All ODU theses and dissertations since Fall 2016 are available in this collection. Backfiles to 1976 of dissertations (and some theses) have also been added.
To browse dissertations and theses by academic department or program, please go to the Research by College, Department, Center page.
At some point, backfiles for all master's theses will be scanned and added. In the meantime, consult the library guide for "Dissertations & Theses" to find older items in print.
See the Graduate School site for information on submitting your ETD.
Theses/Dissertations from 1984
Thesis: Characterization of the DNA and Chromosonal Analysis of Embryonic Dermacentor variabilis (SAY) Cells in Culture, Stanley Nicholas Mason
Dissertation: Factors Influencing College Choice of Minority Students and Their Implications for Recruitment, Linda Blount McCluney
Thesis: The Adams Image in American History, Mary Helen McCoy
Dissertation: The Effects of Person-Job Environment Congruency on Individual and Organizational Outcomes, Eileen J. McDonald
Thesis: Correlation Studies Between Human Seminal Plasma Trace Metal Concentrations and Semen Quality, De-Shen Mei
Dissertation: Triple Trigonometric Series and Their Application to Mixed Boundary Value Problems, Gordon Melrose
Thesis: A Method for Determining Creosote Contamination of Sediment from the Elizabeth River, Norfolk, VA, Elizabeth G. Merrill
Thesis: Walter Heron Taylor and His Era, Emanuel Meyer
Dissertation: Estimating the Parameters of Truncated Distributions, Mukul Mohan Mittal
Thesis: Stratigraphy and Textural Analyses of a Beach Ridge Complex, Cape Henry, Virginia, Daniel Leland Oyler
Thesis: Nineteenth Century English Choral Music, Ann Boley Parker
Thesis: The Great Day: A Fantasy Play in Five Acts, Six Scenes by Vladimir Kirshon, Christopher Lee Philips
Dissertation: Studies on the Interference of Wings and Propeller Slipstreams, Ramadas K. Prabhu
Thesis: The Effects of X-Irradiation on the Metamorphosis and Budding of Aurelia aurita, Michael John Prokopchak
Thesis: A Survey of Burnout Among Dental Hygiene Educators, Sandra Boggs Ricks
Thesis: The Spatial and Temporal Distribution of the Larvae of Sympatric Pagurid Hermit Crabs (Decapoda, anomura) in Virginian Estaurine and Coastal Waters, Philip Wesley Sadler
Dissertation: Facilitating and Hindering Factors in Implementing Managerial Technology: A Socio-Technical System Process, Eduardo Alejandro Salas Garcia
Thesis: A Molecular Phylogeny of the Grunts (Perciformes: Haemulidae) Inferred from Nuclear RAG1 Gene Sequences, Millicent D. Sanciangco
Dissertation: Determinants for the Timing of Escapement From the Sockeye Salmon Fishery of the Copper River, Alaska: A Simulation Model, Howard A. Schaller
Thesis: The Effects of Tri-O-cresyl Phosphate on 2',3'-Cyclicnucleotide-3'-Phosphohydrolase Activity in Neural and Non-Neural Tissue of the Rat, Mark K. Schlager
Thesis: The Shenandoah National Park: Its Impact on a Mountain People, Scott Shelton
Thesis: Timing of the Blue Crab Fisheries of Virginia and Its Application to Harvest Management, J. Dale Shively
Dissertation: Block Transform Coding of Presample Filtered Data, Thomas A. Shull
Thesis: The Effects of Training and Rating Formats on the Accuracy of Performance Ratings, Todd A. Silverhart
Thesis: Suboptimal Algorithms for Improvement of Pipeline Through Insertion of Delays, Sukhamoy Som
Thesis: Groundwater Management by Linear Programming, Seungho Song
Thesis: Numerical Experiments with the Quasigeostrophic Potential-Vorticity Equation, Peter L. Spence
Thesis: An Experimental and Analytical Investigation of the Iosipescu Shear Test for Composite Materials, Barry Stuart Spigel
Thesis: Demographic Analysis and Microhabitat Relationships of a Small Mammal Community in Clearings of the Great Dismal Swamp, Jean Ferguson Stankavich
Thesis: Radiation Damage to GaAs Solar Cells Including Isotropic Effects, Larry Victor Stock
Thesis: The Effect of Anonymity, Expectation of Validation, and Expected Reward, on the Accuracy of Self-Evaluations of Ability, Mark Stanley Teachout
Dissertation: The Aquatic Geochemistry of the Particle-Reactive Radionuclides PO-210, PB-210, and BE-7, James Forrest Todd
Thesis: The Uneasy Triangle The Impact of China on U.S.-Soviet Relations in the 1970's SALT: A Case Study, Karen Elizabeth Toenjes
Thesis: Analysis of Central Equatorial Pacific Water Masses by Method of Principal Components, Ross Tuxhorn
Thesis: Investigation of Matrix Effects on the Furnace Atomic Absorption Signals of Chromium, Nickel and Selenium, Susan Marie Viet
Thesis: Underwater Acoustic Wavefront Phase Fluctuations, George L. Vojtech Jr.
