A selection of faculty publications from the Department of Ocean & Earth Sciences, College of Sciences, Old Dominion University.


Submissions from 2025


The Relative Contribution of Deep and Shallow Benthic Sources to Iron Supply in the Ross Sea, With Specific Emphasis on the Ross Bank, Blair J.W. Greenan, Michael S. Dinniman, Dennis J. McGillicuddy Jr., Peter N. Sedwick, Stefanie L. Mack, and Walker O. Smith Jr.


Tidal Flooding Contributes to Eutrophication: Constraining Nonpoint Source Inputs to an Urban Estuary Using a Data Driven Statistical Model, Alfonso Macías-Tapia, Margaret R. Mulholland, Corday R. Selden, Sophie Clayton, Peter W. Bernhardt, and Thomas R. Allen

Submissions from 2024


Intercalibration: A Cornerstone of the Success of the GEOTRACES Program, Ana Aguilar-Islas, Hélène Planquette, Maeve C. Lohan, Walter Geibert, and Gregory Cutter


Integrating Climatological-Hydrodynamic Modeling and Paleohurricane Records to Assess Storm Surge Risk, Amirhosein Begmohammadi, Christine Y. Blackshaw, Ning Lin, Avantika Gori, Elizabeth Wallace, Kerry Emanuel, and Jeffrey P. Donnelly


Integrating Climatological-Hydrodynamic Modeling and Paleohurricane Records to Assess Storm Surge Risk, Amirhosein Begmohammadi, Christine Y. Blackshaw, Ning Lin, Avantika Gori, Elizabeth Wallace, Kerry Emanuel, and Jeffrey P. Donnelly


A Comparison of Adenosine Triphosphate With Other Metrics of Microbial Biomass in a Gradient from the North Atlantic to the Chesapeake Bay, Alexander B. Bochdansky, Amber A. Beecher, Joshua R. Calderon, Alison N. Stouffer, and NyJaee N. Washington


Re-Evaluating Hydrogen Sulfide as a Sink for Cadmium and Zinc in the Oxic to Suboxic Upper Water Column of the Pacific Ocean, N. R. Buckley, E. E. Black, J. A. Kenyon, N. T. Lanning, M. Sieber, T. M. Conway, J. N. Fitzsimmons, and G. A. Cutter


Editorial: The Marine Iodine Cycle, Past, Present, and Future, Rosie Chance, Gregory A. Cutter, Dalton S. Hardisty, and Anoop S. Mahajan


Diel Vertical Migration Rates of the Dinoflagellate Species Margalefidinium polykrikoides in a lower Chesapeake Bay Tributary, S. Clayton, Jacqueline B. Chrabot, Michael Echevarria, Leah Gibala-Smith, Kathryn Mogatas, Peter Bernhardt, and Margaret R. Mulholland


Submarine Groundwater Discharge at a Mega-Tidal Beach, Raymond D. Craddock, Aaron A. Mohammed, Joseph J. Tamborski, and Barret L. Kurylyk


Quantifying Potential Marine Debris Sources and Potential Threats to Penguins on the West Antarctic Peninsula, Katherine L. Gallagher, Megan A. Cimino, Michael S. Dinniman, and Heather J. Lynch


An Inconsistent Enso Response to Northern Hemisphere Stadials Over the Last Deglaciation, Ryan H. Glaubke, Matthew W. Schmidt, Jennifer E. Hertzberg, Lenzie G. Ward, Franco Marcantonio, Danielle Schimmenti, and Kaustubh Thirumalai


Ratification of the Base of the ICS Geological Time Scale: The Global Standard Stratigraphic Age (GSSA) for the Hadean Lower Boundary, Janna Halla, Nora Noffke, Humberto Reis, Stanley Awramik, Andrey Bekker, Alexander Brasier, Flávia Callefo, Adrita Choudhury, Jan-Peter Duda, Christopher Fedo, Douglas Galante, Jessica Haddock, Peter Haines, Linda Hinnov, Axel Hofmann, Martin Homann, David Huston, Simon Johnson, Linda Kah, Martin Whitehouse, and et al.


Mapping Seagrass Distribution and Abundance: Comparing Areal Cover and Biomass Estimates Between Space-Based and Airborne Imagery, Victoria J. Hill, Richard C. Zimmerman, Dorothy A. Byron, and Kenneth L. Heck Jr.


