A Meta-Analysis, Xiaohong Xu, Richard Hayes, Lixin Jiang, and William P. Jimenez

Submissions from 2024


Adherence to Personal Protective Equipment Practices During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Pilot Study, Taryn Amos, Cameron Griffin, Joshua K. Schaffzin, Andrea Ankrum, and Felicia Scaggs Huang


Gaze Transition Entropy as a Measure of Attention Allocation in a Dynamic Workspace Involving Automation, Zixin Cui, Tetsuya Sato, Austin Jackson, Sampath Jayarathna, Makoto Itoh, and Yusuke Yamani


Neuroticism Mediates the Association Between Autistic Traits and Choice Reaction Time Among Young Adults, Kassandra De Jesus Cintron and Xiao Yang


Exploring the Intersection of Sexual Identity and Route of Administration in Relation to Cannabis Use Among Young Adult Females, Sarah J. Ehlke, Samantha A. Fitzer, Jennifer L. Shipley, and Abby L. Braitman


Cigarette Smoking Behaviors and Nicotine Dependence at the Intersection of Sexual Identity and Sex in the United States: Findings from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, Ollie Ganz, Jonathan A. Schulz, Sarah J. Ehlke, Jessica L. King Jensen, and Andrea C. Villanti


Influence of Time Pressure and Flood Information Type on Flood Alert Effectiveness in Driving, Katherine R. Garcia, Scott Mishler, and Jing Chen


Evaluating the Experience of Teen-to-Teen Crisis Line Volunteers: A Pilot Study, Catherine R. Glenn, Taylor Kalgren, Sandipan Dutta, Raksha Kandlur, Kelsie K. Allison, Annie Duan, Cheryl Karp Eskin, Morgan Leets, and Madelyn S. Gould


(Don’t Fear) the Factors: An Item-Level Meta-Analysis of the Fear of COVID-19 Scale’s Factor Structure and Measurement Invariance, William P. Jimenez, Asiye Zeytonli, Yasmine Nabulsi, and Xiaoxiao Hu


All The Better to Hear You With: Using Social Media for Employee Listening, C. S. Ju, E. A. Liguori, and N. M. Savage


Expanding a Behavioral View on Digital Health Access: Drivers and Strategies to Promote Equity, Maura M. Kepper, Lauren A. Fowler, Isabelle S. Kusters, Jean W. Davis, Manal Baqer, Sarah Sagui-Henson, Yunyu Xiao, Adati Tarfa, Jean C. Yi, Bryan Gibson, Kristin E. Heron, Nicole M. Alberts, Marissa Burgermaster, Veronica Njie-Carr, and Lisa M. Klesges


An EWAS of Dementia Biomarkers and Their Associations with Age, African Ancestry, and PTSD, Mark W. Miller, Erika J. Wolf, Xiang Zhao, Mark W. Logue, and Sage E. Hawn


Boring But Demanding: Using Secondary Tasks to Counter the Driver Vigilance Decrement for Partially Automated Driving, Scott Mishler and Jing Chen


Insights Into Child Abuse and Neglect: Findings From The Minnesota Longitudinal Study of Risk and Adaptation, Marissa D. Nivison, Madelyn H. Labella, K. Lee Raby, Jenalee R. Doom, Jodi Martin, William F. Johnson, Osnat Zamir, Michelle M. Englund, Jeffry A. Simpson, Elizabeth A. Carlson, and Glennn I. Roisman


Short-Term Blood Pressure Variability Among Young Adults at High or Low Risk for Depression, Balázs Bence Nyárády, Miklós Vértes, Edit Dósa, Xiao Yang, Charles J. George, Enikõ Kiss, IIdiko Baji, Krisztina Kapornai, and Maria Kovacs


Anhedonia Links Sleep Problems and Suicidal Thoughts: An Intensive Longitudinal Study in High-Risk Adolescents, Kinjal K. Patel, Jaclyn C. Kearns, Dan Foti, Wilfred R. Pigeon, Evan M. Kleiman, and Catherine R. Glenn


