Submissions from 2025
Differences in Motivation for Biology Learning: A Measurement Invariance Testing and Latent Mean Comparison Approach, Ting Dai, Kuan Xing, Avi Kaplan, Jennifer G. Cromley, Kyle R. Mara, and Tony Perez
Teachers' Perceptions of Their Self-Regulated Learning Practices in Elementary School Classrooms, Stephanie Greenquist-Marlett, Linda Bol, and Courtney Hill
Artificial Intelligence in Achieving Sustainable Development: Expectations of Undergraduate Students, Jinhee Kim
Socially Shared Regulation of Learning and Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities to Support Socially Shared Regulation, Jinhee Kim, Rita Detrick, Seongryeong Yu, Yukyeong Song, Linda Bol, and Na Li
Perceptions of STEM Education and Artificial Intelligence: A Twitter (X) Sentiment Analysis, Demetrice Smith-Mutegi, Yoseph Mamo, Jinhee Kim, Helen Crompton, and Matthew McConnell
Submissions from 2024
The Manifesto for Teaching and Learning in a Time of Generative AI: A Critical Collective Stance to Better Navigate the Future, Aras Bozkurt, Junhong Xiao, Robert Farrow, John Y. H. Bai, Chrissi Nerantzi, Stephanie Moore, Jon Dron, Christian M. Stracke, Lenandlar Singh, Helen Crompton, Apostolos Koutropoulos, Evgenii Terentev, Angelica Pazurek, Mark Nichols, Alexander M. Sidorkin, Eamon Costello, Steven Watson, Dónal Mulligan, Sarah Honeychurch, Charles B. Hodges, Mike Sharples, Andrew Swindell, Isak Frumin, Ahmed Tlili, Patricia J. Slagter van Tryon, Melissa Bond, Maha Bali, Jing Leng, Kai Zhang, Mutlu Cukurnova, Thomas K. F. Chiu, Kyungmee Lee, Stefan Hrastinski, Manuel B. Garcia, Ramesh Chander Sharma, Bryan Alexander, Olaf Zawacki-Richter, Henk Huijser, Petar Jandrić, Chanjin Zheng, Peter Shea, Josep M. Duart, Chryssa Themeli, Anton Vorochkov, Sunagül Sani-Bozkurt, Robert L. Moore, and Tutaleni Iita Asino
Learner Assessment, Elizabeth Burns
The Promise and Pitfalls of GenAI in Education, Helen Crompton
The Educational Affordances and Challenges of ChatGPT: State of the Field, Helen Crompton and Diane Burke
The Nexus of ISTE Standards and Academic Progress: A Mapping Analysis of Empirical Studies, Helen Crompton and Diane Burke
The SETI Framework and Technology Integration in the Digital Age, Helen Crompton, Diane Burke, Christine Nickel, and Agnes Chigona
AI and English Language Teaching: Affordances and Challenges, Helen Crompton, Adam Edmett, Neenaz Ichaporia, and Diane Burke
An Analysis of the Essential Understandings in Elementary Geometry and a Comparison to The Common Core Standards with Teaching Implications, Helen Crompton and Sarah Ferguson
AI-Designed Clothing and Perceived Values: What Can Move Consumers' Minds With the AI-Designed Clothing?, Choi Dooyoung and Ha Kyung Lee
Will the Scarcity of AI-Designed Clothing Influence Consumers to Purchase?, Choi Dooyoung and Ha Kyung Lee
Automatic Classification of Activities in Classroom Videos, Jonathan K. Foster, Matthew Korban, Peter Youngs, Ginger S. Watson, and Scott T. Acton
Helping to Make the Complex Accessible: A Review of Larsen and Adu's The Theoretical Framework in Phenomenological Research: Development and Application, Stephanie Greenquist-Marlett
