Submissions from 2014
Spatial Visualization Ability and Impact of Drafting Models: A Quasi Experimental Study, Petros J. Katsioloudis and Vukica Jovanovic
A Comparative Analysis of Spatial Visualization Ability and Drafting Models for Industrial and Technology Education Students, Petros Katsioloudis, Vukica Jovanović, and Mildred Jones
Voices at the Table: Collaboration and Intertextuality, Sue C. Kimmel, Kathryn Kennedy (Ed.), and Lucy Santos Green (Ed.)
Career and Technical Education: A Best Kept Secret in Modern Education, Michael Kosloski
Comparative Analysis of Research Priorities for Technology Education, Gene Martin and John Ritz
Technology and Engineering Education Doctoral Students' Perceptions of Their Profession, Gene Martin, John Ritz, and Michael Kosloski
Importance of Developing Community in Distance Education Courses, Robert L. Moore
Information Architecture for Social Media: A Case Study on Building an Event Backchannel with Twitter, Robert L. Moore
Educating Pre-Service School Librarians for the Instructional Partner Role: An Exploration into University Curricula, Judi Moreillon, Sue Kimmel, and Karen Gavigan
Generative Learning Strategy Use and Self-Regulatory Prompting in Digital Text, Alan J. Reid and Gary R. Morrison
Nursing Pain Assessment & Management: A 3D Interactive Simulation, Enilda Romero-Hall, Ginger S. Watson, Yiannis Papelis, and Hector Garcia
Technological Literacy Courses in Pre-Service Teacher Education, Roger Skophammer and Philip A. Reed
Physician as Teacher: Promoting Health and Wellness Among Elementary School Students, Jill E. Stefaniak and Victoria C. Lucia
Does the Sequence of Instruction Matter During Simulation?, Jill E. Stefaniak and Carman L. Turkelson
MPATI: The Midwest Program on Airborne Television Instruction (1959-1971), Monica W. Tracey and Jill E. Stefaniak
The Disconnect Between College and Reality, Janice Bell Underwood and Elizabeth Burns
Submissions from 2013
Using Twitter to Facilitate Case-Based Instruction in a Nursing Classroom, Sherleena Ann Buchman, Patricia Burke Snider, Tian Luo, and Kaboni Gondwe
How Common is Common?, Elizabeth Burns, Sue Kimmel, and Kasey L. Garrison
Batman Meets Gagne: Analyzing Commercial Video Game Instruction through the Lens of Instructional Design, Susan E. Copp, Rebecca L. Fisher, Tian Luo, and Seann Dikkers
An Engineering Design STEM Project: T-Shirt Launcher, Todd D. Fantz and Melva R. Grant
Translated Literature in Your Library: The Mildred L Batchelder Award, Kasey L. Garrison, Danielle E. Forest, and Sue C. Kimmel
Use of Undergraduates as Participants in Clothing and Textiles Research, Kim K.P. Johnson, Sharron J. Lennon, Jung Mee Mun, Jayoung Koo, Angella Kim, Dooyoung Choi, and Nayeon Yoo
A Comparative Analysis of Point-of-View Modeling for Industrial and Technology Education Courses, Petros J. Katsioloudis, Todd D. Fantz, and Millie Jones
Assistive Technology: Fixing Humans, Petros J. Katsioloudis and Millie Jones
Web 2.0 for Language Learning: Benefits and Challenges for Educators, Tian Luo
Designing Microblogging-Based Class Activities with Twiducate, Tian Luo and Fei Gao
Examining Student Participation in Three Learning Activities Supported by Social Annotation Tools, Tian Luo, Fei Gao, and Kathryn S. Hoff
Examining Student Participation in Three Learning Activities Supported by Social Annotation Tools, Tian Luo, Fei Gao, and Kathryn S. Hoff
Using Social Annotation Tools to Foster Collaborative Learning, Tian Luo, Fei Gao, and Yanyan Sun
Virtual World Problem-Centered Challenge Evaluation, Jennifer A. Maddrell, Ginger S. Watson, and Gary R. Morrison
Working Together: The Public Records Webinar Series, Robert L. Moore
Don't Just Cover the Engineering Design Process, Patent It!, Philip A. Reed
Perceptions of New Doctoral Graduates on the Future of the Profession, John Ritz and Gene Martin
Using Wikis to Support Peer Assessment Activities in Higher Education, Yanyan Sun, Teresa Franklin, and Tian Luo
Product Lifecycle Management: Measuring What Is Important - Product Lifecycle Implementation Maturity Model, Abram Walton, Cynthia Tomovic, and Michael Grieves
