All ODU theses and dissertations since Fall 2016 are available in this collection. Backfiles to 1976 of dissertations (and some theses) have also been added.
To browse dissertations and theses by academic department or program, please go to the Research by College, Department, Center page.
At some point, backfiles for all master's theses will be scanned and added. In the meantime, consult the library guide for "Dissertations & Theses" to find older items in print.
See the Graduate School site for information on submitting your ETD.
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Dissertation: Exploring Cation Exchange: Unveiling Its Significance in Biochar and Bioenergetics Applications, Gyanendra Kharel
Dissertation: Time Series Modeling to Ascertain Age in Fisheries Management, Kathleen Sue Kirch
Dissertation: Understanding Universal Design for Learning Implementation: A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study of the Experiences of Higher Education Faculty and Instructional Designers, Breanne A. Kirsch
Dissertation: How has US Foreign Policy Militarization Affected Political Stability in Africa?, Christopher Korkor
Thesis: Hozier, TikTok, and Sapphic Rhetoric, Sophia Marie Kovalcik
Dissertation: Biochar for Heavy Metal Removal in Water: Opportunities, Challenges, and Sustainable Solutions, Pushpita Kumkum
Dissertation: Finding Elleanor: The Missing Black Woman in Frances Whipple’s Memoirs of Elleanor Eldridge and Elleanor’s Second Book, Judah-Micah Lamar
Dissertation: Mesostructure Reconstruction of Prepreg Platelet Molded Composite With Artificial Intelligence, Richard Larson
Thesis: This Changes Everything: A Memoir in Essays, Kate Lewis
Thesis: The Incremental Validity of Feedback Orientation on Performance: Beyond C & G, Elissa Ann Liguori
Dissertation: Decreasing the Antibiotic Survival of Multi-Drug Resistant Gram-Positive Organisms, Areej Malik
Thesis: Flying Wing Aerodynamic Design and Airbrake Integration, Philip Lawson Mantz
Dissertation: States and Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems, Faith N. Masibili
Dissertation: Law’s Impact on Collaboration: A Three-Case Study of Federal Advisory Committees Managed by the U. S. Coast Guard, Brian K. McNamara
Dissertation: The Shared Experiences of Novice, Full-Time Allied Dental Community College Educators, Misty L. Mesimer
Dissertation: The Impact of Emotional Impulsivity on Emotion Regulation and Internalizing Disorders: Competing Latent Path Models, Alicia L. Milam
Dissertation: A Study of Learnability in Software as Perceived by Practitioners in User Experience and Learning Design Professions, Courtney N. Miller
Thesis: Study of Deep Learning Models to Classify Nasa’s Kepler Light Curves, Heena Minnich
Dissertation: Work-Life Balance Fantasy Logics of Mothers Working in Community Colleges: A Glitch Methodology Using Intimate Inquiry and Aesthetic Mediation, Emily Hanson Moore
Dissertation: Short-Semester Courses: Mitigating Unfavorable Precollege Issues for Students at a Technical College, James T. Moore Jr.
Dissertation: An Exploratory Case Study of Complex System Governance Diagnostics, Satya N. Moorthy
Dissertation: Does Job Satisfaction Take a Hit? The Relationships Between Employee Cannabis Use, Job Satisfaction, and Absenteeism, Caroline Jordan Moughan
Thesis: An Examination of Food and Alcohol Disturbance Based on Sexual Orientation in a Sample of Women who Binge Eat, Alicia M. Moulder
Dissertation: Application of the Fokker-Planck Equation for Quantifying Initial Condition Uncertainty of Reversible Dynamic Systems, Troy S. Newhart
Dissertation: Physical Educators’ Self-Efficacy to Teach Students with Disabilities Across Instructional Placements, Lindsey Ann Nowland
Dissertation: Trust and Contexts: A Conceptual Framework for Understanding Coastal Household Preparedness, Ogechukwu M. Agim Nwandu-Vincent
Dissertation: A Criminological Analysis of the “White Supremacy to Anti-Immigrant Violence Pathway”, Ida Oesteraas
Dissertation: Roles of the His-Purkinje System in Long QT Syndrome Mediated Arrhythmias, Anthony Owusu-Mensah
Dissertation: A Hermeneutic Analysis of Relational Dynamics in Counseling and Psychotherapy Supervision, Onur Özmen
Dissertation: Innocence Through an Intersectional Lens: An Examination of Women and Wrongful Convictions, Briana Paige
Dissertation: Longitudinal Solid Polarized Target for CLAS12 and Study of Spin Structure of Nucleons, Pushpa Pandey
Thesis: Time Series Models for Predicting Application GPU Utilization and Power Draw Based on Trace Data, Dorothy Xiaoshuang Parry
