All ODU theses and dissertations since Fall 2016 are available in this collection. Backfiles to 1976 of dissertations (and some theses) have also been added.
To browse dissertations and theses by academic department or program, please go to the Research by College, Department, Center page.
At some point, backfiles for all master's theses will be scanned and added. In the meantime, consult the library guide for "Dissertations & Theses" to find older items in print.
See the Graduate School site for information on submitting your ETD.
Theses/Dissertations from 1997
Thesis: Conditioned Response to Ethanol as Indicated by Spontaneous Motor Activity, Tevfik Alici
Dissertation: A Survey of Characteristics of Effective Alternative Education Teachers as Perceived by Alternative Education Teachers, Administrators, and Students, Barbara Jean Nicholson Anderson
Thesis: A Proposed Approach to ISO Compliance and Validation for Metrology Laboratories, J. Lyle Bagley
Dissertation: Active and Passive Settling By Marine Benthic Nematodes, Rodney Duane Bertelsen
Thesis: Ecological Relationships Between the Marsh Rice Rat (Oryzomys Palustris) and the Meadow Vole (Microtus Pennsylvanicus) in Two Virginia Tidal Marshes, Christopher P. Bloch
Thesis: A Model of Paternal Involvement in Child Care and Household Labor, Jennifer Fancher Bonney
Dissertation: African-American Males' Perception of Law Enforcement: A Psychophysiological Perspective, Adolph Brown III
Dissertation: A Comparison of Coping Styles and Body Image of Abused and Non-Abused Women, Laura Elizabeth Brown
Dissertation: The Effects of Human-Computer Communication Mode, Task Complexity, and Desire for Control on Performance and Discourse Organization in an Adaptive Task, Cristina Bubb-Lewis
Thesis: High Resolution Wavelength Modulation Spectroscopy for Precise Gaseous Characterization, Audra Michiele Bullock
Dissertation: Differential Endometrial Responses of Primates vs Rodents: Screening for Antiproliferative Effects of Antiprogestins, David Williams Burleigh
Thesis: Is Money Growth Still a Useful Indicator of Inflation?, Levent Camlibel
Dissertation: The Study of Wave-Blocking and Current Effects on Nonlinear Interactions of Shallow-Water Waves Using Advanced Boussinesq Models, Qin Chen
Thesis: Minimizing Post-Production Weight Growth in Tanks Using a Decision Analysis Model, Michael F. Cochrane
Thesis: The Eisenhower Administration and Allied Relations During the Suez Canal Crisis of 1956, Gregory D. Colburn
Thesis: Selective CVD Growth of Diamond Crystals on Tungsten, Charles Randal Cole
Thesis: Evaluation of Solid Phase Extraction Followed by Supercritical Fluid Elution of Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds in Toxicity Characteristic Leachates, William Edward Corl III
Thesis: Flexural Behavior of Thermoplastic Beams With and Without FRP Reinforcement, Hilmi Coskun
Thesis: The Men Behind the Oath: A Profile of the German Officer Corps in the Interwar Period, 1919-1939, Brian E. Crim
Dissertation: Causal Attribution and Dimension Differences Between Sixth-Grade Urban Middle School Students Who Pass and Students Who Fail Reading on the Virginia Literacy Passport Test, Elsie Perry Daniels
Thesis: The Marine Corps in Vietnam: An Examination of Cohesion and Effectiveness at Khe Sanh, Gregory L. Davenport
Dissertation: Fluorescence in Situ Hybridization Analysis of Human Embryos Derived From in Vitro and in Vivo Matured Oocytes, Constance DeScisciolo
Dissertation: Designing a High-Quality Network: An Application-Oriented Approach, Sudheer Dharanikota
Thesis: Oral Health Assessment of Renal Transplant Recipients Undergoing Immunosuppressant Therapy, Coral Diaz
Dissertation: Distribution of Free Marine Viruses of Lower Chesapeake Bay and Their Effects on Life-History Parameters of the Estuarine Copepod Acartia tonsa Dana, Lisa A. Drake
Thesis: The Annual Reproductive Cycle of Oryzomys Palustris in a Virginia Tidal Marsh, Erin A. Dreelin
Thesis: Gender, Race, and Court Location Effects on Exceptional Sentencing in the State of Washington, Catherine L. Drezak
Thesis: Development of a Photon Counting System for Ozone Differential Absorption Lidar Signal Detection, Bradley Allen Eccles
