All ODU theses and dissertations since Fall 2016 are available in this collection. Backfiles to 1976 of dissertations (and some theses) have also been added.
To browse dissertations and theses by academic department or program, please go to the Research by College, Department, Center page.
At some point, backfiles for all master's theses will be scanned and added. In the meantime, consult the library guide for "Dissertations & Theses" to find older items in print.
See the Graduate School site for information on submitting your ETD.
Theses/Dissertations from 1983
Thesis: The Development of Learned Helplessness in Retarded and Non-Retarded Children, Jennifer Miller Schwartz
Dissertation: Employee Perceptions of Performance Appraisal Systems: Causal Determinants of Fairness, Accuracy, and Acceptability, Michael Dale Secunda
Dissertation: Implementation Evaluation of a Social Detoxification Program, Thomas M. Slaven
Thesis: Kuropatkin in Manchuria, Merlin Van Statzer
Thesis: Evaluating the Effects of Alum with Polyelectrolyte Coagulant Aids in Treatment of Low Turbidity Waters, Kenneth John Stockwell
Dissertation: On the Space Shuttle Wing Thermal-Structural Analysis, Kumar Krishna Tamma
Thesis: Stress Appraisals and Performance in an Academic Setting, Michele Terranova
Dissertation: Close-Coupling Calculations for NaAr, NaNe, and NaHe, Linda Lindroth Vahala
Thesis: Registered Nurses' Ability to Discriminate Similar Human Need Fulfillment Alterations Specific to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and to Diabetes Mellitus, Kathleen Bowen Waite
Thesis: Collision-Induced Bands of Lithium-Rare Gas Molecules, Wen Jong Wang
Thesis: The Effects of Varying Doses of Orally Ingested Bee Pollen Extract Upon Total Exercise Time to Exhaustion Performance Recovery and Ratings of Perceived Exertion, Michael Lee Woodhouse
Theses/Dissertations from 1982
Thesis: The Evening Parade A History of the Marine Corps' Most famous Ceremony, John H. Admire
Thesis: An Approach for Including Reliability in Control System Designs, Ime Isaac Akpan
Thesis: An Analysis of a Sample of Parents and University Freshmen in Regard to Their Attitudes Toward the Needs of Sex Education in Community Schools, Linda C. Aleksa
Thesis: A Laboratory Study of Nongenetic Embryonic Adaptation to Salinity and Its Subsequent Effects Upon Larval Development of the Grass Shrimp Palaemonetes pugio Holthius, Paul Jay Anninos
Thesis: Some Effects of the Polychaete Nereis Succinea Frey and Leukart 1847 on the Distribution of Copper Cadmium and Zinc in Sediments and Water, Gabriela Kitzig August
Thesis: Variation in Leaf Macronutrients of Overstory Trees as Influenced by Species Season and Soil Type in the Great Dismal Swamp of Virginia, Bruce J. Bandle
Thesis: Old Dominion University Master of Science in Dental Hygiene Degree Program: Graduate and Employer Survey, Deborah Blythe Bauman
Thesis: Children's Representation of Spatial Information, Rebecca L. Beard
Thesis: The Effects of Exercise on Women's Self-Esteem, Wendy Laurie Biddle
Thesis: Client Acceptance of the Role of the Nurse Practitioner, Mary Elizabeth Butt
Thesis: Dental Hygiene Students' Perceptions About the Behavioral Characteristics of the Effective Clinical Teacher, Frances Gaby Carson
Thesis: Influence of Touch and Preferences for Control on Visual Behavior, Teresa Whitehurst Caudill
Thesis: An Analysis of the Relationships Between Environmental Stimuli Personality Variables and Levels of Burnout in Intensive Care Nurses, Catherine Via Cauthorne
Thesis: Application of Least-Squares Method to the Determination of Orthotropic Elastic and Photoelastic Constants, R. G. Chermahini
Thesis: Development of a Procedure for Analysis of High Density Lipoprotein Subclasses, Chan Chin
Thesis: An Ecological Study of the Troglobitic Cirolanid Isopod Antrolana lira Bowman from Madisons Saltpetre Cave and Stegers Fissure, Augusta Co., Virginia, T. Lynn Collins
Dissertation: Electroimmunoassay a New Competitive Protein Binding Assay Using Antibody Selective Electrodes, George Raymond Connell
Thesis: Electroimmunoassay: A New Competitive Protein Binding Assay Using Antibody Selective Electrodes, George Raymond Connell
Thesis: Forgotten Campaign: The Siege of Suffolk, April 11 - May 4, 1863, Steven A. Cormier
Thesis: Charles M. Davies (1828-1910): Cleric, Writer, Educator, Spiritualist, Thomas M. Costa
Thesis: Determining the Uptake and Possible Assimilation of the Plant Component of Spartina Detritus by Palaemonetes Pugio Using a Rapid Radiolabeling Method, Michael Peter Crosby
Dissertation: Improved Finite Element Methodology for Integrated Thermal-Structural Analysis, Pramote Dechaumphai
Thesis: Food Habits and Ecology of Beavers in Southeastern Virginia, John Lennox Echternach Jr.