Interpreting an Archaean Paleoenvironment Through 3D Imagery of Microbialites, Cecilia M. Howard, Nathan D. Sheldon, Selena Y. Smith, and Nora Noffke


The Impacts of Anthropogenic Activity and Climate Change on the Formation of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) and Its Ecological Consequence, Zhangxi Hu, Aifeng Li, Zhun Li, and Margaret R. Mulholland


4500-Year Paleohurricane Record From The Western Gulf of Mexico, Coastal Central TX, USA, Sarah B. Monica, Davin J. Wallace, Elizabeth J. Wallace, Xiaojing Du, Sylvia G. Dee, and John B. Anderson


A Model for Community-Driven Development of Best Practices: The Ocean Observatories Initiative Biogeochemical Sensors Data Best Practices and User Guide, Hilary I. Palevsky, Sophie Clayton, Heather Benway, Mairead Maheigan, Dariia Atamanchuk, Roman Battisi, Jennifer Batryn, Annie Bourbonnais, Ellen M. Briggs, Filipa Carvalho, Alison P. Chase, Rachel Eveleth, Rob Fatland, Kristen E. Fogaren, Jonathan Peter Fram, Susan E. Hartman, Isabela Le Bras, Cara C. M. Manning, Joseph A. Needoba, Merrie Beth Neely, Hilde Oliver, Andrew C. Reed, Jennie E. Rheuban, Christina Schallenberg, Ian Walsh, Christopher Wingard, Kohen Bauer, Baoshen Chen, Jose Cuevas, Susana Flecha, Micah Horwith, Melissa Melendez, Tyler Menz, Sara Rivero-Calle, Nicholas P. Roden, Tobias Steinhoff, Paulo Nicolás Trucco-Pignata, Michael F. Vardaro, and Meg Yoder


Ice-Marginal Volcanic Sequence in Iceland Found on a Nondescript Gradual Hillslope: An Unexpected Record of Ice Thickness Late in Deglaciation, Audrey R. Putnam, Kristen L. Siebach, Candice C. Bedford, Sarah L. Simpson, Michael T. Thorpe, and Joseph J. Tamborski


Ice-Marginal Lava Delta in Iceland Found on a Nondescript Shallow Slope: An Unexpected Record of Ice Thickness Late in Deglacian, Audrey Putnam, Kirsten Siebach, Candice Bedford, Sarah Simpson, Elizabeth Rampe, Joseph Tamborski, and Michael Thorpe


Nitrogen Fixation at the Mid-Atlantic Bight Shelfbreak and Transport of Newly Fixed Nitrogen to the Slope Sea, C. R. Selden, M. R. Mulholland, K. E. Crider, S. Clayton, A. Macías-Tapia, P. Bernhardt, D. J. McGillicuddy Jr., W. G. Zhang, and P. D. Chappell


A Proxy System Modeling Approach to Combining Tree-Ring and Sediment-Based Paleotempestological Records, Elizabeth J. Wallace, Sylvia Dee, Joshua Bregy, and Kerry A. Emanuel


Global Subterranean Estuaries Modify Groundwater Nutrient Loading to the Ocean, Stephanie J. Wilson, Amy Moody, Tristan McKenzie, M. Bayani Cardenas, Elco Luijendijk, Audrey H. Sawyer, Alicia Wilson, Holly A. Michael, Bochao Xu, Karen L. Knee, Hyung-Mi Cho, Yishai Weinstein, Adina Paytan, Nils Moosdorf, Chen-Tung Aurthur Chen, Melanie Beck, Cody Lopez, Dorina Murgulet, Guebuem Kim, Mathew A. Charette, Hannelore Waska, J. Severino P. Ibánhez, Gwénaëlle Chaillou, Till Oehler, Shin-ichi Onodera, Mitsuyo Saito, Valenti Rodellas, Natasha Dimova, Daniel Montiel, Henrietta Dulai, Christina Richardson, Jinzhou Du, Eric Petermann, Xiaogang Chen, Kay L. Davis, Sebastien Lamontagne, Ryo Sugimoto, Guizhi Wang, Hailong Li, Américo I. Torres, Cansu Demir, Emily Bristol, Craig T. Connolly, James W. McClelland, Brenno J. Silva, Douglas Tait, BSK Kumar, R. Viswanadham, VVSS Sarma, Emmanoel Silva-Filho, Alan Shiller, Alanna Lecher, Joseph Tamborski, Henry Bokuniewicz, Carlos Rocha, Anja Reckhardt, Michael Ernst Böttcher, Shan Jiang, Laura M. Hernández-Terrones, Suresh Babu, Beata Szmczycha, Mahmood Sadat-Noori, Felipe Niencheski, Kimberly Null, Craig Tobias, Bongkeun Song, Iris C. Anderson, and Isaac R. Santos