Ready to Implement? An Exploration of K12 Faculty's Preparedness to Create Inclusive Learning Environments, Kristin Herman and John Baaki
Book Challenges Popping Up All Over: What Do School Principals Need to Know?, Samantha Laine Hull and Sue Kimmel
Feeling of Being Together in the Metaverse: Positive Influence of Copresence on Subjective Well-Being, Do Yuon Kim, Dooyoung Choi, Namhee Yoon, and Ha Kyung Lee
Types of Teacher-AI Collaboration in K-12 Classroom Instruction: Chinese Teachers' Perspective, Jinhee Kim
Differences in Student-AI Interaction Process on a Drawing Task: Focusing on Students' Attitude Towards AI and the Level of Drawing Skills, Jinhee Kim, Yoonhee Ham, and Sang-Soog Lee
Exploring Students' Perspectives on Generative AI-Assisted Academic Writing, Jinhee Kim, Seongryeong Yu, Rita Detrick, and Na Li
Exploring Instructional Designers' Utilization and Perspectives on Generative AI Tools: A Mixed Methods Study, Tian Luo, Pauline S. Muljana, Xinyue Ren, and Dara Young
Unveiling Strategies: Empowering Autistic Adult Learners in Higher Education Through Inclusive Research Practices, Kevin J. Mallary and Adam L. McClain
Higher Education Faculty Perceptions of ChatGPT and the Influencing Factors: A Sentiment Analysis of X, Yoseph Mamo, Helen Crompton, Diane Burke, and Christine E. Nickel
Visual Representation Based Creative Problem Solving (CPS) for Microelectronic Course, Gon Namkoong and Tian Luo
Family and Peer Social Capital and Child Behavioral Outcomes in Japan, Jared M. Poff, Jonathan A. Jarvis, Mikaela J. Dufur, and Shana L. Pribesh
DeapSECURE Computational Training for Cybersecurity: Progress Toward Widespread Community Adoption, Wirawan Purwanto, Bahador Dodge, Karina Arcaute, Masha Sosonkina, and Hongyi Wu
Empowering Learners in Higher Education: Redesigning an Online Computer Science Course through Universal Design for Learning Implementation, Ana E. Redstone and Tian Luo
Multifaceted Challenges and Opportunities: Concurrent Mixed Methods Research to Investigate Chinese Exchange Students' Experiences in the US Transnational Online Learning Ecology, Xinyue Ren and Yi Zhou
Join the Sons of Liberty! Exploring 1773 Bloxels Boston, Elisa Shaffer
Family Structure, Family Transitions, and Child Overweight and Obesity: Comparing Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States, Sadie A. Slighting, Kirsten Rasmussen, Mikaela J. Dufur, Jonathan A. Jarvis, Shana Pribesh, Alyssa J. Alexander, and Carolina Otero
Identifying Support Structures Associated with Informal Formative Evaluation in Instructional Design, Suzanne Smith and Tian Luo
The Role of Shopping Orientations and Intrinsic Experiential Value in Consumer's Willingness to Follow Embodied-AI's Advice in Fashion Shoe Stores, Christina Soyoung Song, Ji Young Lee, and Dooyoung Choi
Submissions from 2023
The Theory of Learning in Micro: Context & Explanation, Irene A. Bal, Mohammad Shams Ud Duha, Okan Arslan, Jessica Collier, Paula Marcelle, Annetta Dolowitz, Jamie Brernhardt, Meg Swanson, Monalisa Dash, Bohdana Allman (Ed.), Heather Leary (Ed.), and Royce Kimmons (Ed.)
