A selection of faculty publications from the Department of Biological Sciences, College of Sciences, Old Dominion University.


Submissions from 2011


Disease Effects on Lobster Fisheries, Ecology, and Culture: Overview of DAO Special 6, Donald C. Behringer, Mark J. Butler IV, and Grant D. Stentiford


A New Species of Diploid Quillwort (Isoetes, Isoetaceae, Lycophyta) from Lebanon, Jay F. Bolin, Rebecca D. Bray, and Lytton John Musselman


Behavior Constrains the Dispersal of Long-Lived Spiny Lobster Larvae, Mark J. Butler IV, Claire B. Paris, Jason S. Goldstein, Hirokazu Matsuda, and Robert K. Cowen


Gulf of Mexico Oil Blowout Increases Risks to Globally Threatened Species, Claudio Campagna, Frederick T. Short, Beth A. Polidoro, Roger McManus, Bruce B. Collette, Nicolas J. Pilcher, Yvonne Sadovy De Mitcheson, Simon N. Stuart, and Kent E. Carpenter


Comparative Phylogeography of the Coral Triangle and Implications for Marine Management, Kent E. Carpenter, Paul H. Barber, Eric D. Crandall, Maria Carmen A. Ablan-Lagman, Ambariyanto Ambariyanto, Gusti Ngurah Mahardika, B. Mabel Manjaji-Matsumoto, Marie Antonette Junio-Menez, Mudjekeewis D. Santos, Craig J. Starger, and Abdul Hamid A. Toha


Classroom Manipulative to Engage Students in Mathematical Modeling of Disease Spread: 1 + 1 = Achoo!, H. Gaff, M. Lyons, and G. Watson


Preliminary Analysis of an Agent-Based Model for a Tick-Borne Disease, Holly Gaff


Use of Optimal Control Models to Predict Treatment Time for Managing Tick-Borne Disease, Holly D. Gaff, Elsa Schaefer, and Suzanne Lenhart


Characterization of Photochromogenic Mycobacterium spp. from Chesapeake Bay Striped Bass Morone Saxatilis, D. T. Gauthier, A. M. Helenthal, M. W. Rhodes, W. K. Vogelbein, and H. I. Kator


Human Endogenous Retrovirus Transcription Profiles of the Kidney and Kidney-Derived Cell Lines, Sonja Haupt, Michele Tisdale, Michelle Vincendeau, Mary Anne Clements, David T. Gauthier, Raymond Lance, O. John Demmes, Adriana Tuqueti-Neves, Elfriede Noessner, Christine Leib-Mösch, and Alex D. Greenwood


Variable Helper Effects, Ecological Conditions, and the Evolution of Cooperative Breeding in the Acorn Woodpecker, Walter D. Koenig, Eric L. Walters, and Joseph Haydock


Effects of Gypsy Moth Outbreaks on North American Woodpeckers, Walter D. Koenig, Eric L. Walters, and Andrew M. Liebhold


Estimating the Reproductive Numbers for the 2008-2009 Cholera Outbreaks in Zimbabwe, Zindoga Mukandavire, Shu Liao, Jin Wang, Holly Gaff, David L. Smith, and J. Glenn Morris Jr.


Ixodes affinis (Acari: Ixodidae) in Southeastern Virginia and Implications for the Spread of Borrelia burgdorferi, the Agent of Lyme Disease, Robyn M. Nadolny, Chelsea L. Wright, Wayne L. Hynes, Daniel E. Sonenshine, and Holly Gaff


The Fecal Viral Flora of Wild Rodents, Tung G. Phan, Beatrix Kapusinszky, Chunlin Wang, Robert K. Rose, Howard L. Lipton, and Eric L. Delwart


Conservation Status of Marine Biodiversity in Oceania: An Analysis of Marine Species on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Beth A. Polidoro, Cristiane T. Elfes, Jonnell C. Sanciangco, Helen Pippard, and Kent E. Carpenter


An Apoptosis Targeted Stimulus with Nanosecond Pulsed Electric Fields (nsPEFs) in E4 squamous Cell Carcinoma, Wei Ren and Stephen J. Beebe


