Submissions from 2021
Remarkably High and Consistent Tolerance of a Red Sea Coral to Acute and Chronic Thermal Stress Exposures, Nicolas R. Evensen, Maoz Fine, Gabriela Perna, Christian R. Voolstra, and Daniel J. Barshis
First Record of Blacknape Large-Eye Bream Gymnocranius satoi (Perciformes: Lethrinidae) in the Philippines, Nicko Amor Flores, Jade Tifany Rey, Jeffrey T. Williams, Kent Carpenter, and Mudjekeewis Santos
Haplotype Network Branch Diversity, a New Metric Combining Genetic and Topological Diversity to Compare the Complexity of Haplotype Networks, Eric Garcia, Daniel Wright, Remy Gatkins, May B. Roberts, Hudson T. Pinheiro, Eva Salas, Jei-Ying Chen, Jacob R. Winnikoff, and Giacomo Bernardi
Advancing Applied Research in Conservation Criminology Through the Evaluation of Corruption Prevention, Enhancing Compliance, and Reducing Recidivism, Jessica S. Kahler, Joseph W. Rivera, Zachary T. Steele, Pilar Morales-Giner, Christian J. Rivera, Carol F. Ahossin, Ashpreet Kaur, and Diane J. Episcopio-Sturgeon
Complete Genome Sequence of Rickettsia parkeri Strain Black Gap, Sandor E. Karpathy, Christopher D. Paddock, Stephanie L. Grizzard, Dhwani Batra, Lori A. Rowe, and David T. Gauthier
Antibodies Against EGF-Like Domains in Ixodes scapularis BM86 Orthologs Impact Tick Feeding and Survival of Borrelia burgdorferi, Juraj Koči, Sandhya Bista, Payal Chirania, Xiuli Yang, Chrysoula Kitsou, Vipin Singh Rana, Ozlem Buyuktanir Yas, Daniel E. Sonenshine, and Utpal Pal
Self and Microbiota-Derived Epitopes Induce CD4⁺ T Cell Anergy and Conversion into CD4⁺Foxp3⁺ Regulatory Cells, Michal P. Kuczma, Edyta A. Szurek, Anna Cebula, Vu L. Ngo, Maciej Pietrzak, Piotr Kraj, Timothy L. Denning, and Leszek Ignatowicz
Spatio-Temporal Modelling of Tick Life-Stage Count Data With Spatially Varying Coefficients, Thabo Lephoto, Henry Mwambi, Oliver Bodhlyera, and Holly Gaff
Scoping Review of Distribution Models for Selected Amblyomma Ticks and Rickettsial Group Pathogens, Catherine A. Lippi, Holly D. Gaff, Alexis L. White, and Sadie J. Ryan
Trends and Opportunities in Tick-Borne Disease Geography, Catherine A. Lippi, Sadie J. Ryan, Alexis L. White, Holly D. Gaff, and Colin J. Carlson
Nutrient Cycling in Tropical and Temperate Coastal Waters: Is Latitude Making a Difference?, Christian Lønborg, Moritz Müller, Edward C. V. Butler, Shan Jiang, Seng Keat Ooi, Dieu Huong Trinh, Pui Yee Wong, Suryati M. Ali, Chun Cui, Wee Boon Siong, Erik S. Yando, Daniel A. Friess, Judith A. Rosentreter, Bradley D. Eyre, and Patrick Martin
Focus Stacking Images of Morphological Character States for Differentiating the Adults of Ixodes affinis and Ixodes scapularis (Acari: Ixodidae) in Areas of Sympatry, Robyn M. Nadolny, Marcée Toliver, Holly D. Gaff, John G. Snodgrass, and Richard G. Robbins