Thesis: Activity Levels of Arboreal Rodents Peromysus and Ochrotomys Evaluated with Nest Cans in Seasonally Flooded Forests, John W. Walke
Thesis: "A Terror and a Dream": Domestic Imagery in the Poetry of Anne Sexton, Frances S. Waters
Thesis: Trait Anxiety in Female Heads of Household, Bonnie Martinetta Wheeler
Thesis: Trait Anxiety in Female Heads of Household, Bonnie Martinette Wheeler
Thesis: Negative Cooperatively in the Binding of 3-Aminopyridine Adenine Dinucleotide to L-α-Glycero-3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase, David Wheeler
Dissertation: A Comparison of Parenting Profiles of Adolescent Mothers, Willar F. White-Parson
Dissertation: Effects of Encoding Variety and Concurrent-Task Practice on the Transfer and Retention of Complex Skill, Peter S. Winne
Thesis: A Comparison and Integration of Expectancy Theory and Task Dimensions with ROTC Cadets, Steven B. Woods
Dissertation: A Theoretical Model for Calculation of Molecular Stopping Power, Yuan-Jian Xu
Thesis: I.G. Farben's Petro-Chemical Plant and Concentration Camp at Auschwitz, Robert Simon Yavner
Theses/Dissertations from 1983
Thesis: Application of the Method of Lines for Solutions of the Navier-Stokes Equations Using a Nonuniform Grid Distribution, Jamshid Samareh Abolhassani
Thesis: The Effects of Dominant Species Removal on Subtidal Community Development, H. Russell Barker Jr.
Thesis: The Effect of Crowding on Growth of the Cichlid Fish, Oreochromis Mossambicus, Bonnie A. Barrows
Dissertation: A Study of the Effectiveness of Selected Aspects of the Developmental Education Program at an Urban Multicampus Community College, Michael Anthony Barton
Thesis: The Rhetorical Factors Applied to the Reorientation of American Public Opinion Toward the Soviet Union Immediately After June 22, 1941, Stanley Paul Berry
Thesis: Seventeenth Century Settlement of the Nansemond River in Virginia, Emmett Edward Bottoms
Thesis: The Effect of Therapeutic Touch on Anxiety and Physiological Measures, Marie Nicholas Bremner
Thesis: Input and Distribution of Sewage Derived Sedimentary Material Adjacent to Chesapeake-Elizabeth Sewage Outfall, Virginia Beach, Virginia, Robert Carroll Brown
Thesis: Simultaneous Functional Hermaphroditism in the Shrimp Hippolysmata wurdemanni (Gibbes) (Decopoda: Caridea: Hippolytidae), Marie Hollister Bundy
Thesis: Investigation of the Substrate Binding Site of NAD Glycohydrolase in Human Seminal Plasma, Sau C. Cheung
Thesis: Design of Efficient Algorithms Through Minimization of Data Transfers, Yong Mo Chong
Thesis: Design of Efficient Algorithms Through Minimization of Data Transfers, Yong Mo Chong
Dissertation: Oculometric Indices of Simulator and Aircraft Motion, James Raymond Comstock Jr.
