All ODU theses and dissertations since Fall 2016 are available in this collection. Backfiles to 1976 of dissertations (and some theses) have also been added.
To browse dissertations and theses by academic department or program, please go to the Research by College, Department, Center page.
At some point, backfiles for all master's theses will be scanned and added. In the meantime, consult the library guide for "Dissertations & Theses" to find older items in print.
See the Graduate School site for information on submitting your ETD.
Theses/Dissertations from 1986
Thesis: Benthic Foraminifera and Paleoenvironments of the Arcola Limestone Member Mooreville Formation (Campanian) in Eastern Mississippi and Western Alabama, Julia K. Palmer
Thesis: Confederate Leather Supply: Industrial Improvisation in the Confederacy, James E. Parker III
Thesis: Cognitive Influences on Flavor Discrimination: Training Novices For Beer Flavor Differentiation, Rosalynn M. Peron
Thesis: Clinical Effectiveness of ListerineR and ViadentR Mouthrinses on Bacterial Plaque and Gingivitis, Debra Pizzola Powell
Thesis: Pregravid Weight, Prenatal Weight Gain and Maternal Age as Risk Factors in Pregnancy-Induced Hypertension Development, Maryellen C. Remich
Thesis: The Status of Co-Recreational Intramural Sports in 1984 at American Colleges and Universities, Thomas M. Roberts
Thesis: The Effects of Luteinizing Hormone and Adenosine 3',5'-Cyclic Monophosphate on Phospholipid Metabolism by Luteal Mitochondria, Jim John Sadighian
Thesis: Investigation of Nickle as a Matrix Modifier in the Atomic Absorption Analysis of Tin, Charles William Saunders
Thesis: A Frequency Domain Digital Signal Processor for Laser Velocimeter Systems, Andreas Evangelos Savvakis
Thesis: Frances E. Willard's Southern Tours for Temperance: 1881-1883, Charles Jeffrey Shelton
Thesis: Bark or Bite Perspectives on Economic Sanctions for Foreign Policy Objectives, Rodney W. Skotty
Thesis: The Effect of Pre-Sterile Medium PH Photoperiod and N6-(2-Isopentenyl)-Adenine (2IP) on Shoot Production During Stage II Micropropagation of Rhododendrons, Lori Longo Smith
Thesis: Use of Two Data Collection Strategies to Evaluate Stressors and Coping in Spouses of Patients Sustaining a Myocardial Infarction, Pamalla Manz Stockho
Dissertation: Estimating the Utility of Job Performance the Influence of the Delphi Technique and Behavioral Examples on Supervisors' Estimates, Scott I. Tannenbaum
Dissertation: A Study of the Effectiveness of Developmental Reading and Writing Courses at Old Dominion University, Jimi Thomas-Muskovac
Thesis: Symbol of American Discontent: The Selective Service During the Vietnam War, Jean B. Todd
Thesis: Speech Anxiety as a Self-Handicapping Strategy, Gerald Macon Travis
Dissertation: Investigation of Vscous/Inviscid Interaction in Transonic Flow Over Airfoils With Suction, Chadra S. Vemuru
Thesis: Geometric Photoisomer Investigation of Bilirubin (Z,Z)-IXα, Robert Howe Walker III
Thesis: A Study of Federalist Motivation in the Virginia Ratifying Convention of 1788, Rosemarie Yoder
Thesis: Wind Streamline Ambiguity Removal of Microwave Scatterometer Data, Hans W. Zaepfel
Theses/Dissertations from 1985
Thesis: Long-Term System Performance of a Direct Expansion Solar Assisted Heat Pump, Majid Abazeri
Thesis: Controlling the Big Stick: The United States Navy and the Cuban Intervention of September 1906, Christopher A. Abel
Thesis: Removing Fluoride from Drinking Water By Organic Polymers, Eleni Davou Achilleos
Thesis: Feasibility Studies of Conversion Electron Mossbauer Spectroscopy (CEMS) of Iron-Doped InP, Edward Agyekum