Community Health Care Providers' Perspectives on Human Immunodeficiency Virus Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Use Among Black Women in Eastern Virginia, Kayla Pitchford, Sylvia Shangani, Charlotte Dawson, Rainier Masa, and Kristin Heron


Sleep Disturbances and Psychological Well-Being Among Military Medical Doctors of the Swiss Armed Forces: Study Protocol, Rationale and Development of a Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Interventional Study, Dena Sadeghi-Bahmani, Viola Rigotti, Zeno Stanga, Undine E. Lang, Rebecca K. Blais, Michelle L. Kelley, and Serge Brand


Leveraging Machine Learning to Study How Temperature Scores Predict Pre-Term Birth Status, Erich Seamon, Jennifer A. Mattera, Sarah A. Keim, Esther M. Leerkes, Jennifer L. Rennels, Andrea J. Kayl, Kristy M. Kulhanek, Darcia Narvaez, Sarah M. Sanborn, Jennifer B. Grandits, Christine Dunkel Schetter, Mary Coussons-Read, Amanda R. Tarullo, Sarah J. Schoppe-Sullivan, Mariah E. Thomason, Julie M. Braungart-Rieker, Julie C. Lumeng, Shannon N. Lenze, Lisa M. Christian, Darby E. Saxbe, Laura R. Stroud, Christina M. Rodriguez, and Stephanie Anzaman-Frasca


Assessment of Simultaneous Alcohol and Cannabis Use and Its Related Consequences and Cognitions in College Students: A Narrative Review, Jennifer L. Shipley and Abby L. Braitman


Ethical Decision-Making in Older Drivers During Critical Driving Situations: An Online Experiment, Amandeep Singh, Sarah Yahoodik, Yovela Murzello, Samuel Petkac, Yusuke Yamani, and Siby Samuel


Switching the Narrative: Pastors’ Beliefs and Reasonings, Dejaune K. Thompson, Sheriyse M. Williams, Shuntay Tarver, and Portia C. Stokes


It Is Not Only About Having Good Attitudes: Factor Exploration of the Attitudes Toward Security Recommendations, Miguel A. Toro-Jarrin, Pilar Pazos, and Miguel A. Padilla


A Meta-Analysis of Attachment at Work, Kate N. Warnock, Christina S. Ju, and Ian M. Katz


MMPI-2-RF Profiles of Treatment-Seeking Veterans in a VA Pain Clinic and Associations With Markers of Physical Performance, Erika J. Wolf, Diana M. Higgins, Xiang Zhao, Sage E. Hawn, Victoria Sanborn, Catherine A. Todd, Dana Fein-Schaffer, and Antoun Houranieh


Burnout in Graduate Medical Education: Uncovering Resident Burnout Profiles Using Cluster Analysis, Nicholas A. Yaghmour, Nastassia M. Savage, Paul H. Rockey, Sally A. Santen, Kristen E. DeCarlo, Grace Hickam, Joanne G. Schwartzberg, DeWitt C. Baldwin Jr., and Robert A. Perera


Sex Differences in the Association Between Cardiac Vagal Control and the Effects of Baroreflex Afferents on Behavior, Xiao Yang, Jacob Chaney, Aaron S. David, and Fang Fang


Mental Workload Modulates the Effects of Baroreceptor Afferents on Sensorimotor Processing, Xiao Yang, Katie Herberlein, Anthony Reid, Dongfang Jiao, and Fang Fang


Facilitating Thought Progression to Reduce Depressive Symptoms: Randomized Controlled Trial, Shai-Lee Yatziv, Paola Pedrelli, Shira Baror, Sydney Ann DeCaro, Noam Shachar, Bar Sofer, Sunday Hull, Joshua Curtiss, and Moshe Bar


