All ODU theses and dissertations since Fall 2016 are available in this collection. Backfiles to 1976 of dissertations (and some theses) have also been added.
To browse dissertations and theses by academic department or program, please go to the Research by College, Department, Center page.
At some point, backfiles for all master's theses will be scanned and added. In the meantime, consult the library guide for "Dissertations & Theses" to find older items in print.
See the Graduate School site for information on submitting your ETD.
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Dissertation: Leadership Competencies for Instructional Designers: Identifying Critical Incidents Used to Lead Design Projects That Improve Performance, Heidi Elaine Kirby
Thesis: Development of Modeling and Simulation Platform for Path-Planning and Control of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles in Three-Dimensional Spaces, Sai Krishna Abhiram Kondapalli
Dissertation: Two Essays on the Role of Empathy in Consumer Response to User-Generated Content, Mohammadali Koorank Beheshti
Dissertation: Other Transaction Authorities: Evaluating Innovation Policy Impact of Alternative Contract Vehicles in the Department of Defense, Dolores Kuchina-Musina
Dissertation: Investigating the Process of Consequential Validity with the Ambassador Questionnaire, Melissa Gayle Kuhn
Thesis: Social Emotional Competency Change During the Pandemic: Impacts of a Virtual Physical Activity Program, Austin Kulp
Thesis: Serendipityblah, Amanda Linn Kunkel
Thesis: Investigating Arrhythmia Potential in Cardiac Myocytes in Presence of Long QT Syndrome, Victoria Lin Lam
Dissertation: Trauma and Crisis Counselor Preparation: The Relationship of an Online Trauma and Crisis Course and Counseling Self-Efficacy, Julia Leigh Lancaster
Dissertation: Looking Through Their Lenses: An Analysis of Virginia Environmental Nonprofits' Roles and Challenges in Shoreline Management for Coastal Resilience, Taiwo C. Olanrewaju Lasisi
Thesis: Machine Learning Classification of Digitally Modulated Signals, James A. Latshaw
Dissertation: The Narratives of Teacher Candidates in Clinical Practice Within a Teacher Residency: The Shaping of Professional Teacher Identities, Lauren Marie Laughlin
Dissertation: The Relationship Between Optional Developmental Education Enrollment and the Mathematics Achievement of Students at One Community College in Florida, Andrea Lisa Lee
Dissertation: E-Beam Irradiation Beamline at Jefferson Lab for Wastewater Treatment, Xi Li
Dissertation: Teacher Perspectives on Formative Assessment within a Primary Classroom, Dawn M. MacDonald
Dissertation: A Biomechanical Analysis of Back Squats: Motion Capture, Electromyography, and Musculoskeletal Modeling, Eva Maria Urdiales Maddox
Dissertation: Multi-Technique Characterization of Superconducting Materials for Particle Accelerator Applications, Junki Makita
Thesis: Using Stock and Flow Modeling to Address Knowledge Gaps in Marine Plastic Pollution Data, Daniel P. Martin
Dissertation: A Tale of Two Gentrifications: Reconceptualizing Gentrification Using Third Places, Demolition and Hierarchical Linear Modeling, Kylil R. Martin
Thesis: An Exploration of Different Motivations Between Stakeholders and Visitors of the Potomac Heritage National Scenic Trail, Colin McCormack
Dissertation: A Relevance Model for Threat-Centric Ranking of Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities, Corren G. McCoy
Dissertation: Human Resource Officer's Perspectives on Recruitment and Hiring Practices of Diverse Candidates, Tara Kelton McDaniel
Thesis: Effects of Income Disparity on Relationships, B. Lynn McElyea
Thesis: Mycobacteriosis of Striped Bass (Morone Saxatilis) in Virginia Tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay, Joshua S. McGilly
Dissertation: A Case Study on Targeted Support Using TPACK Model for Newly Hired Secondary Mathematics Teachers, Kristin Leigh McKitrick-Rojas
Dissertation: An Instrumental Case Study of Confirmative Evaluation in the Continuous Improvement of Online Remote Leaders’ Work, Chad Lawrence McLane
Thesis: "I Want to Know What I'm Looking at": Surveilling Gender as a Response to Cultural Anxieties in Halloween, Sleepaway Camp, and Scream, Jennifer Jacinda McLawhorn
Dissertation: An Investigation of Healthcare Professionals’ Perspectives on the Tasks of Mental Health Counselors in Hospital Settings, Suelle Micallef Marmara
