Theses and dissertations published by graduate students in the Department of Psychology, College of Sciences, Old Dominion University, since Fall 2016 are available in this collection. Backfiles of all dissertations (and some theses) have also been added.
In late Fall 2025, all theses will be digitized and available here. In the meantime, consult the Library Catalog to find older items in print.
Theses/Dissertations from 1988
Dissertation: Investigation of Display Issues Relevant to the Presentation of Aircraft Fault Information, Donald Mark Allen
Thesis: The Prediction of Drug Experimentation Among University Students Using Objective Personality Inventories, Gay Lynne Andrucci
Thesis: The Effects of Irrelevant Dimensions on the Predictive Value of a Warning Signal, Ruth Justine Arnegard
Dissertation: Principles of Design for Complex Displays: A Comparative Evaluation, Sharolyn Ann Converse
Thesis: The Effect of Internal vs. External Attributions and Level of Information on Perceptions and Concessions in a Conflict Situation, William Walter Docalovich
Thesis: Preschoolers' and Third Graders' Sorting Preferences and Strategic Knowledge of Taxonomic Associative and Perceptual Organizational Strategies, Helene Ann Hembrooke
Dissertation: Natural Language Human-Computer Dialogue: Menu-Based Natural Language and Visual Performance, Jeffrey John Hendrickson
Thesis: Self-Labeling of Body Weight: Relationships with Body Image Eating Behaviors and Well-Being, Karen HIcks
Thesis: Dual Task Performance: The Effects of Task Emphasis and Ear of Input, Pamela R. Jordan
Thesis: The Effects of Personality and Mental Workload on Heart Rate and Heart Rate Variability, Gwendolyn Lorell Pearson
Dissertation: Performance Appraisal Ratings as a Function of Source of Ratings and Purpose of the Appraisal, Richard J. Tannenbaum
Dissertation: Dynamic Allocation of Responsibility Between Operators With Different Models of System Information Using Computer-Mediated Communication, Michele Terranova
Thesis: The Assessment of Imagery Scales as Potential Predictors of the Effectiveness of Thermal Biofeedback Training, Douglas A. Thomas
Theses/Dissertations from 1987
Dissertation: Implications of a Family Systems Orientation for Preventing Psychiatric Hospitalization, James Howard Bullock
Dissertation: Socialization for Professionals an Analysis of the Process, Influencing Elements, and Outcomes, Catherine Via Cauthorne-Lindstrom
Thesis: Sins of the Fathers and Mothers: Relationships Between Parental History Variables and Adult MMPI Profiles, Kathryn E. Dawson
Dissertation: The Implications of Varying Levels of Task Automation on Workload, Micheline Y. Eyraud
Thesis: An Intergenerational Investigation of Urban Preferences, Angelique A. Gavin
Dissertation: Driver Response to Simulated Intersections: An Analysis of Workload-Related Variables, Monty G. Grubb
Thesis: The Effects of Task Load on Heart Rate and Heart Rate Variability, Paula Jeanne Guerette
Thesis: Effects of the Presence of a Same-Sex Friend or Stranger on Coping with Stress, Scott B. Harrison
Dissertation: Psychologists' Volunteering: Attitudes, Beliefs, and Behaviors Toward Psychotherapy Research, James Perry Howell
Dissertation: The Influence of Direct Versus Indirect Observation, Candidate Report Format, and Assessor Training on the Accuracy of Assessor Ratings, Rudolph L. Johnson Jr.
