Content Posted in 2025
2024 State of the Commonwealth Report, Vinod Agarwal, James V. Koch, Feng Lian, Anna Makhorkina, Melody Nguyen, Terry Parker, Mohamed Rahoui, Jay Walker, and Leiu Yuenyong
A 6-DOF Force Transducer Design from an Existing Rocket Payload Attachment Fitting, Thomas H. Johnson
Abalones at Risk: A Global Red List Assessment of Haliotis in a Changing Climate, Howard Peters, Gina M. Ralph, and Laura Rogers-Bennett
A Case of One Step Forward and Two Steps Back? An Examination of Herbicide-Resistant Weed Management Using a Simple Agroecosystem Dynamics Model, Srinadh Kodali, Chris Flores-Lopez, Isabelle Lobdell, Branson Kim, James C. Russell, Lane Michna, and Benjamin L. Turner
Accept or Reject? Moderators That Influence the Decision-Making Process of Interruptions, Matthew Pacailler and Mark Scerbo
Accurate Evaluation of Homogeneous and Nonhomogeneous Gas Emissivities, Kam-Pui Lee
Achieving Wing-Like Structural Response With Piezocomposite Unimorph Thin Plates, Francis Hauris
A Comparison of Quasi-Static Indentation Testing to Low Velocity Impact Testing, Michael J. Douglas
Acoustic Characterization of the NASA Langley 14 X 22 Ft Subsonic Wind Tunnel, James Thomas Crippen
Active-Twist Rotor Blades Design, Analysis, and Testing, Andrew Randall Kreshock
A Custom Mixed-Reality Simulation Design: Minimizing Teacher Biases in Mathematical Discussion Practices, Melihan Ünlü, Signe Kastberg, Sezai Kocabas, and Melva Grant
A Design of Experiments Approach to Visor Drag Reduction on Heavy Vehicles Using Wind Tunnel Testing, Adam Golembeski
A Detailed Analysis of Dynamic Robotic Simulation, Lonnie J. Love
A Direct Numerical Simulation of Vortex Breakdown Induced Tail Buffet, Steven James Massey
Administering Secondary Level Learners’ Engagement in Online Education During COVID-19 Pandemic in Bangladesh: A Leadership Perspective, Nazmun Chaitee
Advanced Design and Performance Characterization of A Micromachined Tuning-Fork Gyroscope With High Quality Factors, Shiva Krishna Durgam
Advanced Nested Coaxial Thin-Film ZnO Nanostructures Synthesized by Atomic Layer Deposition for Improved Sensing Performance, Pengtao Lin, Lari S. Zhang, Kai Zhang, and Helmut Baumgart
Advancing Environmental Engineering: The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Sustainable Solutions - A Short Review, Amirreza Talaie, Hesam Kamyab, and Ashkan Razmfarsa
Aerodynamic and Acoustic Investigations of an Advanced Over-The-Wing Nacelle Transport Aircraft Configuration, Geoffrey A. Hill
Aeroelastic Load Alleviation Using Shunted Piezolectrics, Anna-Maria Rivas McGowan
A Fixed Robotic Mars Base Architecture, Christie Angunette Alston
A Fracture Mechanics Analysis of A 38 Inch Diameter Hot Pressed Beryllium Telescope Mirror, Phillip L. Brown
AI and ML-Based Risk Assessment of Chemicals: Predicting Carcinogenic Risk From Chemical-Induced Genomic Instability, Ajay Vikram Singh, Preeti Bhardwaj, Peter Laux, Prachi Pradeep, Madleen Busse, Andreas Luch, Akihiko Hirose, Christopher J. Osgood, and Michael W. Stacey
A Job-Shop Scheduling Model Using Genetic Algorithm and Giffler Thompson Approach, Nikhil Deepak Bumb
A Markov Based Model for Maintenance and Repair of Equipment, Deepa Jaishankar
A Method for Improving the Accuracy in Phase Change Heat Transfer Data Through Increased Precision in Thermophysical Property Determinations, John Philip Drummond
A Mixed-method Analysis of the News Media Framing of Gender Non-conforming Victims of Homicide in the U.S. from 2012-2022., Susana Avalos, Hayley Jackey, and Iyan Wickel
An Agent-Based Approach for Designing a Sustainable Supplier Selection in Stochastic Environment: A Simulation Study, Sheida Etemadidavan
Analysis and Testing of Plates with Piezoelectric Sensors and Actuators, Jeffrey S. Bevan