Dissertation: Choline Acetyltransferase and Carnitine Acetyltransferase Activity in Human Spermatozoa During Capacitation, Lisa A. Eccles
Thesis: The Effects of Task Partitioning and Computer Skill Level on Operator Engagement and Performance in an Adaptive Biocybernetic Environment, Todd Michael Eischeid
Thesis: Windlass Taping Technique for Symptomatic Relief of Plantar Fasciitis, Beth Anne Ernst
Dissertation: A Comparison of White Male College Students Attending an Urban Black University and an Urban White University: White Racial Identity and Perceived Comfort With Blacks, Cheryl Lorraine Evans
Dissertation: The Effects of Applied Technology Instruction on Mathematics Achievement and Career Interests of Urban Seventh-Grade Students, Eric M. Fischer
Dissertation: Self-Concept of Eating-Restrained Women: A Study of Personal Constructs, Adelia Atkinson Furr
Dissertation: The Effects of Race and Socioeconomic Status on the Acceptance of Biracial Individuals, Erika Lela Gilyot
Thesis: Orphans and Guardians in Eighteenth-Century Virginia, Sarah M. Goldberger
Dissertation: Social Support, Prior Interracial Experiences, and Network Orientation: Factors related to Later Adjustment Among Black Freshmen at a Predominantly White University, Calvin Graham
Thesis: Middle Shoreface Intervals: Evidence of Barred Nearshore Systems in he Stratigraphic Record, James V. Gravette
Thesis: Changes in Spinal Height Supine and Walking in Subjects With and Without Lower Back Pain, Dave Gregory
Dissertation: A Study of the "Pride" Program: A Residential, Summer-School Program for At-Risk Middle-School Students in an Urban Community, Maria Teresa Amillategui Grimm
Thesis: Effect of Cocaine on Rabbit Renin Angiotensin System: Cocaine Detection in Adult and Fetal Tissue and Adult Plasma Using Ion Mobility Spectrometry, Barbara Belinda Guinn
Dissertation: Abnormalities in Post-Translational Processing of Platelet Rap 1B in NIDDM: A Possible Cause of Platelet Hyperactivity and Cardiovascular Disease in Diabetes, Elizabeth Ann Hall
Dissertation: Structural Equation Modeling of Attitudes Toward Employment Testing, Laura Susan Hamil
Thesis: Velocity Estimation Via a Neural Network Enhanced by Classical Detection Algorithms, Zeki Berk Hamşioğlu
Thesis: Virginia's Eastern Shore High School Students: Factors That May Impact Their Educational Aspirations, Valdimir Demont Handy
Dissertation: Analysis of Repeated Measures Data Under Circular Covariance, Andrew Montgomery Hartley
Thesis: Modeling Plankton Community Structure Under Environmental Forcing on the Southeastern United States Continental Shelf, Andrew Glenn Edward Haskell
Dissertation: Councilmanic Perceptions of Water Policy for the Lake Gaston Water Supply Project in Virginia and North Carolina, Beverly McAfee Hedberg
Dissertation: A Repertory Grid Assessment of Traitedness and Its Relation to the Validity of the NEO PI-R Conscientiousness Scale, Susan Nancy Heidal-Schiltz
Dissertation: The Use of Operator Regularization in the Computation of Effective Field Theories, Jeffrey M. Hersh
Thesis: Caged Gorillas, Sandra Dee Holcombe
Dissertation: A Case Study of the Perceptions of Character Education in a Large Urban Community, Suzanne G. Houff
Dissertation: Reverse Engineering of Aircraft Wing Data Using a Partial Differential Equation Surface Model, Jacalyn M. Huband
Thesis: Single Row Routing: Theoretical and Experimental Performance Evaluation, and New Heuristic Development, David A. Hysom
Thesis: The Effects of Organic Matter Rich Topsoil on the Germination Growth and Metal Uptake of Corn (Zea mays) Grown in Flue Dust Contaminated Soil, Christopher Allen Impellitteri
Thesis: 40AR/39 AR Geochronology of the Lowland Creek Volcanic Field and Its Temporal Relations With Other Eocene Volcanic Areas, Vladimir Olegovich Ispolatov
Dissertation: The Effects of a Maternal Childhood Lead-Poisoning Education Program on Knowledge, Health Beliefs, and Compliance, Sylvia Elaine Johnson
Thesis: An Investigation on the Effect of Aging and Fatigue Damage on the Mechanical Properties of a Graphite/Bismaleimide Composite, William M. Johnston Jr.