Thesis: Lineament Analysis and Tectonic Interpretation for the Central Tharsis Region, Mars, Robert C. Anderson
Thesis: Effects of Ethanol on Stimulus Properties of D-Amphetamine, Michaela Arango
Dissertation: Unsteady Transonic Flow Over Slender Bodies, Cevdet Aydun
Thesis: Fluvial Depositional Processes of a Tropical River, Colombia, South America, Michael L. Babuin
Thesis: The Short Term Effect of a Dental Health Fair on Children's Attitudes Toward Plaque Control, Fluorides, Nutrition, and Receiving Dental Treatment, Sue Nell Bethea
Thesis: Acetylcholinesterase in the Neonatal Rat Brain: The Effects of Prenatal Ethanol Exposure, Linda M. Boland
Thesis: The Role of the Nurse Middle Manager in a Military Health Care Setting, Terry Brown
Thesis: The American-British Alliance of World War II and the Debate Over European Strategy, Emory Allen Burton
Thesis: The Effect of Intuition on Creativity as Discussed by Several Individuals of Creative Genius, Mary Jean Campbell
Thesis: The Relationship Between Response Variability and Interview Contrast Effects, Salvatore John Cesare
Thesis: The Ellet Family and Riverine Warfare in the West--1861-1865, Jesse L. Chapman
Thesis: Design of a Modulation System Simulator, Vincent Carl Dale
Thesis: A Geophysical Model of the Gravity-Magnetic High, Virginia Coastal Plan, Gordon Everett Davison
Thesis: Determination of Total and Unfilterable Plasma Aluminum in Uremic Patients, Theodore R. Delbridge
Thesis: An Investigation to Improve Linear Predictive Vocoder Pulse/Noise Excitation Models, Elizabeth Annella Martina Effer
Dissertation: An Evaluation of Education Programs for Pregnant Teens in Three Selected Urban Virginia Communities, Susan K. Eilberg
Thesis: The Relationship Between Habitat Structure and Small Mammal Communities in Southeastern Virginia and Northeastern North Carolina, Roger Keith Everton
Thesis: The Direct Summation of Totally Self-Checking Checkers, Stefean Andrew Fedyschyn
Thesis: High Performance Switching Circuits for VLSI, Ali Reza Feizi
Thesis: Absorption Cross-Sections of Sodium Diatomic Molecules, Zeng-Shevan Fong
Thesis: Solar-Assisted Heat Pumps for Low-Temperature Industrial Process Heat Applications, Kamran Fouladi-Semnani
Thesis: Selecting Non-Point Source Pollution Treatment Practices Using Linear Optimization, John Gardy Garland III
Thesis: Depositional Model for the Auriferous Gravels in the Payan Mining District Department of Narino, Columbia, South America, Jim R. Garrett
Thesis: Small Farmers' Cooperatives in Brazil, 1964-1984 Reasons for Success or Failure, Henry H. Gerber
Thesis: Portrait of the Scientific Journals in Germany: 1930-1936, Paul Eugene Gesling Jr.
Thesis: Foraminiferal Paleoenvironments of the Eastover Formation (Upper Miocene Virginia), JoAnn H. Goshorn
Dissertation: Laity Expectations of Ministers in the Black Urban Church: A Study of Political and Social Expectations in the Context of Ministry to Community and World, James Henry Harris
Thesis: The Apparent Dissociation Constants of Carbonic Acid in Low Salinity Waters, Ching-Hui Hsu
Thesis: Development of an On-Line Computer System for Cyclic Voltammetry Studies, Tai-Lee Leo Huo
Dissertation: Minimal Norm Constrained Interpolation, Larry Dean Irvine
Thesis: Color Display of Vowel Spectra as a Training Aid for the Deaf, Amir Jalali Jagharghi
Thesis: A Humanistic Consideration of the Farm Security Administration Photographs Made in Virginia, Brooks Johnson
Thesis: The Synthesis and Evaluation of a New Analog of Phencyclidine (PCP), William H. Johnson Jr.