Leadership and Environmental Sustainability: An Integrative Conceptual Model of Multilevel Antecedents and Consequences of Leader Green Behavior, Hannes Zacher, Clara Kühner, Ian M. Katz, and Cort W. Rudolph

Submissions from 2023


Parent-Child Interaction Therapy for Children With Disruptive Behaviors and Autism: A Randomized Clinical Trial, Korrie Allen, John Harrington, Lauren B. Quetsch, Joshua Masse, Cathy Cooke, and James F. Paulson


Genetic Associations Between Alcohol Phenotypes and Life Satisfaction: A Genomic Structural Equation Modeling Approach, Kaitlin E. Bountress, Shannon E. Cusack, Sage E. Hawn, Andrew Grotzinger, Daniel Bustamante, Robert M. Kirkpatrick, Howard J. Edenberg, and Ananda B. Amstadter


The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic Experiences on College Drinking Via Mental Distress: Cross-Sectional Mediation Moderated by Race, Abby L. Braitman, Rachel Ayala Guzman, Megan Strowger, Jennifer L. Shipley, Douglas J. Glenn, Emily Junkin, Alina Whiteside, and Cathy Lau-Barraco


Criterion Validity of Protective Behavioral Strategies for Alcohol Consumption Among College Students, Abby L. Braitman, Amy Stamates, Melissa Colangelo, Sarah J. Ehlke, Jordan Ortman, Kristin E. Heron, and Kate B. Carey


"I Just Want To Be Me, Authentically": Identity Shifting Among Racially and Ethnically Diverse Young Adults, Aerika Brittian Loyd, Dulce Wilkinson Westberg, LeNisha Williams, Marisha Humphries, Alan Meca, and Julie Carmen Rodil


Trauma Exposure and Transdiagnostic Distress: Examining Shared and PTSD-Specific Associations, Michael L. Crowe, Sage E. Hawn, Erika J. Wolf, Terence M. Keane, and Brian P. Marx


Changes in Mental Health as a Predictor of Cannabis Coping Motives and Consequences: Examining the Impact of COVID-19 Among College Students, Rebecca Dunaief, Adrian Jorge Bravo, and James Henson


Socioeconomic Status, Cultural Values, and Elderly Care: An Examination of Elderly Care Preference in OECD Countries, Fang Fang and Xiao Yang


PTSD and Alcohol Use Disorders Predict the Pace of Cellular Aging, Sage E. Hawn, Xiang Zhao, Mark W. Miller, Sara Wallander, Christine Govan, Anjanette Stone, Steven A. Schichman, Mark W. Logue, and Erika J. Wolf


Refining an Ecological Momentary Assessment Study of Binge Eating Among Sexual Minority and Heterosexual Young Women: A Mixed Methods Pilot Study, Kristin E. Heron, Charlotte A. Dawson, Cassidy M. Sandoval, Lauren V. Butler, Abby L. Braitman, Alison Cerezo, and Robin J. Lewis


The Potential and Peculiarities of PERMA: A Meta-Analysis of Two Well-Being Measures With Working Samples, William P. Jimenez, Xiaoxiao Hu, Rebecca Garden, and Asiye Zeytonli


Light Water Sustainability Program: Optimizing Information Automation Using a New Method Based on System-Theoretic Process Analysis, Jeffrey Joe, Larry Hettinger, Marvin Dainoff, Patrick Murray, and Yusuke Yamani


Childhood Bullying Victimization, Emotion Regulation, Rumination, Distress Tolerance, and Depressive Symptoms: A Cross-National Examination Among Young Adults In Seven Countries, Madelyn H. Labella, Neelamberi D. Klein, Georgina Yeboah, Claire Bailey, Ashley N. Doane, Debra Kaminer, Adrian J. Bravo, and Cross-Cultural Addictions Study Team


My Baby, My Move+: Feasibility of a Community Prenatal Wellbeing Intervention, Jenn A. Leiferman, Rachael Lacy, Jessica Walls, Charlotte V. Farewell, Mary K. Dinger, Danielle Symons Downs, Sarah S. Farrabi, Jennifer L. Huberty, and James F. Paulson