Submarine Groundwater Discharge as a Major Nutrient Source in River-Fed vs. Tidally Dominated Estuaries, Stephanie J. Wilson, Joseph J. Tamborski, Bongkeun Song, Peter Bernhardt, and Margaret R. Mulholland


Marine Emissions of Methanethiol Increase Aerosol Cooling in the Southern Ocean, Charel Wohl, Julián Villamayor, Martí Galí, Anoop S. Mahajan, Rafael P. Fernández, Carlos A. Cuevas, Adriana Bossolasco, Qinyi Li, Anthony J. Kettle, Tara Williams, Roland Sarda-Esteve, Valérie Gros, Rafel Simó, and Alfonso Saiz-Lopez


Heterogeneity of Nitrogen Fixation in the Mesopelagic Zone of the South China Sea, Siqi Wu, Xianhui Sean Wan, Moge Du, Xirong Chen, Corday R. Selden, Mar Benavides, Sophie Bonnet, Carolin R. Löscher, M. Robert Hamersley, Margaret R. Mulholland, Xiuli Yan, and Shuh-Ji Kao


Widespread Crab Burrows Enhance Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Coastal Blue Carbon Ecosystems, Kai Xiao, Yuchen Wu, Feng Pan, Yingrong Huang, Hebo Peng, Meiqing Lu, Yan Zhang, Hailong Li, Yan Zheng, Chunmiao Zheng, Yan Liu, Nengwan Chen, Leilei Xiao, Guangxuan Han, Yasong Li, Pei Xin, Ruili Li, Bochao Xu, Faming Wang, Joseph J. Tamborski, Alicia M. Wilson, Daniel M. Alongi, and Isaac R. Santos


Last Millennium Hurricane Activity Linked to Endogenous Climate Variability, Wenchang Yang, Elizabeth Wallace, Gabriel A. Vecchi, Jeffrey P. Donnelly, Julien Emile-Geay, Gregory J. Hakim, Larry W. Horowitz, Richard M. Sullivan, Robert Tardif, Peter J. van Hengstum, and Tyler S. Winkler


Nitrogen Uptake Rates and Phytoplankton Composition Across Contrasting North Atlantic Ocean Coastal Regimes North and South of Cape Hatteras, Yifan Zhu, Margaret R. Mulholland, Peter W. Bernhardt, Aimee Renee Neeley, Brittany Widner, Alfonso Macías Tapia, and Michael E. Echevarria


Contrasting Nitrogen Dynamics Across the Mid-Atlantic Bight Shelfbreak Front: Insights from Nitrate Dual Isotopes and Nitrifier Gene Abundance, Yifan Zhu, Margaret R. Mulholland, Corday R. Selden, Dennis J. McGillicuddy Jr., Josie Mottram, P. Dreux Chappell, Weifang Gordon Zhang, Julie Granger, Katherine E. Crider, Meredith G. Meyer, Peter W. Bernhardt, Hilde Oliver, and Sophie Clayton

Submissions from 2023


Advancing Estuarine Shoreline Change Analysis Using Small Uncrewed Autonomous Systems, Thomas R. Allen, Devon Eulie, Mariko Polk, George McLeod, Robert Stuart, Alexandra Garnand, and A. J. Manning (Editor)


Phytoplankton Thermal Trait Parameterization Alters Community Structure and Biogeochemical Processes in a Modeled Ocean, Stephanie I. Anderson, Clara Fronda, Andrew D. Barton, Sophie Clayton, Tatiana A. Rynearson, and Stephanie Dutkiewicz


Interactions of Bioactive Trace Metals in Shipboard Southern Ocean Incubation Experiments, Shannon M. Burns, Randelle M. Bundy, William Abbott, Zuzanna Abdala, Alexa R. Sterling, P. Dreux Chappell, Bethany D. Jenkins, and Kristen N. Buck


