Theses and dissertations published by graduate students in the Department of Psychology, College of Sciences, Old Dominion University, since Fall 2016 are available in this collection. Backfiles of all dissertations (and some theses) have also been added.
In late Fall 2025, all theses will be digitized and available here. In the meantime, consult the Library Catalog to find older items in print.
Theses/Dissertations from 2004
Thesis: Problem-Focused Coping: Mediating the Link Between Personality and Work-Family Conflict, Lisa M. Germano
Thesis: Determinants of Paternal Involvement in Childcare in Dual-Earner Families with Preschool Children, Julie N. Jacobs
Thesis: Music Videos and Perceptions of Women, Shanda Jenkins
Thesis: Pavlivian Conditioning to Insulin-Induced Hypoglycemia as Indicated by Glycemic Response Motor Activity and Anxiety, Jermaine Dionte Jones
Dissertation: The Psychological Contract of Multiple Agency Relationships: Understanding the Attitudes and Behaviors of Contractors, Cynthia J. Maahs
Thesis: An Empirical Study of Highly Personal Topics Involved in Self-Disclosure, Alicia Monique Mathews
Thesis: Emotional Intelligence and Coping, Veena A. Nair
Dissertation: Acknowledgement Response and Interference Timing During the Processing of Voice and Datalink ATC Commands, Matthew R. Risser
Thesis: The Evaluation of Child Safety Seat Misuse and Driver Training to Increase Correct Use in a Local Community, Michelle Lynn Rose
Thesis: The Effect of Pfiesteria Toxin on General Activity and Performance on the Elevated Plus Maze in Rats, Sarah Ann Schultz
Thesis: Work-Family Conflict Among Teleworkers: Demographic Effects and Work-Related Outcomes, Katherine A. Selgrade
Thesis: A Community Assessment of Drinking and Driving Predictors: Alcohol Outlets and Socioeconomic Factors, Cynthia L. Shier
Dissertation: Creating Individual Behavior Change Through 360-Degree Feedback: A Development Pipeline Perspective, Victoria Cole Stage
Dissertation: Pilot Performance and Eye Movement Activity with Varying Levels of Display Integration in a Synthetic Vision Cockpit, Julie Michele Stark
Thesis: Substance Abuse Treatment Referrals of U.S. Navy Personnel, Robert M. Storer
Dissertation: Comparisons Among Parent Reports and Self-Reports of Sleep in ADHD and Normal School-Aged Children, Diana M. Turner-Eadie
Thesis: Childcare Arrangements as Related to Perceptions of Job Stress Work-Family Conflict and Parenting Stress, Joy B. Wright
Theses/Dissertations from 2003
Thesis: The Influence of Item Wording on Questionnaire Scale Scores, Nicole Anne Benn
Thesis: The Effects of Transformational and Transactional Leadership on Job Satisfaction Affective Commitment and Turnover Intentions Among Teleworkers, Janet L. Bryant
Dissertation: An Examination of Personality as a Predictor of Guard Behavior in a Virtual Environment, Jean M. Catanzaro
Thesis: Science Comprehension: Effects of Text Coherence and Reader Aptitudes, Kimberly G. Cottrell
Dissertation: The Contribution of Enactments to Structural Family Therapy: A Process Study, Stephanie Fellenberg
Dissertation: Examining the Equivalence of Rater Groups in 360-Degree Feedback for Use in Leadership Development, Amy Fitzgibbons
Dissertation: Identifying the Dimensions of Integrity: A Confirmatory and Discriminant Validity Analysis, Arlene Pace Green
Thesis: Parental Use of Corporal Punishment as Related to Family Environment, Psychological Well-Being, and Personality in College Students, Corrine E. Leary
Thesis: Radiation of Black Beauty: Perceptions of Self-Esteem and Self-Efficacy Based on Facial Attractiveness and Skin-Tone of African Americans, Solomon Luckett, Jr.