Thesis: An Exploratory Study on E-Learning Software Utilization Among Professional Instructional Designers in Virginia, Mark Richard Parsons
Dissertation: Combine Effects of Heavy Storm, Sea Level Rise, and Wind-Induced Surge on Flooding in a Low-Gradient Coastal Watershed in Eastern Virginia, Rutvik Rajendrabhai Patel
Thesis: Alternative Applications of Composite Materials to Reduce Radar Cross Section, Mark Patterson
Dissertation: Parallel-In-Time Implicit Schemes for Nonlinear PDEs, Subhash Paudel
Dissertation: Exploring the Experiences of School Counselors Advocating for Social Justice Within Urban PK-12 Charter Schools, Betsy Marina Perez
Thesis: Visual Attention in Remote Vehicle Supervision: Examining the Effects of Mental Models and Information Bandwidth, Michael Stanley Politowicz
Dissertation: Comparing the Effects of Task Experience and Interruption Source on Resumption Performance, Sarah Anastazia Powers
Dissertation: Development of a Conceptual Framework for Complex System Governance (CSG) Performance Measurement, James Hartwell Rutherford
Dissertation: Safe and Efficient Operation of Mobile Robots in Indoor Environments: A User-Centric Shared Control System with High-Level Navigation Capabilities, Ahmet Saglam
Dissertation: Two Essays on Asset Prices Around Securities Class Action Lawsuits, Sounak Saha
Dissertation: A Portable Numerical Library for the Calculation of Multi-Dimensional Integrals, Ioannis Sakiotis
Dissertation: Body Image Dissatisfaction, Positive Body Image, and Health Behaviors During Pregnancy: A Between-Trimester Comparison, Cassidy M. Sandoval
Dissertation: Tracing the Development of Trust in Automation/Autonomy in a Multitasking Environment, Tetsuya Sato
Thesis: Building Trust Through Allyship: Moderating Roles of Motivation and Perspective, John Michael Savage
Dissertation: Supervision Needs of Novice Behavioral Health Providers in Integrated Primary Care Settings: A Delphi Study, Nicholas D. Schmoyer
Dissertation: Competing in the Stress Olympics: Mid-Level Managers and their Experiences of Work Stress as Impacted by their Supervisors and Organizational Climate, Melissa Jane Hecker Scott
Dissertation: Wellness as a Predictor of Turnover Intention in the Active Duty Military, Thomas Clifford Seguin
Dissertation: Development of One and Two Current Transition Amplitudes With Two Body Final States, Keegan H. Sherman
Dissertation: A Mixed-Methods Study to Examine Protective Behavioral Strategies for Simultaneous Alcohol and Cannabis Use in College Students, Jennifer Lynn Shipley
Thesis: Structural Characterization of a TriTruss Module, Lauren M. Simmons
Dissertation: A Variable Shape Metastructure Based on Controlled Bistable Structural Elements, Mehmet R. Simsek
Dissertation: Institutional Pressures on School Leadership and Innovation After Pandemic-Related School Closures: A Phenomenological Study, Gary Eugene Skeen
Thesis: The Impact of Peer Observational Learning on Honesty Following a Transgression, Hannah M. Sliman
Thesis: 1994, Jenn Sloggie
Thesis: Who Wrote the Scientific News? Improving the Discernibility of LLMs to Human-Written Scientific News, Dominik Soós
Dissertation: Inviting Submission: Isabella Beeton at the Englishwoman's Domestic Magazine, 1856-1865, Julie Megan Sorge Way
Dissertation: A Comparison of Specialized and General Orientation Courses for Community College Students, Heather R. Sorrell
Dissertation: Elasto-Plastic Behavior of Single-Story Single-Bay Orthogonal Steel Space Frame Under Angular Earthquake, Mohammad Hamayoun Stanikzai
Dissertation: The Ecological Applications of Δ17O: Validating a Novel Technique for Assessing Animal Metabolism and Water Intake, Zachary Taylor Steele
Dissertation: Pediatric Oral Health Literacy Among Caregivers of Young Children, Melissa L. Sullivan
Dissertation: Transforming School Leadership: An Examination of the Impetus and Evolution of an Internal District Principal Preparation Program, Whitney Szoke
Dissertation: The Practices of Instructional Design at Community Colleges: A Post-Qualitative Study of the Mutual Invisibility of Work, David Robert Niebuhr Tod
Dissertation: Synthesis and Characterization of Cobalt-Based Complexes and Metal-Organic Frameworks for Hydrogen Evolution Catalysis Under Acidic Conditions, Elizabeth A. Tonsel-White
Dissertation: Identification of Quality Indicators of Visual Based Learning Material in Technology Education Programs for Grades 6th - 9th in Greek Schools in Cyclades Aegean Islands, Spyridoula Tsouganatou
Thesis: Weight Bias Internalization and Disordered Eating: Examining the Role of Sexual Orientation in a Sample of Women Who Binge Eat, Meredith I. Turner
