Theses and dissertations published by graduate students in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, College of Engineering, Old Dominion University since Fall 2016 are available in this collection. Backfiles of all dissertations (and some theses) have also been added.
In late Fall 2025, all theses will be digitized and available here. In the meantime, consult the Library Catalog to find older items in print.
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Thesis: Laser Scribing of ITO and ITO/Ag Coated Glass Substrates Comparison of Back and Front Side Ablation, Oguzhan Balki
Dissertation: Experimental Investigation of a Non-Thermal Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet, Asma Begum
Thesis: Embedding GPS Data into Speech Signal, Kagan Can
Dissertation: Analysis of Jump Linear Systems Driven by Lumped Processes, Jorge R. Chavez Fuentes
Thesis: A Novel Digital Audio Watermarking Approach by Embedding Coefficients in Discrete Cosine Transform Domain, Erol Duymaz
Thesis: A Genetic Algorithm Approach for Optimized Routing, Pavithra Gudur
Thesis: Electric Field Analysis in Insulating Films for Complex Electrode Systems, Anusha Jambula
Dissertation: Multi-Scale Edge Detection Algorithms and Their Information-Theoretic Analysis in the Context of Visual Communication, Bo Jiang
Thesis: The Executable Command in Support of Scheduled Subroutine Calls, Andrew Scott Lewis
Dissertation: Simultaneous Higher Harmonic Detection and Extraction of Information From Oxygen Spectra, Karan Dineshchandra Mohan
Thesis: Selective Phase-Based De-Weathering (SPDW), Christopher Morris
Thesis: Simulation of Temperature Distributions in Tissue Upon Laser Pulse Irradiation Including Water Mass Transfer, Deepthi Nagulapally
Thesis: Action Recognition Based on Multi-Level Representation of 3D Shape, Binu M. Nair
Thesis: Economic Optimization of Offshore Wind Farms Using the Geometric Algorithm, Mahidhar Nandigam
Thesis: Electroencephalogram Artifact Removal Using a Wavelet Neural Network, Hoang-Anh T. Nguyen
Thesis: A Neighborhood Dependent Nonlinear Technique for Enhancement of Color Images Captured Under Non-Uniform Lighting Conditions, Rupal Patel
Dissertation: Transmitter Optimization in Multiuser Wireless Systems with Quality of Service Constraints, Danda B. Rawat
Thesis: Electric Field Computation of Wet Insulating Surfaces, Bhargavi Sarang
Thesis: A Differential Absorption Model for Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Pressure, Shivam J. Shah
Dissertation: Simulation Studies of Pulsed Voltage Effects on Cells, Jiahui Song
Dissertation: Wavelet-Based Enhancement Technique for Visibility Improvement of Digital Images, Numan Ünaldı
Thesis: Combining Molecular and Imaging Biomarkers to Enhance MALDI Biomarker Analysis, Ayyappa Chowdary Vadlamudi
Dissertation: Analysis and Optimization of Dynamic Spectrum Sharing for Cognitive Radio Networks, Manish Wadhwa
Thesis: Fault-Injection Experiment for the Statistical Characterization of Faults in Avionics Communication System, Amy M. Yates
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Thesis: A Smart-Phone Application for Improving Communication Skills in Children with Autism, Lakshmi Padmaja Battagiri
Thesis: Rapid Prototyping Augmented Skin Pathology for Medical Simulation and Training, Annette Castelino
Thesis: Monte Carlo Model of Light Propagation in Tissues and the Effects of Phase Changes on the Light Intensity, Rakesh Choula
Thesis: Adjacent Slice Prostate Cancer Prediction to Inform Maldi Imaging Biomarker Analysis, Shao-Hui Chuang
Dissertation: Supporting Protocols for Structuring and Intelligent Information Dissemination in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, Filip Cuckov
Dissertation: Surface Dynamics of Silicon Low-Index Surfaces Studied by Reflection High-Energy Electron Diffraction, Ibrahim El-Kholy
Dissertation: Interconnections of Nonlinear Systems Driven by L₂-ITÔ Stochastic Processes, Luis A. Duffaut Espinosa
Thesis: A Robust Method to Detect Concealed Weapons, Anand Gone
Thesis: A Hurricane Evacuation Route System Real-Time Monitoring and Distribution of Load, Anup Khanal
Dissertation: Sensitive Detection of Novel Effects and Characteristic Signal Structure of Higher Harmonic Detection in Wavelength Modulation Spectroscopy, Mohammad Amir Khan
Thesis: A Simulation Study of Convergence Speed for Distributed Codeword Adaptation Algorithms in CDMA Wireless Systems, Sahana Maharjan
Thesis: A Compact Lidar for Aircraft Ozone Atmospheric Measurements, Joel A. Marcia
Dissertation: TREE-D-SEEK: A Framework for Retrieving Three-Dimensional Scenes, Saurav Mazumdar
Thesis: Focusing Electromagnetic Radiation in Dielectric Media, Mark A. Migliaccio Jr.