Design, Development and Evaluation of an Interactive Virtual Haptics-Augmented Training System for Undergraduate Engineering, Robert L. Williams II, Ernur Karadogan, David R. Moore, and Tian Luo
Submissions from 2012
Learning Theory and Online Technologies, by Linda Harasim. Routledge: New York, 2012 (Book Review), Diane Carver
Reconsidering Instructional Design with Web 2.0 Technologies, Fei Gao, Kun Li, Tian Luo, and Jamie Smith
Haptics-Augmented Training Software for Undergraduate Engineering Mechanics, Ernur Karadogan, Robert L. Williams, David R. Moore, and Tian Luo
A Comparative Analysis of Preferred Learning and Teaching Styles for Engineering, Industrial, and Technology Education Students and Faculty, Petros Katsioloudis and Todd D. Fantz
Green Transportation for a Green Earth, Petros J. Katsioloudis and Mildred V. Jones
Future Critical Issues and Problems Facing Technology and Engineering Education in the Commonwealth of Virginia, Petros Katsioloudis and Johnny J. Moye
Seeing the Clouds: Teacher Librarian as Broker in Collaborative Planning with Teachers, Sue Kimmel
Dispositions in the Twenty First Century School Library Profession, Sue C. Kimmel, Gail K. Dickinson, and Carol A. Doll
"You got to be follow-worthy or I will unfollow you!” Students’ Voices on Twitter Integration into Classroom Settings, Tian Luo and Teresa Franklin
Designing Microblogging-Based Class Activities, Tian Luo and Fei Gao
Enhancing Classroom Learning Experience by Providing Structures to Microblogging-Based Activities, Tian Luo and Fei Gao
Research Needs for Technology Education: A U.S. Perspective, Gene Martin and John Ritz
Comparison of Restricted and Traditional Discussion Boards on Student Critical Thinking, Jennifer R. Morrison, Ginger S. Watson, and Gary R. Morrison
Issues Confronting Technology Education: An International Perspective, John M. Ritz
Magic from Human Regenerative Technologies -- Stem Cells, John M. Ritz
Economics, Innovations, Technology, and Engineering Education: The Connections, John M. Ritz and P. Scott Bevins
Submissions from 2011
Effective Knowledge Development in Game-Based Learning Environments: Considering Research in Cognitive Processes and Simulation Design, Amy B. Adcock, Ginger S. Watson, Gary R. Morrison, and Lee A. Belfore
Analysis of Engineering Content With Technology Education Programs, Todd D. Fantz and Petros J. Katsioloudis
The Use of Virtual Environments in Teacher Preparation, Sharon Judge, Petros Katsioloudis, Theo Bastiaens (Ed.), and Martin Ebner (Ed.)
Rethinking the Development of Weapons and Their Impact, Petros J. Katsioloudis and Mildred V. Jones
The VisPort Project: Visualization of Port Logistics, Petros J. Katsioloudis and Ginger S. Watson
"Consider with Whom You Are Working": Discourse Models of School Librarianship in Collaboration, Sue C. Kimmel
The Effects of Tinkerability on Novice Programming Skill Acquisition, Tian Luo
Improve or Perish, Revisited -- Again, Johnny J. Moye and Petros J. Katsioloudis
A Focus on Technological Literacy in Higher Education, John M. Ritz
Submissions from 2010
Identification of Quality Visual-Based Learning Material for Technology Education, Petros Katsioloudis
Breathing Like a Fish, Petros J. Katsioloudis
Green Ships: Keeping Oceans Blue, Petros J. Katsioloudis
Understanding Materials, Petros J. Katsioloudis
Introduction to This Special Issue: Faculty Intellectual Property in the Digital Age, Gary R. Morrison, Gary J. Anglin, and Jennifer M. Maddrell
The Status of Research in Technology Education, Philip A. Reed
Educational Technology Research Past and Present: Balancing Rigor and Relevance to Impact School Learning, Steven M. Ross, Gary R. Morrison, and Deborah L. Lowther
Submissions from 2009
Biomedical Technology: Supporting Movement, Petros Katsioloudis
Detection and Assessment of Quality Indicators of Visual Based Learning Material in Engineering Education Programs for Grades 7-12, Petros Katsioloudis
Water Treatment: Keeping it Pure, Petros Katsioloudis
Enhancing the Collection Process for the Delphi Technique, Petros Katsioloudis and John Brocato (Ed.)
