All ODU theses and dissertations since Fall 2016 are available in this collection. Backfiles to 1976 of dissertations (and some theses) have also been added.
To browse dissertations and theses by academic department or program, please go to the Research by College, Department, Center page.
At some point, backfiles for all master's theses will be scanned and added. In the meantime, consult the library guide for "Dissertations & Theses" to find older items in print.
See the Graduate School site for information on submitting your ETD.
Theses/Dissertations from 1998
Thesis: Developmental and Hormonal Regulation of the Expression of Cytosolic Phospholipase A2 Protein Levels in Baboon Placenta, Kathleen Elizabeth Dunstan
Thesis: Cross-Racial Facial Identification: Black and White Oriented Elaborative Processing, Tonika E. Duren
Dissertation: An Alternative Method for Determining Adjusted Function Points as the Basis for Software Cost Estimating, William Alexander Eldred
Dissertation: Microhollow Cathode Discharge Excimer Lamps, Ahmed El-Habachi
Thesis: A Needs Assessment for a Distance Education Baccalaureate Degree Completion Program for Associate Degree Level Dental Hygienist, Joan Gugino Ellison
Thesis: Does Wisdom Really Come with Age?: Cognitive Differences Between Traditional and Nontraditional Aged College Women, Kelli Jean England
Thesis: A Study of Child Abuse: Race Gender and Family Structure, Linda Wyatt Faircloth
Thesis: The Influence of Personality Cultural Values Social Support and Pre-Departure Training on Adjustment and Performance on International Students, Amy A. Fitzgibbons
Dissertation: A Discovery-Oriented Process Study of Enactment in Family Therapy: Development of the Family Therapy Enactment Rating Scale, Elizabeth Ong-Mythuan Fong
Thesis: The Effect of Ethanol and Hypoglycemia on Rat Performance in the Radial Arm Maze, Monica Ann Gaffney
Dissertation: Meta-Ethnographic Development of a Dialogue Methodology Applied to Organization Discourse, Shelley P. Gallup
Thesis: Communication to Reduce Embarrassment Between Individualistic and Collectivistic Cultures, Puvana Ganesan
Thesis: Machiavellianism Achievement and Gender Roles, Kathleen M. Gibson
Dissertation: Study of Human Factors Variables in Battle Outcome Prediction Models, David Andrew Glovier
Thesis: Assessing Levels of Cooperation Between PACE and Patrol Officers in the City of Norfolk Virginia Police Department, Michael G. Goldsmith
Dissertation: Urban University Adjunct Faculty Perceptions of Professional Development Needs, Merodie Anne Hancock
Thesis: Difficulties in Diplomacy: A Case Study of Relations Between the United States and the Republic of Congo, 1960-1965, James R. Hawn Jr.
Dissertation: Error-Correcting Codes Associated With Generalized Hadamard Matrices Over Groups, Iem H. Heng
Dissertation: Municipal Involvement in International Relations, John Jack William Hilgers
Thesis: The United States and the Netherlands: A Study of Early Cold War Cooperation, Michael R. Hirman
Dissertation: Studies of Warm-Core Rings Using a Particle-in-Cell Method, John James Holdzkom II
Thesis: An Injection Modelocked Titanium-Sapphire Laser, James C. Hovater
Thesis: Development of Fluorescent Techniques in the Kinetic Characterization of Reverse Transcriptase, Kevin Kevin Howerton
Dissertation: Public Journalism, the Second Level of Agenda-Setting and Public Policy: The Role of the Daily Press Newspaper in Creating, Framing and Fostering the Issues of Regionalism and Consolidation on the Virginia Peninsula, 1944-1996, Shannon O'Bier Jackson
Thesis: Understanding Juror Decisions: The Influence of Other Jurors' Votes, Unanimous Versus Majority Decision Rule, and Juror Gender, La Donna Flanagan James
Dissertation: Nonlinear Stability and Control of Three-Dimensional Boundary Layers, Erik Janke
Thesis: Chemical Modification of CVD Diamond Electrodes, Robert Matthew Johnson
Dissertation: Characterization of the Biological Functions of Human Recombinant Zona Pellucida Protein 3, Yu Wen Juan
Thesis: Effects of Chronic Cocaine Abuse on Verbal Learning and Memory, Elizabeth A. Kamin
Dissertation: Approximate Analytical Relationships for Linear Optimal Aeroelastic Flight Control Laws, Ayman Hamdy Kassem
Thesis: Two Dimensional, Time Dependent Modeling and Simulation of Semi-Insulating GaAs High-Power Photoconductive Switches, Prakasit Kayasit
Thesis: Elements Affecting Disclosure of Abusive Dating Relationships: Attachment Style Sex of Research Participant and Importance of Disclosure Target, Michael Alexander Keefer
Thesis: Wei Jingsheng and the Democracy Movement in Post-Mao China, Merle David Kellerhals Jr.
