A selection of faculty publications from the Department of Biological Sciences, College of Sciences, Old Dominion University.


Submissions from 2015


Altered Connexin 43 Expression Underlies Age-Dependent Decrease of Regulatory T Cell Suppressor Function in Nonobese Diabetic Mice, Michel Kuczma, Cong-Yi Wang, Leszek Ignatowicz, Robert Gourdi, and Piotr Kraj


Dynamic Ocean Management: Defining and Conceptualizing Real-Time Management of the Ocean, Sara M. Maxwell, Elliot L. Hazen, Rebecca L. Lewison, Danial C. Dunn, Helen Bailey, Steven J. Bograd, Dana K. Briscoe, Sabrina Fossette, Alistair J. Hobday, and Meredith Bennett


Ecological Drivers and Habitat Associations of Estuarine Bivalves, C. Seabird McKeon, Björn G. Tunberg, Cora A. Johnston, and Daniel J. Barshis


Comparative Population Genetics of Two Invading Ticks: Evidence of the Ecological Mechanisms Underlying Tick Range Expansions, Robyn Nadolny, Holly Gaff, Jens Carlsson, and David Gauthier


Transmission-Blocking Vaccines: Focus on Anti-Vector Vaccines against Tick-Borne Diseases, Girish Neelakanta and Hameeda Sultana


Climate, Environmental and Socio-Economic Change: Weighing Up the Balance in Vector-Borne Disease Transmission, Paul E. Parham, Joanna Waldock, George K. Christophides, Deborah Hemming, Folashade Agusto, Katherine J. Evans, Nina Fefferman, Holly Gaff, Abba Gumel, and Shannon Ladeau


Mutations in the Plasmodium falciparum Chloroquine Resistance Transporter, PfCRT, Enlarge the Parasite's Food Vacuole and Alter Drug Sensitivities, Serena Pulcini, Henry M. Staines, Andrew H. Lee, Sarah H. Shafik, Guillaume Bouyer, Catherine M. Moore, Daniel A. Daley, Matthew J. Hoke, Lindsey M. Altenhofen, Heather J. Painter, Jainbing Mu, David J.P. Ferguson, Manuel Llinás, Rowena E. Martin, David A. Fidock, Roland A. Cooper, and Sanjeev Krishna


Forest Diversity and Disturbance: Changing Influences and the Future of Virginia’s Forests, Christine J. Small and James L. Chamberlain


Identification and Comparative Analysis of Subolesin/Akirin Ortholog from Ornithodoros turicata Ticks, Hameeda Sultana, Unnati Patel, Daniel E. Sonenshine, and Girish Neelakanta

Submissions from 2014


Lineage-Specific Transcriptional Profiles of Symbiodinium spp. Unaltered by Heat Stress in a Coral Host, Daniel J. Barshis, Jason T. Ladner, Thomas A. Oliver, and Stephen R. Palumbi


Phylogeography Unplugged: Comparative Surveys in the Genomic Era, Brian W. Bowen, Kartik Shanker, Nina Yasuda, Maria Celia Malay, Sophie Von Der Heyden, Gustav Paulay, Luiz A. Rocha, Kimberly A. Selkoe, Paul H. Barber, Suzanne T. Williams, Harilaos A. Lessios, Eric D. Crandall, Giacomo Bernardi, Christopher P. Meyer, Kent E. Carpenter, and Robert J. Toonen


Trisopterus capelanus, K. E. Carpenter and E. Stump


Tick-Bourne Pathogens of Potential Zoonotic Importance in the Southern African Region, Simbarashe Chitanga, Holly Gaff, and Samson Mukaratirwa


Developing Important Marine Mammal Area Criteria: Learning From Ecologically or Biologically Significant Areas and Key Biodiversity Areas, Collenn M. Corrigan, Jeff A. Ardron, Mia T. Comeros-Raynal, Erich Hoyt, Giuseppe Notarbartolo Di Sciara, and Kent E. Carpenter


Concordance Between Phylogeographic and Biogeographic Boundaries in the Coral Triangle: Conservation Implications Based on Comparative Analyses of Multiple Giant Clam Species, Timery S. DeBoer, Maria Rio Abdon Naguit, Mark V. Erdmann, Maria Carmen A. Ablan-Lagman, Ambariyanto, Kent E. Carpenter, Abdul Hamid A. Toha, and Paul H. Barber