Thesis: The Impact of Orientation Training on Spatial Cognition and Spatial Behavior in Elderly Shoppers, Elizabeth Ann Mathes
Thesis: Bilateral Eda Measurement of Females During Simple and Complex Listening Tasks, Rory Craig Montero
Thesis: Job Satisfaction Among Female Employees as Predicted by Work Friendships, Melinda Jan Montgomery
Thesis: Learned Helplessness and Masculinity in Women: Performance Effects and Attributions About Success and Failure, Sherry B. Rabinowitz
Thesis: The Effects of Temporospatial Integration on Distance Estimations of Young and Elderly Adults, Margaret Rowley-Bernicki
Dissertation: Category Test and WAIS Scores: Sex and Age Inter-Relationships, Julia Ann Shelton
Dissertation: Factors Affecting the Efficacy of Rater Training: Information Type and Mode of Presentation, Todd A. Silverhart
Thesis: The Effects of Task Difficulty on Pupil Diameter in a Choice Reaction Time Task, Coleen Thornton
Thesis: Priming in a Simulated Assessment Center Environment: Can Behavioral Observation Training Overcome the Effects of Prior Information?, Eric J. Vanetti
Dissertation: The Influence of Rater Training, Scale Format, and Rating Justification on the Quality of Performance Ratings by Three Rater Sources, Steven B. Woods
Theses/Dissertations from 1986
Thesis: Multitrait-Multimethod Analysis of Performance Ratings Using Behaviorally Anchored and Behavioral Checklist Formats, Todd A. Baker
Thesis: Construct Validation of Role Playing Exercises in an Assessment Center Using BARS and Behavioral Checklist Formats, Wanda J. Campbell
Thesis: The Effects of Presentation Method and Stimulus String Length in a Letter Matching Task, Sharolyn Ann Converse
Thesis: The Effectiveness of Three Modes of Conversation on Coping with Stress in Same Sex Friendship Dyads, Robert Sal Costanza
Dissertation: Attributions for Violence in Relationships: Do Battered Women Blame Themselves?, Debra Down
Thesis: A Multitrait-Multimethod Investigation of Two Checklist Formats for Rating the In-Basket, Michael G. Fedorko
Thesis: An Information Processing Approach to the Study of Map Interpretation, Susan Vaughan Felton
Dissertation: The Effects of Environmental Stress on Financial Planning for Retirement, Gerald Lee Gamache
Thesis: Flotation vs Chamber Rest A Comparison of Techniques and Their Differential Effects on Relaxation and Self Disclosure, Francis Tony Hagan
Thesis: Landmark Selection and Temporal-Spatial Integration: Macrospatial Abilities in Young Adults and Elderly Adults, Deans Haggerty
Dissertation: Job Analysis and Job Evaluation Method Choice: User Qualifications and Implications for Applications and Research, James S. Herndon
Dissertation: The Development of a Paper-and-Pencil Measure of Complex Cognitive-Perceptual Aptitude, Don Michael McAnulty
Thesis: An Examination of the Relationship Between Mental Resources and Performance Strategies, Douglas L. Miller
Thesis: Cognitive Influences on Flavor Discrimination: Training Novices For Beer Flavor Differentiation, Rosalynn M. Peron
Dissertation: Estimating the Utility of Job Performance the Influence of the Delphi Technique and Behavioral Examples on Supervisors' Estimates, Scott I. Tannenbaum
Thesis: Speech Anxiety as a Self-Handicapping Strategy, Gerald Macon Travis
Theses/Dissertations from 1985
Thesis: Effects of Ethanol on Stimulus Properties of D-Amphetamine, Michaela Arango
Thesis: The Relationship Between Response Variability and Interview Contrast Effects, Salvatore John Cesare
Dissertation: A Perception Based Integrative Theory of Individual Behavior in Organizations, John Edward Mathieu
Thesis: Attributions of Martial Conflict Among College Students, Gary Franklin Sigler
Thesis: Social Support Networks: The Effects of Sex and Personality Variables on Utilization of Resources, S. Dee Treschuk
Theses/Dissertations from 1984
Thesis: The Electrocortical Correlates of Fluctuating States of Attention During Vigilance Tasks, Stephen G. Cunningham
Thesis: Age Tracking Performance and the Measurement of Workload by a Secondary Tasks, Manuel Francisco Diaz
Dissertation: A Study of the Robustness of the Three-Parameter Item Response Model, James B. Flynn
Thesis: Task Performances as Functions of Level of Processing, Morningness-Eveningness, Time of Day, and Gender, Georgia Kathryn Green
Thesis: Conditioned Motor Activity and Place-Preference Responses as a Function of d-Amphetamine Dose Level, Dwight D. Hart
Dissertation: The Effects of Person-Job Environment Congruency on Individual and Organizational Outcomes, Eileen J. McDonald
Dissertation: Facilitating and Hindering Factors in Implementing Managerial Technology: A Socio-Technical System Process, Eduardo Alejandro Salas Garcia
Thesis: The Effects of Training and Rating Formats on the Accuracy of Performance Ratings, Todd A. Silverhart
Thesis: The Effect of Anonymity, Expectation of Validation, and Expected Reward, on the Accuracy of Self-Evaluations of Ability, Mark Stanley Teachout
Dissertation: Effects of Encoding Variety and Concurrent-Task Practice on the Transfer and Retention of Complex Skill, Peter S. Winne
Thesis: A Comparison and Integration of Expectancy Theory and Task Dimensions with ROTC Cadets, Steven B. Woods
Theses/Dissertations from 1983
Dissertation: Oculometric Indices of Simulator and Aircraft Motion, James Raymond Comstock Jr.