Dissertation: The Effects of Corporate Diversification and Control on Division Risk-Taking Strategy and Performance, Hae Ryong Kim
Dissertation: System Identification and Control of Cavity Noise Reduction, Chien-Hsun Kuo
Dissertation: Experimental Geometry Optimization Techniques for Multi-Element Airfoils, Drew Landman
Dissertation: Inversion and Analysis of Remotely Sensed Atmospheric Water Vapor Measurements at 940nm, Jack Cutler Larsen
Thesis: Physiological Effects of Varying Power Output in a Cycling Time Trial, Mark Alan Liedl
Thesis: Coupled Electrodynamic-Monte Carlo Simulations of Nanoscale GaAs Terahertz Optical Mixers, Jiang Li
Thesis: Comparison of the EMG Activity of the Supraspinatus and Infraspinatus Muscles During Various Closed Chain Exercises, I-Chen Lin
Thesis: Efficacy of AllowashTM Solution in Solubilization of Bone Marrow, Alyce Marie Linthurst
Dissertation: Factor Analysis of the MMPI-A Content Scales: Item-Level and Scale-Level Analyses, Lisa Kay McCarthy
Dissertation: Effects of an Interview Guide on the Accuracy of Ratings for Applicants with Disabilities, Catherine Quinn Greenwald Mergen
Dissertation: Pressure-Induced Intracellular Signaling in Isolated Arteries, Victor A. Miriel
Dissertation: Leukemia Inhibitory Factor (LIF): Murine Preimplantation Embryo Development, Implantation Rates, and Skeletal Development, Michael Hayes Mitchell
Thesis: High Pressure Radio-Frequency Microhollow Cathode Discharges, Anja Annett Muller
Dissertation: The Influence of an Early Childhood Program on the Academic Achievement, Attendance, and Attitudes of Urban At-Risk Students, Daisy McCray Murphy
Thesis: Two Views of Physical Attractiveness: Informational Influences on Women's Body Images, Jennifer Lee Muth
Thesis: Lives of the Little-Known: Women Children and Servants in Augusta County, 1745-1779, Nancy B. Osborne
Dissertation: Superconvergence in Iterated Solutions of Integral Equations, Peter A. Padilla
Thesis: Modeling Environmental Effects on MSX Prevalence and Intensity in Eastern Oyster (Crassostrea virginica) Populations, Michelle Christine Paraso
Dissertation: The Role of Glycoconjugates in Mediating Human Fertilization and Induction of Fetomaternal Tolerance, Manish S. Patankar
Dissertation: The Cluster Multipole Algorithm for Far-Field Computations, Rakesh R. Patel
Dissertation: Modeling and Simulation of High-Field, High-Temperature SiC Devices, Sanjay Pathak
Dissertation: Measurement of Perceived Service Quality of Selected Dental Specialists, David P. Paul III
Thesis: Computer Simulations of Electromigration Based on a Molecular Dynamics Approach, John Stephen Peake
Thesis: The Relationship of Antifat Attitudes to Other Prejudicial Attitudes: Construct Validation of the Antifat Attitudes Test, Mark S. Perez-Lopez
Dissertation: Men Who Batter: Personality Variables, Relationship Variables, and Treatment Outcome, Lisa M. Petrica
Thesis: Electrocortical Output and Hemispheric Contributions to the Alert State During a Sustained Attention Task, Treven Curtis Pickett
Dissertation: The Relationship Between Ethnic Identity, Self-Esteem, Emotional Well-Being and Depression Among Lakota/Dakota Sioux Adolescents, Susan M. Pittenger
Thesis: The Mentoring Experiences of College and High School Seniors, Clenise Rachelle Platt
Dissertation: A Psychophysiological Assessment of the Efficacy of Event-Related Potentials and Electroencephalogram for Adaptive Task Allocation, Lawrence J. Prinzel III
Dissertation: Essay I. Intra-Industry Contagion and Competitive Effects Associated With Corporate Liquidation Announcements: Does Shareholder Governance Influence the Results? Essay II. Investors' Pricing of Exchange Rate Risk in U. S. Firms That File for Bankruptcy, J. Terry Ray
Thesis: William Mahone and the Confederate Command Style During the Siege of Petersburg, 1864-1865, David Kenneth Reed
Thesis: Russian Supply Efforts in America During the First World War, Dale C. Rielage
Thesis: Driving Simulation Performance and EEG Evaluation Associated with Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Matthew Richard Risser
Dissertation: Skin-Stiffener Separation in Buckled Composite Plates and Shallow Shells, Mark Edward Robeson