Concordant Phylogenetic Patterns Inferred from Mitochondrial and Microsatellite DNA in the Giant Clam Tridacna Crocea, Timery S. DeBoer, Ma Rio Abdon Naguit, Mark V. Erdmann, Maria Carmen A. Ablan-Lagman, Ambariyanto, Kent E. Carpenter, Abdul Hamid A. Toba, and Paul H. Barber


Design and Study of the Efflux Function of the EGFP Fused MexAB-OprM Membrane Transporter in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Using Spectroscopy, Feng Ding, Kerry J. Lee, Ardeschir Vahedi-Faridi, Hiroshi Yoneyama, Christopher J. Osgood, and Xiao-Hong Nancy Xu


Host Behavior Alters Spiny Lobster-Viral Disease Dynamics: A Simulation Study, Thomas W. Dolan III, Mark J. Butler IV, and Jeffrey D. Shields


Extinction Risk and Conservation of the World's Sharks and Rays, Nicholas K. Dulvy, Sarah L. Fowler, John A. Musick, Rachel D. Cavanagh, Peter M. Kyne, Lucy R. Harrison, John K. Carlson, Lindsay N. K. Davidson, Sonja V. Fordham, Malcolm P. Francis, Caroline M. Pollock, Colin A. Simpfendorfer, George H. Burgess, Kent E. Carpenter, Leonard J. V. Compagno, David A. Ebert, Claudine Gibson, Michelle R. Heupel, Suzanne R. Livingstone, Jonnell C. Sanciangco, John D. Stevens, Sarah Valenti, and William T. White


Transcriptome of the Female Synganglion of the Black-Legged Tick Ixodes scapularis (Acari: Ixodidae) With Comparison Between Illumina and 454 Systems, Noble Egekwu, Daniel E. Sonenshine, Brooke W. Bissinger, and R. Michael Roe


Ehrlichia and Spotted Fever Group Rickettsiae Surveillance in Amblyomma americanum in Virginia Through Use of a Novel Six-Plex Real-Time PCR Assay, David N. Gaines, Darwin J. Operario, Suzanne Stroup, Ellen Stromdahl, Chelsea Wright, Holly Gaff, James Broyhill, Joshua Smith, Douglas E. Norris, Tyler Henning, Agape Lucas, and Eric Houpt


[Review of the book Rare birds of North America, by N.G. Howell, Ian Lewington & Will Russell], Natasha D.G. Hagemeyer and Eric L. Walters


Wild Bees Preferentially Visit Rudbeckia Flower Heads with Exaggerated Ultraviolet Absorbing Floral Guides, Lisa Horth, Laura Campbell, and Rebecca Bray


Effects of Predation upon the Long-Spined Sea Urchin Diadema antillarum by the Spotted Spiny Lobster Panulirus guttatus, Meredith D. Kintzing and Mark J. Butler IV


The Influence of Shelter, Conspecifics, and Threat of Predation on the Behavior of the Long-Spined Sea Urchin (Diadema antillarum), Meredith D. Kintzing and Mark J. Butler IV


[Review of the book Woodpeckers of the World: A Photographic Guide, by Gerard Gorman], Walter D. Koenig and Eric L. Walters


Temperature, Hypoxia, and Mycobacteriosis: Effects on Adult Striped Bass Morone Saxatilis Metabolic Performance, Dominique Lapointe, Wolfgang K. Vogelbein, Mary C. Fabrizio, David T. Gauthier, and Richard W. Brill


Ontogenetic Investigation of Underwater Hearing Capabilities in Loggerhead Sea Turtles (Caretta caretta) Using a Dual Testing Approach, Ashley L. Lavender, Soraya M. Bartol, and Ian K. Bartol


Aneurysmal Lesions of Patients with Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Contain Clonally Expanded T Cells, Song Lu, John V. White, Wan Lu Lin, Xiaoying Zhang, Charalambos Solomides, Kyle Evans, Nectaria Ntaoula, Ifeyinwa Nwaneshiudu, John Gaughan, Dimitri S. Monos, Emilia L. Oleszak, and Chris D. Platsoucas


Phytoplankton in Virginia Lakes and Reservoirs: Part II, Harold G. Marshall


Exploration of the Genetic Epidemiology of Asthma: A Review, With a Focus on Prevalence in Children and Adolescents in the Caribbean, A. Mohan, A. J. Roberto, B. C. Whitehill, A. Mohan, and A. Kumar


Ticks and Spotted Fever Group Rickettsiae of Southeastern Virginia, Robyn M. Nadolny, Chelsea L. Wright, Daniel E. Sonenshine, Wayne L. Hynes, and Holly D. Gaff