Thesis: Victim-Defendant Relationship and Juror Attitudes Towards Rape as Mediators of Attribution of Responsibility for Rape, Robert L. Fauber Jr.
Thesis: Absorption Coefficients of Ozone at Low Temperature in the Visible Region, Hessameddin Ghiassi
Thesis: Speech Spectral Modeling and Speech Synthesis Using Finite Impulse Response Digital Filters, Paul Edward Gordy
Thesis: Aseptic Techniques Currently Used in Dental Hygiene Clinics Within Accredited Dental Hygiene Programs, Jan Shaner Greenlee
Thesis: Pedodontists' Attitudes Toward Pit and Fissure Sealants as a Preventative Oral Service, Kathern Rheanice Hamlin
Dissertation: Improving the Accuracy of Performance Evaluations: A Comparison of Three Methods of Performance Appraiser Training, Jerry Willard Hedge
Thesis: Comparison of Steady-State Pipe Network Computer Programs, Michael Bernice Holloway
Thesis: The Relationship Between Job Characteristics and Job Satisfaction for Engineers and Engineering Students, Sherry L. Hoy
Thesis: Ortho Cyclization Reactions of Catecholamines, Robert Lee Hudkins
Thesis: The Effects of Naloxone and Interstimulation Interval on Post-Ictal Depression in Kindled Seizures, Michael Frederick Jarvis
Thesis: Stratigraphy and Depositional Environments of a Late Pleistocene Barrier Island Complex, Southeastern Virginia, Alan K. Jasper
Dissertation: A Comparison of Recruitment Strategies Among Brachyuran Crustacean Megalopae of the York River, Lower Chesapeake Bay and Adjacent Shelf Waters, David Franklin Johnson
Thesis: Burnout Among Elementary and Secondary Special Education Teachers in Self-Contained and Resource Classrooms, Pamela Knox Jones
Thesis: The Effects of Varying Fresh Water Discharge on Dispersion in an Estuarine Hydraulic Model of the Lafayette River, Norfolk, Virginia, Michael J. Jugan
Thesis: Factors Effecting Phytoplankton Assemblages in the Lafayette River Estuary, Laurie Ann Kalenak
Dissertation: Causal Modeling of Organizational Commitment, Karin E. Klenke-Hamel
Thesis: Interaction of a Two-Dimensional Transverse Jet with a Supersonic Mainstream, Gilbert Otto Kraemer
Thesis: The Effects of Dredged Material (Suspended Solid Phase) on the Hatching Success of Spot Eggs (Leiostomus xanturus), Meryl A. Masters
Thesis: An Attributional Analysis of the Expectancy Component of Motivation Theory, John Edward Mathieu
Thesis: Environmental Influence on the Migratory Behavior of the Brown Shrimp in Pamlico Sound North Carolina, Michael Andrew Matylewich
Thesis: Morphological Variation of the Foraminifer Elphidium excavatum (Terquem) on Crumps Bank and Willoughby Bank, Chesapeake Bay, Virginia, Pamela Kay Painter
Thesis: The 1969 Democratic Party Gubernatorial Primary: A Watershed in Virginia Political History, Patrick Anthony Parr
Thesis: Examination of the Self-Starvation Phenomenon, Elizabeth Woodard Pitts
Thesis: Myology and Osteology of Lupinoblennius Herre (Pisces: Blenniidae, William A. Roumillat
Thesis: A Structural Analysis of Phytoplankton in the Chesapeake Bay Plume and Adjacent Shelf Waters, Charles K. Rutledge
Thesis: Kazakh Nationalism in the Gorbachev Era, Steven O'Neal Sabol
Thesis: The Influence of Lamaze Classes and Delivery Room Presence on Paternal Attachment Behavior, Cherie Sammis-Gonzales
Thesis: The Historical Development of the Radical Anabaptist Movement, 1525-1535, Ronald Edward Sawyer
Thesis: Measuring Interpersonal Dependency in Adolescent Psychiatric Inpatients, Susan D. Schaffer
Thesis: The William H. Sheppard African Art Collection at Hampton Institute, Richard A. Singletary
Thesis: Isomers of 5.8S Ribosomal RNA, David Smith
Thesis: Modeling Charge Diffusion from Proton-Induced Ionization Tracks in Silicon Photodiode Arrays, Lee Cole Smith
Thesis: A Comparative Analysis of Factors Influencing Registered Nurse Retention and Turnover Below the Head Nurse Level in Acute Care Hospitals, Jean M. Snyder
Thesis: Feeding Behavior of Three Species of Spionid Polychaetes, Thomas Lane Stokes Jr.