An Update on the Influence of Natural Climate Variability and Anthropogenic Climate Change on Tropical Cyclones, Suzana J. Camargo, Hiroyuki Murakami, Nadia Bloemendaal, Savin S. Chand, Medha S. Deshpande, Christian Dominguez-Sarmiento, Juan Jesús González-Alemán, Thomas R. Knutson, I. I. Lin, Il- Ju Moon, Christina M. Patricola, Kevin A. Reed, Malcolm J. Roberts, Enrico Scoccimarro, Chi Yung Tam, Elizabeth J. Wallace, Liguang Wu, Yohei Yamada, Wei Zhang, and Haikun Zhao


The Vulnerability and Resilience of Seagrass Ecosystems to Marine Heatwaves in New Zealand: A Remote Sensing Analysis of Seascape Metrics Using PlanetScope Imagery, Ken Joseph E. Clemente, Mads S. Thomsen, and Richard C. Zimmerman


Providing a Framework for Seagrass Mapping in United States Coastal Ecosystems Using High Spatial Resolution Satellite Imagery, Megan M. Coffer, David D. Graybill, Peter J. Whitman, Blake A. Schaeffer, Wilson B. Salls, Richard C. Zimmerman, Victoria Hill, Marie Cindy Lebrasse, Jiang Li, Darryl J. Keith, James Kaldy, Phil Colarusso, Gary Raulerson, David Ward, and W. Judson Kenworthy


Quantifying Antarctic Krill Connectivity Across the West Antarctic Peninsula and its Role in Large-Scale Pygoscelis Penguin Population Dynamics, Katherine L. Gallagher, Michael S. Dinniman, and Heather J. Lynch


Impact of Atmospheric Correction on Classification and Quantification of Seagrass Density from WorldView-2 Imagery, Victoria J. Hill, Richard C. Zimmerman, Paul Bissett, David Kohler, Blake Schaeffer, Megan Coffer, Jiang Li, and Kazi Aminul Islam


Acidification of Northeastern USA Lakes From Rising Anthropogenic-Sourced Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Its Effects on Aluminum Speciation, Karen H. Johannesson, Jaxon Dii Horne, Anant Misra, Catherine Aliperta, Orpheus V. Meletis, Robert C. Santore, Christopher D. White, Georgia Mavrommati, and David J. Burdige


Fitting Time Series Models to Fisheries Data to Ascertain Age, Kathleen S. Kirch, Norou Diawara, and Cynthia M. Jones


A Global Comparison of Marine Chlorophyll Variability Observed in Eulerian and Lagrangian Perspectives, Angela M. Kuhn, Matthew Mazloff, Stephanie Dutkiewicz, Oliver Jahn, Sophie Clayton, Tatiana Rynearson, and Andrew D. Barton


Systemic Analyses of Radiocarbon Ages of Coexisting Planktonic Foraminifera, Jörg Lippold, Julia Gottschalk, Jean Lynch-Stieglitz, Matthew W. Schmidt, Sönke Szidat, and Andre Bahr


Sea Ice Formation, Glacial Melt and the Solubility Pump Boundary Conditions in the Ross Sea, Brice Loose, Sharon Stammerjohn, Peter Sedwick, and Stephen Ackley


Five Years Measuring the Muck: Evaluating Interannual Variability of Nutrient Loads from Tidal Flooding, Alfonso Macías-Tapia, Margaret R. Mulholland, Corday R. Selden, J. Derek Loftis, and Peter W. Bernhardt


The Importance of Winter Dinoflagellate Blooms in Chesapeake Bay— A Missing Link in Bay Productivity, Nicole C. Millette, Sophie Clayton, Margaret R. Mulholland, Leah Gibala-Smith, and Michael Lane


Sediment Delivery to Sustain the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta Under Climate Change and Anthropogenic Impacts, Jessica L. Raff, Steven L. Goodbred Jr., Jennifer L. Pickering, Ryan S. Sincavage, John C. Ayers, Md. Saddam Hossain, Carol A. Wilson, Chris Paola, Michael S. Steckler, Dhiman R. Mondal, Jean-Louis Grimaud, Celine Jo Grall, Kimberly G. Rogers, Kazi Matin Ahmed, Syed Jo Grall, Kimberly G. Rogers, Kazi Matin Ahmed, Syed Humayun Akhter, Brandee N. Carlson, Elizabeth L. Chamberlain, Meagan Dejter, Jonathan M. Gilligan, Richard P. Hale, Mahfuzur R. Khan, Md. Golam Muktadir, Md. Munsur Rahman, and Lauren A. Williams