Interactive Effects of Climate Change with Nutrients, Mercury, and Freshwater Acidification on Key Taxa in the North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative Region, Alfred E. Pinkey, Charles T. Driscoll, David C. Evers, Michael J. Hooper, Jeffrey Horan, Jess W. Jones, Rebecca S. Lazarus, Harold G. Marshall, Andrew Milliken, Barnett A. Rattner, John Schmerfold, and Donald W. Sparling


Basin Isolation and Oceanographic Features Influencing Lineage Divergence in the Humbug Damselfish (Dascyllus aruanus) in the Coral Triangle, J. M. Raynal, E. D. Crandall, P. H. Barber, G. N. Mahardika, M. C. Lagman, and Kent E. Carpenter


The ToxAvapA Toxin-Antitoxin Locus Contributes to the Survival of Nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae during Infection, Dabin Ren, Alexis A. Kordis, Daniel E. Sonenshine, and Dayle A. Daines


Global Priorities for Marine Biodiversity Conservation, Elizabeth R. Selig, Will R. Turner, Sebastian Troëng, Bryan P. Wallace, Kristin Kaschner, Ben G. Lascelles, Kent E. Carpenter, and Russell A. Mittermeier


Role of Peripheral Immune Response in Microglia Activation and Regulation of Brain Chemokine and Proinflammatory Cytokine Responses Induced During VSV Encephalitis, Christina D. Steel, Kimberly Breving, Susan Tavakoli, Woong-Ki Kim, Larry D. Sanford, and Richard P. Ciavarra


Quantitative Factors Proposed to Influence the Prevalence of Canine Tick-Bourne Disease Agents in the United States, Roger W. Stich, Byron L. Blagburn, Dwight D. Bowman, Christopher Carpenter, M. Roberto Cortinas, Sidney A. Ewing, Desmond Foley, Holly Gaff, Graham J. Hickling, and R. Ryan Lash


Comparison of Phenology and Pathogen Prevalence, Including Infection With the Ehrlichia muris-Like (EML) Agent, of Ixodes Scapularis Removed from Soldiers in the Midwestern and Northeastern United States Over a 15 Year Period (1997-2012), Ellen Stromdahl, Sarah Hamer, Sarah Jenkins, Lynne Sloan, Phillip Williamson, Erik Foster, Robyn Nadolny, Chad Elkins, Mary Vince, and Bobbi Pritt


Hidden Diversity in Sardines: Genetic and Morphological Evidence for Cryptic Species in the Goldstripe Sardinella, Sardinella gibbosa (Bleeker, 1849), Rey C. Thomas, Demian A. Willette, Kent E. Carpenter, and Mudjekeewis D. Santos


Bulk Elastic Moduli and Solute Potentials in Leaves of Freshwater, Coastal, and Marine Hydrophytes. Are Marine Plants More Rigid?, Brant W. Touchette, Sarah E. Marcus, and Emily C. Adams


Multiplexing with Three-Primer PCR for Rapid and Economical Microsatellite Validation, Salla Vartia, Patrick C. Collins, Thomas F. Cross, Richard D. Fitzgerald, David T. Gauthier, Philip Mcginnity, Luca Mirimin, and Jens Carlsson


So, You Want to Use Next Generation Sequencing In Marine Systems? Insight from the Pan Pacific Advanced Studies Institute, D. A. Willette, F. W. Allendorf, P. H. Barber, D. J. Barshis, K. E. Carpenter, E. D. Crandall, W. A. Cresko, I. Fernandez-Silva, M. V. Matz, E. Meyer, M. D. Santos, L. W. Seeb, and J. E. Seeb


Evolution of the Freshwater Sardinella, Sardinella Tawilis (Clupeiformes: Clupeidae), in Taal Lake, Philippines and Identification of iIts Marine Sister-Species, Sardinella Hualiensis, Demian Willette, Kent E. Carpenter, and Mudjekeewis Santos


Prevalence of Ehrlichia chaffeensis and Ehrlichia ewingii in Amblyomma americanum and Dermacentor variabilis Collected From Southeastern Virginia, 2010-2011, Chelsea L. Wright, Holly D. Gaff, and Wayne L. Hynes


Single-Tube Real-Time PCR Assay for Differentiation of Ixodes Affinis and Ixodes scapularis, Chelsea L. Wright, Wayne L. Hynes, Breanna T. White, Mindy N. Marshall, Holly D. Gaff, and David T. Gauthier


