All ODU theses and dissertations since Fall 2016 are available in this collection. Backfiles to 1976 of dissertations (and some theses) have also been added.
To browse dissertations and theses by academic department or program, please go to the Research by College, Department, Center page.
At some point, backfiles for all master's theses will be scanned and added. In the meantime, consult the library guide for "Dissertations & Theses" to find older items in print.
See the Graduate School site for information on submitting your ETD.
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Dissertation: E-Cadherin Force Transmission and Stiffness Sensing, Mazen Mezher
Thesis: Experimental and Computational Aerodynamic Studies of Axially-Oriented Low-Fineness-Ratio Cylinders, Forrest Miller
Dissertation: Teaching Higher Education During a Pandemic: A Phenomenological Study of Instructor Decisions Associated with Switching from Face-to-Face to Online-Only Sessions, Steven M. Miner
Dissertation: Framing Automation Trust: How Initial Information About Automated Driving Systems Influences Swift Trust in Automation and Trust Repair for Human Automation Collaboration, Scott Anthony Mishler
Thesis: The Effect of Through Thickness Reinforcement Angle on the Disbonding Behavior in Skin-Stringer Configuration, Christopher John Morris
Dissertation: Chemical and Physical Interaction Mechanisms and Multifunctional Properties of Plant Based Graphene in Carbon Fiber Epoxy Composites, Daniel W. Mulqueen
Thesis: Data-Driven Predictive Modeling to Enhance Search Efficiency of Glowworm-Inspired Robotic Swarms in Multiple Emission Source Localization Tasks, Payal Nandi
Dissertation: Optics Studies for Multipass Energy Recovery at CEBAF: ER@CEBAF, Isurumali Neththikumara
Thesis: Modified Vaccine Vectors to Understand Adjuvant Functions of Listeria During Chronic Schistosomiasis, Stephanie K. Norwood
Dissertation: Fabrication of Smooth SAC305 Thin Films via Magnetron Sputtering and Evaluations of Microstructure, Creep, and Electrical Resistivity, Manish Ojha
Dissertation: Exploring the Lived Experiences of Self-Identified Politically Conservative Students in Graduate Counseling Programs in Public Universities, Elizabeth A. Orrison
Thesis: The Effects of Lifting With Intent on Hip and Knee Moments During Back Squats, Kyle A. Parrish
Thesis: Nightmares and Self-Injury Among High-Risk Adolescents: Examining the Role of Emotion Regulation, Kinjal K. Patel
Thesis: Lithium Extraction From Aqueous Solution Using Magnesium Doped Lithium Ion-Sieve Composite, Ujjwal Pokharel
Dissertation: Nanosecond Pulsed Electric Field Modulates Electron Transport and Mitochondrial Structure and Function, Lucas Nelson Potter
Dissertation: Near Transfer After Direct Instruction: An Experimental Inquiry within Aviation Technician Training, Francis Eamonn Powers
Dissertation: Age-Related Differences in Motor Performance, Jessica Anne Prebor
Dissertation: Visual Literacies and Young Children’s Writing: Creating Spaces for Young Children’s Voices and Engaging in Authentic Writing Experiences, Elizabeth Presto
Dissertation: LMS Problem-Posing Academic Relationships Between Faculty and Students: A Post-Intentional Phenomenological Study of Dialogical Relationships in Asynchronous Online Courses, Sheri L. Prupis
Dissertation: Reinforcing Digital Trust for Cloud Manufacturing Through Data Provenance Using Ethereum Smart Contracts, Trupti Narayan Rane
Dissertation: Structural Insights into the cl-Par-4 Protein: Ionic Requirements, Conformational Transitions, and Interaction With Cisplatin, Krishna Kumar Raut
Dissertation: Investigating The Effect of Universal Design For Learning on Learner Performance, Engagement, And Self-Efficacy, Ana Elizabeth Redstone
Thesis: Cheiloscopy Examination and Classification of Lip Prints With and Without Parafunctional Oral Habits: A Cross-Sectional Observation Study, Emily Smith Regan
Dissertation: Examining the Relationship Between Spelling Achievement and Academic Achievement in Community College Students, Tambra Lee Riggs-Gutiérrez
Dissertation: Faster, Cheaper, and Better CFD: A Case for Machine Learning to Augment Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes, John Peter Romano II
Dissertation: Affect, Mind-Body Factors, and Disordered and Intuitive Eating Behaviors: Examining Naturalistic Associations Among Young Women with Elevated Eating Disorder Symptoms, Kelly A. Romano
Dissertation: "I Think There Is a Place for Small Programs:" Advocating, Implementing, and Sustaining TPC Programs in Small US Institutions, Martha Lynn Russell
Dissertation: Two Essays in Real Estate Dynamics, Navid Safari
Dissertation: Tracing and Segmentation of Molecular Patterns in 3-Dimensional Cryo-ET/EM Density Maps Through Algorithmic Image Processing and Deep Learning-Based Techniques, Salim Sazzed