Dissertation: Analyses of Quasi-Isotropic Composite Plates Under Quasi-Static Point Loads Simulating Low-Velocity Impact Phenomena, Ajit Dhundiraj Kelkar
Dissertation: The Effects of Training in Safe Manual Handling on the Patient Lifting Techniques of Nursing Personnel, Bruce Paul Klein
Thesis: Computer Aided Simulation of a Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning System in a Building, Sunil Shrikrishna Kulkarni
Thesis: Living Reflections, Lorane Leavy
Thesis: Mossbauer Study of Gadolinium Iron Garnet, Jun Li
Dissertation: The Unification and Decomposition of Processing Structures Using Lattice Theoretic Methods, David L. Livingston
Thesis: Clinical Effectiveness of Hydrogen Peroxide-Sodium Bicarbonate Paste on Human Periodontitis Treated With and Without Scaling and Root Planing, Sylvia M. Lyne
Thesis: Depositional Environments of Late Precambrian Sediments from Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Senegal, West Africa, Alfred W. Magee III
Thesis: Structural Self-Shadowing and Its Effects on the Thermal-Structural Behavior of Orbiting Trusses, Jack Mahaney
Thesis: Correlates of Knowledge and Locus of Control on Burden in Professional Caregivers of Alzheimer's Disease Victims in Three Institution Types, Ruth A. Manning-Gay
Thesis: Design of Multivariable Feedback Control Systems Via Spectral Assignment, Mohsen Marefat
Dissertation: A Perception Based Integrative Theory of Individual Behavior in Organizations, John Edward Mathieu
Thesis: Sedimentologic and Stratigraphic Significance of Boulder Layers in the Outer Coastal Plain of Southeastern Virginia, Robert C. McDaniel
Dissertation: Statistical Calibration Theory, James John McKeon
Thesis: Leachate Monitoring in Naturally Saline Groundwater Chesapeake Landfill Chesapeake Virginia, T. Britt McMillan
Thesis: The Oneida Community: Its Apologists and its Critics, Nancy C. Morris
Thesis: Analog Computer Simulation with Automatic Scaling By Digital Computer, Mark Anthony Motter
Thesis: The Effects of Blood Glucose Self-Monitoring on Self-Esteem and the Ability to Apply Knowledge About Diabetes Mellitus, Nancy-Lu F. Moul
Thesis: Curtain of Silence Japanese in Soviet Custody, 1945-1956, William F. Nimmo
Thesis: The Effectiveness of Stimulation Therapy for the Cognitively Impaired Elderly, Sylvia H. Old
Thesis: Conodont Biostratigraphy of the Cambrian-Ordovician Boundary Interval in the Northern Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, U.S.A., Randall C. Orndorff
Thesis: Anxiety Differences Associated with Transtelephonic and Conventional Pacemaker Client Follow-Up Methods, Julieta Advento Richman
Dissertation: Algebraic Grid Generation Using Tensor Product B-Splines, Bonita Valerie Saunders
Thesis: Comparison of an Improved Plankton Sampler to the Standard Conical Plankton Net, Ronald S. Schmidt
Thesis: Test Derivation for CMOS Iterative Logic Arrays, Ravi Sharma
Thesis: Attributions of Martial Conflict Among College Students, Gary Franklin Sigler
Thesis: A Biochemical and Genetic Analysis of the American Shad Alosa Sapidissima Migrating into the Chesapeake Bay, Edward Norbert Sismour
Thesis: Noetic Infinity and Intelligible Matter: Reexamination of the Fundamental Structure of the Philosophy of Plotinus, Atsushi Sumi
Thesis: Social Support Networks: The Effects of Sex and Personality Variables on Utilization of Resources, S. Dee Treschuk
Thesis: The Use of Ilmenite Element Composition for the Determination of Provenance, Yu W. Tsang
Thesis: Investigation of Eddy Population and Motion in the Southern International Ice Patrol Operations Area (40°-47°N by 40°-55°W), Frank J. Williams
Thesis: The Distribution of Ceratia Over the Mid-Atlantic Bight, Paul V. Zimba
Theses/Dissertations from 1984
Thesis: Mass Spectrometric Studies of Oxygen Isotope Exchange Reactions with Oxide Surfaces, Gayle J. Allen
Dissertation: An Investigation of Refractive Index of Solutions of Ammonia and Water at Various Concentrations and Temperatures, Effendy Arif
Thesis: A 250-KV Two-Pulse Modulator for the Gas Flow Switch Test Facility, David Michael Barrett
Dissertation: An Intraseason Forecasting System for Commercial Marine Fisheries, Erik J. Barth
Thesis: Life History Patterns of Dytiscidae in a Temporary Pool, Annabel C. Blanco
Thesis: The Gift of the Gods: The Impact of the Korean War on Japan, John P. Bowen
Dissertation: Research to Develop a Consensus Self-Evaluation Model of National Norms of Excellence for Alternating Cooperative Education Programs at Four-Year Colleges and Universities, Constance F. Brothers
Thesis: Admissions Criteria as Predictors of Students' Successful Completion of a Dental Hygiene Program, M. Linda Brown
Dissertation: An Examination of the Variability of Migratory Timing Statistics Estimated From Catch and Effort Observations, Arthur J. Butt
Thesis: Predictors of Appointment-Keeping Behaviors Among Users of Adult Medical Clinics, Ruth L. Campau