Carbonate Chemistry and Carbon Sequestation Driven by Inorganic Carbon Outwelling from Mangroves and Saltmarshes, Gloria M. S. Reithmaier, Alex Cabral, Anirban Akhand, Matthew J. Bogard, Alberto V. Borges, Steven Bouillon, David J. Burdige, Mitchell Call, Nengwang Chen, Xiaogang Chen, Luiz C. Cotovicz Jr., Meagan J. Eagle, Erik Kristensen, Kevin D. Kroeger, Zeyang Lu, Damien T. Maher, J. Lucas Pérez-Lloréns, Raghab Ray, Pierre Taillardat, Joseph J. Tamborski, Rob C. Upstill-Goddard, Faming Wang, Zhaohui Aleck Wang, Kai Xiao, Yvonne Y.Y. Yau, and Isaac R. Santos


Atmospheric Input and Seasonal Inventory of Dissolved Iron in the Sargasso Sea: Implications for Iron Dynamics in Surface Waters of the Subtropical Ocean, Peter N. Sedwick, Bettina M. Sohst, K. N. Buck, S. Caprara, R. J. Johnson, D. C. Ohnemus, L. E. Sofen, A. Tagliabue, B. S. Twining, and Tara E. Williams


Global Oceanic Diazotroph Database Version 2 and Elevated Estimate of Global N2 Fixation, Zhibo Shao, Yangchun Xu, Hua Wang, Weicheng Luo, Lice Wang, Yuhong Huang, Nona Sheila R. Agawin, Ayaz Ahmed, Mar Benavides, Mikkel Bentzon-Tilia, Ilana Berman-Frank, Hugo Berthelot, Isabelle C. Biegala, Mariana B. Bif, Antonio Bode, Sophie Bonnet, Deborah A. Bronk, Mark V. Brown, Lisa Campbell, and Ya-Wei Luo


Authigenic Iron Is a Significant Component of Oceanic Labile Particulate Iron Inventories, Laura E. Sofen, Olga A. Antipova, Kristen N. Buck, Salvatore Caprara, Lauren Chacho, Rodney J. Johnson, Gabriella Kim, Peter Morton, Daniel C. Ohnemus, Sara Rauschenberg, Peter N. Sedwick, Alessandro Tagliabue, and Benjamin S. Twining


Potential Interactions Between Diatoms and Bacteria are Shaped by Trace Element Gradients in the Southern Ocean, Alexa R. Sterling, Laura Z. Holland, Randelle M. Bundy, Shannon M. Burns, Kristen N. Buck, P. Dreux Chappell, and Bethany D. Jenkins


Nitrite Cycling in the Primary Nitrite Maxima of the Eastern Tropical North Pacific, Nicole M. Travis, Colette L. Kelly, Margaret R. Mulholland, and Karen L. Casciotti


Isotopic Evidence for Sources of Dissolved Carbon and the Role of Organic Matter Respiration in the Fraser River basin, Canada, Britta M. Voss, Timothy I. Eglinton, Bernhard Peucker-Ehrenbrink, Valier Galy, Susan Q. Lang, Cameron McIntyre, Robert G.M. Spencer, Ekaterina Bulygina, Zhaohui Aleck Wang, and Katherine A. Guay


Biophysical Interactions Control the Progression of Harmful Algal Blooms in Chesapeake Bay: A Novel Lagrangian Particle Tracking Model with Mixotrophic Growth and Vertical Migration, Jilian Xiong, Jian Shen, Qubin Qin, Michelle C. Tomlinson, Yinglong J. Zhang, Xun Cai, Fei Yi, Linlin Cui, and Margaret R. Mulholland

Submissions from 2022


Examining Ecological Succession of Diatoms in California Current System Cyclonic Mesoscale Eddies, Zuzanna M. Abdala, Sophie Clayton, Sveinn V. Einarsson, Kimberly Powell, Claire P. Till, Tyler H. Coale, and P. Dreux Chappell


Tying Policy to System: Does the Ross Sea Region Marine Reserve Protect Transport Pathways Connecting the Life History of Antarctic Toothfish?, Julian Ashford, Michael Dinniman, Cassandra Brooks, Lian Wei, and Guoping Zhu