Thesis: Synthesis and Characterization of Cobalt(III) Complexes and a Vanadium(IV) Complex with Flavonoids as Ligands, Ethan Schroeder
Thesis: A Comparative Study of Vinti-Based Orbit Propagation and Estimation for CubeSats in Very Low Earth Orbits, Ethan Michael Senecal
Dissertation: Measurements of Magnetic Field Penetration of Materials for Superconducting Radiofrequency Cavities, Iresha Harshani Senevirathne
Dissertation: Cardiac Ablation and Stimulation With Nanosecond Pulsed Electric Fields (nsPEFs), Federica Serra
Thesis: Do Microplastics, Vibrio Bacteria, and Warming Water Temperatures Cause Disease in the Northern Star Coral, Astrangia poculata?, Heather Leigh Sheffey
Dissertation: Help-Seeking Behavior Among Resettled Refugee, Mahfoudha Sid’Elemine
Dissertation: Exploring Learning Experiences of Community College Faculty Short-Term Study Abroad Leaders Using IPA and Visual Research, Rachel Ann Simpson
Thesis: Effects of Physical Characteristics of Placebos on Exercise Performance, Owen Sipes
Dissertation: Incremental Validity of the MMPI-A-RF And MACI in a Clinical Outpatient Setting, Madison Smart-McCarthy
Dissertation: Deep-Learning-Based Classification of Digitally Modulated Signals, John A. Snoap
Dissertation: CMS Emergency Preparedness Rule: Examining the Relationship Between Nursing Home Facility Characteristics and Regulatory Deficiencies, Tihara Richardson Sommers
Dissertation: Relationship Between Learning Communities and Campus Residency on Sense of Belonging Among First Year Undergraduates, Lanah Kathryn Stafford
Thesis: Terrence Loves You, Quentin Dakota Steadman
Dissertation: The Effect of Viewing Different Modalities of Alcohol-Related Social Media Content Shared by Friends on Alcohol Outcomes: A Longitudinal Examination, Megan E. Strowger
Thesis: A Leftist Political Surge: How an Authoritarian Past Helped Spawn a Modern Political Movement in Spain and Portugal, Jared Sykes
Dissertation: Electric Vehicle Routing Problem – Models and Algorithms, Hesamoddin Tahami
Dissertation: Towards Intelligent Runtime Framework for Distributed Heterogeneous Systems, Polykarpos Thomadakis
Thesis: Her Precious White Body/Her Tender Black Flesh: The Gothic Link to Black Women's (Mis)Treatment in Real Life and on the Page, Madisty R. Thomas
Thesis: The Strong Black Woman ≠ Superwoman: Shattering Stereotypes of Strength in Black Literature, Tricia Inez Thomas
Dissertation: Nb3Sn Coating of Twin Axis Cavity and Other Complex SRF Cavity Structures, Jayendrika Kumari Tiskumara
Dissertation: Examining the Relationship Between Program Satisfaction, Credential Earnings, and Gender on Full-Time Employment Outcomes of Career and Technical Program High School Graduates in Virginia, Margaret J. Turley
Thesis: Ultrasensitive Tapered Optical Fiber Refractive Index Glucose Sensor, Erem Ujah
Dissertation: Attention and Task Engagement During Automated Driving, James Richard Unverricht
Thesis: Convenient Store, Caitie Van Dore
Thesis: Molecular Evidence for the Export of Terrigenous Organic Matter to the North Gulf of Mexico by Solid-State 13C NMR and Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry of Humic Acids, Sarah Ann Ware
Dissertation: A Mindful Search for Basic Writing Identities: Constellating Contemplative Classroom Pedagogies, Classroom Community Circles, and Critical Discourse Analysis in a Cultural Rhetorics Ecology, Elizabeth Edwards Weems
Thesis: A Reflection of Experiences of Adults with Type 1 Diabetes in Integrated Physical Education Classes, Kalleigh West
Dissertation: The Currency of Teacher Trust in Working Conditions for Teacher Retention, Jeanette White
Dissertation: Assessing the Effectiveness of a Transdisciplinary Culturally Relevant STEM Curriculum Intervention on High School Chemistry Students’ and Teachers’ Learning Experiences, Rachel Sparks White
Dissertation: Educator Professional Development as Rhetorical Situation, Bethany Leigh Creswell Wilson
Dissertation: Firm Capabilities, Great Power Competition, and the Structural Reshaping of Globalization, Samuel Wilson
Thesis: Effects of a Climbing-Specific Training Program on Upper-Body Power in Novice Climbers Compared to Advanced Climbers, Dallas E. Wood
Thesis: Pregnancy Island, Lacy L. Woods
Dissertation: Operational Hazard Anticipation: Examination of Overt Anticipatory Behaviors in Latent Hazard Scenarios Using a High-Fidelity Driving Simulator, Sarah Elizabeth Yahoodik
Dissertation: Wearable Sensor Gait Analysis for Fall Detection Using Deep Learning Methods, Haben Girmay Yhdego
Dissertation: The Impact of Mandatory Substance Abuse Counselor Reporting Requirements on Child Maltreatment Reporting Outcomes, Bilgé Özgé Yilmaz