Dissertation: Literacy Leadership: Power in the Discourse of Learning, Melissa Guinn Crawley Twisdale
Dissertation: Community College Student Affairs Professionals’ Perceptions of Their Supervisor’s Authentic Leadership: The Influence on Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment, Brent Lamar Via
Dissertation: Measurement of the Photoproduction Cross-Section of f1(1285) in the Exclusive Reactions γp → p′K∓KSπ± at 7.5 < Eγ < 11.5 GeV With GlueX at Jefferson Lab, Tyler Viducic
Dissertation: Autism at Work Across the Career Span: A Scoping Review, Kate Noel Warnock
Dissertation: A Rural Return: The Triumphs and Trials of a School District's Return to In-Person Learning, Jason Alex Wheeler
Dissertation: Contributions to Nonparametric Testing in Clustered Data, Hasika Kalani Wickrama Senevirathne
Dissertation: “Where Have all the Women Gone?” Circulating Rhetoric in Country Music Playlists, Rachel Van Hofwegen Willis
Dissertation: Consensus on Best Practices in Neuroscience-Informed Treatment of Combat-Related Posttraumatic Stress in Military Veterans: A Delphi Study of Experts in the Field of Mental Health, Danielle Lauren Winters
Dissertation: Computational Modeling and Analysis of Facial Expressions and Gaze for Discovery of Candidate Behavioral Biomarkers for Children and Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Megan Anita Witherow
Dissertation: Deep Learning in Reproducing Kernel Banach Spaces, Mingsong Yan
Dissertation: The Place of Nuclear Weapons in Russian Identity: An Ontological Security Analysis, Peter Ernest Yeager
Dissertation: Advancing Data-driven Decision Making for Transportation Safety: Emerging Trends, Statistical Modeling, and Causal Inference, Guocong Zhai
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Dissertation: The Implications of Dual Enrollment Participation on Black/African American Students’ Success, Yousef Abraham
Dissertation: Inference for Multiple Utility in Time-Dependent Choice Pairs Under Copula-Based Models, Sasanka Adikari
Thesis: The Prevalence of Burnout in Saudi Arabia Dental Hygienists, Nouf Hamad Aldayel
Dissertation: The Impact of Covid-19 Stressors, Racial Discrimination, and Racial Socialization on Family Functioning in Black Families, Regina L. Alexander
Dissertation: Inverse Mappers for QCD Global Analysis, Manal Almaeen
Dissertation: Two Essays on Industry Tournament Incentives, Sarah Almisher
Dissertation: Using Reciprocal Teaching Strategies to Improve Reading Comprehension For English as a Second Language Students With Learning Disabilities, Hana M. Almohamadi
Dissertation: Tobacco Smoking Among Saudi College Students: Validation of an Arabic Health Belief Model Instrument, Saad Abdullah S. Alotaibi
Dissertation: Collaborative Leadership Skills and Competencies in Emergency Management and Resilience: Lessons and Implications from the Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic, Norah Abdullah A Alshayhan
Dissertation: Two Essays on Investor Sentiment, Amin Amoulashkarian
Dissertation: Investigation of Nanosecond Pulsed Electric Fields (nsPEF) Induced Anti-Cancer Mechanism and Enhanced B16f10 Melanoma Cancer Treatment, Kamal Asadipour
Dissertation: Multisensory Virtual Reality Artists and Media Dimensions Toward Immersion: A Framework of Mediology for Understanding Professional Communication Rhetorics, D’An Knowles Ball
Thesis: Switching Methods for Three-Dimensional Rotational Dynamics Using Modified Rodrigues Parameters, Matthew Jarrett Banks
Dissertation: Studies of Flowfields and Dynamic Stability Characteristics of a Quadrotor, Engin Baris
Dissertation: Providing Family Centered Care Within Pediatric Integrated Care Settings, Emily D. Bebber
Dissertation: Landscape Genetics of the Gulf Coast Tick, Amblyomma maculatum, Sara Simmons Benham
Thesis: Crisis Narratives in Crisis? A Comparative Investigation into National COVID-19 Narratives, Mouse D. Bennett
Thesis: Climbers’ Risk Perceptions of Erosion from Flooding at Carderock Recreation Area, Chandler J. Berry
Thesis: Development, Experimental Validation, and Progressive Failure Modeling of an Ultra-Thin High Stiffness Deployable Composite Boom for in-Space Applications, Jimesh D. Bhagatji
Dissertation: Information and Communications Technology Within Coastal Resilience Planning Frameworks: The Case of Jamaica, a Small Island Developing State, Ren-Neasha R. Blake Gilmore
Thesis: United States Foreign Policy and the Additions of Sweden and Finland to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Kara Gwendolyn Broene