Variation in Coral Thermotolerance Across a Pollution Gradient Erodes as Coral Symbionts Shift to More Heat-Tolerant Genera, Melissa S. Naugle, Thomas A. Oliver, Daniel J. Barshis, Ruth D. Gates, and Cheryl A. Logan
Tick Extracellular Vesicles Enable Arthropod Feeding and Promote Distinct Outcomes of Bacterial Infection, Adela S. Oliva Chávez, Xiaowei Wang, Liron Marnin, Nathan K. Archer, Holly L. Hammond, Erin E. McClure Carroll, Dana K. Shaw, Brenden G. Tully, Amanda D. Buskirk, Shelby L. Ford, L. Rainer Butler, Preeti Shahi, Kateryna Morozova, Cristina C. Clement, Lauren Lawres, Anya J. O'Neal, Choukri Ben Mamoun, Kathleen L. Mason, Brandi E. Hobbs, Glen A. Scoles, Eileen M. Barry, Daniel E. Sonenshine, Utpal Pal, Jesus G. Valenzuela, Marcelo B. Sztein, Marcela F. Pasetti, Michael L. Levin, Michail Kotsyfakis, Steven M. Jay, Jason F. Huntley, Lloyd S. Miller, Laura Santambrogio, and Joao H.F. Pedra
Advancing Cyanobacteria Biomass Estimation From Hyperspectral Observations: Demonstrations With HICO and PRISMA Imagery, Ryan E. O'Shea, Nima Pahlevan, Brandon Smith, Mariano Bresciani, Todd Egerton, Claudia Giardino, Lin Li, Tim Moore, Antonio Ruiz-Verdu, Steve Ruberg, Stefan G.H. Simis, Richard Stumpf, and Diana Vaičiūtė
Global Extinction Risk for Seahorses, Pipefishes and Their Near Relatives (Syngnathiformes), Riley A. Pollom, Gina M. Ralph, Caroline M. Pollock, and Amanda C.J. Vincent
Tick Ecdysteroid Hormone, Global Microbiota/Rickettsia Signaling in the Ovary Versus Carcass During Vitellogenesis in Part-Fed (Virgin) American Dog Ticks, Dermacentor variabilis, Loganathan Ponnusamy, Haley Sutton, Robert D. Mitchell III, Daniel E. Sonenshine, Charles S. Apperson, and Richard Michael Roe
Triple Oxygen Isotope Measurements (Δ'17O) of Body Water Reflect Water Intake, Metabolism, and δ18O of Ingested Water in Passerines, Pablo Sabat, Seth D. Newsome, Stephanie Pinochet, Roberto Nespolo, Juan Carlos Sanchez-Hernandez, Karen Maldonado, Alexander R. Gerson, Zachary D. Sharp, and John P. Whiteman
Fast and Pervasive Transcriptomic Resilience and Acclimation of Extremely Heat-Tolerant Coral Holobionts from the Northern Red Sea, Romain Savary, Daniel J. Barshis, Christian R. Voolstra, Anny Cárdenas, Nicolas R. Evensen, Guilhem Banc-Prandi, Maoz Fine, and Anders Meiborn
How Wetland Plants Deal with Stress, Taylor M. Sloey
Histological Atlas of the Internal Anatomy of Female Varroa destructor (Mesostigmata: Varroidae) Mites in Relation to Feeding and Reproduction, Daniel E. Sonenshine, Francisco Posada-Florez, Damien Laudier, Connor J. Gulbronson, Samuel Ramsey, and Steven C. Cook
Biology and Molecular Biology of Ixodes scapularis, Daniel E. Sonenshine, Ladislav Šimo, Justin D. Radolf (Ed.), and D. Scott Samuels (Ed.)