Thesis: Toggling Between, Briana Morris
Dissertation: Investigating Gluonic Operators in Coordinate Space, Wayne Henry Morris III
Thesis: IPROBLEMS, Matthew G. Moscato
Dissertation: Instructional Designers Conducting Professional Learning Using Social Media: A Phenomenological Study of Their Experiences Through a Self-regulated Learning Lens, Pauline S. Muljana
Dissertation: Understanding Superintendents’ Approaches to the Implementation of District Systems in the Context of a Crisis, Jarad C. Munroe
Dissertation: Hard-Real-Time Computing Performance in a Cloud Environment, Alvin Cornelius Murphy
Dissertation: The Political Economy of Global Private Currencies, Girish Sreevatsan Nandakumar
Thesis: Nord Stream 2: The Gas Curtain of Europe, Sarah Elizabeth Nelson
Dissertation: Three Essays on Clean Water State Revolving Funds: Determinants of State Leveraging and Measurement of Debt Affordability, Lien T. Nguyen
Dissertation: Clostridioides Difficile Biofilm and Spore Production in Response to Antibiotics and Immune Stress, Adenrele M. Oludiran
Thesis: In the Wild a Parasite, Kelsey Ryann Orsini
Thesis: Physical Activity, Social Support, and Health-Related Quality of Life in Adults with Visual Impairment, Tayah Lynn Otterness
Dissertation: The Development and Application of Open-Source 3D Bioprinted Organoid and Tumoroid Models for Translational Sciences, Xavier-Lewis Palmer
Dissertation: Characterization of Losses in Superconducting Radio-Frequency Cavities by Combined Temperature and Magnetic Field Mapping, Ishwari Prasad Parajuli
Thesis: Deep Learning Object-Based Detection of Manufacturing Defects in X-ray Inspection Imaging, Juan C. Parducci
Thesis: Teacher's Self-Efficacy for Data Driven Decision Making, Bettie Fisher Perry
Thesis: Can Obsessive Thoughts Predict Problematic Alcohol Use Through Thought Suppression?, Laura Pettigrew
Thesis: Chen-Fliess Series for Linear Distributed Systems, Natalie T. Pham
Thesis: Development of High Conductivity Copper Coatings for SRF Cavity, Himal Pokhrel
Dissertation: Utilization of Finite Element Analysis Techniques for Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Surgical Planning, Michael A. Polanco
Dissertation: Recrystallization of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Semiconductor Thin Films Via Metal Halides Treatment, Deewakar Poudel
Dissertation: Studies of BONuS12 Radial GEM Detector and TCS Beam Spin Asymmetry in CLAS12, Jiwan Poudel
Dissertation: Broaching Race and Race-Related Issues: Phenomenological Inquiry of Doctoral Student Supervisors of Counselor Trainees, Judith Wambui Preston
Dissertation: The Impact of First-Person Perspective Text and Images on Drivers’ Comprehension, Learning Judgments, Attitudes, and Intentions Related to Safe Road-Sharing Behaviors, Alexandra Bryson Proaps
Dissertation: Patient-Targeted Googling: A Mixed-Methods Examination of Psychologists’ Perceptions and Practices, Emily L. Putnam
Dissertation: Evaluation of Generative Models for Predicting Microstructure Geometries in Laser Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing, Andy Ramlatchan
Dissertation: The Lived Experiences of Students in a Summer Bridge Ninth Grade Transition Program: A Phenomenological Case Study, Ricardo C. Randall
Thesis: Mechanics of Preimpregnated Fiber Tow Deposition and Compaction, Virginia Meredith Rauch
Dissertation: Natural History of Discourse of Missouri House Bill 1042: Bringing a Critical Perspective to Policy Engagement in Two-Year Contexts, Mary Casey Reid
Dissertation: Inexact Fixed-Point Proximity Algorithms for Nonsmooth Convex Optimization, Jin Ren
Dissertation: Values and Power as Levers to Influence Accountability Policy in Virginia: A Case Study, Angela M. Rhett
Thesis: Blood Lead Levels in Minority Children: A Case of Environmental Racism, Erick Rivera
Dissertation: Exploring the Workplace Climate at Police Agencies During Civil Unrest and the Factors Influencing Officers' Participation in Black Lives Matter Protesting, Joshua R. Ruffin
Thesis: Symbiotic Complexity, Francesca Santos
Dissertation: Role of Structural Hierarchy in Multiscale Material Systems, Siavash Sattar
Dissertation: Fabrication of Nb3Sn by Magnetron Sputtering for Superconducting Radiofrequency Application, Md Nizam Sayeed
Dissertation: Implementing an Online, Integrative, Multi-Component, Group-Based Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) for the Reduction of Caregiver Burden in Primary Familial Caregivers of Persons with Dementia: A Preliminary Test of Feasibility, Daniel Robert Schaffer