Range Extension for the Dismal Swamp Southern Bog Lemming, Synaptomys cooperi helaletes, in Eastern Virginia, Robert K. Rose


Breeding Biology of Oryzomys Palustris, the Marsh Rice Rat, in Eastern Virginia, Robert K. Rose and Erin A. Dreelin


First Transcriptome of the Testis-Vas Deferens-Male Accessory Gland and Proteome of the Spermatophore From Dermacentor variabilis (Acari: Ixodidae), Daniel E. Sonenshine, Brooke W. Bissinger, Noble Egekwu, Kevin V. Donohue, Sayed M. Khalil, and R. Michael Roe


Nanosecond Pulse Electrical Fields Used in Conjunction with Multi-Wall Carbon Nanotubes as a Potential Tumor Treatment, Michael W. Stacey, Christopher Osgood, Bhargava Subhash Kalluri, Wei Cao, Hani Elsayed-Ali, and Tarek Abdel-Fattah


A New Species of the Subterranean Amphipod Crustacean Genus Stygobromus (Crangonyctidae) From a Cave in Nevada, USA, Steven J. Taylor and John R. Holsinger


Estimating the Impact of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccination on HPV Prevalence and Cervical Cancer Incidence in Mali, LeRee Tracy, Holly Gaff, Colleen Burgess, Samba Sow, Patti E. Gravitt, and J. Kathleen Tracy


Rickettsia parkeri in Gulf Coast Ticks, Southeastern Virginia, USA, Chelsea L. Wright, Robyn M. Nadolny, Ju Jiang, Allen L. Richards, Daniel E. Sonenshine, Holly D. Gaff, and Wayne L. Hynes

Submissions from 2010


Ancient DNA Analyses Exclude Humans as the Driving Force Behind Late Pleistocene Musk Ox (Ovibos moschatus) Population Dynamics, Paula F. Campos, Eske Willerslev, Andrei Sher, Ludovic Orlando, Erik Axelsson, Alexei Tikhonov, Kim Aaris-Sorensen, Alex D. Greenwood, Ralf-Dietrich Kahlke, and Pavel Kosintsev


Apoptosis Initiation and Angiogenesis Inhibition: Melanoma Targets for Nanosecond Pulsed Electric Fields, Xinhua Chen, Juergen F. Kolb, R. James Swanson, Karl H. Schoenbach, and Stephen J. Beebe


Morphological Differences Among Eyeless Amphipods in the Genus Stygobromus Dwelling in Different Subterranean Habitats, David C. Culver, John R. Holsinger, Mary C. Christman, and Tanja Pipan


Quantitative PCR Assay for Mycobacterium Pseudoshottsii and Mycobacterium Shottsii and Application to Environmental Samples and Fishes from the Chesapeake Bay, D. T. Gauthier, K. S. Reece, J. Xiao, M. W. Rhodes, H. I. Kator, R. J. Latour, C. F. Bonzek, J. M. Hoenig, and W. K. Vogelbein


Saving Saba Bank: Policy Implications of Biodiversity Studies, Paul C. Hoetjes and Kent E. Carpenter


The Impact of Conservation on the Status of the World's Vertebrates, Michael Hoffmann, Craig Hilton-Taylor, Ariadne Angulo, Monika Böhm, Thomas M. Brooks, Stuart H. M. Butchart, Kent E. Carpenter, Janice Chanson, Beth A. Polidoro, and Jonnell C. Sanciangco


Spawning-Related Movements of Barred Sand Bass Paralabrax nebulifer, in Southern California: Interpretations from Two Decades of Historical Tag and Recapture Data, E. T. Jarvis, Christi Linardich, and C. F. Valle


"Beyond BIO2010: Celebration and Opportunities" at the Intersection of Mathematics and Biology, John R. Jungck, Holly D. Gaff, Adam P. Fagen, and Jay B. Labov


Mathematical Manipulative Models: In Defense of "Beanbag Biology", John R. Jungck, Holly Gaff, and Anton E. Weisstein


Micro-Environment and Plant Assemblage Structure on Virginia's Barrier Island "Pimple" Dunes, Brett A. McMillan and Frank P. Day