Thesis: Death Anxiety as a Moderation Factor on Sexual Behavior Related to the Risk of HIV Infection in Young Adults, John Hawes Jones
Dissertation: Coping Processes Used by Mothers of Triplets, Susan Mullen Kaplan
Thesis: Eisenhower and Khrushchev at the Paris Summit: Anatomy of a Failure, Vincent Michael Kapral
Thesis: Searching for Zarathustra: A Nietzschean Critique of Post-Traditional Ethical Theory, Joshua Knutsen
Dissertation: The Detoxification of Petroleum Contaminated Coastal Plain Sandy Soil Using an Amended Vermicomposting Approach, John Charles Kraemer
Dissertation: Kramers-Kronig Anomalous Dispersion on Single-Mode Fiber-Optic Couplers and Tapers, Arnel C. Lavarias
Dissertation: Interaction of ACTH and Estradiol in the Regulation of Growth, Differentiation, and Steroidogenic Maturation of the Baboon Fetal Adrenal Gland, Maria Gomez Leavitt
Dissertation: An Evaluation of the 2 + 2 for Teachers: Alternative Performance Appraisal Program in the Norfolk Public Schools PRIME Project, Alyce C. LeBlanc
Thesis: The Effect of Growth Hormone Release on Plasma and Erythrocyte Selenium and Zinc Levels in Children, Maria Estela Legal de Reid
Thesis: Ice Transport in the Queen Elizabeth Islands, Canadian Arctic Using Detrital FE Oxide Grain Composition, Duan Li
Dissertation: Computer-Aided Design of Coupler-Driven Watt I and Tolerance Synthesis for Four-Bar Linkages, Haitao Li
Thesis: A Piezoresistive Metal Thin Film Tilt Sensor, Todd Allan Lindley
Thesis: Comparison of the Dichlorination of Organic N-Chloramines by Caroate and by Bisulfite: A Kinetic Study, Said H. Lubbad
Thesis: Dispatchers' Perceptions of Computer-Aided Dispatch (CAD) in Police Communications Operations: An Exploratory Study, Anthony L. Luckman
Thesis: Reliability of the Saunders Electronic Inclinometer for the Assessment of Lumbar ROM, Melanie C. Maneval
Dissertation: High-Order Finite-Difference Schemes and Their Application to Computational Acoustics, Joe Leo Manthey
Thesis: Reliability of the Modified-Modified Schober Method of Measuring Lumbar Range of Motion, Mira H. Mariano
Thesis: Impact of Attachment Style on Disclosure of Traumatic Events, Jo-Anne Leslie McDonald
Thesis: Stomach Content Analysis of Stranded Bottlenose Dolphins, Tursiops Truncatus, in Virginia, 1987-1996, John McGurk
Dissertation: To Lead a Team: Construct Validity Evidence for Team Leadership in the High-Tech Industry, Johanna M. Merritt
Dissertation: The Pricing Behaviors of Stock Index Futures: Some Preliminary Evidence in the Korean Market, Jaehoon Min
Dissertation: A Synthesized Methodology for Eliciting Expert Judgment for Addressing Uncertainty in Decision Analysis, Richard W. Monroe
Dissertation: The Influence of Reading Comprehension and Other Selected Factors on Student Dropouts in an Urban Southeastern School District in Virginia, Viola Garris Morgan
Dissertation: The Cellular and Molecular Dynamics of the Queuosine Modification in Transfer RNA: Definition, Modulation, Deficiencies and Effect of the Queuosine Modification System, Rana C. Morris
Dissertation: Characterization of the Fast Axonally Transported Proteins in the Rat Optic Pathway, Surafel Mulugeta
Thesis: Building Multi-Discipline, Multi-Format Digital Libraries Using Clusters and Buckets, Michael L. Nelson
Thesis: Devolpment of a Scale to Assess Home Health Care Aides' Ability to Recognize Depression in Older Adults, Tina M. Nerney
Dissertation: Characterization of Iron Oxides and Atmospheric Corrosion of Steel, Sei Jin Oh
Dissertation: Three-Dimensional Aerodynamic Design Optimization Using Discrete Sensitivity Analysis and Parallel Computing, Amidu Olawale Oloso
Thesis: Classical Montessori: A Study of the Classical Rhetorical Canons in Early Montessori Writing Instruction, Deborah E. O'Neil
Thesis: Specification and Verification of Generic Cell Rate Algorithms in PVS, Huseyin Ozgungor
Dissertation: Aerodynamic Gradient-Based Optimization Using Computational Fluid Dynamics and Discrete Sensitivities for Practical Problems, Mohagna Jayendrarai Pandya
Dissertation: Development of a Method for Determining the Relative Manufacturing Complexity of Advanced Engineering Materials, Shardul Y. Pandya
Thesis: Fabrication and Evaluation of Boron-Doped CVD Diamond Microelectrodes, Song Pang
Dissertation: Arterial Wall Hypertrophy and PDGF-A Expression in One-Kidney, One-Clip Hypertension and Angiotensin II Infusion Are Mediated By Elevated Arterial Pressure, Sheri Blair Parker
Dissertation: Microzooplankton Dynamics in Lower Chesapeake Bay and Its Major Tributaries, Gyung Soo Park
Thesis: Mr. Wilkes' War: Captain Charles Wilkes and the West India Squadron, Christopher J. Pieczynski
Dissertation: The Measurement of Mood Variation Over Time and Its Relation to Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy in Young Adolescents, William Thomas Pinkston
Dissertation: Patterns of Giving to Urban Public Higher Education Among Corporate Foundations in Virginia and Select Others Which Have a Significant Presence in Virginia, Grace Aine Porter
Thesis: Effect of Resistance Training on Lipid Profile and Body Composition in Premenopausal Women, Bharathi Prabhakaran
Dissertation: Type II Estrogen Binding-Site Agonist: The Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of the Enantiomers of Methyl-Para-Hydroxyphenyllactate (MeHPLA), Lester G. Pretlow
Dissertation: A Sociotechnical Systems Analysis of the Approval Process for a Complex Public Works Proposal, James C. Pyne