Discovery of the Depths, Petros J. Katsioloudis
Energy From The Skies: Empowering Future Generations, Petros J. Katsioloudis, Stella Bondi, and Walter F. Deal
Determining Return on Investment for Professional Development In Public Education: A Model, Michael F. Kosloski and Philip A. Reed
A New Generation of Goals for Technology Education, John M. Ritz
Submissions from 2008
Review of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Global Colloquium, Cape Town, South Africa, Philip A. Reed
Research Supporting Technology Education- Task Force 2.4 Final Report, Philip A. Reed, Jim Carlson, Fred Figliano, Hal Harrison, Hyuksoo Kwon, Johnny Moye, Phyllis Opare, John M. Ritz, Roger Skophammer, and John Wells
Submissions from 2007
Review of the Technology Education Research Conference (TERC), Surfer’s Paradise, Australia, Philip A. Reed
The Journey Towards Technological Literacy for All in the United States — Are We There Yet?, Philip A. Reed
Submissions from 2006
Investigating the Relationship Between High School Technology Education and Test Scores for Algebra 1 and Geometry, Richard R. Dyer, Philip A. Reed, and Robert Q. Berry
Designing a Microcontroller Training Platform for Active Distance Learning Engineering and Technology Students, Steve C. Hsiung, James E. Eiland, John R. Hackworth, and John Ritz
What Do We Value? Research on Technology Education Problems, Issues, and Standards in the United States, Philip A. Reed
Best Practice: Classroom Teachers Who Publish, Philip A. Reed, G. Eugene Martin (Ed.), and Christopher M. Martin (Ed.)
Best Practice: Contextual Learning, Philip A. Reed, G. Eugene Martin (Ed.), and Christopher M. Martin (Ed.)
Best Practice: Identifying Exemplary Technology Teachers, Philip A. Reed, G. Eugene Martin (Ed.), and Christopher M. Martin (Ed.)
Best Practice: Long-Term Commitment to an Organization, Philip A. Reed, G. Eugene Martin (Ed.), and Christopher M. Martin (Ed.)
Best Practice: Mentoring, Philip A. Reed, G. Eugene Martin (Ed.), and Christopher M. Martin (Ed.)
Best Practice: National Board Certification, Philip A. Reed, G. Eugene Martin (Ed.), and Christopher M. Martin (Ed.)
A United States Perspective: 112 Years of Graduate Research in Technology Education, Philip A. Reed and David A. Sontos
Are You Ready to Provide Instruction Via Interactive Satellite Delivery Technology, John E. Turner and Philip A. Reed
Submissions from 2005
STEM Initiatives: Stimulating Students to Improve Science and Mathematics Achievement, Robert Q. Berry III, Philip A. Reed, John M. Ritz, Cheng Y. Lin, Steve Hsiung, and Wendy Frazier
Bioprospecting, Philip A. Reed
Bioengineering Instructional Framework for Technology Education, Philip A. Reed; Technology Education Department, Old Dominion University; and Virginia Bioengineering Writing Team
Submissions from 2004
Does Baldrige Make a Business Case for Quality?, Mark L. Dean and Cynthia L. Tomovic
A Paradigm Shift: Biomimicry. (Cover Story), Philip A. Reed
The Status of Ethics in Technology Education, Philip A. Reed, Susan Presley, Angela Hughes, Diane Irwin Stephens, and Roger B. Hill (Ed.)
Geospatial Technology, Philip Reed and John Ritz
Creation of a Faculty Task List for Teaching in a Televised Distance Learning Environment, John E. Turner and Philip A. Reed