A selection of faculty publications from the Department of Biological Sciences, College of Sciences, Old Dominion University.


Submissions from 2007


Tissue and Life Stage Distribution of a Defensin-Like Gene in the Lone Star Tick Amblyomma americanum, S. Michelle Todd, Daniel E. Sonenshine, and Wayne L. Hynes


Termite Resource Partitioning Related to Log Diameter, Deborah A. Waller

Submissions from 2006


The Adaptive Value of Aggregation Among Juvenile Caribbean Spiny Lobster: An Evaluation Using Individual-Based Modeling, Thomas W. Dolan III and Mark J. Butler IV


Bogidiella indica, A New Species of Subterranean Amphipod Crustacean (Bogidiellidae) from Wells in Southeastern India, with Remarks on the Biogeographic Importance of Recently Discovered Bogidiellids on the Indian Subcontinent, John R. Holsinger, Y. Ranga Reddy, and Mohammed Messouli


A Sex-Linked Allele, Autosomal Modifiers and Temperature-Dependence Appear to Regulate Melanism in Male Mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki), Lisa Horth


Detection of Panulirus Argus Virus 1 (PaV1) in the Caribbean Spiny Lobster Using Fluorescence in situ Hybridization (FISH), Caiwen Li, Jeffrey D. Shields, Hamish J. Small, Kimberly S. Reece, Carmony L. Hartwig, Roland A. Cooper, and Robert E. Ratzlaff


Distribution and Status of the Southern Bog Lemming, Synaptomys cooperi, in Southeastern Virginia, Robert K. Rose


Year-round Diet of the Marsh Rice Rat, Oryzomys palustris, in Virginia Tidal Marshes, Robert K. Rose and Shannon W. McGurk


Tick Pheromones and Their Use in Tick Control, Daniel E. Sonenshine

Submissions from 2005


Body-Induced Vortical Flows: A Common Mechanism for Self-Corrective Trimming Control in Boxfishes, Ian K. Bartol, Morteza Gharib, Paul W. Webb, Daniel Weihs, and Malcolm S. Gordon


Population Dynamics of Oryzomys Palustris and Microtus Pennsylvanicus in Virginia Tidal Marshes, Christopher P. Bloch and Robert K. Rose


Demonstration of Toxicity to Fish and to Mammalian Cells by Pfiesteria species: Comparison of Assay Methods and Strains, Joann M. Burkholder, Andrew S. Gordon, Peter D. Moeller, J. Mac Law, Kathryn J. Coyne, Alan J. Lewitus, John S. Ramsdell, Harold G. Marshall, Nora J. Deamer, S. Craig Cary, Jason W. Kempton, Steven L. Morton, and Parke A. Rublee


Benthic Fisheries Ecology in a Changing Environment: Unraveling Process to Achieve Prediction, Mark J. Butler IV


Recruitment in Degraded Marine Habitats: A Spatially Explicit, Individual-Based Model for Spiny Lobster, Mark J. Butler IV, Thomas W. Dolan III, John H. Hunt, Kenneth A. Rose, and William F. Herrnkind


Feeding Ecology of Juvenile Spiny Lobster, Panulirus interruptus, on the Pacific Coast of Baja California Sur, Mexico, Verónica Castañeda‐Fernández‐de‐Lara, Elisa Serviere‐Zaragoza, Sergio Hernández‐Vázquez, and Mark J. Butler IV


Characterization of Pfiesteria Ichthyocidal Activity, Andrew S. Gordon, Harold G. Marshall, Sandra E. Shumway, Kathryn J. Coyne, Alan J. Lewitus, Michael A. Mallin, and Parke A. Rublee


A Defensin-Like Gene Expressed in the Black-Legged Tick, Ixodes scapularis (Acari: Ixodidae), Wayne L. Hynes, S. M. Ceraul, S. M. Todd, K. C. Seguin, and Daniel E. Sonenshine


Phytoplankton Development Within Tidal Freshwater Regions of Two Virginia Rivers, USA, Harold G. Marshall and Lubomira Burchardt


A Review of Phytoplankton Composition Within Chesapeake Bay and Its Tidal Estuaries, Harold G. Marshall, Lubomira Burchardt, and Richard Lacouture


