A selection of faculty publications from the Department of Biological Sciences, College of Sciences, Old Dominion University.


Submissions from 2018


Assessing Trade-Offs in Large Marine Protected Areas, Tammy E. Davies, Graham Epstein, Stacy E. Aguilera, Cassandra M. Brooks, Michael Cox, Louisa S. Evans, Sara M. Maxwell, Mateja Nenadovic, and Natalie C. Ban


BioTIME: A Database of Biodiversity Time Series for the Anthropocene, Maria Dornelas, Laura H. Antão, Faye Moyes, Amanda E. Bates, Anne E. Magurran, Dušan Adams, Asem A. Akhmetzhanova, Ward Appeltans, José Manuel Adam, and Frank P. Day


Coordination of Different Ligands to Copper(II) and Cobalt(III) Metal Centers Enhances Zika Virus and Dengue Virus Loads in Both Arthropod Cells and Human Keratinocytes, Shovan Dutta, Michael J. Celestine, Supreet Khanal, Alexis Huddleston, Colin Simms, Jessa Faye Arca, Amlam Mitra, Loree Heller, Piotr Kraj, Michael Ledizet, John F. Anderson, Girish Neelakanta, Alvin A. Holder, and Hameeda Sultana


Using an in vitro System for Maintaining Varroa Destructor Mites on Apis Mellifera Pupae as Hosts: Studies of Mite Longevity and Feeding Behavior, Noble I. Egekwu, Francisco Posada, Daniel E. Sonenshine, and Steven Cook


Adiposity and Fat Metabolism During Combined Fasting and Lactation in Elephant Seals, Melinda Fowler, Cory Champagne, and Daniel Croker


Energy-Rich Mesopelagic Fishes Revealed as a Critical Prey Resource for a Deep-Diving Predator Using Quantitative Fatty Acid Signature Analysis, Chandra Goetsch, Melinda G. Conners, Suzanne M. Budge, Yoko Mitani, William A. Walker, Jeffrey F. Bromaghin, Samantha E. Simmons, Colleen Reichmuth, and Daniel P. Costa


Dermal Mycobacteriosis and Warming Sea Surface Temperatures Are Associated With Elevated Mortality of Striped Bass in Chesapeake Bay, Maya L. Groner, John M. Hoenig, Roger Pradel, Rémi Choquet, Wolfgang K. Vogelbein, David T. Gauthier, and Marjorie A. M. Friedrichs


A Dynamic Ocean Management Tool to Reduce Bycatch and Support Sustainable Fisheries, Elliot L. Hazen, Kylie L. Scales, Sara M. Maxwell, Dana K. Briscoe, Heather Welch, Steven J. Bograd, Helen Bailey, Scott R. Benson, Tomo Eguchi, and Heidi Dewar


Do Avian Blood Parasites Influence Hypoxia Physiology in a High Elevation Environment?, Farah Ishtiaq and Sahas Barve


Troubled Waters: Threats and Extinction Risk of the Sharks, Rays and Chimaeras of the Arabian Sea and Adjacent Waters, Rima W. Jabado, Peter M. Kyne, Riley A. Pollom, David A. Ebert, Colin A. Simpfendorfer, Gina M. Ralph, Shakha S. Al Dhaheri, K. V. Akhilesh, Khadeeja Ali, and Mohamud Hassan Ali


Arthropod Transcriptional Activator Protein-1 (AP-1) Aids Tick-Rickettsial Pathogen Survival in the Cold, Supreet Khanal, Vikas Taank, John F. Anderson, Hameeda Sultana, and Girish Neelakanta


The Spatial Context of “Winning” in MPA Network Design: Location Matters, Andrew S. Kough, Claire B. Paris, and Mark J. Butler IV


The Mechanisms Shaping the Repertoire of CD4(+)Foxp3(+) Regulatory T Cells, Piotr Kraj and Leszek Ignatowicz