Microbiomes of Blood-Feeding Arthropods: Genes Coding for Essential Nutrients and Relation to Vector Fitness and Pathogenic Infections. A Review, Daniel E. Sonenshine and Philip E. Stewart
A New Species of Scirtes Illiger, 1807 (Coleoptera: Scirtidae) from Virginia and South Carolina, USA, Charles A. Springer and Deborah A. Waller
Double Anus in an Ixodes scapularis Nymph, a Medically Important Tick Vector, Vikas Taank, Frank A. Lattanzio, Hameeda Sultana, and Girish Neelakanta
Consensus Guidelines for Advancing Coral Holobiont Genome and Specimen Voucher Deposition, Christian R. Voolstra, Kate M. Quigley, Sarah W. Davies, John Everett Parkinson, Raquel S. Peixoto, Manuel Aranda, Andrew C. Baker, Adam R. Barno, Daniel J. Barshis, Francesca Benzoni, Victor Bonito, David G. Bourne, Carol Buitrago-López, Tom C.L. Bridge, Cheong Xin Chan, David J. Combosch, Jamie Craggs, Jörg C. Frommlet, Santiago Herrera, Andrea M. Quattrini, Till Röthig, James D. Reimer, Esther Rubio-Portillo, David J. Suggett, Helena Villela, Maren Ziegler, and Michael Sweet
Contrasting Heat Stress Response Patterns of Coral Holobionts Across the Red Sea Suggest Distinct Mechanisms of Thermal Tolerance, Christian R. Voolstra, Jacob J. Valenzuela, Serdar Turkarslan, Anny Cárdenas, Benjamin C.C. Hume, Gabriela Perna, Carol Buitrago-López, Katherine Rowe, Monica V. Orellana, Nitin S. Baliga, Suman Paranjape, Guilhem Banc-Prandi, Jessica Bellworthy, Moaz Fine, Sarah Frias-Torres, and Daniel J. Barshis
Polar Bear Behavior: Morphologic and Physiologic Adaptations, John P. Whiteman
Dietary Protein Content and Digestibility Influences Discrimination of Amino Acid Nitrogen Isotope Values in a Terrestrial Omnivorous Mammal, John P. Whiteman, Mauriel Rodriguez Curras, Kelli L. Feeser, and Seth D. Newsome
Effects of Weather on Foraging Success and Hunting Frequency in Winter-Irruptive Snowy Owls (Bubo scandiacus) in Upstate New York, Russell E. Winter and William M. Shields
Diet of Long-Eared Owl and Common Kestrel in an Urban Landscape (Ukraine), Ivan Zahorodnyi, Oleksii Dubovyk, Ivan Komarnytskyi, and Ihor Dykyy
Submissions from 2020
Adaptive Divergence, Neutral Panmixia, and Algal Symbiont Population Structure in the Temperate Coral Astrangia poculata Along the Mid-Atlantic United States, Hannah E. Aichelman and Daniel J. Barshis
Performance Evaluation of Cetacean Species Distribution Models Developed Using Generalized Additive Models and Boosted Regression Trees, Elizabeth A. Becker, James V. Carretta, Karin A. Forney, Jay Barlow, Stephanie Brodie, Ryan Hoopes, Michael G. Jacox, Sara M. Maxwell, Jessica V. Redfern, Nicholas B. Sisson, Heather Welch, and Elliott L. Hazen
Factors Affecting the Microbiome of Ixodes scapularis and Amblyomma americanum, R. Jory Brinkerhoff, Chris Clark, Kelly Ocasio, David T. Gauthier, and Wayne L. Hynes
Atractoscion atelodus, L. Chao, K. E. Carpenter, M. Liu, Y. G. Seah, and O. Aguilera Socorro
A Survey of the Reptiles and Amphibians at the University of Georgia Costa Rica Field Station in San Luis de Monteverde, Costa Rica, John David Curlis, Elliot Convery Fisher, W. Kody Muhic, James Moy, Martha Garro-Cruz, and José Joaquín Montero-Ramírez
Correlates of Bird Collisions With Buildings Across Three North American Countries, Jared A. Elmore, Stephen B. Hager, Bradley J. Cosentino, Nastasha Hagemeyer, Eric Walters, Scott R. Loss, and et al.
Ecosystem Services and Disservices of Mangrove Forests and Salt Marshes, Daniel A. Friess, Erik S. Yando, Jahson B. Alemu I, Lynn-Wei Wong, Sasha D. Soto, Natasha Bhatia, S. J. Hawkins (Ed.), A. L. Allcock (Ed.), A. E. Bates (Ed.), A.J. Evans (Ed.), L. B. Firth (Ed.), C. D. McQuaid (Ed.), B. D. Russell (Ed.), I. P. Smith (Ed.), S. E. Swearer (Ed.), and P. A. Todd (Ed.)