Comparison of Phytoplankton and Autotrophic Picoplankton Populations Over a 24-Hour Period From a Pond's Surface and Subsurface Waters, Harold G. Marshall, Lubomira Burchardt, and Elżbieta Wilk-Woźniak


Effects of Human Disturbances on the Behavior of Wintering Ducks, Melissa L. Pease, Robert K. Rose, and Mark J. Butler


The Architecture of a Proteomic Network in the Yeast, Emad Ramadan, Christopher Osgood, and Alex Pothern


Mechanical Properties of the Integument of the Common Gartersnake, Thamnophis sirtalis (Serpentes: Colubridae), Gabriel Rivera, Alan H. Savitzky, and Jeffrey A. Hinkley


The Small Mammals of Isle of Wight County, Virginia, as Revealed by Pitfall Trapping, Robert K. Rose


New Species of Amphipod Crustaceans in the Genera Tegano and Melita (Hadzioidea : Melitidae) From Subterranean Groundwaters in Guam, Palau, and the Philippines, Thomas R. Sawicki, John R. Holsinger, and Thomas M. Iliffe


Host Blood Proteins and Peptides in the Midgut of the Tick Dermacentor variabilis Contribute to Bacterial Control, Daniel E. Sonenshine, Wayne L. Hynes, Shane M. Ceraul, Robert Mitchell, and Tiffany Benzine


Defensin in Ticks: Molecular Characterization, Expression, and Role in Innate Immunity, Daniel E. Sonenshine, Wayne L. Hynes, Shane M. Ceraul, and Michelle Todd


In Vivo Role of 20-hydroxyecdysone in the Regulation of the Vitellogenin mRNA and Egg Development in the American Dog Tick, Dermacentor variabilis (Say), Deborah M. Thompson, Sayed M.S. Khalil, Laura A. Jeffers, Usha Ananthapadadmanaban, Daniel E. Sonenshine, Robert D. Mitchell, Christopher J. Osgood, Charles S. Apperson, and R. Michael Roe


3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine Activates Nuclear Factor- κB, Increases Intracellular Calcium, and Modulates Gene Transcription in Rat Heart Cells, David A. Tiangco, Frank A. Lattanzio Jr., Christopher J. Osgood, Stephen J. Beebe, Julie A. Kerry, and Barbara Y. Hargrave

Submissions from 2004


Comparative Life Histories of Georgia and Virginia Cotton Rats, Bradley J. Bergstrom and Robert K. Rose


On the Ecological Status of the Concept "Boundary Conditions" - A Few Methodological Remarks, Lubomira Burchardt, Krzystof Lastowski, and Harold G. Marshall


Metabolic Rate Models and the Substitutability of Predator Populations, David R. Chalcraft and William J. Resetarits Jr.


Identification and Characterization of a Nontypeable Haemophilus Influenzae Putative Toxin-Antitoxin Locus, Dayle A. Daines, Justin Jarisch, and Arnold L. Smith


Interactive Regulation of Dissolved Copper Toxicity by an Estuarine Microbial Community, Christina L. Dryden, Andrew S. Gordon, and John R. Donat


Dissecting the Loci of Low-Level Quinine Resistance in Malaria Parasites, Michael T. Ferdig, Roland A. Cooper, Jianbing Mu, Bingbing Deng, Deirdre A. Joy, Xin-Zhuan Su, and Thomas E. Wellems


Ultrastructure of Mycobacterium Marinum Granuloma in Striped Bass Morone Saxatilis, D. T. Gauthier, W. K. Vogelbein, and C. A. Ottinger


Phytoplankton Composition Within the Tidal Freshwater-Oligohaline Regions of the Rappahannock and Pamunkey Rivers in Virginia, Harold G. Marshall and Lubomira Burchardt


The Type Specimens of George Edward Post in Beirut and Geneva, Lytton John Musselman and Nada Sinnu Saoud


Isolation and Characterization of Mycobacteria from Striped Bass Morone Saxatilis from the Chesapeake Bay, Martha W. Rhodes, Howard Kator, Ilsa Kaattari, David Gauthier, Wolfgang Vogelbein, and Christopher A. Ottinger


A New Pathogenic Virus in the Caribbean Spiny Lobster Panulirus argus from the Florida Keys, Jeffrey D. Shields and Donald C. Behringer Jr.

