All ODU theses and dissertations since Fall 2016 are available in this collection. Backfiles to 1976 of dissertations (and some theses) have also been added.
To browse dissertations and theses by academic department or program, please go to the Research by College, Department, Center page.
At some point, backfiles for all master's theses will be scanned and added. In the meantime, consult the library guide for "Dissertations & Theses" to find older items in print.
See the Graduate School site for information on submitting your ETD.
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Thesis: Effect of Lunar Magnetic Field and Lunar Regolith Simulant on the Growth and Bioactive Compounds Production of Chlorella Vulgaris Microalgae, Jeries Philip Butros Abedrabbo
Dissertation: On Weighted Sequence Spaces, Gilbert D. Acheampong
Dissertation: Examining the Role of Access to Capital, Social Capital Networks, and Education in Supporting Black Founders and Investors in Technology-Based Entrepreneurship, Akosua Acheamponmaa
Thesis: Machine Learning and Simulation Techniques for Detecting Buoys from LiDAR Data, Christopher Adolphi
Dissertation: Thermo-Elasto-Plastic Stability of Biaxially Loaded Hollow Rectangular Section Steel Beam-Columns with Applied Torsion, George Adomako Kumi
Thesis: Reliability of Popliteal Artery Flow-Mediated Dilation in the Seated Position, Taskina Akhter
Dissertation: Use of Cobalt(III) and Copper(II) Complexes With Thiosemicarbazone Ligands and Berberine Chloride as Anti-Cancer Agents Against Triple Negative Breast Cancer, Duaa Rashad Alajroush
Dissertation: Adopt: An Environmentally-Friendly System for Alerting Drivers to Occluded Pedestrians Traffic, Abrar Abdulrahman Alali
Dissertation: Leveraging Blockchain for Trust Enhancement in Decentralized Marketplaces: A Reputation System Perspective, Meshari Mohammd Aljohani
Dissertation: An Integrated Theoretical Socio-Technical Framework for Implementing Service Robots’ Integration in Healthcare, Sujatha Alla
Thesis: Effects of Simultaneous Alarms on Resolution Heuristics, Amanda C. Allen
Dissertation: Intersectional Cultural Identities Among First-Generation College Students: From a Deficit to Asset Perspective, Kelsie K. Allison
Dissertation: Contemporary Caribbean-American Literature: Identity Struggle for Caribbean Diasporic Subjects in American Racial and Cultural Contexts, Samirah Munahi Almutairi
Dissertation: Navigating Foreign Language Anxiety in Saudi Classrooms: Examining Classroom Environment, Teacher Strategies, and Learner Perspectives, Amal Obaid Alnefaie
Dissertation: Real-Time Navigation System for Breast Cancer Surgery with Pre- and Intra-Operative Imaging Using Neural Networks, Motaz Alqaoud
Dissertation: Modeling the Impact of Connected and Automated Vehicles on Driving Behaviors and Safety: A Driving Simulator Study, Abdalziz Alruwaili
Dissertation: Refinement of AlphaFold-Predicted Models Using Cryo-EM Density Maps and Enhancement of Protein Secondary Structure Topologies With Residue Contacts, Maytha Naif Alshammari
Thesis: Stability and Strength of Glass FRP Beam-Columns with Biaxial Bending and Torsion Including Shear and Warping Deformations, Emad M. Amin
Dissertation: Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopic Detection of Volatile Organic Compounds With Zinc Oxide and Metal-Organic Frameworks as Solid-State Sensor Materials, Papa Kojo Amoah
Dissertation: Two Essays on Labor Heterogeneity, Enxi An
Dissertation: Gender Measurement Invariance of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory - Adolescent - Restructured Form (MMPI-A-RF) Internalizing and Externalizing Specific Problem Scales, Thomas Jay Augustin
Thesis: Inelastic Dynamic Response of Two-Story Steel Frame Under Single and Dual Blast Loading, Jack Austin
Thesis: Prisons of the Imagination: Carceral Ideology and Race in Science Fiction, Daniel Allen Avant Blachman
Dissertation: Dynamic Soil-Structure Response and Failure of Wood Utility Poles Under Hurricane-Force Wind and Non-Linear Cable Loads, Ramani Ayakannu
Thesis: Maladaptive Social Media Use Motives, Emotional Well-Being, and Drinking Behaviors Among College Students, Rachel Ayala Guzman
Dissertation: Testing a Model of Ethnic/Racial Discrimination, Ethnic Identity, and Adult Attachment in College Students, Kenneth L. Ayers
Thesis: The Years of Embers in Mauritania: Ethnicity and Narratives, Hawa Saidou Barane Ba
Dissertation: Crisis in the Coalfields: State/Corporate Violence, Historical Trauma, & Concentrated Substance Misuse and Harm, Brooke Baker
Dissertation: Examining the Physical Activity Experiences of Blind and Visually Impaired Women, Lindsay E. Ball
Dissertation: The Volleyball Attack: Training, Kinematics, and the Role of the Torso, Kiara Baeleah Barrett
Dissertation: Appalachia in the Anthropocene: An Approach to Understanding Neo Appalachian Narratives as an Affective Ecology, Rachel Michel Bates
Dissertation: Decriminalizing Academia: Black First-Generation Community College Students in Unsatisfactory Academic Standing, Gerome Maurice Bell, Jr.