Culturally Responsive Librarians: Shifting Perspectives Toward Racial Empathy, Elizabeth A. Burns
School Library Advocacy: Enhancing Opportunities for All Learners, Elizabeth A. Burns
Where Are Disability and Accessibility in Library and Information Science Curricula?, Clayton Copeland, Rea Simmons, Kevin J. Mallary, Jackie Nikiema, and Evan J. Doorman
Enhancing Student Veterans' Self-Efficacy and Sense of Belonging in a Targeted Learning Community: Four Years of Qualitative Results, Anthony W. Dean, Cynthia Tomovic, Vukica Jovanovic, and Kim E. Bullington
RoboboITS: a Simulation-Based Tutoring System to Support AI Education through Robotics, Sara Guerreiro-Santalla, Helen Crompton, and Francisco Bellas
Simulation-Based Adaptive Interface for Personalized Learning of AI Fundamentals in Secondary School, Sara Guerreiro-Santalla, Dalila Duraes, Helen Crompton, Paulo Novais, and Francisco Bellas
Exploring the Impact of Discussion Interfaces on Diversified Interconnectivity in Online Learning Communities, Hoda Harati, Eri Ono, James K. Ingram, Nesma Ragab Nasr, Cherng-Jyh Yen, and Chih-Hsiung Tu
How IT Course Improves Digital Competencies: An Experimental Study in Science Education, Mustafa Tevfik Hebebci and Helen Crompton
Building Belonging Into the System, Kristin Herman and Michelle Gill
Counselors' Perceptions of Their Preparedness for Telemental Health Services: A Phenomenological Examination, Daniel C. Holland, Jeffry L. Moe, Alan M. "Woody" Schwitzer, Shana Pribesh, and Jeanel Franklin
A Complicated Legacy Defines School Librarians as Teachers, Mary Keeling
Universal Design for Learning Implementation in Higher Education: Survey of Faculty and Instructional Designers, Breanne A. Kirsch and Tian Luo
A Nationwide Descriptive Study: Part II Understanding the Ways Academic Fieldwork Coordinators Describe the Responsibilities and Challenges of Their Role, Patricia Laverdure, Elizabeth LeQuieu, Elizabeth D. Deluliis, and Kimberley Persons
Are Library and Information Science Educators Teaching Accessibility? Content Analysis of Syllabi, Kevin J. Mallary, Rea N. Simons, Clayton A. Copeland, Jackie Nikiema, and Evan J. Dorman
"We Collect TONS of Data... We Report What We Think Our Community Cares the Most About... We Learn so Much from It:" School Librarians' Evidence Collection and Sharing Practices, Jennifer Moore, Maria Cahill, Jeffrey DiScala, and Wanyi Wang
Pursuing Professional Learning by Using Social Media: How Do Instructional Designers Apply Self-Regulated Learning?, Pauline Salim Muljana and Tian Luo
Comparing the "Value of Information Services" for Providers and Vulnerable Patrons: A Mixed-Methods Study with Academic Libraries and Students with Disabilities, Devendra Potnis and Kevin J. Mallary
Treating a Viral Culture: Using Cultural Competency and Social Informatics to Design Contextualized Information Literacy Efforts for Specific Social Information Cultures, Rachel N. Simons, Aaron J. Elkins, Shengnan Yang (Ed.), Xiaohua Zhu (Ed.), and Pnina Fichman (Ed.)
Accessibility and Ability in LIS Curricula and Pedagogy, Rea N. Simons, Kevin J. Mallary, Clayton A. Copeland, Mirah J. Dow, and Evan J. Dorman
Authentic Learning Design Failures: The Need for Learner and Contextual Analysis and Participatory Design, Mohan Yang and Jon Harbor
Designing for Accessibility in Online Learning: A Design Case, Mohan Yang, Victoria Lowell, Yishi Long, and Tadd Farmer
Submissions from 2022
Opportunities for Autism Information Shared Through Professional Conferences, Amelia Anderson, Selena Layden, Crystal Stang (Ed.), and Jennifer L. Branch-Mueller (Ed.)