Gain-of-Function Experiments With Bacteriophage Lambda Uncover Residues Under Diversifying Selection in Nature, Rohan Maddamsetti, Daniel T. Johnson, Stephanie J. Spielman, Katherine L. Petrie, Debora S. Marks, and Justin R. Meyer


Sea Turtles and Survivability in Demersal Trawl Fisheries: Do Comatose Olive Ridley Sea Turtles Survive Post-Release?, Sara M. Maxwell, Matthew J. Witt, Gaspard Abitsi, Marie Pierre Aboro, Pierre Didier Agamboue, Georges Mba Asseko, Francois Boussamba, Emmanuel Chartain, Micheline Schummer Gnandji, and Brice Didier Koumba Mabert


Does Channel Island Acmispon (Fabaceae) Form Cohesive Evolutionary Groups?, Mitchell E. McGlaughlin, Lynn Riley, Kaius Helenurm, and Lisa A. Wallace


Carnivorous Pitcher Plants Eat a Diet of Certain Spiders, Regardless of What's on the Menu, Marc A. Milne and Deborah A. Waller


Blooms of Dinoflagellate Mixotrophs in a Lower Chesapeake Bay Tributary: Carbon and Nitrogen Uptake over Diurnal, Seasonal, and Interannual Timescales, Margaret R. Mulholland, Ryan Morse, Todd Egerton, Peter W. Bernhardt, and K. C. Filippino


Modelling the Effects of Habitat and Hosts on Tick Invasions, Robyn M. Nadolny and Holly D. Gaff


Natural History of the Southern Bog Lemming in Southeastern Virginia, Robert K. Rose


Compositional Changes in Two Small Mammal Communities During Succession in Southeastern Virginia, Robert K. Rose, Robyn M. Nadolny, Jay Kiser, Stephen E. Rice, Heather Green Salamone, Jana Eggleston, and Holly D. Gaff


Reproductive Correlates of a Perineal Gland in the Hispid Cotton Rat, Robert K. Rose and Julie A. Winchell


High Frequency Temperature Variability Reduces the Risk of Coral Bleaching, Aryan Safaie, Nyssa J. Silbiger, Timothy R. McClanahan, Geno Pawlak, Daniel J. Barshis, James L. Hench, Gareth J. Williams, and Kristen A. Davis


Fisheries Bycatch Risk to Marine Megafauna Is Intensified in Lagrangian Coherent Structures, Kylie L. Scales, Elliot L. Hazen, Michael G. Jacox, Frederic Castruccio, Sara M. Maxwell, Rebecca L. Lewison, and Steven J. Bograd


Low- Copy Nuclear Markers in Isoëtes (Isoëtaceae) Identified With Transcriptomes, Peter W. Schafran, Gabriel Johnson, W. Carl Taylor, Elizabeth A. Zimmer, and Lytton J. Musselman


Range Expansion of Tick Disease Vectors in North America: Implications for Spread of Tick-Borne Disease, Daniel E. Sonenshine


Global Conservation Status of Marine Pufferfishes (Tetraodontiformes: Tetraodontidae), Emilie Stump, Gina M. Ralph, Mia T. Comeros-Raynal, Keiichi Matsuura, and Kent E. Carpenter


Characterization of Tick Organic Anion Transporting Polypeptides (OATPs) Upon Bacterial and Viral Infections, Vikas Taank, Wenshou Zhou, Xuran Zhuang, John F. Anderson, Utpal Pal, Hameeda Sultana, and Girish Neelakanta


Arthropod EVs Mediate Dengue Virus Transmission Through Interaction With a Tetraspanin Domain Containing Glycoprotein Tsp29Fb, Ashish Vora, Wenshuo Zhou, Berlin Londono-Renteria, Michael Woodson, Michael B. Sherman, Tonya M. Collpitts, Girish Neelakanta, and Hameeda Sultana


Eleven Strategies For Getting Into Graduate School in Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Eric Walters


Review: Application of Tick Control Technologies for Blacklegged, Lone Star, and American Dog Ticks, Alexis White and Holly Gaff