Dissertation: An Effective Model for Dynamic Properties of Local Soils and Their Influence on Seismic Response of a Typical Reinforced Concrete Building, Kaveh Zehtab
Dissertation: Towards a Robust Defense: A Multifaceted Approach to the Detection and Mitigation of Neural Backdoor Attacks through Feature Space Exploration and Analysis, Liuwan Zhu
Dissertation: Nitrogen Cycling in the Lower Chesapeake Bay and Mid- and South Atlantic Bight, Yifan Zhu
Dissertation: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Recent Educational Foundations Requirements by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education for Program Directors of Physical Therapist Assistant Programs, Sharan Dawn Zirges
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Dissertation: Entrepreneurship Education Relation to Mathematical Proficiency Amongst Secondary Youth, Mariam Abdelhamid
Thesis: Nietzsche’s Will to Power as that Which Eternally Recurs, Joshua Aaron Ackerman
Dissertation: Factors Promoting and Inhibiting the Practice of Needs Assessment by Human Performance Practitioners, Christopher D. Adams
Dissertation: Nonprofit Organizational Performance Measurement and Accountability: Funders vs. Clients/Missions, Mavis Mansah Agbakpe
Dissertation: Cyber Deception for Critical Infrastructure Resiliency, Md Ali Reza Al Amin
Dissertation: Machine Learning-Based Event Generator, Yasir Alanazi
Thesis: A Comparison of Uniaxial Compressive Response and Inelastic Deformation Mechanisms in Freeze Cast Alumina-Epoxy Composites Without and With Rigid Confinement, Tareq Aljuhari
Thesis: Validation and Measurement Invariance of a First-Generation College Student Identity Scale, Kelsie K. Allison
Dissertation: Using Repeated Reading and Previewing Vocabulary Interventions with Elementary-Aged Struggling Readers to Improve Fluency and Comprehension, Khaled S. Alotaibi
Thesis: Dental Hygienists’ Practices, Attitudes, and Confidence in Providing Care to Child Patients with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Fatimah Abdulrahman Alshehri
Dissertation: The Association of Objectification and Discrimination with Partner Gender and Disordered Eating Behaviors in Bisexual Women, Rachel A. Amerson
Thesis: The Effects of Body Posture on Vigilance Performance, Jeremiah Gabriel Ammons
Dissertation: A Preventive Medicine Framework for Wearable Abiotic Glucose Detection System, Saikat Banerjee
Dissertation: Investigating the Biorisk of Genetically Engineered Thermosynechococcus Elongatus BP1, Cherrelle Leah Barnes
Dissertation: A Systems Theory-Based Framework for Environmental Scanning in Complex System Governance, Dale E. Baugh
Dissertation: Development of High Quantum Efficiency Strained Superlattice Spin Polarized Photocathodes Via Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition, Benjamin Belfore
Dissertation: Examining the Roles of Acculturative Stressors and Cultural Factors in Major Health and Safety Issues Among Hispanic/Latino Farmworkers, Brenda Berumen-Flucker
Dissertation: Optimization of 8-Plate Multi-Resonant Coupling Structure Using Class-E2 Based Capacitive-Wireless Power Transfer System, Yashwanth C. Bezawada
Thesis: How Does Parental Involvement Shape Kindergarten Readiness in One Title 1 Classroom?, Kiristen Moriah Boles
Thesis: Failure Mode, Effects and Criticality Analysis of a Very Low Earth Orbit CubeSat Mission, Robb Christopher Borowicz
Dissertation: Quantification of Wave Attentuation of a Marsh Sill Living Shoreline and Application of Numerical Modeling for Design Optimization and Adaptation, Maura K. Boswell
Thesis: Nestedness and Modularity of Avian Metacommunities Across Gradients of Chesapeake Bay Island Characteristics, Grant Walter Bowers
Dissertation: Racial Differences in Tobacco Use and Risk Factors Among Young Adults: Roles of Expectancies and Emotion Regulation, Laurel Brockenberry
Dissertation: Thither the Russian Navy? Putin’s Navalization in a Historical Context, William Emerson Bunn
Dissertation: What is the Meaning in This? Teachers' Propensity to Search for Meaning in Life During COVID-19 and the Role of Meaningful Work, Seterra D. Burleson
Dissertation: Invisibly Inked: An Intersectional Analysis of Tattooed Female Arrest Patterns, Jocelyn N. Camacho
Dissertation: Three Essays on Stock Price Informativeness, Stock Price Momentum, and Firm Investment Efficiency, Chen Chen
Dissertation: Exploring Blockchain-Based Digital Transformation In Organizations, Weiru Chen
Dissertation: Two Essays on Antecedents and Effects of Award-Winning CEOS, Veronika Ciarleglio
Dissertation: Securing Russia: Seeking Ontological Security in the Arctic, Brian W. Cole
Dissertation: The Creation of Successful Student Subjects: Foucault’s Power/Knowledge Framework and the Danger of Failing Early Alert, Sue Ann Cecilia Curran