Experiences During the Implementation of Two Different Project-Based Learning Assignments in a Fluid Mechanics Course., Orlando Ayala, Kristie Gutierrez, Francisco Cima, Julia Noginova, Min Jung Lee, Stacie Ringleb, Pilar Pazos, Krishnanand Kaipa, and Jennifer Kidd
Research in Action: Impacting Library Communities with Field-Based Projects, Elizabeth A. Burns
Self-Sexualization in Relation to Sexual Harassment and Body Shame, Dooyoung Choi, Ju-Young M. Kang, Jieun Kim, and Ha Kyung Lee
The Relationship Between Self-Sexualization and Sexually Objectified Experience, Dooyoung Choi and Ha Kyung Lee
Green Advertising Using Sick-, Well-, and Healed-Appeals, Dooyoung Choi and Ha Kyung Lee
Instructional Design Learners Make Sense of Theory: A Collaborative Autoethnography, Holly Fiock, Sally Meech, Mohan Yang, Yishi Long, Tadd Farmer, Nathan Hilliard, Adrie A. Koehler, and Zui Cheng
Orientation Online: The Surprising Benefits of Virtual New Faculty Orientation, Kristin Herman and Patricia Davidson
Past Precedent Reconciling Established Multimedia Principles in 3D Virtual Learning Environments, Kristin Herman, Jim S. Shifflett, Courtney W. Schoolmaster, Charles Thull, and Noah Glaser
Digital Educational Modules Development For The Career and Technical Cybersecurity Pathways During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Vukica Jovanović, Murat Kuzlu, Otilia Popescu, Petros Katsioloudis, Linda Vahala, Michael Wu, Deborah Marshall, Michael Crespo, and Mary Addison
Can We Make Our Robot Play Soccer? Influence of Collaborating with Preservice Teachers and Fifth Graders on Undergraduate Engineering Students' Learning During a Robotic Design Process (Work in Progress), Krishnanand Kaipa, Jennifer Kidd, Julia Noginova, Francisco Cima, Stacie Ringleb, Orlando Ayala, Pilar Pazos, Kristie Gutierrez, and Min Jung Lee
Career and Technical Education Teachers' Perceptions of Their Profession and Willingness to Encourage Students to Enter a CTE Teaching Career, Michael F. Kosloski, Philip A. Reed, Roberto Loya, and Mariam Abdelhamid
The Impact of a Year-Long Professional Development on Teacher Self-Efficacy in Personal Writing and the Teaching of Writing, Guang-Lea Lee, Terri Brodeur, Cherng-Jyh Yen, Tian Luo, and Pauline Salim Muljana
Can I Touch the Clothes on the Screen? The Touch Effect in Online Shopping, Ha Kyung Lee and Dooyoung Choi
The Effect of Touch Simulation in Virtual Reality Shopping, Ha Kyung Lee, Namhee Yoon, and Dooyoung Choi
Examining the Impact of Online Math Games on Student Performance and Attitudes, Tian Luo, Catherine Hickman, and Pauline Muljana
Professional Development Rewired: A Case Study of TIMS Approach, Tian Luo, Jilian Reynolds, and Pauline Muljana
Fostering Cognitive Presence in Online Courses: A Systematic Review (2008-2020), Robert L. Moore and Courtney N. Miller
Conducting a Formative Evaluation on a Course-Level Learning Analytics Implementation Through the Lens of Self-Regulated Learning and Higher-Order Thinking, Pauline S. Muljana, Tian Luo, and Greg Placencia
Women Students Learning a STEM Subject: An Analysis of Note-Taking Practices in a Civil Engineering Course and the Association with Self-Efficacy, Cognitive Engagement, Test Anxiety, and Course Achievement, Monica Palomo and Pauline Muljana
Organizational Analysis in Preparation for LMS Change: A Narrative Case Study, F. Eamonn Powers and Robert L. Moore
Overview of Standards for Technological and Engineering Literacy (Other), Philip Reed, Tyler Love, Scott Bartholomew, and Kelly Dooley