Thesis: Analysis of Partial Discharge Pulse Height Distribution Parameters, Vinay N. Nimbole
Dissertation: Wireless Personal Area Network-Based Assistance for the Visually Impaired, Kurt Matthew Peters
Thesis: Virtual Wired Transmission Scheme - A Novel Technique for Efficient Mobile Adhoc Networks, Manikya Vinay Rali
Dissertation: A Subspace Projection Methodology for Nonlinear Manifold Based Face Recognition, Praveen Sankaran
Thesis: Brain Tumor Progression Assessment Using Multiple MRI Volumes, Yufei Shen
Thesis: A Hidden Markov Model Based Approach to Detect Rogue Access Points, Gayathri Shivaraj
Thesis: Fault-Tolerance and Recovery in Wireless Sensor Networks, Kevin M. Somervill
Thesis: EKG Tracking for Augmented Standardized Patient Virtual Pathology Stethoscope Heart Auscultation, Sujith Surendran
Thesis: Analysis of Electroencephalogram Signals for the Identification of Mental Tasks, My Thy Thi Tran
Thesis: A Systematic Study of Atomic Layer Deposition of Platinum Nano-Scale Metallization Films and Their Application to Electrical Contacts in Porous Alumina Templates, Ngoc H. Tran
Thesis: Implementation Requirements for the Notice Architecture in Vehicular Communications, Dusadee Treeumnuk
Thesis: Image Registration Using Conformal Log Polar Mapping, Bala Krishna Vadapally
Dissertation: High-Performance Broadcast and Multicast Protocols for Multi-Radio Multi-Channel Wireless Mesh Networks, Jun Wang
Dissertation: Compensation of Loss and Stimulated Emission of Surface Plasmon Polaritons, Guohua Zhu
Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Dissertation: Rapid Prototyping for Virtual Environments, Emre Baydogan
Thesis: Surface Pre-Treatments and Fabrication of Highly Ordered Anodic Aluminum Oxide Nanopores at Room Temperature, Sampath Chennuri
Thesis: Stochastic Calculations for Computation of Radiation Effects and Cell Survivability Under Voltage Pulsing, Madhuri Ganapathiraju
Thesis: Integer Ratio Logarithm Based Edge Detection for Runway Hazard Detection, Sri Satya Vardhan Gogineni
Thesis: Extending the Network Life Time in WSN Using Energy Efficient Algorithm, Venkata Sesha Sai Koundinya Goparaju
Dissertation: Reflection High-Energy Electron Diffraction Studies of Indium Phosphide (100) and Growth on Indium and Indium Nitride on Silicon (100), Mohamed Abd-Elsattar Hafez
Dissertation: Modeling and Stability Analysis of Nonlinear Sampled-Data Systems with Embedded Recovery Algorithms, Heber Herencia-Zapana
Thesis: Performance of Adaptive Wireless Systems with Feedback, Sirisha Koduri
Thesis: Biomarker Identification for Prostate Cancer Using an Efficient Feature Selection Algorithm, Vamsi Krishnam Raju Mantena
Thesis: Medical Image Modeling and Processing, Ramu Pedada
Thesis: Education Enhancement Using Visualization and Simulation Tools for Basic Circuit Theory Concepts, Jariwala Rajvi Prakashchandra
Thesis: Immersive Active Learning for Virtual Laboratory Experiments, Swetha Punnandla
Thesis: Joint Transform Correlation with a Synthetic Discrimination Function for Object Classification, Inder K. Purohit
Thesis: Image Pre-Processing Techniques for Hazard Detection in Poor Visibility Conditions, Girish Singh Rajput
Thesis: Image Processing Technique for Runway Segmentation Using Color Spaces, Naresh Reddy Reddy
Thesis: Numerical Simulations of a Nonlinear Transmission Line, Stuart Rogers
Thesis: Congestion Mitigation in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Single-Hop Backpressure Algorithm, Vijay Shekar Mangilipalli Gangu Sham
Thesis: A Systematic Study on Structural and Optical Properties in Conjugated Polymer Photovoltaic Devices, Sri Sabarinadh Sunkavalli
Thesis: Robust Edge-Detection Algorithm for Runway Edge Detection, Swathi Tandra