Dissertation: The Relationship of MMPI-A Item Effectiveness to Item Content, Diagnostic Category, and Classification Accuracy, Kathleen D. Lynch
Thesis: The Prediction of Intra-Individual Variability in the Daily Body-Image Experiences Among College Women, Susan E. Melnyk
Thesis: Self-Management and Telework: Assessing the Performance of a Remote Workforce, Michael C. Mihalecz
Dissertation: The Role of Alexithymia in Ethnic Groups on Eating-Related Attitudes and Behaviors, Lisa M. Newman
Thesis: How Individuals Understand Depression: Attributions, Stigma, and Treatment Recommendations, Erin A. Pladsen
Thesis: The Role of Field Dependence and Independence in Visual Search, Elizabeth A. Schmidt
Dissertation: Proactive Personality and the Big Five as Predictors of Motivation to Learn, Jonathan E. Turner
Thesis: Leadership Style and Performance in Telework: Examining the Influence of Trust, Rebecca D. Vandever
Theses/Dissertations from 2002
Thesis: The Relationship of Ethnicity Ethnic Identity and Problem Type to Preferences for Counselor Race in College Students: A Survey of African-American and European-American Students, Sara H. Bausch
Dissertation: Time-Based Work-Family Conflict: Myth or Reality?, Karyn H. Bernas
Thesis: Breastfeeding and the Supportive Workplace: Integration of Women's Productive and Reproductive Lives, Rebekah A. Cardenas
Thesis: The Impact of Children's Asthma on Mother's Employment, Suzanne Michele Clarke
Thesis: An Examination of the Psychosocial Functioning of Children with Drug or Alcohol Dependent Fathers, Cathy G. Cooke
Thesis: The Effects of Visual Cues and Interstimulus Interval on Error Rates in Auditory Localization and Detection, Joseph Thomas Coyne
Thesis: The Effects of Communication Modality on Teamwork Processes, Thomas D. Fletcher
Thesis: Relationship Between Behavioral Measures in a Driving Simulator and EEG Activity on Day-Shift and Night-Shift Workers, Jennifer L. Freeman
Thesis: Perceived Paternal Style and Its Relationship to the Child's Explanatory Style and Depression, Janice E. Halecki
Thesis: Predicting Team Performance Over Time: A Secondary Data Analysis, Hope S. Hanner
Dissertation: Creating Inclusive Organizations: Its Meaning and Measurement, Bryan Christopher Hayes
Thesis: The Effects of Test Validity Perceptions on Ethnic Group Differences in Cognitive Ability Test Performance, Florence R. Jinadu
Thesis: The Effect of Socioeconomic Status and Social Support on Work, Family, and Role Balance, April A. Perry
Dissertation: Depression and Social Support as Moderators of Withon-Person Relationships Between Daily Events and Daily Adjustments During Adolescence, Rebecca M. Plesko
Thesis: Academic Achievement of College Underclassmen as a Function of Student Ethnicity and Parenting Style, Meghan Marie Sabin
Thesis: Stress-Counter Response Training: Flight Simulation ANS Biofeedback, Debra K. Stewart
Thesis: A Comparison of Big-Five Personality Factors Safe Sex Behaviors and Social Desirability Using Paper-and-Pencil and Interactive-Voice-Response Surveys, J. Eric Tedford
Thesis: Differences in Perception and Number of Incidents of Sexual Harassment Among College Students in the United States and the Federal Republic of Germany, Antonia von Tobiesen
Theses/Dissertations from 2001
Thesis: Parenting Behaviors Related to Young Adult Depressive Symptomology, Rebecca D. Abramson
Thesis: Motion Perception of Angularly Expanding Stimuli Within a Presence Versus Absence Framework, Nathan R. Bailey
Dissertation: Effects of Organizational Climate, Feedback-Seeking Environment and Innovation Characteristics on the Implementation of a 360-Degree Feedback System, Simon Alan Bartle
Thesis: The Influence of Affective State and Social Loafing on Teams Over Time, Amy N. Cunningham
Thesis: An Examination of Individual Differences in Monitoring for Automation Failures, Holly DeVries
Dissertation: Perceptual Cues and Subjective Organization in a Virtual Information Workspace, Todd M. Eischeid
Thesis: The Effects of Equal Opportunity Fairness and Diversity on Work Group Efficacy, Job Satisfaction, and Organizational Commitment in the Military: A Test of Structural Invariance, Nancy P. Emery
Dissertation: Stress and Coping Experiences of Women in Transition: From Welfare to Work, William Jesse Gill
Thesis: Psychophysiological Measures and Performance Effects in an Adaptive Sustained Attention Task, Gerald Alan Hadley
Thesis: The Impact of Parental Variables on Child Behavior at Home and in the Daycare Classroom, Margaret Sue Hart
Thesis: The Effects of Cultural Values on Acceptance of Human Resource Management Decisions, Ying Liu