Analysis of a Direct Expansion Solar-Assisted Heat Pump Using Different Refrigerants, Francis Benjamin Gorozabel Chata
Analysis of Aerothermodynamic Environment of a Titan Aerocapture Vehicle, Hsing Chow
Analysis of Heat Pump Cycles Using Thermodynamic Equations of State, Stephen C. Ericson
Analytical Model of a Thermomechanical Hot Channel Coupled to a Friction Stir Welding Process, Saptarshi Mandal
An Analysis of a Finite Element Human Brain in Low Speed Rear Impact Automobile Collision Comparison, Model Development and Study Using TNO Rear Impact Dummy, Mangesh S. Kadam
An Analytical Design Procedure for the Determination of Effective Leading Edge Extensions on Thick Delta Wings, Farhad Ghaffari
An Application of Global Optimization Algorithm for Modal Parameter Identification, Chung-Men Chen
An Approach for Multidisciplinary Design Optimization, Robert V. Krueger
An Approach to Realize Generalized Optimal Motion Primatives Using Physics Informed Neural Networks, Jonathon E. Slightam, Andrew J. Steyer, Logan E. Beaver, and Carol C. Young
Andréane Frenette-Vallières: 47th Annual ODU Literary Festival, Andréane Frenette-Vallières
An Enhanced Real-Time Intrusion Detection Framework Using Federated Transfer Learning in Large-Scale IoT Networks, Khawlah Harahsheh, Malek Alzaqebah, and Chung-Hao Chen
An Examination of Food and Alcohol Disturbance Based on Sexual Orientation in a Sample of Women who Binge Eat, Alicia M. Moulder
An Experimental and Analytical Investigation of Friction Factors for Fully Developed Flow in Internally Finned Triangular Ducts, Hoshang Chegini
An Experimental Investigation of a Cold Jet with Solid Centerbody Emitting from a Flat Plate Into a Subsonic Free Stream, Danny K. Livingston
An Experimental Investigation of the Vortex Sink Rate Sensors, Nelson L. Lu
An Experimental Study of Automotive Wakes for Drag Breakdown, Ilteris Koc
An Exploratory Case Study of Complex System Governance Diagnostics, Satya N. Moorthy
Anhedonia Links Sleep Problems and Suicidal Thoughts: An Intensive Longitudinal Study in High-Risk Adolescents, Kinjal K. Patel, Jaclyn C. Kearns, Dan Foti, Wilfred R. Pigeon, Evan M. Kleiman, and Catherine R. Glenn
An Improved Thermal Mass Flow Controller for Hazardous and Precision Applications, William J. Alvesteffer
An Interaction Between Mental Integration and Levels of Automation: An Analytic Approach Applying Systems Factorial Technology, Shelby Kate Scarbrough Long
An Investigation of a Free Jet at Low Reynolds Numbers, George C. Greene
An Investigation of High Strength to Weight Corrugated Compression Panels with Non-Load Carrying Webs, Charles Thomas Lee Mills
An Investigation of Hole Size Effects in a Composite Material During Tensile Fracture, David Floyd Moore
An Investigation of the Influence of Tightening Torque and Sea Water on Pultruded GFRP Composite Bolted Joints, Satish Devara
An in vitro Study on the Effect of Synthesized tin (IV) Complexes on Glioblastoma, Colorectal, and Skin Cancer Cell Lines, Jennie L. Williams, Lesley C. Lewis-Alleyne, Melinda Solomon, Long Nguyen, Robert Johnson, Jennifer Vital, Ping Ji, John Durant, Camille Cooper, Patrice Cagle, Patrick Martin, Don VanDerveer, William L. Jarrett, and Alvin A. Holder
Anna Qu: 47th Annual ODU Literary Festival, Anna Qu
A Nonlinear Hybrid Vortex Method for Wings Having Side-Edge Separations, Li-Chuan Chu
A Non-Linear Vortex Panel Method for Wings with Edge Separation, Vijay Kalburgi
A Novel Piezoelectric Device with Dual Functions of Studying Biological Soft Tissues, Avin A. Jamadagni
Application of Boundary Layer Theory to Suction Through Streamwise Slots in Wind Tunnel Walls, Michael Harold Berger
Application of Least-Squares Method to the Determination of Orthotropic Elastic and Photoelastic Constants, R. G. Chermahini