Conservation Status and Habitat Use of the West Virginia Spring Salamander (Gyrinophilus Subterraneus) and Spring Salamander (G. Porphyriticus) in General Davis Cave, Greenbrier Co., West Virginia, Matthew L. Niemiller, Michael S. Osbourn, Dante B. Fenolio, Thomas K. Pauley, Brian T. Miller, and John R. Holsinger


Chloroquine Susceptibility and Reversibility in a Plasmodium Falciparum Genetic Cross, Jigar J. Patel, Drew Thacker, John C. Tan, Perri Pleeter, Lisa Checkley, Joseph M. Gonzales, Bingbing Deng, Paul D. Roepe, Roland A. Cooper, and Michael T. Ferdig


The Loss of Species: Mangrove Extinction Risk and Geographic Areas of Global Concern, Beth A. Polidoro, Kent E. Carpenter, Lorna Collins, Norman C. Duke, Aaron M. Ellison, Joanna C. Ellison, Elizabeth J. Farnsworth, Edwino S. Fernando, Kandasamy Kathiresan, Nico E. Koedam, Suzanne R. Livingstone, Toyohiko Miyagi, Gregg E. Moore, Vien Ngoc Nam, Jin Eong Ong, Jurgenne H. Primavera, Serverino G. Salmo, Jonnell C. Sanciango, Sukristijono Sukardjo, Yamin Wang, and Jean Wan Hong Yong


Distinct Macrophage Subpopulations Regulate Viral Encephalitis But Not Viral Clearance in the CNS, Christina D. Steel, Woong-Ki KIm, Larry Sanford, Laurie Wellman, Sandra Burnett, Nico Van Rooijen, and Rochard P. Ciavarra


Hydrodynamic Fin Function of Brief Squid, Lolliguncula Brevis, William J. Stewart, Ian K. Bartol, and Paul S. Krueger


The Ontogeny of Muscle Structure and Locomotory Function in the Long-Finned Squid Doryteuthis Pealeii, J. T. Thompson, I. K. Bartol, A. E. Baksi, and P. S. Krueger


Biodiversity Assessment of the Fishes of Saba Bank Atoll, Netherlands Antilles, Jeffrey T. Williams, Kent E. Carpenter, James L. Van Tassell, Paul Hoetjes, Wes Toller, Peter Etnoyer, and Michael Smith


Bisphenol A Blood and Saliva Levels Prior to and after Dental Sealant Placement in Adults, Joyce M. Zimmerman-Downs, Deanne Shuman, Sharon C. Stull, and Robert E. Ratzlaff

Submissions from 2009


DC Electrokinetic Transport of Cylindrical Cells in Straight Microchannels, Ye Ai, Ali Beskok, David T. Gauthier, Sang W. Joo, and Shizhi Qian


Hydrodynamics of Pulsed Jetting in Juvenile and Adult Brief Squid Lolliguncula Brevis: Evidence of Multiple Jet 'Modes' and Their Implications for Propulsive Efficiency, Ian K. Bartol, Paul S. Krueger, William J. Stewart, and Joseph T. Thompson


Pulsed Jet Dynamics of Squid Hatchlings at Intermediate Reynolds Numbers, Ian K. Bartol, Paul S. Krueger, William J. Stewart, and Joseph T. Thompson


Potential Effects of Catastrophic Cyanobacteria Blooms on Caribbean Spiny Lobster Population Dynamics in Florida Bay USA, Donald C. Behringer and Mark J. Butler IV


Is Seagrass an Important Nursery Habitat for the Caribbean Spiny Lobster, Panulirus argus, in Florida?, Donald C. Behringer, Mark J. Butler IV, William Herrnkind, John H. Hunt, Charles A. Acosta, and William C. Sharp


A Review of the Lethal Spiny Lobster Virus PaV1 - Ten Years After Its Discovery, Donald C. Behringer, Mark J. Butler IV, and Jeffrey D. Shields


The Epidemiological Status of PaV1, and the Effects of Infection on Caribbean Spiny Lobster (Panulirus argus) Condition, Olfaction, and Predation Risk, Donald C. Behringer, Mark J. Butler IV, and Jeffrey D. Shields


Regional Characterisation of Hard-Bottom Nursery Habitat for Juvenile Caribbean Spiny Lobster (Panulirus argus) Using Rapid Assessment Techniques, Rodney D. Bertelsen, Mark J. Butler IV, William F. Herrnkind, and John H. Hunt


Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Habitat Selection Across Canopy Gradients Generates Patterns of Species Richness and Composition in Aquatic Beetles, Christopher A. Binkley and William J. Resetarits Jr.