Submissions from 2003


Hydrodynamic Stability of Swimming in Ostraciid Fishes: Role of the Carapace in the Smooth Trunkfish Lactophrys Triqueter (Teleostei : Ostraciidae), Ian K. Bartol, Morteza Gharib, Daniel Weihs, Paul W. Webb, Jay R. Hove, and Malcolm S. Gordon


Algal Composition and Abundance in the Neuston Surface Micro Layer From a Lake and Pond in Virginia (U.S.A.), Lubomira Burchardt and Harold G. Marshall


An Arthropod Defensin Expressed by the Hemocytes of the American Dog Tick, Dermacentor variabilis (Acari: Ixodidae), Shane M. Ceraul, Daniel E. Sonenshine, Robert E. Ratzlaff, and Wayne L. Hynes


Experimental Mycobacteriosis in Striped Bass Morone Saxatilis, D. T. Gauthier, M. W. Rhodes, W. K. Vogelbein, H. Kator, and C. A. Ottinger


Recognizing Toxic Species in Aquatic Habitats: A Potential Concern in Lake Management, Mikolaj Kokocinski and Harold G. Marshall


Enhancement of Disease and Pathology by Synergy of Trichuris Suis and Campylobacter Jejuni in the Colon of Immunologically Naive Swine, Linda S. Mansfield, David T. Gauthier, Sheila R. Abner, Kathryn M. Jones, Stacey R. Wilder, and Joseph F. Urban


Multiple Transporters Associated with Malaria Parasite Responses to Chloroquine and Quinine, Jianbing Mu, Michael T. Ferdig, Xiaorong Feng, Deirdre A. Joy, Junhui Duan, Tetsuya Furuya, G. Subramanian, L. Aravind, Roland A. Cooper, John C. Wootton, Momia Xiong, and Xin-zhuan Su


Chemical composition of Some Components of the Arrestment Pheromone of the Black-Legged Tick, Ixodes scapularis (Acari : Ixodidae) and Their Use in Tick Control, Daniel E. Sonenshine, Trevor Adams, Sandra A. Allan, John McLaughlin, and Francis X. Webster


Increase in Biomass and Soldier Production for Coptotermes formosanus (Shiraki) Workers Maintained in the Laboratory for Up to Nine Months, Deborah Waller

Submissions from 2002


Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization on Sperm Using Alkaline Denaturation, L. J. Aridgides, M. Stacey, L. Brihn, D. Scott, and C. Osgood


Distribution of the Euryhaline Squid Lolliguncula Brevis in Chesapeake Bay: Effects of Selected Abiotic Factors, I. K. Bartol, R. Mann, and M. Vecchione


Glass Capillary Tube Feeding: A Method for Infecting Nymphal Ixodes scapularis (Acari: Ixodidae) with the Lyme Disease Spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi, Anne H. Broadwater, Daniel E. Sonenshine, Wayne L. Hynes, Shane Ceraul, and Aravinda M. De Silva


Resistance of the Tick Dermacentor variabilis (Acari: Ixodidae) Following Challenge with the Bacterium Escherichia coli (Enterobacteriales: Enterobacteriaceae), Shane M. Ceraul, Daniel E. Sonenshine, and Wayne L. Hynes


Evidence for Infanticide in Bottlenose Dolphins of the Western North Atlantic, Dale G. Dunn, Susan G. Barco, D. Ann Pabst, and William A. McLellan


Rickettsial Infection in Dermacentor variabilis (Acari : Ixodidae) Inhibits Transovarial Transmission of a Second Rickettsia, Kevin R. Macaluso, Daniel E. Sonenshine, Shane M. Ceraul, and Abdu F. Azad


Autotrophic Picoplankton: Their Presence and Significance in Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, Harold G. Marshall


In Vivo Effect of Leukemia Inhibitory Factor (LIF) and an Anti-LIF Polyclonal Antibody on Murine Embryo and Fetal Development Following Exposure at the Time of Transcervical Blastocyst Transfer, Michael H. Mitchell, R. James Swanson, and Sergio Oehninger


Isoetes Toximontana (Isoetaceae), a New Quillwort with Green Megaspores from the Northern Cape of South Africa, Lytton John Musselman and J. P. Roux