Dissertation: The Relationship Between Workplace Absenteeism and Alcohol Use: A Day-to-Day Examination, Susan Kay McFarlin
Thesis: Determinants of Paternal Responsibility, Engagement, Accessibility, Suzanne Mischell Nangle
Thesis: Longitudinal Analysis of Cohesion in Student Work Teams: The Efficacy of Teamwork Skills Training, Kari Rachel Strobel
Thesis: The Effects of Training in Teamwork Skills on Intact Student Teams, Lara Bryan Tedrow
Dissertation: Methods of Detecting Differential Item Functioning: A Comparison of Item Response Theory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Ratchaneewan Wanichtanom
Theses/Dissertations from 2000
Thesis: Spousal Violence Levels Among Substance-Abusing Couples After Behavioral Couples Therapy Versus Individual-Based Treatment, Shannon O'Neill Arehart
Dissertation: Increasing Readiness to Change Among Smokers in a Primary Care Setting, Sheila F. Collicott
Thesis: Factors Associated with the Occurrence and Cessation of Relational Intrusion, Leila Baldwin Dutton-Greene
Dissertation: Toward a Model of Team Situation Awareness, Alexis Anne Fink
Dissertation: Portuguese-Americans and Mental Health Treatment Client-Therapist Ethnic Match, Ethnic Identity, and Satisfaction with Treatment, Katherine B. Gamble
Thesis: The Use of a Modified Stroop Task to Assess Attentional Biasing Related to Adult Attachment Classification, Kristie L. Hebert
Dissertation: Meaning in Sexual Behavior: Associating Personal Constructs with Condom Use, David W. Indest
Thesis: The Role of Campus Surroundings in Student Retention: A Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Campus Surroundings Construct, Laura E. Kellard
Thesis: The Influence of National Culture on Crew Resource Management and Team Performance in Aircraft Accident and Incident Reports, Jenny Chia Yi Kuang
Thesis: Perceptions of Clinical Psychologists Relative to Other Mental Health Providers, Glenora Nelson
Thesis: Perceptions of Clinical Psychologists Relative to Other Mental Health Providers, Glenora Nelson
Thesis: Arousal, Goal Commitment, Goal Difficulty, and Performance, Monica Ann Rickard
Thesis: Behavioral Couples Therapy for Female Substance-Abusing Patients: Effects on Relationship Adjustment and Drug-Using Behavior, Jamie J. Winters
Theses/Dissertations from 1999
Thesis: Marital Decision Making Scale: Psychometric Properties, Kathy Szynklewski Babel
Dissertation: Transgenerational Attachment, Life Stress, and the Development of Disruptive Behavior in Preschool Children, Mary Jane Call
Dissertation: An Analysis of Two Forms of Self-Defense Training and Their Impact on Women's Sense of Personal Safety Self-Efficacy, Darcy Shannon Cox
Dissertation: Use of Selected MMPI-A Factors in the Prediction of Clinical Outcomes in a Community-Based Treatment Program for Juvenile Sexual Offenders, Linda Marks Hunter
Dissertation: The Application of Role Theory to the Sexual Harassment Paradigm: A Policy Capturing Approach, Lora L. Jacobi
Thesis: The Influence of Fathering on Child Outcomes, Judith Joye Lehman
Dissertation: Fairness in Chinese Organizations, Kai-Guang Liang
Dissertation: Perceptions of Childhood Relation with Parents Related to Current Functioning, Peter O. Lielbriedis
Thesis: The Effects of Task Demand and Knowledge of Results on Operator Engagement and Vigilance Performance Moderation with a Biocybernetic System, Jamie Lynn LoVerde
Dissertation: African American Community Mental Health Center Service Utilization: A Test of the Cultural Compatibility Hypothesis, Alicia Michelle Marsh
Thesis: The Relationship Between Workplace Aggression and Alcohol Use: A National Survey, Susan Kay McFarlin
Dissertation: Work-Life Role Integration: A Construct Validation Study, Tonya Alicia Miller
Dissertation: The Effects of Group Counseling on the Self-Esteem, Anxiety, and Behavior of Children with Deployed Parents, Nancy Taylor Mitchum
Dissertation: Needle Localization for Breast Biopsy: The Patient's Experience, Marian De Walt Morgan
Thesis: Do You See What I See?: A Study of Actual and Perceived Physical Appearance Attitudes in Romantic Relationships, Laura Catherine Rieves
Thesis: The Physical Attractiveness of One's Rival: A Self- Evaluation Maintenance Perspective, Robin Elizabeth Roy
Thesis: Traning Strategy Use and its Effects on Working Memory Capacity, Jennifer Lynn Scott
Thesis: Behavioral and Subjective Measures of Mental Fatigue and Workload: Examining Allocation of Effort During Extended Multiple Task Performance, Julie Michele Stark
Theses/Dissertations from 1998
Dissertation: Analyzing the Effects of Display Characteristics and Cognitive Variables on Performance Using Keystroke and Eye Movement Data, Orhan E. Beckman