A selection of publications of faculty in the Department of Department of STEM Education and Professional Studies (STEMPS), Darden College of Education, Old Dominion University.


Submissions from 2019


A Predictive Study of Students' Self-Regulated Learning Skills and Their Roles in the Social Network Interaction of Online Discussion Board, Cherng-Jyh Yen, Aras Bozkurt, Chih-Hsiung Tu, Laura Sujo-Montes, Claudia Rodas, Hoda Harati, and Adam B. Lockwood

Submissions from 2018


Autism and the Academic Library: A Study of Online Communication, Amelia Anderson


Employment and Neurodiverse Librarians, Amelia Anderson


Creating the Fleet Maker - Lessons Learned from the First Series of Workshops on Maker Concepts for Active Duty Personnel, Karina Arcaute, Michel Albert Audette, Vukica Jovanovic, Anthony Dean, and Dipankar Ghosh


Editor’s Welcome, Abbie Brown and Jill Stefaniak


School Librarian as Inquisitor of Practice: Reimagine, Reflect, and React with the New Standards, Elizabeth Burns


Advocating for Change in School Library Perceptions, Elizabeth A. Burns


The Researchers' Perspective: For and By the Community: Processes and Practices from the Development of National School Library Standards, Elizabeth A. Burns and Marcia A. Mardis


A Platform for Voice and Identity: School Library Standards in Support of YA Urban Literature's Transformative Impacts on Youth, Sabrina Carnesi


Technologies to Enhance and Extend Children's Understanding of Geometry: A Configurative Thematic Synthesis of the Literature, Helen Crompton, Melva R. Grant, and Khitam Y. H. Shraim


The Utility of Storytelling Strategies in the Biology Classroom, Elizabeth Csikar and Jill E. Stefaniak


Social Media & Teacher Professional Development, Tonia A. Dousay, Tutaleni I. Asino, Tian Luo, Dan G. Krutka, Spencer P. Greenhalgh, Luke Rodesiler, Dan E. Walster, Elizabeth Langran (Ed.), and Jered Borup (Ed.)


Determinants of Organic Cotton Apparel Purchase: A Comparison of Young Consumers in the USA and South Korea, Tae-Im Han


Aligning Information Literacy Assessment with Metacognitive Strategies, Kirsten Hostetler, Tian Luo, and Jill E. Stefaniak


Motivation as a Complex System: Semester-Long Recursive Dynamics of Expectancy-Value Constructs in Undergraduate Biology, Avi Kaplan, Xi Hang Cao, Ting Dai, Zoran Obradovic, Tony Perez, Jennifer G. Cromley, Kyle Mara, and Michael J. Balsai


A Comparative Analysis of Holographic, 3D-Printed, and Computer-Generated Models: Implications for Engineering Technology Students' Spatial Visualization Ability, Petros J. Katsioloudis and Mildred V. Jones


Effects of Light Reflection on Spatial Visualization Ability and Implications for Engineering Technology Students, Petros Katsioloudis and Mildred Jones


Effectiveness of Drafting Models for Engineering Technology Students and Impacts on Spatial Visualization Ability: An Analysis and Consideration of Critical Variables, Petros J. Katsioloudis and Jill E. Stefaniak


E-Advising: Expanding Advising for Distance LIS Students, Sue Kimmel, Elizabeth Burns, Jeffrey DiScala, Peiling Wang (Ed.), Ashlea Green (Ed.), and Shimelis Assefa (Ed.)


Repairing the Leaky Pipeline: A Motivationally Supportive Intervention to Enhance Persistence in Undergraduate Science Pathways, Lisa Linnenbrink-Garcia, Tony Perez, Michael M. Barger, Stephanie V. Wormington, Elizabeth Godin, Kate E. Snyder, Kristy Robinson, Abdhi Sakar, Laura S. Richman, and Rochelle Schwartz-Bloom


Multiple Pathways to Success: An Examination of Integrative Motivational Profiles Among Upper Elementary and College Students, Lisa Linnenbrink-Garcia, Stephanie V. Wormington, Kate E. Snyder, Jan Riggsbee, Tony Perez, Adar Ben-Eliyahu, and Nancy E. Hill


Delving Into the Specificity of Instructional Guidance in Social Media-Supported Learning Environments, Tian Luo


Connected Education: Teachers' Attitudes Towards Student Learning in a 1:1: Technology Middle School Environment, Tian Luo and Alexander Murray


Building of Causality: A Future for School Librarianship Research and Practice, Marcia A. Mardis, Sue C. Kimmel, and Laura A. Pasquini


Can Effective Urban Teachers Be Developed in an Online Environment?, Sueanne McKinney, Cynthia Tomovic, Elizabeth Langran (Ed.), and Jered Borup (Ed.)