Dissertation: Kinetic Simulations of Active Nematic Polymers in Channel Flow, Lacey Savoie Schenk
Dissertation: Temporal Dynamics and Seed Dispersal in Plant-Frugivore Communities of the Dominican Republic, Spencer Christian Schubert
Thesis: Development of a Fuzzy Logic Model-Less Aircraft Controller, Christopher M. Scott
Thesis: Implementation of an Extended Kalman Filter Using Inertial Sensor Data for UAVs During GPS Denied Applications, Sky Seliquini
Dissertation: Design, Synthesis and Characterization of Triazole Based Glycoconjugates and 4,6-Acetal Protected D-Glucosamine Derivatives as Low Molecular Weight Gelators, Pooja Sharma
Thesis: Simultaneous Alcohol and Cannabis Use in College Students: Examining Context, Route of Administration, Cognitive Factors, and Consequences via Daily Diary, Jennifer Lynn Shipley
Thesis: Design and Analysis of Electrical Power and Communication Systems for 3U SeaLion CubeSat Mission, Joseph D. Siciliano
Dissertation: Creating More Equitable Opportunities in Early Childhood by Highlighting Parent Voice: A Qualitative Case Study, Julie Dawn Sill
Dissertation: Factors Predicting Family and Consumer Sciences Teachers' Levels of Self-Efficacy in STEM Education, Charlene Wirfel Smith
Dissertation: A Phenomenological Investigation of School Counselor Antiracist Social Justice Practices, Stephanie Deonca Smith-Durkin
Dissertation: Adaptive Risk Network Dependency Analysis of Complex Hierarchical Systems, Katherine L. Smith
Dissertation: Present at the Creation, a Redux: The Need for Strategic Minded Joint Force Officers in a Rapidly Changing and Dynamic International Security Environment, Thomas Joseph Snukis
Dissertation: A Nexus of Literate Activity: The Design of Writing Assignments in the Disciplines, Lauriellen Stankavich
Dissertation: Examining the Culturally Responsive Teaching Self-Efficacy of Teacher Candidates in Urban Immersive Residency Programs, Latanya M. Sutphin
Dissertation: What We Learn From Each Other: Vicarious Posttraumatic Growth Among Non-Helping Professionals Following Exposure to Peer Trauma Experiences, Tiphanie Gayle Sutton
Dissertation: "Quality-Less” Higher Education: Relationship and Neocolonialism in International Development in Afghanistan, Wolayat Tabasum
Dissertation: Guilty as Not (Re)Charged: Calling, Work-Recovery Guilt, and Their Effects on Recovery Experiences, Jeffrey Drake Terry
Dissertation: A Quality Systems Economic-Risk Design Theoretical Framework, Abdallah S. Thefeid
Thesis: Hieronymus Bosch's Dismantled Triptych and the 'Devotio Moderna', Mary E. Tippett
Dissertation: Predictors of Email Response: Determinants of the Intention of not Following Security Recommendations, Miguel Angel Toro-Jarrin
Dissertation: The Associations of Cardiovascular Disease, Physical Activity Intensities, and Measures of Obesity on Static Balance in Middle-Aged and Older Adults, Hannah Martha Twiddy
Thesis: TransParsCit: A Transformer-Based Citation Parser Trained on Large-Scale Synthesized Data, MD Sami Uddin
Dissertation: Career Literacy: Developing, Validating, and Establishing the Reliability of the Career Literacy Continuum Scale, Kesha S. Valentine
Thesis: You Are The Right One, James Joseph Valliere
Thesis: Navy Blues: Between Waves and Warriors, Reinetta A. Vaneendenburg
Dissertation: Finding Core Members of a Hedonic Game, Daniele M. Vernon-Bido
Thesis: Disaster Victim Identification Competencies: A Comparison of Dental Hygiene and Dental Assistant Students, Samantha Clara Vest
Thesis: Flying In Mind, Paula Jean Walashek
Dissertation: Complex System Governance Leadership, David C. Walters
Dissertation: Collaborative Robotics Strategies for Handling Non-Repetitive Micro-Drilling Tasks Characterized by Low Structural Mechanical Impedance, Xiangyu Wang
Thesis: An Analysis of In-Service Choral Music Educators’ Methods of Classroom Management, Brooke Ann Ward
Thesis: Bad Actors, Wendell Ward
Thesis: Negative Appraisals and Experiences of Thriving and Burnout at Work and School During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Moderating Effect of Embeddedness, Kate Noel Warnock
Dissertation: Faculty Perceptions of Teaching Clinical Reasoning at the Patient Bedside, Rebecca Gale White
Dissertation: Conceptual Advancement of Youth Apprenticeship Programs Using a Policy Delphi, Susan L. Wienand