LYMESIM 2.0: An Updated Simulation of Blacklegged Tick (Acari: Ixodidae) Population Dynamics and Enzootic Transmission of Borrelia burgdorferi (Spirochaetales: Spirochaetaceae), Holly Gaff, Rebecca J. Eisen, Lars Eisen, Robyn Nadolny, Jenna Bjork, and Andrew J. Monaghan
Conserving Spawning Stocks Through Harvest Slot Limits and No-Take Protected Areas, Gaya Gnanalingam, Holly Gaff, and Mark J. Butler IV
Using Genetics to Inform Restoration and Predict Resilience in Declining Populations of a Keystone Marine Sponge, Sarah M. Griffiths, Evelyn D. Taylor-Cox, Donald C. Behringer, Mark J. Butler IV, and Richard F. Preziosi
Fine-Scale Patterns of Genetic Structure in the Host Plant Chamaecrista fasciculata (Fabaceae) and Its Nodulating Rhizobia Symbionts, Mahboubeh Hosseinalizadeh Nobarinezhad and Lisa A. Wallace
Science, Diplomacy, and the Red Sea's Unique Coral Reef: It's Time for Action, Karine Kleinhaus, Ali Al-Sawalmih, Daniel J. Barshis, Amatzia Genin, Lola N. Grace, Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, Yossi Loya, Anders Meiborn, Eslam O. Osman, Jean-Daniel Ruch, Yonathan Shaked, Christian R. Voolstra, Assaf Zvuloni, and Maoz Fine
Exploring the Niche of Rickettsia montanensis (Rickettsiales: Rickettsiaceae) Infection of the American Dog Tick (Acari: Ixodidae), Using Multiple Species Distribution Model Approaches, Catherine A. Lippi, Holly Gaff, Alexis L. White, Heidi K. St. John, Allen L. Richards, and Sadie J. Ryan
Can The Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope Values of Offspring be Used as a Proxy for Their Mother's Diet? Using Foetal Physiology to Interpret Bulk Tissue and Amino Acid δ15N Values, Nico Lübcker, John P. Whiteman, Seth D. Newsome, Robert P. Millar, and P.J. Nico de Bruyn
Patterns of Genetic Diversity in Highly Invasive Species: Cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica) Expansion in the Invaded Range of the Southern United States (US), Rima D. Lucardi, Lisa E. Wallace, and Gary N. Ervin
In Vitro and In Vivio Evaluation of a Moisture Treatment Cream Containing Three Critical Elements of Natural Skin Moisturization, David H. McDaniel, Jeffrey S. Dover, Mitchell Wortzman, and Diane B. Nelson
Small-Scale Population Connectivity and Genetic Structure in Canada Thistle (Cirsium arvense), Mahboubeh Hosseinalizadeh Nobarinezhad, Lavanya Challagundla, and Lisa E. Wallace
Varroa destructor Mites Vector and Transmit Pathogenic Honey Bee Viruses Acquired From an Artificial Diet, Francisco Posada-Florez, Eugene V. Ryabov, Matthew C. Heerman, Yanping Chen, Jay D. Evans, Daniel E. Sonenshine, and Steven C. Cook
Repression of Tick microRNA-133 Induces Organic Anion Transporting Polypeptide Expression Critical for Anaplasma phagocytophilumsurvival in the Vector and Transmission to the Vertebrate Host, Ellango Ramasamy, Vikas Taank, John F. Anderson, Hameeda Sultana, and Girish Neelakanta
Tick-Borne Flavivirus Inhibits Sphingomyelinase (IsSMase), a Venomous Spider Ortholog to Increase Sphingomyelin Lipid Levels for Its Survival in Ixodes scapularis Ticks, Pravesh Regmi, Supreet Khanal, Girish Neelakanta, and Hameda Sultana
Evolutionary Determinism and Convergence Associated with Water Column Transitions in Marine Fishes, Melissa Rincon-Sandoval, Emmanuelle Duarte-Ribeiro, Aaron M. Davis, Aintzane Santaquiteria, Lily C. Hughes, Carole C. Baldwin, Luisángely Soto-Torres, Arturo Acero P., H.J. Walker Jr, Kent E. Carpenter, Marcus Sheaves, Guillermo Orti, Dahiana Arcila, and Ricardo Betancur-R.