Fostering Giftedness and Creativity: Implementing Engineering by Design in Kuwait, Nathan Mentzer, Philip A. Reed, Meshari Alnouri, and Mohammad Barbarji


Learning via Video in Higher Education: An Exploration of Instructor and Student Perceptions, Steven Miner and Jill E. Stefaniak


Making the Connection: Using Mobile Devices and PollEverywhere for Experiential Learning for Adult Students, Robert L. Moore, Stephanie J. Blackmon, and James Markham


Distance Education and Technology Infrastructure: Strategies and Opportunities, Robert L. Moore and B. P. Fodrey


Measuring Presence: A Review of Research Using the Community of Inquiry Instrument, Ana E. Redstone, Jill E. Stefaniak, and Tian Luo


Reflections on STEM, Standards, and Disciplinary Focus, Philip A. Reed


From Science Student to Scientist: Predictors and Outcomes of Heterogeneous Science Identity Trajectories in College, Kristy A. Robinson, Tony Perez, Amy K. Nuttall, Cary J. Roseth, and Lisa Linnenbrink-Garcia


Evidence, Standards, and School Librarianship: Prevailing Policies, Promising Methods, and Progress on a Research Agenda, Barbara Schultz-Jones, Sue C. Kimmel, Marcia A. Mardis, Faye R. Jones, Shana Pribesh, and Laura Pasquini


Building Resilience in New and Beginning Teachers: Contributions of School Librarians, Rita Reinsel Soulen and Lois Diane Wine


Virginia Technology and Engineering Education Association 1978-2018: Celebrating Six Decades of Progress, Ron Vickers, Philip A. Reed, and George R. Willcox

Submissions from 2017


Introduction to the Student Design Case SLAM, John Baaki, Colin M. Gray, Craig D. Howard, and Elizabeth Boling


Designing Authentic and Engaging Personas for Open Education Resources Designers, John Baaki, Jennifer Maddrell, and Eric Stauffer


Using Precision in STEM Language: A Qualitative Look, Mary M. Capraro, Ali Bicer, Melva R. Grant, and Yvonna S. Lincoln

Combined Cognitive & Motivational Supports for STEM Learning Beta, Jennifer G. Cromley, Avi Kaplan, and Tony Perez

Workbooks for Instruction in Diagram Comprehension: High School Biology Part I, Jennifer G. Cromley, Tony Perez, and Bradley W. Bergey


Pursuing the "Half Empty Question": Biology Undergraduates' Differential Engagement in a Brief Relevance Writing Intervention, Ting Dai, Avi Kaplan, Ying Wang, Jennifer G. Cromley, Tony Perez, Kyle R. Mara, and Michael Balsai


The Multidimensionality and Content-Specificity of Perceived Relevance: Undergraduates' Relevance Constructions of Evolution and Organismic Diversity, Yonaton S. Davidson, Avi Kaplan, Matthew Hartwell, Kyle Mara, Michael Balsai, Jennifer G. Cromley, Tony Perez, and Ting Dai


Career and Technical Education and its Relationship to Engineering Technology Pathways in Marine Mechatronics, Vukica M. Jovanovic, Otilia Popescu, Petros Katsioloudis, Ana M. Djuric, Mileta M. Tomovic, Thomas Stout, and Roger R. Lagesse


Impacts of Effective Temperature on Sectional View Drawing Ability and Implications for Engineering and Technology Education Students, Petros J. Katsioloudis


Effects of Light Intensity on Spatial Visualization Ability, Petros J. Katsioloudis . and Mildred Jones


Use of Virtual Reality Head-Mounted Displays for Engineering Technology Students and Implications on Spatial Visualization, Petros Katsioloudis, Mildred Jones, and Vukica Jovanovic