Comparative Efficacy of BioUD to Other Commercially Available Arthropod Repellants Against the Ticks Amblyomma americanum and Dermacentor variabilis on Cotton Cloth, Brooke W. Bissinger, Jiwei Zhu, Charles S. Apperson, Daniel E. Sonenshine, D. Wesley Watson, and R. Michael Roe


Habitat-Based Intraguild Predation By Caribbean Reef Octopus Octopus Briareus on Juvenile Caribbean Spiny Lobster Panulirus Argus, Mark J. Butler IV and Jennifer A. Lear


Patterns of Spiny Lobster (Panulirus argus) Postlarval Recruitment in the Carribbean: A CRTR Project, Mark J. Butler IV, Angela M. Mojica, Eloy Sosa-Cordero, Marines Millet, Paul Sanchez-Navarro, Miguel A. Maldonado, Juan Posada, Bladimir Rodriguez, Carlos M. Rivas, Adrian Oviedo, Marcio Arrone, Martha Prada, Nick Bach, Nilda Jimenez, Maria Del Carmen Garcia-Rivas, Kirah Forman, Donald C. Behringer Jr., Thomas Matthews, Claire Paris, and Robert Cowen


Results From a Mathematical Model for Human Monocytic Ehrlichiosis, H. Gaff, L. Gross, and E. Schaefer


Phylogeny, Adaptive Radiation, and Historical Biogeography in Bromeliaceae: Insights from an Eight-Locus Plastid Phylogeny, Thomas J. Givnish, Michael H. J. Barfuss, Benjamin Van Ee, Ricarda Riina, Katharina Schulte, Ralf Horres, Philip A. Gonsiska, Rachel S. Jabaily, Darren M. Crayn, and J. Andrew Smith


Behavioral Enhancement of Onshore Transport by Postlarval Caribbean Spiny Lobster (Panulirus Argus), Jason S. Goldstein and Mark J. Butler IV


Growth and Survival in a Northern Population of Hispid Cotton Rats, Heather A. Green and Robert K. Rose


The Effects of Climate Change on Biodiversity: Pressing Issues and Research Priorities, Friedhelm Krupp, Lytton J. Musselman, Mohammed M.A. Kotb, and Ilka Weidig


Phytoplankton Blooms: Their Occurence and Composition Within Virginia's Tidal Tributaries, Harold G. Marshall and Todd A. Egerton


Cold Plasma Technology: Bactericidal Effects on Geobacillus Stearothermophilus and Bacillus Cereus Microorganisms, Angela D. Morris, Gayle B. McCombs, Tamer Akan, Wayne L. Hynes, Mounir Laroussi, and Susan L. Tolle


Genetic Variation at Hair Length Candidate Genes in Elephants and the Extinct Woolly Mammoth, Alfred L. Roca, Yasuko Ishida, Nikolaidis Sergios, Sergios-Orestis Kolokotronis, Stephen Fratpietro, Kristin Stewardson, Shannon Hensley, Michele Tisdale, Gennady Boeskorov, and Alex D. Greenwood


Floral Thermogenesis of Three Species of Hydnora (Hydnoraceae) in Africa, Roger S. Seymour, Erika Maass, and Jay F. Bolin


Peripheral Dendritic Cells Are Essential for Both the Innate and Adaptive Antiviral Immune Responses in the Central Nervous System, Christina D. Steel, Suzanna M. Hahto, and Richard P. Ciavarra


Seasonal Variation in Diet of a Marginal Population of the Hispid Cotton Rat, Sigmodon hispidus, Lynn A. Walker and Robert K. Rose