The Natural History of the Marsh Rice Rat, Oryzomys palustris, in Eastern Virginia, Robert K. Rose
Workflow For Constructing Social Networks From Automated Telemetry Systems, Daizaburo Shizuka, Sahas Barve, Allison Johnson, and Eric L. Walters
Apparent Resilience to Fire of Native Bee (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) Communities From Upland Longleaf Pine Forests in Louisiana and Mississippi, Sara A. Simmons and Janice L. Bossart
Translating Globally Threatened Marine Species Information into Regional Guidance for the Gulf of Mexico, Kyle Strongin, Beth Polidoro, Christi Linardich, Gina Ralph, and Kent Carpenter
An Efficient Microinjection Method to Generate Human Anaplasmosis Agent Anaplasma Phagocytophilum-Infected Ticks, Vikas Taank, Ellango Ramasamy, Hameeda Sultana, and Girish Neelakanta
Standardized Short-Term Acute Heat Stress Assays Resolve Historical Differences in Coral Thermotolerance Across Microhabitat Reef Sites, Christian R. Voolstra, Carol Buitrago-López, Gabriela Perna, Anny Cárdenas, Benjamin C. C. Hume, Nils Rädecker, and Daniel J. Barshis
Phenotypic Variation of Partridge Pea (Chamaecrista fasciculata) from Mississippi Persists in a Common Garden, Lisa E. Wallace, Mahboubeh Hosseinalizadeh-Nobarinezhad, and Robert Coltharp
A Simple, Inexpensive Method for Mark-Recapture of Ixodid Ticks, Alexis White, Robin Minch, Lindsey Bidder, and Holly Gaff
Squids Use Multiple Escape Jet Patterns Throughout Ontogeny, Carly A. York, Ian K. Bartol, Paul S. Krueger, and Joseph T. Thompson
Discovery of Exosomes From Tick Saliva and Salivary Glands Reveals Therapeutic Roles for CXCL12 and IL-8 in Wound Healing at the Tick-Human Skin Interface, Wenshuo Zhou, Faizan Tahir, Joseph Che-Yen Wang, Michael Woodson, Michael B. Sherman, Shahid Karim, Girish Neelakanta, and Hameeda Sultana
Submissions from 2019
Cryptic Lineages and a Population Damned to Incipient Extinction? Insights into the Genetic Structure of a Mekong River Catfish, Amanda S. Ackiss, Binh T. Dang, Christopher E. Bird, Ellen E. Biesack, Phen Chheng, Latsamy Phounvisouk, Quyen H.D. Vu, Sophorn Uy, and Kent E. Carpenter
Adaptive Signatures in Thermal Performance of the Temperate Coral Astrangia poculata, H. E. Aichelman, Richard C. Zimmerman, and Daniel J. Barshis
Correction: New Approaches for Assessing Squid Fin Motions: Coupling Proper Orthogonal Decomposition With Volumetric Particle Tracking Velocimetry (doi:10.1242/jeb.176750), Ian K. Bartol, Paul S. Krueger, Carly A. York, and Joseph T. Thompson
Wandering Woodpeckers: Foray Behavior in a Social Bird, Sahas Barve, Natasha D. G. Hagemeyer, Russell E. Winter, Samuel D. Chamberlain, Walter D. Koenig, David W. Winkler, and Eric L. Walters
Habitat Saturation Results in Joint-Nesting Female Coalitions in a Social Bird, Sahas Barve, Walter D. Koenig, Joseph Haydock, and Eric L. Walters
Dormant Pathogenic CD4(+) T Cells Are Prevalent in the Peripheral Repertoire of Healthy Mice, Anna Cebula, Michal Kuczma, Edyta Szurek, Maciej Pietrzak, Natasha Savage, Wessam R. Elhefnawy, Grzegorz Rempala, Piotr Kraj, and Leszek Ignatowicz
Prime-Boost Vaccine Regimen for SjTPl and SjC23 Schistosome Vaccines, Increases Efficacy in Water Buffalo in a Field Trial in China, Akram A. Da'Dara, Changlin Li, Xinling Yu, Mao Zheng, Jie Zhou, Lisa M. Shollenberger, Yue-Sheng Li, and Donald A. Ham
Molecular Investigation and Phylogeny of Species of the Anaplasmataceae Infecting Animals and Ticks in Senegal, Mustapha Dahmani, Bernard davoust, Masse Sambou, Hubert Bassene, Pierre Scandola, Tinhinene Ameur, Didier Raoult, Florence Feenollar, and Oleg Mediannikov