Submissions from 2017


Ticks, Ixodes scapularis, Feed Repeatedly on White-Footed Mice despite Strong Inflammatory Response: An Expanding Paradigm for Understanding Tick-Host Interactions, Jennifer M. Anderson, Ian N. Moore, Bianca M. Nagata, José M.C. Ribeiro, Jesus G. Valenzuela, and Daniel E. Sonenshine


Experimental Evaluation of Several Key Factors Affecting Root Biomass Estimation by 1500 MHz Ground-Penetrating Radar, John C. Bain, Frank P. Day, and John R. Butnor


Acanthurus albimento, A New Species of Surgeonfish (Acanthuriformes: Acanthuridae) from Northeastern Luzon, Philippines, With Comments on Zoogeography, Kent E. Carpenter, Jeffrey T. Williams, and Mudjekeewis D. Santos


The Conservation Status of Marine Bony Shorefishes of the Greater Caribbean, Kent E. Carptenter, Christi Linardich, Gina Ralph, N. Cox, D. R. Robertson, H. Harwell, A. Acero P., W. Anderson Jr., F. Barthelat, J. -L. Bouchereau, J. J. Brown, J. Buchanan, D. Buddo, B. Collette, M. Comeros-Raynal, M. Craig, M. Curtis, T. Defex, J. Dooley, W. Driggers III, C. Elfes Livsey, T. Fraser, R. Gilmore Jr., L. Grijalba Bendeck, A. Hines, R. Kishore, K. Lindeman, J. -P. Maréchal, J. McEachran, R. McManus, J. Moore, T. Munroe, H. Oxenford, F. Pezold, F. Pina Amargós, A. Polanco Fernandez, B. Polidoro, C. Pollock, R. Robins, B. Russell, C. Sayer, and S. Williams


Tick Haller's Organ, a New Paradigm for Arthropod Olfaction: How Ticks Differ from Insects, Ann L. Carr, Robert D. Michell III, Anirudh Dhammi, Brooke W. Bissinger, Daniel E. Sonenshine, and R. Michael Roe


Large Marine Protected Areas Represent Biodiversity Now and Under Climate Change, T. E. Davies, S. M. Maxwell, K. Kaschner, C. Garilao, and N. C. Ban


Informing Marine Protected Area Designation and Management for Nesting Olive Ridley Sea Turtles Using Satellite Tracking, Tiffany M. Dawson, Angela Formia, Pierre D. Agamboué, Georges M. Asseko, François Boussamba, Floriane Cardiec, Emmanuel Chartrain, Philip D. Doherty, J. Michael Fay, Brendan J. Godley, Francis Lambert, Brice D. Koumba Mabert, Jean C. Manfoumbi, Kristian Metcalfe, Gianna Minton, Ivan Ndanga, Jacob Nzegoue, Carmen K. Kouerey Oliwina, Philippe Du Plessis, Guy-Philippe Sounguet, Dominic Tilley, Matthew J. Witt, and Sara M. Maxwell


A Variant PfCRT Isoform Can Contribute to Plasmodium Falciparum Resistance to the First-Line Partner Drug Piperaquine, Satish K. Dhingra, Devasha Redhi, Jill M. Combrinck, Tomas Yeo, John Okombo, Philipp P. Henrich, Annie N. Cowell, Purva Gupta, Matthew L. Stegman, Jonathan M. Hoke, Roland A. Cooper, Elizabeth Winzeler, Sachel Mok, Timothy J. Egan, and David A. Fidock


A Review of Phage Therapy Against Bacterial Pathogens of Aquatic and Terrestrial Organisms, Janis Doss, Kayla Culbertson, Delilah Hahn, Joanna Camacho, and Nazir Barekzi


Impact of Disease on the Survival of Three Commercially Fished Species, John M. Hoenig, Maya L. Groner, Matthew W. Smith, Wolfgang K. Vogelbein, David M. Taylor, Donald F. Landers Jr., John T. Swenarton, and David T. Gauthier