Examining Collaborative Knowledge Construction in Microblogging-Based Learning Environments, Tian Luo and Lacey Clifton


Preparing Teacher Candidates for Virtual Field Placements Via an Exposure to K-12 Online Teaching, Tian Luo, Laura Hibbard, Teresa Franklin, and David R. Moore


Incorporating IStation into Early Childhood Classrooms to Improve Reading Comprehension, Tian Luo, Guang-Lea Lee, and Cynthia Molina


Designing Authentic Learning Activities to Train Pre-Service Teachers About Teaching Online, Tian Luo, Alexander Murray, and Helen Crompton


Give Me a Formula Not the Concept! Student Preference to Mathematical Problem Solving, Manveer Mann and Mary C. Enderson


Earning a Seat at the Table: How IT Departments Can Partner in Organizational Change and Innovation, Robert L. Moore and Nathan Johnson


Establishing a Virtual Makerspace for an Online Graduate Course: A Design Case, Kevin M. Oliver, Robert L. Moore, and Michael A. Evans


Internet of Things, John Ritz and Zane Knaack


Toys Redesigned: The Intersection of Industrial Technology and Service-Learning Principles, Jill Stefaniak, Petros Katsioloudis, and Basim Matrood


Curriculum for an Introductory Computer Science Course: Identifying Recommendations from Academia and Industry, Simon G. Sultana and Philip A. Reed


Scientific Literacy Matters: Using Literature to Meet Next Generation Science Standards and 21st Century Skills, Cynthia Tomovic, Sueanne McKinney, and Clair Berube


The Lilead Survey: A National Study of District-Level Library Supervisors: Roles, Responsibilities, Challenges, and Professional Development Needs, Ann Carlson Weeks, Jeffrey DiScala, Diane L. Barlow, Sheri A. Massey, Christie Kodama, Rosemary Hall, Kelsey Jarrell, Leah Jacobs, Alexandra Moses, and Rebecca Follman

Submissions from 2016


Articulating an Impact on Student Learning, Elizabeth Burns


School Library Advocacy Success- Perceptions in Context, Elizabeth Burns


Anatomy of Advocacy: A Case Study of the White House Petition, Elizabeth Burns, Sue Kimmel, and Gail Dickinson


STEM in General Education: Does Mathematics Competence Influence Course Selection, Mary C. Enderson and John Ritz


Eportfolios: Supporting Reflection and Deep Learning in High-Impact Practices, Kathleen Harrington and Tian Luo


Comparing High School Students' and Adults' Perceptions of Technology, Henry L. (Hal) Harrison II and Philip A. Reed


Use of Dynamic Visualizations for Engineering Technology, Industrial Technology, and Science Education Students: Implications on Ability to Correctly Create a Sectional View Sketch, Petros J. Katsioloudis, Daniel Dickerson, Vukica Jovanovic, and Mildred V. Jones


Impacts of Music on Sectional View Drawing Ability for Engineering Technology Students as Measured Through Technical Drawings, Petros J. Katsioloudis, Mildred Jones, and Vukica Jovanovic


Application of Color on 3D Dynamic Visualizations for Engineering Technology Students and Effects on Spatial Visualization Ability: A Quasi-Experimental Study, Petros J. Katsioloudis, Mildred Jones, Mustafa R. Moustafa, and Vukica Jovanovic


Application of Visual Cues on 3D Dynamic Visualizations for Engineering Technology Students and Effects on Spatial Visualization Ability: A Quasi-Experimental Study, Petros Katsioloudis, Vukica Jovanovic, and Mildred Jones


Web Tools: Keeping Learners on Pace, Mickey Kosloski


Motivational Factors that Influence Retirement Contentment, Mary Greer Landon and John M. Ritz


Enabling Microblogging-Based Peer Feedback in Face-to-Face Classrooms, Tian Luo


Viability of Using Twitter to Support Peer Instruction in Teacher Education, Tian Luo, Danielle E. Dani, and Li Cheng


Developing Distance Education Content Using the TAPPA Process, Robert L. Moore


Interacting at a Distance: Creating Engagement in Online Learning Environments, Robert L. Moore


Supporting Documentation of Informal Learning and Making from a Distance with Voicethread, Kevin Oliver and Robert L. Moore