The Aquatic Particle Number Quandry, Alexander B. Bochdansky, Huanqing Huang, and Maureen H. Conte


Evidence for Metabolic Diversity in Meso-Neoproterozoic Stromatolites (Vazante Group, Brazil), Flavia Callefo, Fresia Ricardi-Branco, Mirian Mírian Liza Alves Forancelli Pacheco, Alexandre Ribeiro Cardoso, Nora Noffke, Verônica de Carvalho Teixeira, Itamar Tomio Neckel, Lara Maldanis, Emma Bullock, Dina Bower, Adalene Moreira Silva, Dario Ferreira Sanchez, Fabio Rodrigues, and Douglas Galante


Photorespiration in Eelgrass (Zostera marina L.): A Photoprotection Mechanism for Survival in a CO₂-Limited World, Billur Celebi-Ergin, Richard C. Zimmerman, and Victoria J. Hill


Bio-GO-SHIP: The Time is Right to Establish Global Repeat Sections of Ocean Biology, Sophie Clayton, Harriet Alexander, Jason R. Graff, Nicole J. Poulton, Luke R. Thompson, Heather Benway, Emmanuel Boss, and Adam Martiny


Imaging Technologies Build Capacity and Accessibility in Phytoplankton Species Identification Expertise for Research and Monitoring: Lessons Learned During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Sophie Clayton, Leah Gibala-Smith, Kathryn Mogatas, Chanel Flores-Vargas, Kayla Marciniak, Maci Wigginton, and Margaret R. Mulholland


Vertical Artifacts in High-Resolution WorldView-2 and Worldview-3 Satellite Imagery of Aquatic Systems, Megan M. Coffer, Peter J. Whitman, Blake A. Schaeffer, Victoria Hill, Richard C. Zimmerman, Wilson B. Salls, Marie C. Lebrasse, and David D. Graybill


The Influence of Particle Concentration and Bulk Characteristics on Polarized Oceanographic Lidar Measurements, Brian L. Collister, Richard C. Zimmerman, Charles I. Sukenik, William M. Balch, and Victoria J. Hill


Defining the Realized Niche of the Two Major Clades of Trichodesmium: A Study on the West Florida Shelf, Kristina A. Confesor, Corday R. Selden, Kimberly E. Powell, Laura A. Donahue, Travis Mellett, Salvatore Caprara, Angela N. Knapp, Kristen N. Buck, and P. Dreux Chappell


Forcing Space: An Alternative to Regime Diagrams for Predicting Characteristics of Turbulence in the Ocean Surface Mixing Layer, Ann E. Gargett


Contrasting Sea-Ice Algae Blooms in a Changing Arctic Documented by Autonomous Drifting Buoys, Victoria Hill, Bonnie Light, Michael Steele, and Andrew Lowy Sybrandy


Surface Morphologies in a Mars-Analog Ca-Sulfate Salar, High Andes, Northern Chile, Nancy W. Hinman, Michael H. Hofmann, Kimberly Warren-Rhodes, Michael S. Phillips, Nora Noffke, Nathalie A. Cabrol, Guillermo Chong Diaz, Cecilia Demergasso, Cinthya Tebes-Cayo, Oscar Cabestro, Janice L. Bishop, Virginia C. Gulick, David Summers, Pablo Sobron, Michael McInenly, Jeffrey Moersch, Constanza Rodriguez, Philippe Sarazzin, Kevin L. Rhodes, Camila Javiera Riffo Contreras, David Wettergreen, and Victor Parro


Subsurface Eddy Facilitates Retention of Simulated Diel Vertical Migrators In a Biological Hotspot, K. Hudson, M. J. Oliver, J. Kohut, J. H. Cohen, Michael S. Dinniman, John M. Klinck, C. S. Reiss, G. R. Cutter, H. Statscewich, K. S. Bernard, and W. Fraser


A Subsurface Eddy Associated With a Submarine Canyon Increases Availability and Delivery of Simulated Antarctic Krill to Penguin Foraging Regions, K. Hudson, M. J. Oliver, J. Kohut, Michael S. Dinniman, John M. Klinck, M. A. Cimino, K. S. Bernard, H. Statscewich, and W. Fraser