Intra-Annual Variation in the Stable Oxygen and Carbon and Trace Element Composition of Sclerosponges, P. K. Swart, S. Thorrold, B. Rosenheim, A. Eisenhauer, C. G. A. Harriason, M. Grammer, and C. Latkoczy

Submissions from 2001


Aerobic Respiratory Costs of Swimming in the Negatively Buoyant Brief Squid Lolliguncula Brevis, Ian K. Bartol, Roger Mann, and Mark R. Patterson


Swimming Mechanics and Behavior of the Shallow-Water Brief Squid Lolliguncula brevis, Ian K. Bartol, Mark R. Patterson, and Roger Mann


The Standardized Fish Bioassay Procedure for Detecting and Culturing Actively Toxic Pfiesteria, Used by Two Reference Laboratories for Atlantic and Gulf Coast States, JoAnn M. Burkholder, Harold G. Marshall, David W. Seaborn, and Nora J. Deamer-Melia


The 6th International Conference and Workshop on Lobster Biology and Management: An Introduction, Mark J. Butler IV


Twenty-Five Years of Population Fluctuations of Microtus Ochrogaster and M-Pennsylvanicus in Three Habitats in East-Central Illinois, Lowell L. Getz, Joyce E. Hofmann, Betty McGuire, and Thomas W. Dolan III


Tick Immunity to Microbial Infections: Control of Representative Bacteria in the Hard Tick Dermacentor variabilis (Acari: Ixodidae), Robert Johns, Shane Ceraul, Daniel E. Sonenshine, and Wayne L. Hynes


Contrasts in Tick Innate Immune Responses to Borrelia burgdorferi challenge: Immuno-tolerance in Ixodes scapularis versus Immunocompetence in Dermacentor variabilis (Acari: Ixodidae)., Robert Johns, Jun Ohnishi, Anne Broadwater, Daniel E. Sonenshine, Aravinda M. DeSilva, and Wayne L. Hynes


Identification of a Defensin from the Hemolymph of the American Dog Tick, Dermacentor variabilis, Robert Johns, Daniel E. Sonenshine, and Wayne L. Hynes


Infection and Transovarial Transmission of Rickettsiae in Dermacentor variabilis Acquired by Artificial Feeding, K. R. Macaluso, Daniel E. Sonenshine, Shane M. Ceraul, and A. F. Azad


Trachelomonas spp. and Other Euglenophyceae Taxa in a Southeastern Virginia Lake, Harold G. Marshall


The Genus Striga (Scrophulariaceae) in Africa, Kamal I. Mohamed, Lytton John Musselman, and Charles R. Riches


Isoetes Mattaponica (Isoetaceae), a New Diploid Quillwort from Freshwater Tidal Marshes of Virginia, Lytton John Musselman, W. Carl Taylor, and Rebecca D. Bray


Life-History Evolution in Guppies. VII. The Comparative Ecology of High- and Low-Predation Environments, David Reznick, Mark J. Butler IV, and Helen Rodd


Classification and Identification of Pfiesteria and Pfiesteria-Like Species, Karen Steidinger, Jan Landsberg, R. William Richardson, Earnest Truby, Barbara Blakesley, Paula Scott, Patricia Tester, Torstein Tengs, Patrice Mason, Stever Morton, David Seaborn, Wayne Litaker, Kimberly Reece, David Oldach, Leonard Haas, and Gerardo Vasta

Submissions from 2000


Hyaluronidases of Gram-Positive Bacteria, Wayne L. Hynes and Sheryl Lynne Walton


Response of the Tick Dermacentor variabilis (Acari: Ixodidae) to Hemocoelic Inoculation of Borrelia burgdorferi (Spirochetales), Robert Johns, Daniel E. Sonenshine, and Wayne L. Hynes


Absence of Insect Juvenile Hormones in the American Dog Tick, Dermacentor veriabilis (Say) (Acari: Ixodidae), and in Ornithodoros parkeri Cooley (Acari: Argasidae), P. A. Neese, Daniel E. Sonenshine, V. L. Kallapur, C. S. Apperson, and R. M. Roe


Estuarine Relationships Between Zooplankton Community Structure and Trophic Gradients, Gyung Soo Park and Harold G. Marshall


Applications of Wavelet Transforms in Biomedical Optoacoustics, Zibiao Wei, Shujun Yang, Amin N. Dharamsi, and Barbara Hargrave