Dissertation: Sparse Equation-Eigen Solvers for Symmetric/Unsymmetric Positive-Negative-Indefinite Matrices with Finite Element and Linear Programming Applications, Hakakizumwami Birali Runesha
Thesis: Course Selection Factors Deemed Important by Dental Hygienists Prior to and After the Initiation of Mandatory Continuing Education in the Commonwealth of Virginia, Melissa Lynn Sainsbury
Dissertation: Factors Affecting Leadership Styles of Prison Wardens: A Case Study of Public Adult Prisons Within Virginia, Nancy Elizabeth Santiago
Dissertation: Consortia as Technology Innovation Management Vehicles: Toward a Framework for Success in Venture Based Public-Private Partnerships, Ralph B. Saunders II
Thesis: Searching for the Presence and Absence of Features in Sustained Attention: The Effect of Discriminability and Display Size on Performance and Workload, Victoria Suzanne Schoenfeld
Thesis: The Effects of Dehydration and Rehydration on the One-Repetition Maximum Bench Press of Weight Trained Males, James E. Schoffstall
Thesis: Investigating the Effects of Subtle Ratee Characteristics in Team Performance Appraisal: The Influence of Personality and Cohesiveness, Jonathan Quinn Schroeder
Thesis: The Effects of Fabry-Perot Fringing on the Sensitivity of a Wavelength Modulation Experiment, Patrick C. Shea
Thesis: The Development of United States Navy Convoy Escort Doctrine and the Implementation of Coastal Convoys in 1942, Ronald J. Sheppard
Thesis: Electrical Characteristics and Parallel Operation of Microhollow Cathode Discharges, Wenhui Shi
Dissertation: Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Composite Beam Stability and Load and Resistance Factor Design Approach, Mojtaba B. Sirjani
Dissertation: The Solution of Hypersingular Integral Equations With Applications in Acoustics and Fracture Mechanics, Richard S. St. John
Dissertation: Multiple Streams Synchronization in Collaborative Multimedia Systems, Emilia Stoica
Thesis: A Calibrated Shoreline Change Model for the Southeast Atlantic Ocean Coast of Virginia, Prasert Vangsantitrakul
Thesis: Collapsing the Philosophy/Rhetoric Disjunct: Nietzsche, Plato and the Perspectival Turn, Ned Vankevich
Dissertation: Mouse Embryo Development in the Presence of Capsaicin, Carlos Santiago Villar-Gosalvez
Dissertation: The Convenience Orientation of Services Consumers: An Empirical Examination, Patricia Kramer Voli
Thesis: Fact or Fiction? The Use of Eighteenth-Century Criminal Biographies in Historical Studies, Steven M. Wakefield
Thesis: Spectral/Temporal Segment Features for Automatic Speech Recognition, Xi Hong Wang
Dissertation: Reaction-Diffusion Models of Cancer Dispersion, Kim Yvette Ward
Thesis: The Causes and Consequences of Migration: The Case of Chinese Women, Janet L. Warren
Thesis: Racial Differences in Rape Myth Acceptance Among College Women, LeKeshia M. Washington
Thesis: Institutions, Developmental Alliances, and Economic Development in Korea and Brazil (1950-1985), Charles Paul Winebarger
Dissertation: Acute Blood Pressure Responses to Static and Dynamic Exercise: Racial Differences, Reuben Leon Wright
Thesis: Reliability of the Dynamic Gait Index in Vestibular Disorders, Diane M. Wrisley
Thesis: A Paleoenvironmental Study of a Middle Wisconsinan Biota Site, Russell County, Virginia, Thomas C. Wynn
Thesis: Material Evaluation by Pulsed Diode Laser Optoacoustics, Xiaodong Xu
Dissertation: Validation of the Risk and Needs Assessment Used in the Classification for Parole and Probation of Virginia's Adult Criminal Offenders, George Michael Yacus
Thesis: The Geomorphological History of an Alluvial Fan Complex in Nelson County, Virginia, Melinda Ann Youngblood
Dissertation: A Framework for Controlling Quality of Sessions in Multimedia Systems, Alaa S. Youssef
Dissertation: Reduction of Thermal Deflection and Random Response of Composite Structures With Embedded Shape Memory Alloy at Elevated Temperature, Zhiwei Zhong
Dissertation: Placement of Piezoelectric Actuators for Active Control of Vibration Using Modal Parameters, Xuegeng Zhu
Theses/Dissertations from 1997
Dissertation: Ecology of the Early Life History of the Caribbean Spiny Lobster, Panulirus argus: Recruitment, Predation, and Habitat Requirements, Charles A. Acosta