Application of Sensitivity Analysis to the Euler Equations, Vamshi Mohan Korivi
Application of Shape Sensitivity Analysis for Computation of Transient Free-Surface Flows, Frank Nicolas Michel
Approaches to Control of the Large Angle Magnetic Suspension Test Fixture, Mehran Ghofrani
Are Positive and Negative Leader Humor Two Different Coins? A Meta-Analysis, Xiaohong Xu, Richard Hayes, Lixin Jiang, and William P. Jimenez
A Review of Emerging Sensor Technologies for Tank Inspection: A Focus on LiDAR and Hyperspectral Imaging and Their Automation and Deployment, Sergio Pallas Enguita, Chung-Hao Chen, and Samuel Kovacic
Artificial Intelligence in Achieving Sustainable Development: Expectations of Undergraduate Students, Jinhee Kim
A Self Consistent 2D Simulation of Coherent Synchrotron Radiation Effects on Beam Dynamics, Dallan Duffin
A Spine-Specific Lexicon for the Sentiment Analysis of Interviews with Adult Spinal Deformity Patients Correlate with SF-36, SF-36, and ODI scores: A Pilot Study of 25 Patients, Ross Gore, Michael M. Safaee, Christopher J. Lynch, and Christopher P. Ames
Assessing Technology Usage in Relation to the Quality of Life in Autistic Children, Cristina Costescu, Ioana Tufar, Laura Chezan, Mălina Șogor, and Alexandra Confederat
Assessment of High-Order Serendipity and Lagrangian Quadrilateral Membrane Elements, Timothy Scott Davis
Assumed-Stress Hybrid Beam Element for Nonlinear Elastic Stress Analysis, William Scott Carron
A Study for an Optimal Delivery Sequence of a Bowling Pinspotter Distributor Mechanism, David Michael Burt
A Study of the Interface Between a Turbulent Boundary Layer and the Irrotational Free Stream, Shih-Chao Lin
A Survey of Machine Learning-Based Physics Event Generation, Yasir Alanazi, Nobuo Sato, Pawel Ambrozewicz, Astrid Hiller-Blin, Wally Melnitchouk, Marco Battaglieri, Tianbo Liu, and Yaohang Li
A Systematic Procedure for the Analysis and Design of Deployable Space Structures, Praveen Kumar
A Systems Theory-Based Framework for Uncertainty in Complex System Governance, Teresa Anne Crater
A Theoretical Framework for Resilience in Complex System Governance (CSG), Susan A. Caskey
Automated Classification of Elementary Instructional Activities: Analyzing the Consistency of Human Annotations, Jonathan K. Foster, Peter Youngs, Rachel van Aswegen, Samarth Singh, Ginger S. Watson, and Scott T. Acton
Behavioral Health Training for Integrated Behavioral Health: A Delphi Study, Nicholas Schmoyer, Lisa Corbin, Jessica Huffman, and Gülşah Kemer
Beth Nguyen: 47th Annual ODU Literary Festival, Beth Nguyen
Bill Glose: 47th Annual ODU Literary Festival, Bill Glose
Boundary Layer Measurements Related to Wind Tunnel Testing of Riblets, Emrah Cinar
Bridging Cultures: Language Learning Circles in Early Childhood, Joy Hernandez and Abha Gupta
Bridging the Gap: Understanding and Mitigating CSRF Threats in Service Worker Environments, Sivakanesan Dhanushkanda and Mustafa A. Ibrahim
Broadband Dynamic Modification Using Feedforward Control, Kendeas Antonis Karantonis
Calculations of Three-Dimensional Transonic Flows Using the Implicit Formulation of the Isenthalpic Euler Equations with Flux Vector Splitting, Frank E. Cannizzaro
Can “Did You Feel It?” Intensity Data Be Used in Earthquake Ground Motion Modeling?, Busra Bocekli and Pengfei Wang
Caveolin-Mediated Endocytosis: Bacterial Pathogen Exploitation and Host-Pathogen Interaction, Dibyasri Barman and Rishi Drolia
Challenges Associated With PFAS Detection Method in Africa, Abdullahi Tunde Aborode, Ridwan Olamilekan Adesola, Ibrahim Idris, Waheed Sakariyau Adio, Segun Olapade, Gladys Oluwafisayo, Israel Ayobami Onifade, Sodiq Fakorede, Taiwo Bakare-Abidola, Jelil Olaoye, Adedeji Daniel Ogunyemi, Oluwaseun Adeolu Ogundijo, Olamilekan Gabriel Banwo, Adetolase Azizat Bakre, Peter Oladoye, Grace Adegoye, and Noimat Abeni Jinadu