Thesis: A Weighted Modular Principal Component Analysis Approach for Face Authentication, Chandrika Tummala
Thesis: The Development of Genetic Algorithm for the Prediction of Ship Motion from Wave Radar Data, Sumanth Tirumala Vangipuram
Thesis: Geo-Rectification of Aerial Images for Detecting Changes in Terrain, Diana Vincent
Thesis: Object Detection in Poor Visibility Conditions Using Image Segmentation, Triveni Vuppalapati
Thesis: Detecting Portable Electronic Devices Onboard Commercial Aircraft, Randy Woods
Thesis: An Approach to Identifying the Biomechanical Differences Between Intercostal Cartilage in Subjects with Pectus Excavatum and Normals in Vivo: Reconstruction and CT Registration, Zhenzhen Yan
Dissertation: Design of a High-Speed Architecture for Stabilization of Video Captured Under Non-Uniform Lighting Conditions, Ming Zhu Zhang
Theses/Dissertations from 2007
Thesis: An Adaptive and Non-Linear Technique for Enhancement of High Contrast Images, Saibabu Arigela
Thesis: Distributed Cluster-Based Outlier Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks, Swetha Gali
Thesis: Performance Analysis of IEEE 802.11b Devices in the Presence of Interference Aware Scheduling-Adaptive Frequency Hopping Enabled Bluetooth Devices, Deepthi Gopalpet
Thesis: A Modular Kernel Linear Discriminant Analysis of Gabor Features for Improved Face Recognition, Neeharika Gudur
Dissertation: Neighborhood Defined Feature Selection Strategy for Improved Face Recognition in Different Sensor Modalitie, Satyanadh Gundimada
Thesis: What Should Be in a Human Behavior Representation Federation Object Model for High Level Architecture, Gurkan Haznedaroglu
Dissertation: Self-Assembly and Characterization of Germanium Quantum Dots on Silicon by Pulsed Laser Deposition, Mohammed S. Hegazy
Dissertation: Prediction of interference Pathloss Inside Commercial Aircraft Using Modulated Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks, Madiha Jamil Jafri
Thesis: PARMELA Based Simulations on Jefferson Lab Free Electron Laser Injector, Deepesh Kumar Koppunuru
Thesis: A Wavelet Based Complementary Approach for Image Enhancement, Ismail Kosum
Thesis: Neighborhood Defined Adaboost Based Mixture of Color Components for Efficient Skin Segmentation, Ramya Reddy Maaram
Dissertation: The Distributed Independent-Platform Event-Driven Simulation Engine Library (DIESEL), Reejo Mathew
Thesis: Detecting Compromised Nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks, Mary Lisa Mathews
Thesis: Electroactive Polymers (EAP): Simulation Studies of the Actuation Mechanisms in a Cantilever Cellulose Electroactive Paper, Fatim A. Mbaye
Dissertation: Development of Fast, Distributed Computational Schemes for Full Body Bio-Models and Their Application to Novel Action Potential Block in Nerves Using Ultra-Short, High Intensity Electric Pulses, Ashutosh Mishra
Thesis: Simulation and Modeling of Nerve Impulse Propagation and Its Blockage by External Electrical Stimulation, Nidhi Nahar
Dissertation: Optimization Methods of Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) and the Self-Absorption Problem, Olodia Ayed Taha Nassef
Dissertation: Power-Aware Design Methodologies for FPGA-Based Implementation of Video Processing Systems, Hau Trung Ngo
Thesis: Simulations of Intracellular Calcium Release in Response to High-Intensity, Ultrashort Electric Pulse, Anh Nguyen
Thesis: A Resolution Enhancement Technique in Digital Images, Mehmet R. Ormanoglu
Thesis: A Robust Method for Multiple Face Tracking Using Kalman Filter, Zaheer Shaik
Thesis: Microfabrication of an Optical Chamber for Exposing Living Cells to Pulsed Electric Fields, Saleh Sheikh