Neural Systems Underlying RDoC Social Constructs: An Activation Likelihood Estimation Meta-Analysis, Rosario Pintos Lobo, Katherine L. Bottenhorn, Michael C. Riedel, Afra I. Toma, Megan M. Hare, Donisha D. Smith, Alexandra C. Moor, Isis K. Cowan, Javier A. Valdes, Jessica E. Bartley, Taylor Salo, Emily R. Boeving, Brianna Pankey, Matthew T. Sutherland, Erica D. Musser, and Angela R. Laird


Navigating Identity Uncertainty: Identity Distress During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Alan Meca, Kelsie K. Allison, Julia Passini, Taryn Veniegas, Bethany Cruz, Linda G. Castillo, Seth J. Schwartz, Byron L. Zamboanga, Minas Michikyan, Melissa Bessaha, Pamela C. Regan, Kaveri Subrahmanyam, John Bartholomew, Brandy Piña-Watson, Miguel Ángel Cano, and Charles R. Martinez Jr.


Confidence Intervals for the Coefficient Alpha Difference From Two Independent Samples (Groups), Miguel Padilla


Enhancing Nonverbal Communication Through Virtual Human Technology: Protocol for a Mixed Methods Study, Analay Perez, Michael D. Fetters, John W. Creswell, Mark Scerbo, Frederick W. Kron, Richard Gonzalez, Lawrence An, Masahito Jimbo, Predrag Klasnja, and Timothy C. Guetterman


Social Information Processing Theory Indicators of Child Abuse Risk: Cultural Comparison of Mothers from Peru and the United States, Christina M. Rodriguez, Patricia Bárrig Jó, Enrique Gracia, and Marisol Lila


Comparison between the Effects of Acute Physical and Psychosocial Stress on Feedback-Based Learning, Xiao Yang, Brittany Nackley, and Bruce H. Friedman


Employee Green Behavior as the Core of Environmentally Sustainable Organizations, Hannes Zacher, Cort W. Rudolph, and Ian M. Katz

Submissions from 2022


A Scoping Review of Behavior Change Techniques Used to Promote Physical Activity Among Women in Midlife, Danielle Arigo, Kelly A. Romano, Kristen Pasko, Laura Travers, M. Cole Ainsworth, Daija A. Jackson, and Megan M. Brown


Examining Emailed Feedback as Boosters After a College Drinking Intervention Among Fraternities and Sororities: Rationale and Protocol for a Remote Controlled Trial (Project Greek), Abby L. Braitman, Jennifer L. Shipley, Megan Strowger, Rachel Ayala Guzman, Alina Whiteside, Adrian J. Bravo, and Kate B. Carey


Data Quality and Study Compliance Among College Students Across 2 Recruitment Sources: Two Study Investigation, Abby L. Braitman, Megan Strowger, Jennifer L. Shipley, Jordan Ortman, Rachel I. MacIntyre, and Elizabeth A. Bauer


Impact of a Reduced Nicotine Standard on Young Adult Appeal for Menthol and Non-Menthol Cigarettes, Amy M. Cohn, Rachel Cassidy, Rachel Denlinger-Apte, Eric Donny, Andrea C. Villanti, Dorothy Hatsukami, Delaney Dunn, Riley Wyatt, Taylor Niznik, Tamar Cohen-Davidyan, Michael Smith, and Sarah J. Ehlke


Enabling Resilient Educational Support Network During COVID-19 Pandemic for Undergraduate and Second Career Seeking Students, Phillip Dillulio, Oleksandr Kravchenko, and Konstantin Cigularov


For Whom the Bell Tolls: Psychopathological and Neurobiological Correlates of the DNA Methylation Index of Time-To-Death, Sage E. Hawn, Xiang Zhao, Danielle R. Sullivan, Mark Logue, Dana Fein-Schaffer, William Milberg, Regina McGlinchey, Mark W. Miller, and Erika J. Wolf