Present and Future Thermal Regimes of Intertidal Groundwater Springs in a Threatened Coastal Ecosystem, Jason J. KarrisAllen, Aaron A. Mohammed, Joseph Tamborski, Rob C. Jamieson, Serban Danielescu, and Barret L. Kurylyk


Water Mass Analysis of the 2018 US GEOTRACES Pacific Meridional Transect (GP15), Rian M. Lawrence, Avanti Shrikumar, Emilie Le Roy, James H. Swift, Phoebe J. Lam, Gregory Cutter, and Karen L. Casciotti


Temporal Stability of Seagrass Extent, Leaf Area, and Carbon Storage in St. Joseph Bay, Florida: A Semi-Automated Remote Sensing Analysis, Marie Cindy Lebrasse, Blake A. Schaeffer, Megan M. Coffer, Peter J. Whitman, Richard C. Zimmerman, Victoria J. Hill, Kazi A. Islam, Jiang Li, and Christopher L. Osburn


Simulated Response of St. Joseph Bay, Florida, Seagrass Meadows and Their Belowground Carbon to Anthropogenic and Climate Impacts, Marie Cindy Lebrasse, Blake A. Schaeffer, Richard C. Zimmerman, Victoria J. Hill, Megan M. Coffer, Peter J. Whitman, Wilson B. Salls, David D. Graybill, and Christopher L. Osburn


Emerging Technologies and Approaches for In Situ, Autonomous Observing in the Arctic, Craig M. Lee, Michael DeGrandpre, John Guthrie, Victoria Hill, Ron Kwok, James Morison, Christopher J. Cox, Hanumant Singh, Timothy P. Stanton, and Jeremy Wilkinson


Sediment Mineralogy Influences the Rate of Microbial Sulfate Reduction in Marine Sediments, Chin Yik Lin, Harold J. Bradbury, Gilad Antler, David J. Burdige, Thomas D. Bennett, Shichun Li, and Alexandra V. Turchyn


Biofilm Harvesters in Coastal Settings of the Early Palaeozoic, Nora Noffke, M. Gabriela Mángano, and Luis A. Buatois


OOI Biogeochemical Sensor Data: Best Practices and User Guide. Version 1.0.0., Hilary I. Palevsky, Sophie Clayton, Dariia Atamanchuk, Roman Battisti, Jennifer Batryn, Annie Bourbonnais, Ellen M. Briggs, Filipa Carvalho, Alison P. Chase, Rachel Eveleth, Rob Fatland, Kristen E. Fogaren, Jonathan Peter Fram, Susan E. Hartman, Isabela Le Bras, Cara C.M. Manning, Joseph A. Needoba, Merrie Beth Neely, Hilde Oliver, Andrew C. Reed, Jennie E. Rheuban, Christina Schallenberg, Michael F. Vardaro, Ian Walsh, and Christopher Wingard


Catalyzing Remote Collaboration During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond: Early Career Oceanographers Adopt Hybrid Open Science Framework, Johna E. Rudzin, Dax C. Soule, Justine Whitaker, Halle Berger, Sophie Clayton, and Kristen E. Fogaren


Frameless-Finding and Refining A Sampling Frame for Surveying Recreational Fisheries: Lessons from Estimating Swedish Harvest of Western Baltic Cod, Hege Sande, Nuno Prista, Annica de Groote, Michele Casini, Cynthia Jones, and Andreas Sundelöf


Insights Into the Deglacial Variability of Phytoplankton Community Structure in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific Ocean Using [231Pa/230Th]xs and Opal-Carbonate Fluxes, Danielle Schimmenti, Franco Marcantonio, Christopher T. Hayes, Jennifer Hertzberg, Matthew Schmidt, and John Sarao


Seasonal Dynamics of Dissolved Iron on the Antarctic Continental Shelf: Late-Fall Observations From the Terra Nova Bay and Ross Ice Shelf Polynyas, P. N. Sedwick, B. M. Sohst, C. O'Hara, S. E. Stammerjohn, B. Loose, M. S. Dinniman, N. J. Buck, J. A. Resing, and S. F. Ackley


Coastal Upwelling Enhances Abundance of a Symbiotic Diazotroph (UCYN-A) and Its Haptophyte Host in the Arctic Ocean, Corday R. Selden, Sveinn V. Einarsson, Kate E. Lowry, Katherine E. Crider, Robert S. Pickart, Peigen Lin, Carin J. Ashjian, and P. Dreux Chappell