Lateral Line Analogue Aids Vision in Successful Predator Evasion for the Brief Squid, Lolliguncula Brevis, Carly A. York and Ian K. Bartol


Epidemic Surveillance Using an Electronic Medical Record: An Empiric Approach to Performance Improvement, Hongzhang Zheng, Holly Gaff, Gary Smith, and Sylvain DeLisle

Submissions from 2013


Pronounced Genetic Structure in a Highly Mobile Coral Reef Fish, Caesio cuning, in the Coral Triangle, Amanda S. Ackiss, Shinta Pardede, Eric D. Crandall, Ma Carmen A. Ablan-Lagman, Ambariyanto, November Romena, Paul H. Barber, and Kent E. Carpenter


Ontogenetic Shifts in Resource Allocation: Colour Change and Allometric Growth of Defensive and Reproductive Structures in the Caribbean Spiny Lobster Panulirus argus, Joshua R. Anderson, Angelo J. Spadaro, J. Antonio Baeza, and Donald C. Behringer


The Tree of Life and a New Classification of Bony Fishes, Ricardo Bentancur-R, Richard E. Broughton, Edward O. Wiley, Kent E. Carpenter, J. Andrés López, Chenhong Li, Nancy I. Holcroft, Dahiana Arcila, Millicent Sanciangco, James C. Cureton Ii, Feifei Zhang, Thaddeus Buser, Matthew A. Campbell, Jesus A. Ballesteros, Adela Roa-Varon, Stuart Willis, W. Calvin Borden, Thaine Rowley, Paulette C. Reneau, Daniel J. Hough, Guoqing Lu, Terry Grande, Gloria Arratia, and Guillermo Ortí


Responses of Amblyomma americanum and Dermacentor variabilis to Odorants That Attract Haematophagous Insects, A. L. Carr, R. M. Roe, C. Arellano, D. E. Sonenshine, C. Schal, and C. S. Apperson


Thalassiosira spp. Community Composition Shifts in Response to Chemical and Physical Forcing in the Northeast Pacific Ocean, P. Dreux Chappell, LeAnn P. Whitney, Traci L. Haddock, Susanne Menden-Deuer, Eric G. Roy, Mark L. Wells, and Bethany D. Jenkins


Corrected Numbers for fish on Red List, Bruce B. Collette, Beth Polidoro, and Kent Carpenter


The Effects of 11 Yr of CO2 Enrichment on Roots in a Florida Scrub-Oak Ecosystem, Frank Day, Rachel E. Schroeder, Daniel B. Stover, Alisha L. P. Brown, John R. Butnor, John Dilustro, Bruce A. Hungate, Paul Dijkstra, Benjamn D. Duval, and Troy J. Seiler


Identifying Requirements for the Invasion of a Tick Species and Tick-Borne Pathogen Through TICKSIM, Holly Gaff and Robyn Nadolny


Genetic Population Structure of US Atlantic Coastal Striped Bass (Morone saxatilis), David T. Gauthier, Corinne A. Audemard, Jeanette E. L. Carlsson, Tanya L. Darden, Michael R. Denson, Kimberly S. Reece, and Jens Carlsson


Heritable Melanism and Parasitic Infection Both Result in Black-Spotted Mosquitofish, Lisa Horth, David Gauthier, and Wolfgang Vogelbein


Fire, Hurricane and Carbon Dioxide: Effects on Net Primary Production of a Subtropical Woodland, Bruce A. Hungate, Frank P. Day, Paul Dijkstra, Benjamin D. Duval, C. Ross Hinkle, and J. Adam Langley


Cumulative Response of Ecosystem Carbon and Nitrogen Stocks to Chronic CO2 Exposure in a Subtropical Oak Woodland, Bruce A. Hungate, Paul Dijkstra, Zhuoting Wu, Benjamin D. Duval, Frank P. Day, and Alisha L.P. Brown


Chemical Defense of an Asian Snake Reflects Local Availability of Toxic Prey and Hatchling Diet, D. A. Hutchinson, A. H. Savitzky, G. M. Burghardt, C. Nguyen, J. Meinwald, F. C. Schroeder, and A. Mori


Seasonal Dynamics of Mesodinium rubrum in Chesapeake Bay, Matthew D. Johnson, Doane K. Stoecker, and Harold G. Marshall


Larval Connectivity and the International Management of Fisheries, Andrew S. Kough, Claire B. Paris, and Mark J. Butler IV