Rationale and Design of an Ecological Momentary Assessment Study Examining Predictors of Binge Eating Among Sexual Minority and Heterosexual Young Women: Protocol for the Health and Experiences in Real Life (HER Life) Study, Kristin E. Heron, Abby L. Braitman, Charlotte A. Dawson, Cassidy M. Sandoval, Lauren V. Butler, Alicia Moulder, and Robin J. Lewis


Fear and Trembling While Working in a Pandemic: An Exploratory Meta-Analysis of Workers’ COVID-19 Distress, William P. Jimenez, Ian M. Katz, and Elissa A. Liguori


Getting Psyched About Memes in the Psychology Classroom, Lisa M. Kath, Gordon B. Schmidt, Sayeedul Islam, William P. Jimenez, and Jessica L. Hartnett


Employee Green Behavior: A Meta-Analysis, Ian M. Katz, Rachel S. Rauvola, Cort W. Rudolph, and Hannes Zacher


Mindfulness to Manage Moral Injury: Rationale and Development of a Live Online 7-Week Group Intervention for Veterans with Moral Injury, Michelle L. Kelley, Megan Strowger, Victoria O. Chentsova, Adrian J. Bravo, Susan A. Gaylord, Elizabeth E. Burgin, Christine Vinci, Kenneth L. Ayers, and Erum Agha


Reflections on Creating and Maintaining Supportive Graduate Program Culture Online: Lessons Learned from a Top-Ranked Doctoral Program, Debra A. Major, Kristen D. Eggler, and Seterra D. Burleson


Can Implicit Measures Augment Suicide Detection in Youth? The Feasibility and Acceptability of the Death Implicit Association Test Among Pediatric Medical Impatients, Annabelle M. Mournet, Daniel S. Powell, Elizabeth C. Lanzillo, Sandra McBee-Strayer, Emory Bergdoll, Catherine R. Glenn, Alexander Millner, Maryland Pao, Matthew K. Nock, Lisa M. Horowitz, and Jeffrey A. Bridge


Internalization of Appearance Ideals and Not Religiosity Indirectly Impacts the Relationship Between Acculturation and Disordered Eating Risk in South and Southeastern Asian Women Living in the United States, Sonakshi Negi, Erik M. Benau, Megan Strowger, Anne Claire Grammer, and C. Alix Timko


Extended Functional Connectivity of Convergent Structural Alterations Among Individuals with PTSD: A Neuroimaging Meta-Analysis, Brianna S. Pankey, Michael C. Riedel, Isis Cowan, Jessica E. Bartley, Rosario Pintos Lobo, Lauren D. Hill-Bowen, Taylor Sato, Erica D. Musser, Matthew T. Sutherland, and Angela R. Laird


A Meta-Analysis of Associations Between Weight Bias Internalization and Conceptually-Related Correlates: A Step Towards Improving Construct Validity, Kelly A. Romano, Kristin E. Heron, Cassidy M. Sandoval, Lindsay M. Howard, and Rachel I. MacIntyre


Engineering Countermeasures for Left Turns at Signalized Intersections: A Review, Siby Samuel, Amandeep Singh, and Yusuke Yamani


Associations Between Body Dissatisfaction and Relationship Functioning Among Same-Sex Female Couples: An Actor-Partner Interdependence Model, Cassidy M. Sandoval, Kelly A. Romano, Kristin E. Heron, Charlotte A. Dawson, Tiphanie G. Sutton, Barbara A. Winstead, and Robin J. Lewis


Willingness to Engage in Collective Action After the Killing of an Unarmed Black Man: Differential Pathways for Black and White Individuals, Brynn E. Sheehan, Valerian J. Derlega, Ralitsa S. Maduro, and Delaram A. Totonchi