Dissertation: The Impact of Guided Notes Intervention on Learning Achievement, Quality of Notes, and Perception, Bryan Richard Biggers
Dissertation: Legitimacy at Sea: Expanding Considerations of Sea Control, Ian Birdwell
Dissertation: Intercellular Mitochondrial Transfer Contributes to Microenvironmental Fate Redirection of Mammary Cancer Cells, Julie Sofie Bjerring
Dissertation: Differential Effects of Physical Activity on Social Interactions of Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Christianna Blanchard-Alworth
Dissertation: A Graceful Pedagogy: An Approach to Academic Advising Diffracted Through Love for Equitable Support of Students Identifying as Black and Male at Two-Year Community Colleges, Ian Kelso Bodkin
Thesis: Public Service Motivation and Volunteer Firefighters in Rural Environments, Terina Chapin Brooms
Thesis: Days of a Daughter, Rebekah Marie Broussard
Dissertation: Online Learning as a Tool for Accessibility for Autistic Higher Education Students, Keirnan E. Brown
Dissertation: Hydrogen Sulfide as a Strong Ligand Affecting Trace Metal Cycling in the Pacific and Southern Oceans, Nicole R. Buckley
Dissertation: Workforce Education and Labor Market Demands for North Carolina Community Colleges, Christina Anne Bunch
Thesis: Study of Atypical Alarmone Synthesis in Clostridioides difficile, Declan Nathaniel Butler
Dissertation: Developing Intercultural Competence and Cultural Capital: Applying Virtual Reality to Study Abroad Pedagogy, Jenifer Butler
Dissertation: Simulating the Compound Impacts of Climate Change and Sea-Level Rise on Coastal Shallow Groundwater Using an Integrated Surface-Subsurface Hydrologic Model, Zhaoyi Cai
Dissertation: Quasi-Static and Impact Load Response of BFRP-Reinforced Concrete Beams and Post-Terrorist-Attack Sub-Assemblages, José Luis Carrasquillo
Dissertation: Coherent Backscattering Under Conditions of Electromagnetically Induced Transparency in Ultracold Rubidium, Joshua D. Carter
Dissertation: Occupational Stress and Coping During a Public Health Emergency: A Mixed-Methods Approach to Understand the Experiences of Lactation Professionals in Clinical Settings, Mya Michele Carter
Dissertation: A Theoretical Framework for Resilience in Complex System Governance (CSG), Susan A. Caskey
Dissertation: The Phenomenology of Experiencing Critical Thinking in Vocational Higher Education, Sean Castleberry
Thesis: The Khronicon Part One: A Child of the Sancti, Richard Gerard Catoire
Thesis: Optical Investigation of a Low-Pressure Plasma in a Superconducting Radio-Frequency Cavity, Zachary A. Caudell
Dissertation: Pulsed Electric Fields Sensitize Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus to Antibacterial Therapies and Stimulate Host Immune Responses, Alexandra E. Chittams-Miles
Dissertation: ETDSuite: A Toolkit to Mine Electronic Theses and Dissertations to Enrich Scholarly Big Data Using Natural Language Processing and Computer Vision, Muntabir Hasan Choudhury
Dissertation: Effects of Balance Training on Spinal Reflexive Excitability Modulation, Corticospinal Excitability, and Balance Performance in Individuals with Chronic Ankle Instability, Sunghoon Chung
Dissertation: Understanding the Impact of Emergent Conflict on Communication and Team Cognition: A Multilevel Study in Engineering Teams, Francisco Cima
Dissertation: "Every Direction We Turn, It’s a Wall”: North Carolina School Counselors and Their Advocacy and Support for Undocumented Students’ Access to Higher Education, Wendy Eberhart Cook
Thesis: The Effects of Carbon Choice & Nitrate Loading on IFAS Partial Denitrification/Anammox Processes, Lawrence Cornelius
Dissertation: Error and Correction Analysis for the FFA@CEBAF Energy Upgrade, Alexander Mattison Coxe
Dissertation: A Systems Theory-Based Framework for Uncertainty in Complex System Governance, Teresa Anne Crater
Dissertation: Medical Practice as Rhetorical Art Functional Medicine’s Therapeutic Partnership, Cristina Elena De León-Menjivar
Thesis: First Through the Black Glass Ceiling: Towards Understanding the Communication of Successful “First” Black Women of Martinsville, Dasha L. Dillard
Dissertation: The Lived Experiences of Counselors-in-Training Completing Practicum and Internship During COVID-19, Shelby Lauren Dillingham
Dissertation: A Quantitative Study Assessing the Impact of Financial Sector Safeguards Rules on US Publicly Traded Companies' Cybersecurity Breach Frequency and Severity, Alan Dinerman
Dissertation: Spectroscopy of Atmospheres, Randika Dodangodage
Thesis: Space Junk, Bridget Megan Dolan