Thesis: The Effects of Goal and Feedback Specificity of Task Performance, Emily Johnson Hawes
Thesis: Social Sensitivity in Adolescents and Adults with Learning Disabilities, Patricia Anne Jarvis
Dissertation: An Error-Dependent Model of Instrument-Scanning Behavior in Commercial Airline Pilots, Dennis H. Jones
Thesis: The Effects of Amphetamine and Ethanol on Habituation of Exploratory Responses of Rats in Novel and Familiar Environments, Kuen-Teng Kao
Thesis: Effects of the Rater's Sex and Sex-Role Orientation and the Applicant's Physical Attractiveness Sex and Qualifications on Resume Evaluation, Robert N. Kilcullen
Thesis: Locus of Control As A Function Membership in Alcoholics Anonymous, Christine B. Philput
Thesis: The Development of Learned Helplessness in Retarded and Non-Retarded Children, Jennifer Miller Schwartz
Dissertation: Employee Perceptions of Performance Appraisal Systems: Causal Determinants of Fairness, Accuracy, and Acceptability, Michael Dale Secunda
Thesis: Stress Appraisals and Performance in an Academic Setting, Michele Terranova
Theses/Dissertations from 1982
Thesis: Children's Representation of Spatial Information, Rebecca L. Beard
Thesis: Influence of Touch and Preferences for Control on Visual Behavior, Teresa Whitehurst Caudill
Thesis: An Analysis of the Relationships Between Environmental Stimuli Personality Variables and Levels of Burnout in Intensive Care Nurses, Catherine Via Cauthorne
Thesis: Victim-Defendant Relationship and Juror Attitudes Towards Rape as Mediators of Attribution of Responsibility for Rape, Robert L. Fauber Jr.
Dissertation: Improving the Accuracy of Performance Evaluations: A Comparison of Three Methods of Performance Appraiser Training, Jerry Willard Hedge
Thesis: The Relationship Between Job Characteristics and Job Satisfaction for Engineers and Engineering Students, Sherry L. Hoy
Thesis: The Effects of Naloxone and Interstimulation Interval on Post-Ictal Depression in Kindled Seizures, Michael Frederick Jarvis
Thesis: Burnout Among Elementary and Secondary Special Education Teachers in Self-Contained and Resource Classrooms, Pamela Knox Jones
Dissertation: Causal Modeling of Organizational Commitment, Karin E. Klenke-Hamel
Thesis: An Attributional Analysis of the Expectancy Component of Motivation Theory, John Edward Mathieu
Thesis: Examination of the Self-Starvation Phenomenon, Elizabeth Woodard Pitts
Thesis: Effects of Aperiodic Noise on Serial Reaction: A Study of the Range and Consistency of Individual Differences with Repeated Measures, Stephen Victor Strunk
Thesis: The Effects of Rater-Ratee Discrepancies and Interview Processes on Appraisal Effectiveness, Scott I. Tannenbaum
Thesis: The Effects of Task Experience, Goal Setting, and Knowledge of Results on Performance and Task-Goal Attributes, Edward Scott Wright
Theses/Dissertations from 1981
Thesis: The Relationship of Cognitive Complexity-Simplicity to Occupational Role Perception, Raymond Boetcher
Thesis: Incidental and Intentional Recall of Item Names and Spatial Locations, Lois Ann Scovel
Thesis: Reciprocal Self-Disclosure in Mixed-Race and Same-Race Dyads, David Roger Sholis
Thesis: Lithium Chlorine-Induced Food Aversions in the Toad (Bufo americanus), Paul R. Vaughan
Theses/Dissertations from 1980
Thesis: The Ability of Young Children to Recognize Facial Photographs of Young Children, Young Adults, and Senior Citizens, Barbara Bell Bruff
Thesis: Effects of Sleep Loss on Information-Processing in an Absolute Judgment Task as a Function of Task Difficulty, Frieda O'Steen Carlton
Thesis: The Effect of Tone Frequency Spacing on Perception of Order in Repeating Tone Sequences, James Raymond Comstock Jr.
Thesis: Polydipsia's Contribution to the Temporal Discrimination of Rats in the Development of Fixed Interval Behavior and as a Function of Fixed Interval Length, Linda Griffith Cruser
Thesis: The Retention and Maintenance of an Information Processing Skill, Jerry Willard Hedge
Thesis: Effects of Practice on the Rate of Gain of Information in a Paper and Pencil Task, Dennis Howard Jones
Thesis: The Effects of an Alternative Training Program and Increased Rates Information on Halo Error and Accuracy, Robert J. Jones