Precursors of Email Response to Cybersecurity Scenarios: Factor Exploration and Scale Development, Miguel A. Toro-Jarrin, Pilar Pazos-Lago, and Miguel Padilla

Submissions from 2021


Pay for Performance, Satisfaction and Retention in Longitudinal Crowdsourced Research, Elena M. Auer, Tara S. Behrend, Andrew B. Collmus, Richard N. Landers, and Ahleah F. Miles


Structural Examination of Moral Injury and PTSD and Their Associations With Suicidal Behavior Among Combat Veterans, Allison R. Battles, Jeremy Jinkerson, Michelle L. Kelley, and Richard A. Mason


Maternal Depression Trajectories and Child BMI in a Multi-Ethnic Sample: A Latent Growth Modeling Analysis, Charlotte V. Farewell, Ryley Donohoe, Zaneta Thayer, James Paulson, Jacinda Nicklas, Caroline Walker, Karen Waldie, and Jenn A. Leiferman


Human Perception of AI Capabilities in Identifying Malicious Roadway Signs, Katherine R. Garcia, Yanru Xiao, Scott Mishler, Cong Wang, Bin Hu, and Jing Chen


Evaluating Study Procedure Training Methods for a Remote Daily Diary Study of Sexual Minority Women, Kristin E. Heron, Abby Braitman, Charlotte A. Dawson, Rachel I. MacIntyre, Lindsay M. Howard, and Robin J. Lewis


Examining the Ecological Validity of the Power of Food Scale, Lindsay M. Howard, Kristin E. Heron, Kathryn E. Smith, Ross D. Crosby, Scott G. Engel, Stephen A. Wonderlich, and Tyler B. Mason


Fake It Till You Make It With Your Boss? Surface Acting in Interactions With Leaders, Xiaoxiao Hu, Yujie Zhan, William P. Jimenez, Rebecca Garden, and Yi Li


From Managing Nurses to Serving Nurses: The Case for Transfusing Nursing Management With Servant Leadership During the Global COVID-19 Pandemic, William P. Jimenez, Seterra D. Burleson, and Matthew J. Haugh


Toward a More PERMA(nent) Conceptualization of Worker Well-Being? A Cross-Cultural Study of the Workplace PERMA Profiler, William P. Jimenez, Xiaoxiao Hu, Rebecca Garden, and Xiaofei Xie


Do They See a Half-Full Water Cooler? Relationships Among Group Optimism Composition, Group Performance, and Cohesion, William P. Jimenez, Xiaoxiao Hu, Chad Kenneally, and Feng Wei


Thinking About Thinking About Work: A Meta-Analysis of Off-Job Positive and Negative Work-Related Thoughts, William P. Jimenez, Xiaoxiao Hu, and Xiaohong (Violet) Xu


Takin' Care of Small Business: The Rise of Stakeholder Influence, William P. Jimenez, Xiaohong (Violet) Xu, Emily D. Campion, and Andrew A. Bennett


Minority Stress and Alcohol Use in Sexual Minority Women's Daily Lives, Robin J. Lewis, Kelly A. Romano, Sarah J. Ehlke, Cathy Lau-Barraco, Cassidy M. Sandoval, Douglas J. Glenn, and Kristin E. Heron


Facilitating Online Learning via Zoom Breakout Room Technology: A Case of Pair Programming Involving Students with Learning Disabilities, Ling Li, Li Da Xu, Yuming He, Wu He, Shana Pribesh, Silvana M. Watson, and Debra A. Major


Using Pair Programming as a Collaborative Learning Approach to Support Students With Learning Disabilities Via Zoom Breakout Rooms, Ling Li, Li Da Xu, Yuming He, Wu He, Silvana M.R. Watson, Shana Pribesh, Debra A. Major, Elizabeth Langran (Ed.), and Leanna Archambault (Ed.)