Submissions from 2008


Exploring the Mialome of Ticks: An Annotated Catalogue of Midgut Transcripts from the Hard Tick, Dermacentor variabilis (Acari: Ixodidae), Jennifer M. Anderson, Daniel E. Sonenshine, and Jesus G. Valenzuela


Swimming Dynamics and Propulsive Efficiency of Squids Throughout Ontogeny, Ian K. Bartol, Paul S. Krueger, Joseph T. Thompson, and William J. Stewart


Evidence of Self-Correcting Spiral Flows in Swimming Boxfishes, I. K. Bartol, M. S. Gordon, P. Webb, D. Weihs, and M. Gharib


Oviposition Behavior Partitions Aquatic Landscapes Along Predation and Nutrient Gradients, C. A. Binckley and W. J. Resetarits Jr.


The Genus Isoetes L. (Isoetaceae, Lycophyta) in South-Western Asia, Jay F. Bolin, Rebecca D. Bray, Mustafa Keskin, and Lytton J. Musselman


Transmission of Panulirus Argus Virus 1 (Pav1) and its Effect on the Survival of Juvenile Caribbean Spiny Lobster, Mark J. Butler IV, Donald C. Behringer Jr., and Jeffrey D. Shields


Ancient DNA Identification of Early 20th Century Simian T-Cell Leukemia Virus Type 1, Sebastien Calvignac, Jean-Michel Terme, Shannon M. Hensley, Pierre Jalinot, Alex D. Greenwood, and Catherine Hanni


Advancing Epidemiological Science Through Computational Modeling: A Review with Novel Examples, Scott M. Duke-Sylvester, Eli N. Perencevich, Jon P. Furuno, Leslie A. Real, and Holly Gaff


Mycobacteriosis-Associated Mortality in Wild Striped Bass (Morone Saxatilis) from Chesapeake Bay, USA, D. T. Gauthier, R. J. Latour, D. M. Heisey, C. F. Bonzek, J. Gartland, E. J. Burge, and W. K. Vogelbein


Anther Appendages of Incarvillea Trigger a Pollen-Dispensing Mechanism, Yi Han, Can Dai, Chun-Feng Yang, Qing-Feng Wang, and Timothy J. Motley


Using RNA Interference to Determine the Role of Varisin in the Innate Immune System of the Hard Tick Dermacentor variabilis (Acari: Ixodidae)., Wayne L. Hynes, Martha M. Stokes, Shannon M. Hensley, S. Michelle Todd, and Daniel E. Sonenshine


Genome-Wide Compensatory Changes Accompany Drug-Selected Mutations in the Plasmodium falciparum crt Gene, Hongying Jiang, Jigar J. Patel, Ming Yi, Jianbing Mu, Jinhui Ding, Robert Stephens, Roland A. Cooper, Michael T. Ferdig, and Xin-zhuan Su


Silencing Expression of the Defensin, Varisin, in Male Dermacentor variabilis by RNA Interference Results in Reduced Anaplasma Marginale Infections, Katherine M. Kocan, Jose de la Fuente, Raul Manzano-Roman, Victoria Naranjo, Wayne L. Hynes, and Daniel E. Sonenshine


Physical and In Silico Approaches Identify DNA-PK in a Tax DNA-Damage Response Interactome, Emad Ramadan, Michael Ward, Xin Guo, Sarah S. Durkin, Adam Sawyer, Marcelo Vilela, Christopher Osgood, Alex Pothen, and Oliver J. Semmes


Population Ecology of the Golden Mouse, Robert K. Rose


Induction of Winter Breeding in Small Mammals by 6-MBOA, Robert K. Rose, Roger K. Everton, and Gregory E. Glass


Low-Density Rodent Communities in Eastern Virginia, Robert K. Rose and Jean F. Stankavich


Systematic Revision of Elaphoglossum (Dryopteridaceae) in French Polynesia, with the Description of Three New Species, Germinal Rouhan, David H. Lorence, Timothy J. Motley, Judith Garrison Hanks, and Robbin C. Moran


Molecular Characterization and Related Aspects of the Innate Immune Response in Ticks, Daniel E. Sonenshine and Wayne L. Hynes