Erosive Hand Osteoarthritis is Associated with Subclinical Atherosclerosis and Endothelial Dysfunction, Athanasios Koutroumpas, Athanasios Giannoukas, Elias Zintzaras, Ekaterini Exarchou, Aris Baliakos, Konstantinos Makaritsis, and Lazaros I. Sakkas


Phytoplankton in Virginia Lakes and Reservoirs, Harold G. Marshall


The Role of p38 MAPK in the Aetiopathogenesis of Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis, Athanasios Mavropoulos, Eirini I. Rigopoulou, Christos Liaskos, Dimitrios P. Bogdanos, and Lazaros I. Sakkas


Does Pitcher Plant Morphology Affect Spider Residency?, Marc A. Milne and Deborah A. Waller


Distribution, Prevalence, and Genetic Analysis of Panulirus Argus Virus 1 (Pav1) from the Caribbean Sea, Jessica Moss, Donald C. Behringer Jr., Jeffrey D. Shields, Antonio Baeza, Alfonso Aguilar-Perera, Phillippe G. Bush, Clement Dromer, Alejandro Herrera-Moreno, Lester Gittens, Thomas R. Matthews, Michael R. McCord, Michelle T. Schärer, Lionel Reynal, Nathanial Truelove, and Mark J. Butler IV


The Use of Metagenomic Approaches to Analyze Changes in Microbial Communities, Girish Neelakanta and Hameeda Sultana


Conus: First Comprehensive Conservation Red List Assessment of a Marine Gastropod Mollusc Genus, Howard Peters, Bethan C. O'Leary, Julie P. Hawkins, Kent E. Carpenter, and Callum M. Roberts


The Population Dynamics of Two Rodents in Two Coastal Marshes in Virginia, Robert K. Rose and John A. March


The Small Mammals of Two Dune Communities in Southeastern Virginia, Robert K. Rose and Justin L. Sweitzer


Cooperative Breeding and Long-Distance Dispersal: A Test Using Vagrant Records, Caroline L. Rusk, Eric L. Walters, and Walter D. Koenig


Habitat Availability and Heterogeneity and The Indo-Pacific Warm Pool as Predictors of Marine Species Richness in the Tropical Indo-Pacific, Jonnell C. Sanciangco, Kent E. Carpenter, Peter J. Etnoyer, and Fabio Moretzsohn


Age-Associated Metabolic and Morphologic Changes in Mitochondria of Individual Mouse and Hamster Oocytes, Fatma Simsek-Duran, Fang Li, Wentia Ford, R. James Swanson, Howard W. Jones Jr., and Frank J. Castora


Direct and Legacy Effects of Long-Term Elevated CO2 on Fine Root Growth and Plant-Insect Interactions, Peter Stiling, Daniel Moon, Anthony Rossi, Rebecca Forkner, Bruce A. Hungate, Frank P. Day, Rachel E. Schroeder, and Bert Drake


A Mesh Generation and Machine Learning Framework for Drosophila Gene Expression Pattern Image Analysis, Wenlu Zhang, Daming Feng, Rongjian Li, Andrey Chernikov, Nikos Chrisochoides, Christopher Osgood, Charlotte Konikoff, Stuart Newfeld, Sudhir Kumar, and Shuiwang Ji

Submissions from 2012


Reproductive Biology and Recruitment of Xiphopenaeus kroyeri in a Marine Protected Area in the Western Atlantic: Implications for Resource Management, Ariádine C. Almeida, J. Antonio Baeza, Vivian Fransozo, Antonio L. Castilho, and Adilson Fransozo


Testing the Role of Male-Male Competition in the Evolution of Sexual Dimorphism: A Comparison Between Two Species of Porcelain Crabs, J. Antonio Baeza and Cynthia M. Asorey


Enhanced Killing Effect of Nanosecond Pulse Electric Fields on PANC1 and Jurkat Cell Lines in the Presence of Tween 80, Gaurav Basu, Bhargava Subhash Kalluri, Ahmet Can Sabuncu, Christopher J. Osgood, and Michael W. Stacey


Regulation of the vapBC-1 Toxin-Antitoxin Locus in Nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae, Susan D. Cline, Sehresh Saleem, and Dayle A. Daines


The Likelihood of Extinction of Iconic and Dominant Herbivores and Detritivores of Coral Reefs: The Parrotfishes and Surgeonfishes, Mia T. Comeros-Raynal, John H. Choat, Beth A. Polidoro, Kendall D. Clements, Rene Abesamis, Matthew T. Craig, Muhammad E. Lazuardi, Jennifer McIlwain, Andreas Muljadi, Robert F. Myers, Cleto L. Nanola Jr., Shinta Pardede, Luiz A. Rocha, Barry Russell, Jonnell C. Sanciangco, Brian Stockwell, Heather Harwell, and Kent E. Carpenter