Characteristics of Laser-Induced Plasma Flame Kernel Formation and Evolution, Wilmer Flores
Charge Lifetime Improvement of the Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility Photogun With a Biased Anode, J. T. Yoskowitz, G. A. Krafft, G. Palacios-Serrano, S.A.K. Wijethunga, J. Grames, J. Hansknecht, C. Hernandez-Garcia, M. Poelker, M. L. Stutzman, R. Suleiman, C. A. Valerio-Lizarraga, and S. B. Van Der Geer
Chemoviscosity Modeling of Thermosetting Resins, Jia-Mo Bai
Choosing To Bear Arms: Resistance and Identity Formation Through Louisiana’s Free Afro Creole Militia, Victoria McFarlane
Christal Brown: 47th Annual ODU Literary Festival, Christal Brown
Coach to Teach: Effects of eCoaching on Special Education Teacher Implementation of Discrete Trial Training, Olga Karadimou
Combined Forced and Free Convection in the Trombe Wall Channel, Jim Ginchaun Huang
Comparative Heat Load Analysis for a Direct Gain Passive Solar Building, Hong Hu
Comparing Surface Currents Near the Mouth of Three Bays Along the U.S. East Coast: Chesapeake Bay, Delaware Bay, and New York Bay, Tal Ezer and Teresa Updyke
Comparison of Digital Controllers Used in Magnetic Suspension and Balance Systems, William Allen Kilgore
Competing in the Stress Olympics: Mid-Level Managers and their Experiences of Work Stress as Impacted by their Supervisors and Organizational Climate, Melissa Jane Hecker Scott
Compound Flooding Hazards Due to Storm Surge and Pluvial Flow in a Low-Gradient Coastal Region, Sunghoon Han and Navid Tahvildari
Comprehensive Static and Dynamic Modeling of a Magnetic Suspension and Balance System, Colin P. Britcher, Caleb Hull, David Cox, and Mark Schoenenberger
Computational Drug Repositioning Using Low-Rank Matrix Approximation and Randomized Algorithms, Huimin Luo, Min Li, Shaokai Wang, Quan Liu, Yaohang Li, and Jianxin Wang
Computational Fluid Dynamic Study of A NASCAR Winston Cup Series Race Car, Terry L. Meek Jr.
Computational Sensing and Active Flow Control of Airfoil at Stall Conditions, Ersin Gercek
Computational Sensing and Closed-Loop Active Flow Control of Airfoil at Post-Stall Conditions, Volkan Kamaci
Computational Solution of Tail Buffet Response and Active Flow Control, Kaushik Laxmikant Joshi
Computation of 2-D and 3-D Natural Convection Heat Transfer in Closed and Vented Cavities, T. O. Mohieldin
Computer Aided Simulation of a Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning System in a Building, Sunil Shrikrishna Kulkarni
Computer Based Modeling for Small e-VTOL Propeller Performance, Ege Konuk
Computer Modeling of Low Reynolds Number Propeller Performance at an Incidence, Ege Konuk and Drew Landman
Conceptual Design of a Reusable Mars Aircraft, Bryce L. Horvath
Conjugate Gradient Method for Solving System of Nonlinear Equations, Abhijit Prakash Honrao
Contemporary Caribbean-American Literature: Thoughts on Identity Constructions for Caribbean Diasporic Subjects in American Racial and Cultural Context., Samirah Almutairi
Contemporary-Classical Sequential Loop Design with Parameter Uncertainty, Donghyuk Jeong
Control Design and Implementation for an Autonomous Surface Vehicle Using Azimuth Thrusters, Stanton James Coffey
Convective Heat Transfer from Circular Cylinders Located Within Perforated Cylindrical Shrouds, Kamran Daryabeigi
Coulomb Confinement in the Hamiltonian Limit, Sebastian M. Dawid, Wyatt A. Smith, Arkaitz Rodas, Robert J. Perry, César Fernández-Ramírez, Eric S. Swanson, and Adam P. Szczepaniak
Coupled Bending-Torsion Steady-State Response of Pretwisted, Nonuniform Rotating Beams Using a Transfer-Matrix Method, Carl E. Gray Jr.