Disordered Eating, Food Insecurity, and Weight Status Among Transgender and Gender Nonbinary Youth and Young Adults: A Cross-Sectional Study Using a Nutrition Screening Protocol, Whitney R. Linsenmeyer, Ian M. Katz, Jaime L. Reed, Andrea M. Giedinghagen, Christopher B. Lewis, and Sarah K. Garwood


Consensus Statement on Ethical & Safety Practices for Conducting Digital Monitoring Studies with People at Risk of Suicide and Related Behaviors, Matthew K. Nock, Evan M. Kleiman, Melissa Abraham, Kate H. Bentley, David A. Brent, Ralph J. Buonopane, Franckie Castro-Ramirez, Christine B. Cha, Walter Dempsey, John Draper, Catherine R. Glenn, Jill Harkavy-Friedman, Michael R. Hollander, Jeffrey C. Huffman, Hye In S. Lee, Alexander J. Millner, David Mou, Jukka-Pekka Onnela, Rosalind W. Picard, Heather M. Quay, Osiris Rankin, Shannon Sewards, John Torous, Joan Wheelis, Ursula Whiteside, Galia Siegel, Anna E. Ordóñez, and Jane L. Pearson


Laypeople Perception and Interpretation of Simulated Life-Threatening Bleeding: A Controlled Experimental Study, Erik Prytz, Rachel Phillips, Susanna Lönnqvist, Marc Friberg, and Carl-Oscar Jonson


Does Team Leader Gender Matter? A Bayesian Reconciliation of Leadership and Patient Care During Trauma Resuscitations, Elizabeth D. Rosenman, Anthony Misisco, Jeffrey Olenick, Sarah M. Brolliar, Anne K. Chipman, Marie C. Vrablik, Georgia T. Chao, Steve W.J. Kozlowski, James A. Grand, and Rosemarie Fernandez


Nonsuicidal Self-Injury, Suicide Planning, and Suicide Attempt Among High-Risk Adolescents Prior to Psychiatric Hospitalization, Christina M. Sellers, Antonia Díaz-Valdés, Andrew C. Porter, Catherine R. Glenn, Adam Bryant Miller, Adeline Wyman Battalen, and Kimberly H. McManama O'Brien


Business Analysis and Future Development of an Electric Vehicle Company -- Tesla, Xuan Shao, Qin Wang, and Haoyi Yang


How Interesting Is This To You: Rating the Interestingness of Auditory Clips, Hanna Zakharenko, James R. Unverricht, and Yusuke Yamani

Submissions from 2020


Searching for I-O Psychology: How Practitioners, Academics, and Laypeople Engage With the I-O Brand Online, Bo Armstrong, Gordon B. Schmidt, Sayeedul Islam, William P. Jimenez, and Eric Knudsen


Preferences in Information Processing, Marginalized Identity, and Non-Monogamy: Understanding Factors in Suicide-Related Behavior among Members of the Alternative Sexuality Community, Robert J. Cramer, Jennifer Langhinrichsen-Rohling, Andrea R. Kaniuka, Corrine N. Wilsey, Annelise Mennicke, Susan Wright, Erika Montanaro, Jessamyn Bowling, and Kristin E. Heron


A Call for Grounding Implicit Bias Training in Clinical and Translational Frameworks, Nao Hagiwara, Frederick W. Kron, Mark W. Scerbo, and Ginger S. Watson


Successfully Aging at Work or Successfully Working While Aging? The Importance of Older Workers' Psychological Well-Being, William P. Jimenez


I-O Can Has Meme? Using Memes to Engage Others With I-O Psychology Content, William P. Jimenez, Lisa M. Kath, Sayeedul Islam, and Gordon B. Schmidt


Baclofen-Induced Changes in the Resting Brain Modulate Smoking Cue Reactivity: A Double-blind Placebo-controlled Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study in Cigarette Smokers, Ariel Ketcherside, Kanchana Jagannathan, Sudipto Dolui, Nathan Hager, Nathaniel Spilka, Chaela Nutor, Hengyi Rao, Teresa Franklin, and Reagan Wetherill