Expansion Dating: Calibrating Molecular Clocks in Marine Species from Expansions onto the Sunda Shelf Following the Last Glacial Maximum, Eric D. Crandall, Elizabeth J. Sbrocco, Timery S. DeBoer, Paul H. Barber, and Kent E. Carpenter


Mutation in the Plasmodium falciparum CRT Protein Determines the Stereospecific Activity of Antimalarial Cinchona Alkaloids, Carol E. Griffin, Jonathan M. Hoke, Upeka Samarakoon, Junhui Duan, Jianbing Mu, Michael T. Ferdig, David C. Warhurst, and Roland A. Cooper


Effects of Temperature on Emergence and Seasonality of West Nile Virus in California, David M. Hartley, Christopher M. Barker, Arnaud Le Menach, Tianchan Niu, Holly Gaff, and William K. Reisen


Successful Genotyping of Microsatellites in the Woolly Mammoth, Yasuko Ishida, Alfred L. Roca, Stephen Fratpietro, and Alex D. Greenwood


Brooding, Provisioning, and Compensatory Care in the Cooperatively Breeding Acorn Woodpecker, Walter D. Koenig and Eric L. Walters


A Global Diatom Database- Abundance, Biovolume and Biomass in the World Ocean, K. Leblanc, J. Aristegui, L. Armand, P. Assmy, B. Becker, A. Bode, E. Breton, V. Cornet, J. Gibson, M. P. Gosselin, and H. Marshall


Unusually High Body Mass in Virginia Meadow Voles, Sara B. Longtin and Robert K. Rose


In Vitro Propagation of Candidatus Rickettsia andeanae Isolated From Amblyomma maculatum, Alison Luce-Fedrow, Chelsea Wright, Holly D. Gaff, Daniel E. Sonenshine, Wayne L. Hynes, and Allen L. Richards


Cyanobacteria Dominance in the Oligohaline Waters of Back Bay, Virginia, Harold G. Marshall


Extinction Risk and Bottlenecks in the Conservation of Charismatic Marine Species, Loren McClenachan, Andrew B. Cooper, Kent E. Carpenter, and Nicholas K. Dulvy


Genetic Diversity of the Caribbean Spiny Lobster Virus, Panulirus Argus Virus 1 (PaV1), and the Discovery of PaV1 in Lobster Postlarvae, Jessica Moss, Mark J. Butler IV, Donald C. Behringer Jr., and Jeffrey D. Shields


An Epidemiological Model of Rift Valley Fever with Spatial Dynamics, Tianchan Niu, Holly D. Gaff, Yiannis E. Papelis, and David M. Hartley


Protandric Simultaneous Hermaphroditism in Parhippolyte Misticia (Clark, 1989) (Caridea: Hippolytidae): Implications for the Evolution of Mixed Sexual Systems in Shrimp, Hitoshi Onaga, G. Curt Fiedler, and J. Antonio Baeza


Patterns of Extinction Risk and Threat for Marine Vertebrates and Habitat-Forming Species in the Tropical Eastern Pacific, Beth A. Polidoro, T. Brooks, Kent E. Carpenter, G. J. Edgar, S Henderson, J. Sanciangco, and D. R. Robertson


Toxin-Antitoxic Loci vapBC-1 and vapXD Contribute to Survival and Virulence in Nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae, Dabin Ren, Anna N. Walker, and Dayle A. Daines


Molecular Phylogenetics of Alternanthera (Gomphrenoideae, Amaranthaceae): Resolving a Complex Taxonomic History Caused by Different Interpretations of Morphological Characters in a Lineage with C4 and C3-C4 Intermediate Species, Ivonne Sánchez-Del Pino, Timothy J. Motley, and Thomas Borsch


Molecular Characterization and Tissue-Specific Gene Expression of Dermacentor variabilis α-catenin in Response to Rickettsial Infection, Piyanate Sunyakumthorn, Natthida Petchampai, Michael T. Kearney, Daniel E. Sonenshine, and Kevin R. Macaluso

Submissions from 2011


Review of Panulirus Argus Virus 1-- A Decade After its Discovery, Donald C. Behringer Jr., Mark J. Butler IV, Jeffrey D. Shields, and Jessica Moss