Submissions from 1995
Unstable and Stable Classifications of Scombroid Fishes, Kent E. Carpenter, Bruce B. Collette, and Joseph L. Russo
Scleractinian Corals of Kuwait, G. Hodgson and Kent E. Carpenter
Submissions from 1994
Population-Dynamics of Juvenile Caribbean Spiny Lobster, Panulirus-Argus, in Florida Bay, Florida, David Forcucci, Mark J. Butler IV, and John H. Hunt
Chesapeake Bay Phytoplankton: I. Composition, Harold G. Marshall
Instructions for Building Two Live Traps for Small Mammals, Robert K. Rose
Submissions from 1993
Observations on the Pearl Oyster Fishery of Kuwait, S. M. Almatar, Kent E. Carpenter, R. Jackson, S. H. Alhazeem, A. H. Alsaffar, A. R. A. Ghaffar, and C. Carpenter
Age, Growth, and Reproduction of Tautog Tautoga onitis (Labridae: Perciformes) from Coastal Waters of Virginia, E. Brian Hostetter and Thomas A. Munroe
Seasonal Relationships Between Phytoplankton Composition, Abundance, and Primary Productivity in Three Tidal Rivers of the Lower Chesapeake Bay, Harold G. Marshall and Kneeland K. Nesius
Microzooplankton in the Lower Chesapeake Bay, and the Tidal Elizabeth, James, and York Rivers, Gyung-Soo Park and Harold G. Marshall
Phytoplankton Relationships to Water Quality in Lake Drummond and Two Drainage Ditches, Christine G. Phillips and Harold G. Marshall
Submissions from 1992
Spiny Lobster Recruitment in South Florida: Quantitative Experiments and Management Implications, Mark J. Butler IV and William F. Herrnkind
Seasonal Phytoplankton Development Within Three Rivers in the Lower Chesapeake Bay Region, Harold G. Marshall and Lewis F. Affronti
Submissions from 1991
Sediment Denitrification Potential in the Elizabeth River, Virginia, Surena Fazeli-Matin, Andrew S. Gordon, and Harold G. Marshall
Seasonal Phytoplankton Assemblages Associated with the Chesapeake Bay Plume, Harold G. Marshall
Observations of the Phytoplankton Standing Crop at the Shelf Margin of the Mid Atlantic Bight, Bruce B. Wagoner and Harold G. Marshall
Feeding By Reticulitermes spp., Deborah A. Waller
Submissions from 1990
Small Mammals in the Great Dismal Swamp of Virginia and North Carolina, Robert K. Rose, Roger K. Everton, and Jean F. Stankavich
Reproduction in the Hispid Cotton Rat, Sigmodon-hispidus Say and Ord (Rodentia: Muridae), in Southeastern Virginia, Robert K. Rose and Michael H. Mitchell
Submissions from 1989
Community Responses to Variable Predation: Field Studies with Sunfish and Freshwater Macroinvertebrates, Mark J. Butler IV
Are Artificial "Witham" Surface Collectors Adequate Indicators of Caribbean Spiny Lobster, Panulirus argus, Recruitment?, Mark J. Butler IV and William F. Herrnkind
The Effect on Earth's Surface-Temperature from Variations in Rotations Rate, Continent Formation, Solar Luminosity, and Carbon Dioxide, William R. Kuhn, J. C.G. Walker, and Harold G. Marshall
Phytoplankton Composition in a Borrow Pit Lake in Virginia, Seba B. Sheavly and Harold G. Marshall
Submissions from 1988
Evaluation of Possible Reproductively Mediated Character Displacement in the Crayfishes, Orconectes rusticus and O. sanbornii, Mark J. Butler IV
Comparative Analysis of the Effects of Visual and Auditory Stimuli on Avian Mobbing Behavior, C. Ray Chandler and Robert K. Rose
The Effects of Siltation on Recruitment of Spiny Lobsters, Panulirus argus, William F. Herrnkind, Mark J. Butler, and Richard A. Tankersley
Host Selection in Subterranean Termites: Factors Affecting Choice (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae), Deborah Ann Waller
Submissions from 1987
Use of Woody Vegetation by Beavers in Southeastern Virginia, John L. Echternach and Robert K. Rose
The Identification of the Threatened Southeastern Shrew Using Multivariate Statistical Techniques, Thomas M. Padgett, Roger K. Everton, and Robert K. Rose
Distribution and Current Status of the Threatened Dismal Swamp Southeastern Shrew, Sorex longirostris fisheri, Robert K. Rose, Roger K. Everton, and Thomas M. Padgett
Submissions from 1986
Factors Regulating Settlement and Microhabitat Use by Spiny Lobsters Panulirus argus, William F. Herrnkind and Mark J. Butler IV
Late Prehistoric and Protohistoric Large Mammal Zoogeography of Virginia, Robert K. Rose
Reproductive Strategies of Meadow Voles, Hispid Cotton Rats, and Eastern Harvest Mice in Virginia, Robert K. Rose
Quantitation and Identification of Organic N-Chloramines Formed in Stomach Fluid on Ingestion of Aqueous Hypochlorite, Frank E. Scully Jr., Katherine Mazina, Daniel E. Sonenshine, and Frederick Kopfler
Submissions from 1985
Community Ecology, Robert K. Rose and Elmer C. Birney
Submissions from 1984
Breeding Birds in Cedar Stands in the Great Dismal Swamp, Karen A. Terwilliger and Robert K. Rose
Submissions from 1983
An Evaluation of Small Rodents in Four Dismal Swamp Plant Communities, F. Elizabeth Breidling, Frank P. Day Jr., and Robert K. Rose
Phytoplankton Studies Within the Virginia Barrier Islands. III. Phytoplankton Composition in a Saline Pond on Smith Island, Harold G. Marshall
Submissions from 1982
Electron Microscopic Demonstration of Neural Connections Using Horseradish Peroxidase: A Comparison of the Tetramethylbenzidine Procedure With Seven Other Histochemical Methods, Keith A. Carson and M-Marsel Mesulam
Submissions from 1981
Attributes of Dispersing Meadow Voles in Open-Grid Populations, Raymond D. Dueser, Marcia L. Wilson, and Robert K. Rose
Small Mammals in Openings in Virginia's Dismal Swamp, Robert K. Rose
Submissions from 1980
Phytoplankton Studies Within the Virginia Barrier Islands I. Seasonal Study of Phytoplankton in Goose Lake, Parramore Island, Harold G. Marshall
Submissions from 1979
Additional Comments on Reproductive Strategies and Population Fluctuations in Microtine Rodents, Michael S. Gaines, William M. Schaffer, and Robert K. Rose
Submissions from 1978
The Reproductive Cycle of Microtus ochrogaster in Eastern Kansas, Robert K. Rose and Michael S. Gaines
Submissions from 1977
Live Trap Preference Among Grassland Mammals, Robert K. Rose, Norman A. Slade, and James H. Honacki
Submissions from 1976
Population Dynamics of Microtus Ochrogaster in Eastern Kansas, Michael S. Gaines and Robert K. Rose
Submissions from 1966
Diurnal Distribution of Phytoplankton From a Single Station at the Mouth of the James River, Harold G. Marshall
Submissions from 1965
The Annual Distribution and Stratification of Phytoplankton at Aurora Lake, Portage County, Ohio, Harold G. Marshall
The Distribution of Phytoplankton Along a 140 Mile Transect in the Chesapeake Bay, Harold G. Marshall
Submissions from 1955
Succession in a Dune Community at Mentor Headlands, Ohio, Harold G. Marshall