Turning Performance of Brief Squid Lolliguncula Brevis During Attacks on Shrimp and Fish, Rachel A. Jastrebsky, Ian K. Bartol, and Paul S. Krueger


Anaplasma Phagocytophilum Infection Modulates Expression of Megakaryocyte Cell Cycle Genes Through Phosphatidylinositol-3-Kinase Signaling, Supreet Khanal, Hameeda Sultana, John D. Catravas, Jason A. Carlyon, and Girish Neelakanta


Blubber Transciptome Response to Acute Stress Axis Activation Involves Transient Charges in Adipogenesis and Lipolysis in Fast-Adapted Marine Mammal, J. I. Khudyakov, C. D. Champagne, L. M. Meneghetti, and D. E. Crocker


Testing Alternative Hypotheses for the Cause of Population Declines: The Case of the Red-Headed Woodpecker, Walter D. Koenig, Eric L. Walters, and Paul G. Rodewald


Reproductive Competency and Mitochondrial Variation in Aged Syrian Hamster Oocytes, Fang Li, Frank J. Castora, Wentia Ford, Khalid Alarid, Howard W. Jones Jr., and R. James Swanson


Defining the Risk of Zika and Chikungunya Virus Transmission in Human Population Centers of the Eastern United States, Carrie A. Manore, Richard S. Ostfeld, Folashade B. Agusto, Holly Gaff, and Shannon L. LaDeau


Population-Level Coordination of Pigment Response in Individual Cyanobacterial Cells Under Altered Nitrogen Levels, Jaclyn Murton, Aparna Nagarajan, Amelia Y. Nguyen, Michelle Liberton, Harmony A. Hancock, Himadri B. Pakrasi, and Jerilyn A. Timlin


The Conservation Status of Marine Biodiversity of the Pacific Islands of Oceania, H. Pippard, G. M. Ralph, M. S. Harvey, K. E. Carpenter, J. R. Buchanan, D. W. Greenfield, H. D. Harwell, H. K. Larson, A. Lawrence, C. Linardich, K. Matsuura, H. Motomura, T. A. Munroe, R. F. Myers, B. C. Russell, W. F. Smith-Vaniz, J. C. Vié, R. R. Thaman, and J. T. Williams


Population Dynamics of the Cotton Rat in Southeastern Virginia, Robert K. Rose and Heather Green Salamone


Fit to Predict? Ecoinformatics for Predicting the Catchability of a Pelagic Fish in Near Real-Time, Kylie L. Scales, Elliot L. Hazen, Sara M. Maxwell, Heidi Dewar, Suzanne Kohin, Michael G. Jacox, Christopher A. Edwards, Dana K. Briscoe, Larry B. Crowder, Rebecca L. Lewison, and Steven J. Bograd


Microbial Invasion vs. Tick Immune Regulation, Daniel E. Sonenshine and Kevin R. Macaluso


Human Rickettsial Pathogen Modulates Arthropod Organic Anion Transporting Polypeptide and Tryptophan Pathway for Its Survival in Ticks, Vikas Taank, Shovan Dutta, Amrita Dasgupta, Durland Fish, John F. Anderson, Hameeda Sultana, and Girish Neelakanta


Rapid Adaptive Responses to Climate Change in Corals, Gergely Torda, Jennifer M. Donelson, Manuel Aranda, Daniel J. Barshis, Line Bay, Michael L. Berumen, David G. Bourne, Neal Cantin, Sylvain Foret, and Mikhail Matz


Ticks Elicit Variable Fibrinogenolytic Activities Upon Feeding on Hosts With Different Immune Backgrounds, Ashish Vora, Vikas Taank, John F. Anderson, Durland Fish, Daniel E. Sonenshine, John D. Catravas, Hameeda Sultana, and Girish Neelakanta


Investigating Coral Bleaching in a Changing Climate: Our State of Understanding and Opportunities to Push the Field Forward, Mark E. Warner, Daniel Barshis, Sarah Davies, Andréa G. Grottoli, Todd C. LaJeunesse, and Robert Van Woesik