Submissions from 1999


Adaptive Strategies that Reduce Predation on Caribbean Spiny Lobster Postlarvae During Onshore Transport, Charles A. Acosta and Mark J. Butler IV


The Cause and Consequence of Ontogenetic Changes in Social Aggregation in New Zealand Spiny Lobsters, Mark J. Butler IV, Alistair B. MacDiarmid, and John D. Booth


Pfiesteria piscicida and Dinoflagellates Similar to Pfiesteria, Harold G. Marshall


Monitoring Results for Pfiesteria piscidida and Pfiesteria-like Organisms from Virginia Waters in 1998, Harold G. Marshall, David W. Seaborn, and Jennifer Wolny


Nucleotide Sequence of the Streptococcin A-FF22 Lantibiotic Regulon: Model for Production of the Lantibiotic SA-FF22 by Strains of Streptococcus pyogenes, Robert E. McLaughlin, Joseph J. Ferretti, and Wayne L. Hynes


Growth and Feeding Studies on the Algal Feeding Stage of a Pfiesteria-like Dinoflagellate, David W. Seaborn, A. Michelle Seaborn, William M. Dunstan, and Harold G. Marshall


Water Quality Relationships to Concentrations of Pfiesteria-like organisms in Virginia Estuaries for 1998., Everett P. Weber and Harold G. Marshall

Submissions from 1998


Reproductive Ability of Hybrids of Striga aspera and Striga hermonthica, Emmanuel I. Aigbokhan, Dana K. Berner, and Lytton J. Musselman


Seasonal Patterns of Nitrogen Fixation in Termites, A. D. Curtis and D. A. Waller


Mesozooplankton Distribution and Abundance in the Pagan River: A Nutrient Enriched Subestuary of the James River, Virginia, Lillian N. Davis and Harold G. Marshall


Seasonal Changes in Brown Fat and Pelage in Southern Short-Tailed Shrews, Elisa M. Dew, Keith A. Carson, and Robert K. Rose


Cladistic Analysis of 37 Mediterranean Bogidiellidae (Amphipoda), Including Bogidiella arista, New Species, From Turkey, Stefan Koenemann, Ronald Vonk, and Frederick R. Schram


Phytoplankton Composition Within the Tidal Freshwater Region of the James River, Virginia, Harold G. Marshall and Lubomira Burchardt

Submissions from 1997


Small-Scale Settlement Patterns of the Oyster Crassostrea Virginica on a Constructed Intertidal Reef, Ian K. Bartol and Roger Mann


Factors Affecting the Recruitment of Juvenile Caribbean Spiny Lobsters Dwelling in Macroalgae, Mark J. Butler IV, William F. Herrnkind, and John H. Hunt


Problems With the Interpretation of Mark-Release-Recapture Data in Subterranean Termites (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae), Anthony D. Curtis and Deborah A. Waller


Seasonal Abundance of Autotrophic Picoplankton in the Pagan River, a Nutrient Enriched Subestuary of the James River, Virginia, Lillian N. Davis, Karen A. Phillips, and Harold G. Marshall


The Drosophila Melanogaster RAD54 Homolog, DmRAD54, Is Involved in the Repair of Radiation Damage and Recombination, Rolf Kooistra, José B. M. Zonneveld, Anja De Jong, Jan C. J. Eeken, Chris J. Osgood, Jean-Marie Buerstedde, Paul H. M. Lohman, and Albert Pastink


A Quantitative Study of Diet in Three Species of Rodents in Natural and Irrigated Savanna Fields, Safianu Rabiu and Robert K. Rose

Submissions from 1996


Pseudoreplication Revisited, Robert A. Heffner, Mark J. Butler IV, and Colleen Keelan Reilly


Toxin Producing Phytoplankton in Chesapeake Bay, Harold G. Marshall

Submissions from 1995


Cascading Disturbances in Florida Bay, USA: Cyanobacteria Blooms, Sponge Mortality, And Implications For Juvenile Spiny Lobsters Panulirus Argus, Mark J. Butler IV, John H. Hunt, William F. Herrnkind, Michael J. Childress, Rodney Bertelsen, William Sharp, Thomas Matthews, Jennifer M. Field, and Harold G. Marshall