Enhancing Research in a Family Medicine Program: One Institution's Story, Fred Tudiver, Kaethe P. Ferguson, Jim L. Wilson, and Gary Kukulka


Historical Mammal Extinction on Christmas Island (Indian Ocean) Correlates with Introduced Infectious Disease, Kelly B. Wyatt, Paula F. Campos, M. Thomas P. Gilbert, Sergios-Orestis Kolokotronis, Wayne H. Hynes, Rob DeSalle, Peter Daszak, Ross D.E. MacPhee, and Alex D. Greenwood

Submissions from 2007


A Short Biography of Pieter Bleeker, Kent E. Carpenter


Mutations in Transmembrane Domains 1, 4 and 9 of the Plasmodium falciparum Chloroquine Resistance Transporter Alter Susceptibility to Chloroquine, Quinine and Quinidine, Roland A. Cooper, Kristan D. Lane, Bingbing Deng, Jianbing Mu, Jigar J. Patel, Thomas E. Wellems, Xinzhuan Su, and Michael T. Ferdig


Depauperate Small Mammal Communities in Managed Pine Plantations in Eastern Virginia, James D. Dolan and Robert K. Rose


An Epidemiological Model of Rift Valley Fever, Holly D. Gaff, David M. Hartley, and Nicole P. Leahy


Sensory Genes and Mate Choice: Evidence That Duplications, Mutations, and Adaptive Evolution Alter Variation in Mating Cue Genes and Their Receptors, Lisa Horth


Dietary Sequestration of Defensive Steroids in Nuchal Glands of the Asian Snake Rhabdophis Tigrinus, Deborah A. Hutchinson; Akira Mori; Alan H. Savitsky; Gordon M. Burghardt; Xiaogang Wu; Jerrold Meinwald; and Frank C, Schroeder


Design, Synthesis, and Evaluation of 10-N-Substituted Acridones as Novel Chemosensitizers in Plasmodium falciparum, Jane X. Kelly, Martin J. Smilkstein, Roland A. Cooper, Kristin D. Lane, Robert A. Johnson, Aaron Janowsky, Rozalia A. Dodean, David J. Hinrichs, Rolf Winter, and Michael Riscoe


Detection of Mitochondrial Insertions in the Nucleus (NuMts) of Pleistocene and Modern Muskoxen, Sergios-Orestis Kolokotronis, Ross DE MacPhee, and Alex D. Greenwood


Phytoplankton Productivity in the Tidal Regions of Four Chesapeake Bay (USA) Tributaries, Kneeland K. Nesius, Harold G. Marshall, and Todd A. Egerton


Bioelectric Effects of Intense Nanosecond Pulses, Karl H. Schoenbach, Barbara Y. Hargrave, Ravindra P. Joshi, Juergen F. Kolb, Richard Nuccitelli, Christopher J. Osgood, Andrei G. Pakhomov, Michael W. Stacey, James R. Swanson, Jody A. White, Shu Xiao, Jue Zhang, Stephen J. Beebe, Peter F. Blackmore, and E. Stephen Buescher


Amurocrangonyx, a New Genus of Subterranean Amphipod (Crangonyctidae) from the Russian Far East, with a Redescription of the Poorly Known Crangonyx Arsenjevi and Comments on Biogeographic Relationships, Dmitry A. Sidorav and John R. Holsinger


Review of the Crevalle Jacks, Caranx Hippos Complex (Teleostei: Carangidae), with a Description of a New Species from West Africa, William F. Smith-Vaniz and Kent E. Carpenter


Structural Attributes of the Hypogeous Holoparasite Hydnora Triceps Drège & Meyer (Hydnoraceae), Kushan U. Tennakoon, Jay F. Bolin, Lytton J. Musselman, and Erika Maas


Sequence and the Developmental and Tissue-Specific Regulation of the First Complete Vitellogenin Message From Ticks, Deborah M. Thompson, Sayed M.S. Khalil, Laura A. Jeffers, Daniel E. Sonenshine, Robert D. Mitchell, Christopher J. Osgood, and R. Michael Roe