Multiple Mating by Females in the Chesapeake Bay Blue Crab Callinectes sapidus Population, S. Wells, J. McConaugha, and L. Horth


Exosomes Serve as Novel Modes of Tick-Borne Flavivirus Transmission From Arthropod to Human Cells and Facilitates Dissemination of Viral RNA and Proteins to the Vertebrate Neuronal Cells, Wenshuo Zhou, Michael Woodson, Biswas Neupane, Fengwei Bai, Michael B. Sherman, Kyung H. Choi, Girish Neelakanta, and Hameeda Sultana

Submissions from 2016


Volumetric Flow Imaging Reveals the Importance of Vortex Ring Formation in Squid Swimming Tail-First and Arms-First, Ian K. Bartol, Paul S. Krueger, Rachel A. Jastrebsky, Sheila Williams, and Joseph T. Thompson


Rnd3 as a Novel Target to Ameliorate Microvascular Leakage, Jerome W. Breslin, Dayle A. Daines, Travis M. Doggett, Kristine H. Kurtz, Flavia M. Souza-Smith, Xun E. Zhang, Mack H. Wu, and Sarah Y. Yuan


Are We Missing Important Areas in Pelagic Marine Conservation? Redefining Conservation Hotspots in the Ocean, Dana K. Briscoe, Sara M. Maxwell, Raphael Kudela, and Larry B. Crowder


Evidence of Female Sex Pheromones and Characterization of the Cuticular Lipids of Unfed, Adult Male Versus Female Blacklegged Ticks, Ixodes scapularis, Ann L. Carr, Daniel E. Sonenshine, John B. Strider Jr., and R. Michael Roe


Wake Me When It's Over- Bacterial Toxin-Antitoxin Proteins and Induced Dormancy, Nathan P. Coussens and Dayle A. Daines


The Conservation Status of Sharks, Rays, and Chimaeras in the Mediterranean Sea, Nicholas K. Dulvy, David J. Allen, Gina M. Ralph, and Rachel H.L. Walls


Dynamic Ocean Management Increases the Efficiency and Efficacy of Fisheries Management, Daniel C. Dunn, Sara M. Maxwell, Andre M. Boustany, and Patrick N. Halpin


Tick Genome Assembled: New Opportunities for Research on Tick-Host-Pathogen Interactions, Jose de la Fuente, Robert M. Waterhouse, Daniel E. Sonenshine, R. Michael Roe, Jose M. Ribeiro, David B. Sattelle, and Catherine A. Hill


Diet and Foraging Behaviors of Timber Rattlesnakes, Crotalus horridus, in Eastern Virginia, Scott M. Goetz, Christopher E. Petersen, Robert K. Rose, John D. Kleopfer, and Alan H. Savitzky

Genomic Insights Into the Ixodes scapularis Tick Vector of Lyme Disease, M. Gulia-Nuss, A. B. Nuss, J. M. Meyer, D. E. Sonenshine, R. M. Roe, and R. M. Waterhouse


Genomic Insights Into the Ixodes Scapularis Tick Vector of Lyme Disease, Monika Gulia-Nuss, Andrew B. Nuss, Jason M. Meyer, Daniel E. Sonenshine, R. Michael Roe, Robert M. Waterhouse, David B. Sattelle, Jose de la Fuente, Jose M. Ribeiro, and Karine Megy


Sex-Obsessed or Just Sociable? Non-Copulatory Displays in the Hamerkop, Natasha Hagemeyer


Draft genome sequences for seven Streptococcus Parauberis Isolates from Wild Fish in the Chesapeake Bay, Ashley Haines, Emily Nebergall, Elvira Besong, Kimaya Council, Onaysha Lambert, and David Gauthier


Turning Performance in Squid and Cuttlefish: Unique Dual-Mode, Muscular Hydrostatic Systems, Rachel A. Jastrebsky, Ian K. Bartol, and Paul S. Krueger