Thesis: Prevalence of Sexuality Implicit Bias in Entry-Level Dental Hygiene Students – A Pilot Study, Monica Mercedez Drew
Dissertation: A Self Consistent 2D Simulation of Coherent Synchrotron Radiation Effects on Beam Dynamics, Dallan Duffin
Dissertation: Stakeholders From Multiple Sectors Views and Policy Approaches to Marine Debris Removal: A Qualitative Case Study of Virginia's Elizabeth River, Robin Rene’ Dunbar
Thesis: A Dendrochronological Analysis of Longleaf and Associated Pines From the Blackwater Ecological Preserve in Southeastern Virginia, Sarah Durham
Dissertation: An Agent-Based Approach for Designing a Sustainable Supplier Selection in Stochastic Environment: A Simulation Study, Sheida Etemadidavan
Dissertation: A Study on the Use of Reflective Writing Assessments to Indicate the Level of Knowledge College Industrial Technology Students Possess Related to the Three Elements of Technological and Engineering Literacy, William Domenick Euefueno
Dissertation: Scaled and Graduated Learning in Deep RELU Networks and Reconstructing Depp Inelastic Scattering Kinematics, Abdullah Ayar Farhat
Dissertation: A Microservices Approach to Electroencephalography Research in the Public Cloud, Bathsheba Farrow
Dissertation: A Trustworthy Self-Sovereign Data and Identity Management Framework, Efat Fathalla
Dissertation: Cultivating Self-Knowledge in the Writing Classroom: A Study of Contemplative Pedagogy, Jared Featherstone
Dissertation: Effects of Ordered Eating on Various Postprandial Measures, Brian K. Ferguson
Dissertation: A Review of Secondary Technology Education Teacher Needs in Virginia, M. Kathleen Ferguson
Thesis: Journalist Unplugged, Venisa J. Fields
Dissertation: 3/5ths of Freedom: The Analysis of {With} Black Individuals in Higher Education and Navigating Society Post-Justice-Involvement, Gabrielle Sarah Smith Finnie
Dissertation: Considerations for Walking Adaptive Devices Used by the Older Adult Population for Functional Mobility, Amanda Beth Firoved
Dissertation: Measuring CLAS12 d(e, e′Π±) Cross Sections For e4nu, Caleb Fogler
Thesis: Surfacing Text Changes in Archived Webpages, Lesley Frew
Thesis: Hydrologic Modeling of the Lower Chesapeake Bay Watershed Using HECC-HMS with Implications for Future Coupled Coastal Modeling, Christopher Leonard Frost
Thesis: Associations Between Combat Exposure, Moral Injury, and Suicidality Among U.S. Military Members: The Moderating Impact of Positive Rumination, Jeffrey M. Gabelmann
Dissertation: Maneuverability of Cuttlefish and Squid: An Integrated Kinematic and Hydrodynamic Analysis, Alissa Marie Ganley
Dissertation: Unveiling Resilience and Motivation through Testimonios: Exploring the Influence of TRIO Student Services on Motivation and College Completion, Emily Leonard Garrison
Dissertation: “[T]he Observance of Trifles": Mapping Imperial Assemblages in Nineteenth-Century British Serialized Crime Fiction, Dana Joy Gavin
Thesis: Young Driver Training and Socioeconomic Status: A Human-in-the-Loop Driving Simulator Evaluation, Jeffrey Edward Glassman
Dissertation: Climbing the Academic Ladder While Black: Exploring the Experiences of Institutional Belongingness for Black Counselor Education and Supervision Doctoral Students at Predominantly White Institutions, Jasmine Alicia Hawa Griffith
Dissertation: Explainable Artificial Intelligence: Methods and Evaluation, Gayane Grigoryan
Thesis: The Effects of Covid-19 Stressors and Supervisor Support on Emotional Exhaustion and Work Engagement, Meiqiao Gu
Dissertation: Accelerating the Efficiency of Multiscale Hybridizable Discontinuos Galerkin Methods for Flows in Heterogeneous Media, Tony Charles Haines
Dissertation: What's the Cost?: A Phenomenological Study of Black Male Teachers' Persistence, Kendra Yvonne Hall
Dissertation: Understanding the Role of Adverse Childhood Experiences on Resilience in Police Officers, Wayne F. Handley
Dissertation: Zero Dynamics Attacks on Unknown Bilinear Systems: Vulnerability and Detection, Mohammad Aminul Haq
Thesis: More Than Representation Heartstopper: A Multimodal Critical Discourse Analysis, Tracyann Josephine Harmer
Thesis: Coming Home Again: Television Sitcom Revivals, Brandon K. Hedgepeth
Dissertation: The Role of Policy Entrepreneurs in Understanding Oral Health Care Policy: A Case Study Approach Analyzing Multiple Streams Framework in NC Oral Health Policy, Lori Gordon Hendrick
Dissertation: An Examination of the Perceptions of Campus Safety Among Full-Time Faculty at Virginia Community Colleges, Hailey Ann Hermosa