Diversity of Nitrogen-Fixing Symbionts of Chamaecrista fasciculata (Partridge Pea) Across Variable Soils, Hanna E. Dorman and Lisa E. Wallace
Host Genetics and Geography Influence Microbiome Composition in the Sponge Ircinia campana, Sarah M. Griffiths, Rachael E. Antwis, Luca Lenzi, Anita Lucaci, Donald C. Behringer, Mark J. Butler, and Richard F. Preziosi
Multistate Survey of American Dog Ticks (Dermacentor variabilis) for Rickettsia Species, Joy A. Hecht, Michelle E.J. Allerdice, Elizabeth A. Dykstra, Laura Mastel, Rebecca J. Eisen, Tammi L. Johnson, Holly D. Gaff, Andrea S. Varela-Stokes, Jerome Goddard, Benedict B. Pagac, Christopher D. Paddock, and Sandor E. Karpathy
Does Helping-at-the-Nest Help? The Case of the Acorn Woodpecker, Walter D. Koenig, Eric L. Walters, and Sahas Barve
Insights Into the Feeding Behaviors and Biomechanics of Varroa destructor Mites on Honey Bee Pupae Using Electropenetrography and Histology, Andrew Y. Li, Steven C. Cook, Daniel E. Sonenshine, Francisco Pasada-Florez, Noble I.I. Noble, Joseph Mowery, Conner J. Gulbronson, and Gary R. Bauchan
Anti-C1q Autoantibodies Are Frequently Detected in Patients With Systemic Sclerosis Associated With Pulmonary Fibrosis, C. Liaskos, S. Rentouli, T. Simopoulou, A. Gkoutzourelas, G. L. Norman, A. Brotis, I. Alexiou, C. Katsiari, D. P. Bogdanos, and L. I. Sakkas
Clonally Expanded Alpha-Chain T-Cell Receptor (TCR) Transcripts are Present in Aneurysmal Lesions of Patients With Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA), Song Lu, John V. White, Raquel I. Judy, Lisa L. Merritt, Wan Lu Lin, Xiaoying Zhang, Charalambos Solomides, Ifeyinwa Nwaneshiudu, John Gaughan, Dimitri S. Monos, Emilia L. Oleszak, and Chris D. Platsoucas
Editorial: Advances in the Biology and Conservation of Marine Turtles, Sara M. Maxwell, Annette C. Broderick, Peter H. Dutton, Sabrina Fossette-Halot, Mariana M.P.B. Fuentes, and Richard D. Reina
Seasonal Spatial Segregation in Blue Sharks (Prionace glauca) by Sex and Size Class in the Northeast Pacific Ocean, Sara M. Maxwell, Kylie L. Scales, Steven Bograd, Dana K. Briscoe, Heidi Dewar, Elliott L. Hazen, Rebecca L. Lewison, Heather Welch, and Larry B. Crowder
Vitellogenin Receptor as a Target for Tick Control: A Mini-Review, Robert D. Mitchell III, Daniel E. Sonenshine, and Adalberto A. Pérez de León
Crystal Structure of VapBC-1 from Nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae and the Effect of Pin Domain Mutations on Survival During Infection, Ashley L. Molinaro, Maithri M. Kashipathy, Scott Lovell, Kevin P. Battaile, Nathan P. Coussens, Min Shen, and Dayle A. Daines
Mapping Status and Conservation of Global At-Risk Marine Biodiversity, Casey C. O'Hara, Juan Carlos Villaseñor-Derbez, Gina M. Ralph, and Benjamin S. Halpern
Demographic Response of the Gambian Gerbil to Seasonal Changes in Savannah Fallow Fields, Safianu Rabiu and Robert K. Rose
Natural History of the Eastern Harvest Mouse in Southeastern Virginia, Robert K. Rose
Serological Proteomic Screening and Evaluation of a Recombinant Egg Antigen for the Diagnosis of Low-Intensity Schistosoma mansoni infections in endemic area in Brazil, Vanessa Silva-Moraes, Lisa Marie Shollenberger, William Castro-Borges, Ana Lucia Teles Rabello, Donald A. Harn, Lia Carolina Soares Medeiros, Wander de Jesus Jeremias, Liliane Maria Vidal Siqueira, Caroline Stephane Salviano Pereira, Maria Luysa Camargos Pedrosa, Nathalie Bonatti Franco Almeida, Aureo Almeida, Jose Roberto Lambertucci, Nidia Francisca de Figueiredo Carneiro, Paulo Marcos Zech Coelho, and Refaella Fortini Queiroz Grenfell