Assessing the Cost of Global Biodiversity and Conservation Knowledge, Diego Juffe-Bignoli, Thomas M. Brooks, Stuart H. M. Butchart, Richard B. Jenkins, Kaia Boe, Michael Hoffman, Ariadne Angulo, Steve Bachman, Monica Böhm, Neil Brummitt, and Kent E. Carpenter


Anaplasma marginale Actively Modulates Vacuolar Maturation During Intracellular Infection of Its Tick Vector, Dermacentor andersoni, Foregivemore Magunda, Chelsea Wright Thompson, David A. Schneider, and Susan M. Noh


Potential Benefits and Shortcomings of Marine Protected Areas for Small Seabirds Revealed Using Miniature Tags, Sara M. Maxwell, Melinda G. Conners, Nicholas B. Sisson, and Tiffany M. Dawson


Red List of Marine Bony Fishes of the Eastern Central Atlantic, Beth Polidoro, Gina Ralph, Kyle Strongin, Michael Harvey, Kent Carpenter, Titus Ayo Adeofe, Rachel Arnold, Paul Bannerman, Jean Noel Bibang Bi Nguema, Jack Buchanan, Khairdine Mohamed Abdallahi Camara, Youssouf Hawa Camara, Kadiatou Cissoko, Bruce B. Collette, Mia T. Comeros-Raynal, Godefroy De Bruyne, Madeleine Diouf, Roger Djiman, Mathieu Ducrocq, Ofer Gon, Antony S. Harold, Heather Harwell, Craig Hilton-Taylor, Andrew Hines, P. Alexander Hulley, Tomio Iwamoto, Steen Knudsen, Jean De Dieu Lewembe, Christi Linardich, Ken Lindeman, Ebou Mass Mbye, Jean Egard Mikolo, Vanda Monteiro, Jean Bernard Mougoussi, Thomas Munroe, Jean Hervé Mve Beh, Francis K.E. Nunoo, Caroline Pollock, Stuart Poss, Richmond Quartey, Barry Russell, Alphonse Sagna, Catherine Sayer, Aboubacar Sidibe, William Smith-Vaniz, Emilie Stump, Mor Sylla, Luis Tito De Morais, Jean-Christophe Vié, and Akanbi Williams


The Small Mammals of Southeastern Virginia as Revealed by Pitfall Trapping, Robert K. Rose


Local Avian Density Influences Risk of Mortality from Window Strikes, Ann M. Sabo, Natasha D.G. Hagemeyer, Ally S. Lahey, and Eric L. Walters


Isoetes Mississippiensis: A New Quillwort from Mississippi, USA, Peter W. Schafran, Steven W. Leonard, Rebecca D. Bray, W. Carl Taylor, and Lytton John Musselman


Tick-, Mosquito-, and Rodent-Bourne Parasite Sampling Designs for the National Ecological Observatory Network, Yuri Springer, David Hoekman, Pieter T.J. Johnson, Paul A. Duffy, Rebecca A. Hufft, and Holly D. Gaff


Isolation and Characterization of Eight Polymorphic Microsatellites for the Spotted Spiny Lobster, Panulirus guttatus, Nathan Truelove, Donald C. Behringer, Mark J. Butler IV, and Richard F. Preziosi


A Novel Method of Microsatellite Genotyping-By-Sequencing Using Individual Combinatorial Barcoding, Salla Vartia, Jose L. Villanueva-Cañas, John Finarelli, Edward D. Farrell, Patrick C. Collins, Graham M. Hughes, Jeanette E.L. Carlson, David T. Gauthier, Philip McGinnity, Thomas F. Cross, Richard D. FitzGerald, Luca Mirimin, Fiona Crispie, Paul D. Cotter, and Jens Carlsson


Invasion of Two Tick-borne Diseases Across New England: Harnessing Human Surveillance Data to Capture Underlying Ecological Invasion Processes, Katharine S. Walter, Kim M. Pepin, Colleen T. Webb, Holly D. Gaff, Peter J. Krause, Virginia E. Pitzer, and Maria A. Diuk-Wasser