Thesis: The Effects of Dredged Materials on the Copeod, Acartia Tonsa, Renee Suzanne Crouch
Thesis: An Analysis of the Correlation Between Nurses' Attitudes Toward Death and Their Presence with the Dying Patient, Uvonna Weeks Daniels
Thesis: In Favor of Capital Punishment: A Blending of Philosophical Perspectives, James Charles Donnelly
Thesis: Variability of Atmospheric Hydrocarbon Concentrations and Deposition Rates, Charles Thomas Farmer
Thesis: Transient Two Dimensional Ground-Water Flow: A Comparison of Computed and Analytical Results, Robert Jan Fennema
Thesis: Analysis and Stability of Closed Surge Tanks, John Emory Fowler
Thesis: Treatment Process Optimization at the Lee Hall Water Treatment Plant Newport News, Virginia, Marcy Granum Garnett
Dissertation: Protein Contributions of the Male Accessory Organs to the Composition of Human Seminal Plasma as Determined by High Resolution Two-Dimensional Electrophoresis, Edward E. Gaunt
Thesis: The Effect of Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons on the Fecundity of Acartia tonsa (calanoid Copepoda), Juanita Y. Grabarczyk
Thesis: Polychlorinated Biphenyl Levels in the Ocean Scallop (Placopecten magellanicus) Gmelin from the Philadelphia Sewage Sludge Disposal Site, Guy Jeffrey Hall
Thesis: The Effects of the Mud Snail Ilyanassa obsoleta (Say) Upon the Benthic Community of Broad Bay, Virginia, Wick Timothy Harlan
Thesis: Psyche and Time: The Phenomenology of Time Consciousness, Sharon Fleet Hartman
Thesis: The Effects of Goal and Feedback Specificity of Task Performance, Emily Johnson Hawes
Dissertation: A Model of the Population Dynamics of the Blue Crab in Chesapeake Bay, Betty Springer Hester
Thesis: Determination of N,N'-Diphenylguanidine in Biological Tissues and Fluids Using High Pressure Liquid Chromatography, Edward Sidney Hunter III
Thesis: Social Sensitivity in Adolescents and Adults with Learning Disabilities, Patricia Anne Jarvis
Thesis: An Arms Race in Outer Space Between the United States and the Soviet Union Implications for U.S. Foreign Policy, Gary Morgan Jensen
Thesis: The Effect of a Cardiac Education Program on the Knowledge, Stress, and State Anxiety Levels of First Time Post Myocardial Infarction Patients in a Post Coronary Care Unit, Jeanine L. Johns
Dissertation: An Error-Dependent Model of Instrument-Scanning Behavior in Commercial Airline Pilots, Dennis H. Jones
Thesis: The Effects of Amphetamine and Ethanol on Habituation of Exploratory Responses of Rats in Novel and Familiar Environments, Kuen-Teng Kao
Thesis: The Effect of Sea Nettle Abundance on the Food Chain of the Lower Chesapeake Bay, Michael Glenn Kelly
Thesis: Effect of Transducer Size on the Statistical Properties of a Simulated Turbulent Wall Pressure Field, Mehdi R. Khorrami
Thesis: Effects of the Rater's Sex and Sex-Role Orientation and the Applicant's Physical Attractiveness Sex and Qualifications on Resume Evaluation, Robert N. Kilcullen
Thesis: The Distribution of Phytoplankton in Frontal Regions of the Lower Chesapeake Bay, Richard V. Lacouture
Thesis: Viscous Modeling and Computation of Leading-And Trailing-Edge Vortex Cores of Delta Wings, Balakrishnan Lakshmanan
Thesis: The Renascence of Classical Thought and Form in the Carolingian Period, Sara James Laster
Thesis: Determination of Erythrocyte Zinc Concentrations Using Zeeman Effect Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy, Tanya Maranda Lewis
Thesis: A Study of Increased Flow Off the Eastern Seaboard of the United States Within Four Synoptic Flow Patterns During the Winter Months, John Dale Liechty
Thesis: The Use of Complex Versus Normal Modes in Structural Model Improvement, Chih Lin
Thesis: High Resolution Two Dimensional Electrophoresis of Soluble Proteins in Human Spermatozoa, Hsing-Ying Liu
Thesis: The Growth and Feeding Behavior of Juvenile Spot, Leiostomus xanthurus Lacepede, in the Nursery Region of the James River, Virginia, John Thomas McCambridge Jr.
Thesis: Circuit Analysis of a Gas Flow Switch, Teri Marie Owens
Thesis: The Relationship of Size Class Distribution to Migratory Behavior in Brown Shrimp (Penaeus aztecus) in Pamlico Sound, North Carolina, Mario A. Paula
Thesis: Locus of Control As A Function Membership in Alcoholics Anonymous, Christine B. Philput
Thesis: Experiments Conducted on the Electron Beam Produced by a Dense Plasma Focus, Mark Steven Pronko
Thesis: Adaptations of Dolphin Vision to the Oceanic Environment, Andre Rivamonte
Thesis: A Quantitative Study of the Aquatic Macroinvertebrates in an Irregularly Flooded Salt Marsh, Smith Island, Virginia, Leon L. Robert Jr.
Thesis: Experiments on Melting Around an Isothermal Horizontal Cylinder Under Computer Control, Timothy Moore Rothgeb
Thesis: Valuing in the Arts, Nonna B. Runner
Dissertation: Stability Analysis of Closed Surge Tanks By Phase-Plane Method, Mostafa A. Sabbah
Thesis: Homing and Ecology in the Southern Flying Squirrel, Glaucomys volans in Southeastern Virginia, Sherrie Lynn Sawyer