Diagnosis of Schistosoma mansoni Infections: What are the Choices in Brazilian Low-Endemic Areas?, Vanessa Silva-Moraes, Lisa M. Shollenberger, Liliane Maria Vidal Siqueira, William Castro-Borges, Donald A. Harn, Rafaella Fortini Queiroz e. Grenfell, Ana Lucia Teles Rabello, and Paulo Marcos Zech Coelho
Parasitic Dinoflagellate Hematodinium perezi Prevalence in Larval and Juvenile Blue Crabs Callinectes sapidus from Coastal Bays of Virginia, H. J. Small, J. P. Huchin-Mian, K. S. Reece, K. M. Pagenkopp Lohan, Mark J. Butler IV, and J. D. Shields
Sponges Structure Water-Column Characteristics in Shallow Tropical Coastal Ecosystems, Marla M. Valentine and Mark J. Butler IV
Dynamics of Two Pathogens in a Single Tick Population, Alexis White, Elsa Schaefer, Chelsea Wright-Thompson, Christopher M. Kribs, and Holly Gaff
Field Testing Integrated Interventions for Schistosomiasis Elimination in the People's Republic of China: Outcomes of a Multifactorial Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial, Gail M. Williams, Yue-Sheng Li, Darren J. Gray, Zheng-Yuan Zhao, Donald A. Harn, Lisa M. Shollenberger, Sheng-Ming Li, Xinglin Yu, Zeng Feng, Jia-Gang Guo, Jie Zhou, Yu-Lan Dong, Yuan Li, Biao Guo, Patrick Driguez, Marina Harvie, Hong You, Allen G. Ross, and Donald P. McManus
Exosomes Mediate Zika Virus Transmission Through SMPD3 Neutral Sphingomyelinase in Cortical Neurons, Wenshuo Zhou, Michael Woodson, Michael B. Sherman, Girish Neelakanta, and Hameeda Sultana
Submissions from 2018
Genetic Patterns in Peripheral Marine Populations of the Fusilier Fish Caesio Cuning Within the Kuroshio Current, Amanda S. Ackiss, Christopher E. Bird, Yuichi Akita, Mudjekeewis D. Santos, Katsunori Tachihara, and Kent E. Carpenter
High-Frequency Temperature Variability Mirrors Fixed Differences in Thermal Limits of the Massive Coral Porites lobata, Daniel J. Barshis, Charles Birkeland, Robert J. Toonen, Ruth D. Gates, and Jonathon H. Stillman
Antimicrobial Efficacy and Safety of a Novel Gas Plasma-Activated Catheter Lock Solution, Sudhir Bhatt, Poonam Mehta, Chen Chen, Dayle A. Daines, Leonard A. Mermel, Hai-Lan Chen, and Michael G. Kong
Hydnora arabica (Aristolochiaceae), a New Species from the Arabian Peninsula and a Key to Hydnora, Jay F. Bolin, Darach Lupton, and Lytton John Musselman
Interesting, Provocative, and Enigmatic: Morphological Observations on Southeastern Quillworts (Isoetes Isoetaceae, Lycopodiophyta, Rebecca D. Bray, Peter W. Schafran, and Lytton J. Musselman
Characterizing Habitat Suitability for a Central‐Place Forager in a Dynamic Marine Environment, Dana K. Briscoe, Sabrina Fossette, Kylie L. Scales, Elliott L. Hazen, Steven J. Bograd, Sara M. Maxwell, Elizabeth A. McHuon, Patrick W. Robibson, Carey Kuhn, Daniel P. Costa, Larry B. Crowder, and Rebecca L. Lewison
Integrating Dynamic Subsurface Habitat Metrics Into Species Distribution Models, Stephanie Brodie, Michael G. Jacox, Steven J. Bograd, Heather Welch, Heidi Dewar, Kylie L. Scales, Sara M. Maxwell, Dana M. Briscoe, Christopher A. Edwards, Larry B. Crowder, Rebecca L. Lewison, and Elliott L. Hazen
Nocturnally-Migrating Birds Traverse Earth's Most Light-Polluted Regions, and Bright Lights Confound Their Habitat Use En Route, Jeffrey J. Butler, James D. McLaren, Sergio A. Cabrera-Cruz, Jaclyn A. Smolinsky, Timothy D. Schreckengost, Matthew E. Boone, E. Emiel van Loon, Deanna K. Dawson, and Eric L. Walters
Better Living Through Chemistry: Addressing Emerging Antibiotic Resistance, Nathan P. Coussens, Ashley L. Molinaro, Kayla J. Culbertson, Tyler Peryea, Gergely Zahoránszky-Köhalmi, Matthew D. Hall, and Dayle A. Daines