Gender Differences and Roles of Two Science Self-Efficacy Beliefs in Predicting Post-College Outcomes, Kristy A. Robinson, Tony Perez, Arianna White-Levatich, and Lisa Linnenbrink-Garcia
Blast-Building Leaders for Advancing Science and Technology: A Partnership Between the Virginia Space Grant Consortium and the University of Virginia, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, and Old Dominion University, Cynthia Tomovic, Mary Sandy, Julie Back, Vukica Jovanovic, Kim Lester, Edward Murphy, Sueanne McKinney, and Mileta Tomovic
Teaching in the Times of Pandemic, Mileta Tomovic and Cynthia Tomovic
A Predictive Study of Students Social Presence and Their Interconnectivities in the Social Network Interaction of Online Discussion Board, Cherng-Jyh Yen, Chih-Hsiung Tu, Moussa Tankari, Emrah Emre Ozkeskin, Hoda Harati, and Alexandra Miller
Submissions from 2021
Comparative Review on Information and Communication Technology Issues in Education Sector of Developed and Developing Countries: A Case Study About Pakistan, Aasma Akram, Moshin Nazir, Tayyaba Batool, Muhammad Imran Zulfiqar, Maria Nazir, Habiba Azhar, and Sadia Murawwat
Job Seeking and Daily Workforce Experiences of Autistic Librarians, Amelia Anderson
Confident but Lacking Support: School Librarians and Students with Autism, Amelia Anderson and Selena Layden
Online Behaviors of Teenagers on the Autism Spectrum, Amelia Anderson and Abigail Phillips
Introduction to the Special Section on Designing for Learning in a Pandemic, John Baaki
Information Activism: A Queer History of Lesbian Media Technologies, Dawn Betts-Green
Hacking the Pandemic: Launching Third Space into Cyberspace, Brittany Bowser
Facilitating Veteran and Adult Students' Learning and Retention in Engineering: Faculty-Student Partnership - A Model of an Evidence-Based Practice, Kim E. Bullington, Anthony Dean, Cynthia Tomovic, Vukica M. Jovanović, and Rafael E. Landaeta
Establishing Reflective Practice in Preservice Coursework, Elizabeth Burns
School Librarian Preparation and Practice: An Exploration of the AASL National School Library Standards and ALA/AASL/CAEP School Librarian Preparation Standards, Elizabeth A. Burns and April M. Dawkins
A Nationwide Descriptive Study: Understanding Roles, Expectations, and Supports of Academic Fieldwork Coordinators in Occupational Therapy Programs, Elizabeth D. Deluliis, Kimberley Persons, Patricia Laverdure, and Elizabeth D. LeQuieu
Lights, Camera, Activity! A Systematic Review of Research on Learner-Generated Videos, Bridgette Shade Epps, Tian Luo, and Pauline S. Muljana
Assessing an Academic Readiness Model in a Community College Occupational Program, Scott A. Hauert, Robert L. Moore, and Quinton Nottingham
Chopped ID and Bicycle Repair: Contrasting Values in Synchronous Graduate Instructional Designs for Design Learning, Craig D. Howard and John W. Baaki
A Look into Increasing the Number of Veterans and Former Government Employees Converting to Career and Technical Cybersecurity Teachers, Vukica M. Jovanovic, Michael Anthony Crespo, Drew E. Brown, Deborah Marshall, Otilia Popescu, Murat Kuzlu, Petros J. Katsioloudis, and Linda Vahala
Mentoring Prospective Engineering Students Through the After School Program "Girls in Engineering" Focused on Building an Underwater Remotely Operated Vehicle, Vukica M. Jovanović, Deborah Marshall, Jeff Warren Larson Jr., Abdul Rahman Badawi, Neil R. StClair, Otilia Popescu, Murat Kuzlu, Petros J. Katsioloudis, Linda Vahala, and Michael Anthony Crespo
Up Close and Personal: Hosting Diverse Authors, Sue C. Kimmel and Danielle E. Hartsfield (Ed.)