Revisiting 228Th as a Tool for Determining Sedimentation and Mass Accumulation Rates, Joseph J. Tamborski, Pinghe Cai, Meagan Eagle, Paul Henderson, and Matthew A. Charette


Tropical Cyclone Frequency: Turning Paleoclimate Into Projections, E. J. Wallace and S. G. Dee


Editorial: Advances in Understanding Lateral Blue Carbon Export From Coastal Ecosystems, Kai Xiao, Nengwang Chen, Zhaohui Aleck Wang, Joseph James Tamborski, Damien Troy Maher, and Xuan Yu


Editorial: Carbon Cycling in Aquatic Critical Zones, Peng Yao, Thomas S. Bianchi, David J. Burdige, Xiaojuan Feng, and Peter A. Raymond


Calcification, Dissolution and Test Properties of Modern Planktonic Foraminifera From the Central Atlantic Ocean, Stergios D. Zarkogiannis, Shinya Iwasaki, James William Buchanan Rae, Matthew W. Schmidt, P. Graham Mortyn, George Kontakiotis, Jennifer E. Hertzberg, and Rosalind E.M. Rickaby

Submissions from 2021


Marine Phytoplankton Functional Types Exhibit Diverse Responses to Thermal Change, S. I. Anderson, A. D. Barton, Sophie Clayton, S. Dutkiewicz, and T. A. Rynearson


Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) as a Metric of Microbial Biomass in Aquatic Systems: New Simplified Protocols, Laboratory Validation, and a Reflection on Data From the Literature, Alexander B. Bochdansky, Alison N. Stouffer, and NyJaee N. Washington


An Assessment of Regional ICESat-2 Sea-Level Trends, Brett Buzzanga, Eduard Heijkoop, Benjamin D. Hamlington, R. Steven Nerem, and Alex Gardner


Impact of Ocean Carbonation on Long-Term Regulation of Light Harvesting in Eelgrass Zostera marina, Billur Celebi-Ergin, Richard C. Zimmerman, and Victoria J. Hill


Neodymium Isotope Geochemistry of a Subterranean Estuary, Darren A. Chevis, T. Jade Mohajerin, Ningfang Yang, Jaye E. Cable, E. Troy Rasbury, Sidney R. Hemming, David J. Burdige, Jonathan B. Martin, Christopher D. White, and Karen H. Johannesson


Synoptic Mesoscale to Basin Scale Variability in Biological Productivity and Chlorophyll in the Kuroshio Extension Region, Sophie Clayton, Hilary I. Palevsky, LuAnne Thompson, and Paul D. Quay


Larry Philip Atkinson 1941-2020, Gregory Cutter and Louis Codispoti


Rapid Quantification of Biofouling With an Inexpensive, Underwater Camera and Image Analysis, Matthew R. First, Scott C. Riley, Kazi Aminul Islam, Victoria Hill, Jiang Li, Richard C. Zimmerman, and Lisa A. Drake


Seasonal Dispersal of Fjord Meltwaters as an Important Source of Iron and Manganese to Coastal Antarctic Phytoplankton, Kiefer O. Forsch, Lisa Hahn-Woernle, Robert M. Sherrell, Vincent J. Roccanova, Kaixuan Bu, David Burdige, Maria Vernet, and Katherine A. Barbeau


Constraining 20th‐Century Sea‐Level Rise in the South Atlantic Ocean, Thomas Frederikse, Surendra Adhikari, Tim J. Daley, Sönke Dangendorf, Roland Gehrels, Felix Landerer, Marta Marcos, Thomas L. Newton, Graham Rush, Aimée B.A. Slangen, and Guy Wöppelmann


Radium Isotopes as Submarine Groundwater Discharge (SGD) Tracers: Review and Recommendations, J. Garcia-Orellana, V. Rodellas, Joseph Tamborski, M. Diego-Feliu, P. van Beek, Y. Weinstein, M. Charette, A. Alorda-Kleinglass, H.A. Michael, T. Stieglitz, and J. Scholten


Plate Boundary and Triple Junction Control of Shatsky Rise Formation and Implications for Other Ocean Plateaus, Jennifer E. Georgen and Katrina Shotorban


Salt Marsh Hydrogeology: A Review, Julia Guimond and Joseph Tamborski