The Design of a Cognitive Apprenticeship to Facilitate Storytime Programming for Librarians, Jennifer A. Scott Brown and Jill E. Stefaniak


Simulation-Based Environment for the Eye-Tracking Control of Tele-Operated Mobile Robots, Ginger S. Watson, Yiannis E. Papelis, and Katheryn C. Hicks


The Lilead Survey: A National Study of District-Level Library Supervisors: The Position, Office, and Characteristics of the Supervisor, Ann Carlson Weeks, Jeffrey DiScala, Diane L. Barlow, Sheri A. Massey, Christie Kodama, Kelsey Jarrell, Leah Jacobs, Alexandra Moses, Rebecca Follman, and Rosemary Hall

Submissions from 2015


A Tale of Two Surveys: A Comparison of National Studies on School District Library Supervisors, Diane Barlow, Jeffrey DiScala, Ann Carlson Weeks, Christie Kodama, Kelsey Jarrell, Leah Jacobs, and Sheri A. Massey


Use of Mobile Phones for Interaction in Distance Education, Tayyaba Batool, Ginger Watson, Saul Carliner (Ed.), Catherine Fulford (Ed.), and Nathaniel Ostashewski (Ed.)


Practitioner Perceptions of School Library Advocacy, Elizabeth Burns


Black Male Students and The Algebra Project: Mathematics Identity as Participation, Melva R. Grant, Helen Crompton, and Deanna J. Ford


Aligning Technology Education Teaching with Brain Development, Petros Katsioloudis


Evaluation of Static Vs. Dynamic Visualizations for Engineering Technology Students and Implications on Spatial Visualization Ability: A Quasi-Experimental Study, Petros Katsioloudis, Daniel Dickerson, Vukica Jovanovic, and Mildred Jones


Using Computer-Aided Design Software and 3D Printers to Improve Spatial Visualization, Petros Katsioloudis and Millie Jones


Business and Marketing Education Doctoral Students' Perceptions of Their Profession, Michael F. Kosloski and John Ritz


Instructional Guidance in Microblogging-Supported Learning: Insights from a Multiple Case Study, Tian Luo


Tweeting and Blogging: Moving Towards Education 2.0, Tian Luo and Teresa Franklin


Creating a Foundation for the Causal Relationship Between Libraries and Learning: A Proposed Application of Nursing and Public Health Research Methods, Marcia A. Mardis, Sylvia K. Norton, Gail K. Dickinson, Shana Pribesh, Allison Cline, Sue Kimmel, and Jody Howard


Instructional Alignment of Workplace Readiness Skills in Marketing Education, Sarah J. Martin and Philip A. Reed


A Content Analysis of AIAA/ITEA/ITEEA Conference Special Interest Sessions: 1978-2014, Philip A. Reed and James E. LaPorte


An Exploration of Student Experiences with Learner-Centered Instructional Strategies, Jill E. Stefaniak and Monica W. Tracey


Documenting Current Instructional Design Practices: Towards a Typology of Instructional Designer Activities, Roles, and Collaboration, William Sugar and Robert L. Moore

Submissions from 2014


Investigating Estimation: Influences of Time and Confidence of Urban Middle School Students, Robert Q. Berry III, Melva R. Grant, Sueanne E. McKinney, and Clair Berube


Integrating Technology and Engineering in a STEM Context, Barry N. Burke, Philip A. Reed, John G. Wells, Robert E. Yager (Ed.), and Herbert Brunkhorst (Ed.)


Practitioner Strategies for Effective Advocacy Engagement in the USA, Elizabeth Ann Burns


Analyzing Commercial Video Game Instruction through the Lens of Instructional Design, Susan E. Copp, Rebecca L. Fischer, Tian Luo, David R. Moore, and Seann Dikkers


"The Realities of Their World": Engaging Pre-Service School Librarians with International Literature, Kasey L. Garrison, Danielle E. Forest, and Sue Kimmel


Curation in Translation: Promoting Global Citizenship Through Literature, Kasey L. Garrison, Danielle E. Forest, and Sue C. Kimmel


Teaching Laboratory Courses Using Distance Learning Technologies, Steve C. Hsiung and John Ritz