Thesis: Effects of Aperiodic Noise on Serial Reaction: A Study of the Range and Consistency of Individual Differences with Repeated Measures, Stephen Victor Strunk
Dissertation: The Marine Geochemistry of Selenium, Kazufumi Takayanagi
Thesis: The Effects of Rater-Ratee Discrepancies and Interview Processes on Appraisal Effectiveness, Scott I. Tannenbaum
Thesis: A Capacitance Wavestaff and Measurements of Wave Height Decay in the Surf Zone, David L. Timpy
Thesis: The Regioselective 3-Alkylation of Piperidine, Richard Dunn Todd
Thesis: The Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Hydrocarbons in Atmospheric Deposition From Stations Surrounding Lower Chesapeake Bay, David Benjamin Webber
Thesis: The Effects of Salinity on Growth and Survival of the Blue Tilapia Oreochromis aureus (Steindachner) (Pisces Cichlidae), Maylon Lowell White Jr.
Thesis: The Effects of Kepone on the Estuarine Copepod Acartia tonsa, Judith Marie Wilson
Thesis: The Effects of Task Experience, Goal Setting, and Knowledge of Results on Performance and Task-Goal Attributes, Edward Scott Wright
Thesis: Analysis of Organic N-Chloramines in Chlorinated Drinking Water, John Po Wen Yang
Thesis: Emancipation & Renewal: English Catholicism in the Nineteenth Century, Cheryl E. Yielding
Thesis: Analysis of Heavy Minerals in Arenaceous Lutites From the Northern Canada Basin, Arctic Ocean, Kim Zauderer
Theses/Dissertations from 1981
Thesis: Algal Dynamics in a Cypress Stand in the Seasonally Flooded Great Dismal Swamp, Joseph A. Atchue III
Dissertation: Effects of Multiple Scattering and Surface Albedo on the Photochemistry of the Troposphere, Tommy Reinhold Robert Augustsson
Thesis: A Quantitative Description of Migratory Behavior of the Brown Shrimp (Penaeus aztecus) with Applications in Fisheries Management, Anne Madolyn Babcock
Thesis: The Relationship of Cognitive Complexity-Simplicity to Occupational Role Perception, Raymond Boetcher
Thesis: Chemistry of Organic N-Chloramines, Formation of Arenesulfonamides by Derivatization of Organic N-Chloramine with Sodium Arenesulfinate, Katherine F. Bowdring
Thesis: Characteristics of Sediment Transport in Overwash Surges, Paul Richardson Bowen
Thesis: Analysis of Aerothermodynamic Environment of a Titan Aerocapture Vehicle, Hsing Chow
Thesis: Experimental Investigation of a Rectangular Surface Thermal Plume, Li-Cheng Chu
Thesis: The Seasonality of Occurrence of Larval and Juvenile Sciaenids in a Virginia Seaside Estuary, James Howard Cowan Jr.
Thesis: A Technique for the Isolation and Identification of Aliphatic Amines in Water, Peter Alan Drew
Thesis: Mining the Deep Seabed Implications for International Law and American Foreign Policy, Steven H. Fitzgerald
Thesis: Incorporation of Carbon-14 Metabolites into the Sex Pheromon 26-Dichlorophenol of Dermacentor andersoni Stiles; and the Disruption of Pheromone Activity in D. andersoni and D. variabilis (SAY) by Quinones, Daniel Martin Gainsburg
Thesis: In Vitro Enzymatic Assay of RNA Methylation, Pamela Jean Eubanks Gallup
Dissertation: A Method of Modeling Multirate Two-Dimensional Recursive Digital Filters Author, Albert P. Gerheim
Dissertation: Sound Absorption in N2-H2O Gas Mixtures at Room Temperature and Low Frequency/Pressure Ratios, William Axam Griffin
Thesis: Photoelastic Investigation of Load Transfer in Eccentrically Loaded Single Lap Joints, Stephen Antrim Hann
Thesis: Fine Structure of the Nucleus and Cytoplasmic Feulgen-Positive Areas in the Developing Oocyte of Argus (Persicargas) radiatus, Bonnie J. Harding
Thesis: Growth and Recruitment of Two Penaeids in the Bay of St. Louis, Mississippi During 1979, Teresa C. Heaton
Thesis: The Effects of Copper on Skeletonema Costatum (Greville) Cleve, Susanne Sybille Jackman
Thesis: High Performance Liquid Chromatographic Analysis of Biogenic Amines, Thais Edwina Ahrendt Keegan