Geospatial Approaches to Support Pelagic Conservation Planning and Adaptive Management, L. M. Wedding, Sara M. Maxwell, D. Hyrenbach, D. C. Dunn, J. J. Roberts, D. Briscoe, E. Hines, and P. N. Halpin


Selective Mutation Accumulation: A Computational Model of the Paternal Age Effect, Eoin C. Whelan, Alexander C. Nwala, Christopher Osgood, and Stephan Olariu


A Genetically Distinct Hybrid Zone Occurs for Two Globally Invasive Mosquito Fish Species with Striking Phenotypic Resemblance, Rebecca J. Wilk and Lisa Horth


Multiple Sensory Modalities Used by Squid in Successful Predator Evasion Throughout Ontogeny, Carly A. York, Ian K. Bartol, and Paul S. Kruger


MFGE8 Regulates TGF-β-Induced Epithelial Mesenchymal Transition in Endometrial Epithelial Cells in vitro, Liang Yu, Rong Hu, Claretta Sullivan, R. James Swanson, Sergio Oehninger, Ying-Pu Sun, and Silvina Bocca


Mevalonate-Farnesal Biosynthesis in Ticks: Comparative Synganglion Transcriptomics and a New Perspective, Jiwei Zhu, Sayed M. Khalil, Robert D. Mitchell, Brooke W. Bissinger, Noble Egekwu, Daniel E. Sonenshine, and R. Michael Roe

Submissions from 2015


ISQuest: Finding Insertion Sequences in Prokaryotic Sequence Fragment Data, Abhishek Biswas, David T. Gauthier, Desh Ranjan, and Mohammad Zubair


Shortfalls and Solutions for Meeting National and Global Conservation Area Targets, Stuart H. M. Butchart, Martin Clarke, Robert J. Smith, Rachel E. Sykes, Jorn P. W. Scharlemann, Mike Harfoot, Graeme M. Buchanan, Ariadne Angulo, Andrew Balmford, Bastian Bertzky, Thomas M. Brooks, Kent E. Carpenter, and 28 Others


Mate Choice in Temperate and Tropical Spiny Lobsters With Contrasting Reproductive Systems, Mark Butler IV, Rodney Bertelsen, and Alison MacDiarmid


Behavioral Immunity Suppresses an Epizootic in Caribbean Spiny Lobsters, Mark J. Butler IV, Donald C. Behringer Jr., Thomas W. Dolan III, Jessica Moss, and Jeffrey D. Shields


The Effect of Parental Size on Spermatophore Production, Egg Quality, Fertilization Success, and Larval Characteristics in the Caribbean Spiny Lobster, Panulirus argus, Mark J. Butler IV, Alison Macdiarmid, and Gaya Gnanalingam


Fistularia tabacaria, Blue-spotted Cornetfish, K. E. Carpenter, R. Robertson, and T. Munroe


A Popular and Potentially Sustainable Fishery Resource Under Pressure-Extinction Risk and Conservation of Brazilian Sciaenidae (Teleostei: Perciformes), Ning L. Chao, Flávia L. Frédou, Manuel Haimovici, Monica B. Peres, Beth Polidoro, Marcelo Raseira, Rosana Subira, and Kent E. Carpenter


Casitas: A Location-Dependent Ecological Trap for Juvenile Caribbean Spiny Lobsters, Panulirus argus, Benjamin C. Gutzler, Mark J. Butler IV, and Donald C. Behringer


Quantifying Florida Bay Habitat Suitability for Fishes and Invertebrates Under Climate Change Scenarios, Kelly A. Kearney, Mark J. Butler IV, Robert Glazer, Christopner R. Kelble, Joseph E. Serafy, and Erik Stabenau


Temporal Variability and cooperative Breeding: Testing the Bet-Hedging Hypothesis in the Acorn Woodpecker, Walter D. Koenig and Eric L. Walters


Acorns and Acorn Woodpeckers: Ups and Downs in a Long-Term Relationship, Walter D. Koenig, Eric L. Walters, Johannes M.H. Knops, and William J. Carmen