COVID-19 Impact, Knowledge and Preparedness among Dental Hygienists in Saudi Arabia: A cross-sectional Study, Futun Nasser Alkhalifah, Ayoub Tobbal, and Jacquelyn Fried
Cultivating Self-Knowledge in the Writing Classroom: A Study of Contemplative Pedagogy, Jared Featherstone
Design Advantages of Skin Friction Drag Reduction Using Riblets, John Michael Gregory
Design and Construction of a Reconfigurable Pilot-In-The-Loop Aircraft Simulation Workstation, John J. Miller
Design and Fabrication of A Prototype Fabry-Perot Cavity for the Compton Polarimeter Upgrade at Jefferson Lab, Deepa Deepa
Design of Timing Circuit for Fuel Injection Conversion and Development of Laboratory to Analyze Engine Performance Using a Dynamometer, Aditi Jayram Limaye
Design Optimization of Magnetic Bearings and Magnetic Suspension Systems, V. Dale Bloodgood Jr.
Determination of Life Cycle Cost Under Uncertainty, Hamoud R. AL-Otaibi
Determinations of Molecular Weight and Molecular Weight Distribution of High Polymers by the Rheological Properties, Joan Y. Z. Huang
Development and Validation of A Dynamic Model of the Maglev Transportation System at Old Dominion University, Ajinkya V. Deodhar
Development and Validation of Hardware to Measure the Load-Deflection Characteristics of Any Material, Manish Govardhanrao Kalmegh
Development of a Model Updating Technique for Controls-Structures Integrated Design Optimization, Angela Georges
Development of Analytical Sensitivity Analysis for AHP Applications, Marie L. Ivanco
Development of A Supersonic Nozzle for A Compressed Carbon Dioxide Propulsion System Intended for Mars Surface Applications, Erin K. Blass
Development of a Technique to Diagnose Subtalar Joint Instability, Ajaya Dhakal
Development of Comprehensive Agility Measurement Tool, Ameya Surendra Erande
Development of Curved-Plate Elements for the Exact Buckling Analysis of Composite Plate Assemblies Including Transverse-Shear Effects, David Michael McGowan
Development of Sustainability Indicators for Products and Processes, Sundeep Bodapati
Devika Rege: 47th Annual ODU Literary Festival, Devika Rege
Differences in Denial of Disordered Eating Among Black and White Female College Students, Kayla D. Pitchford, Meredith I. Turner, Lindsay M. Howard, and Kristin E. Heron
Differences in Motivation for Biology Learning: A Measurement Invariance Testing and Latent Mean Comparison Approach, Ting Dai, Kuan Xing, Avi Kaplan, Jennifer G. Cromley, Kyle R. Mara, and Tony Perez
Differential Effects of Physical Activity on Social Interactions of Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Christianna Blanchard-Alworth
Diode Laser Crystallization of Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon Thin Films for Solar Cell Applications, Brian A. Eaton
Distal Placement of an End-To-Side Bypass Graft Anastomosis A 3-D Computational Study, John Robert Di Cicco
Divergent Responses of Nitrogen-Species Loadings to Future Climate Change in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed, Zihao Bian, Shufen Pan, Raymond G. Najjar, Marjorie A.M. Friedrichs, Eileen E. Hofmann, Maria Herrmann, Kyle E. Hinson, Pierre St.-Laurent, and Hanqin Tian
Does Job Satisfaction Take a Hit? The Relationships Between Employee Cannabis Use, Job Satisfaction, and Absenteeism, Caroline Jordan Moughan
Dolen Perkins-Valdez: 47th Annual ODU Literary Festival, Dolen Perkins-Valdez
Domain Decomposition for Multigrid, Finite Volume Flow Solvers, Victor Robert Lessard
DYNA3D Simulations of Low-Speed Impact Response of Laminated Composite Panels, Kenneth William Barlow
Dynamic Model of Sailors Descending A Navy Ship Ladder, Jonathan Coulter
Dynamics and Control of a Five Degree-of-Freedom Magnetic Suspension System, Anwar Mohammed Haj
Dynamics and Control of a Three Dimensional Gantry Crane with Cable Flexibility, Uchendu H. Eke
Dynamic Scheduling for Unplanned Maintenance Work, Tejaswi Karempudi
Dynamics of Explosion Remnants in Earth-Orbits, Joseph T. Fuss
Dynamic Stability Test Technique for Blunt Bodies in a Magnetic Suspension and Balance System, Caleb Hull, Colin Britcher, Dave E. Cox, Mark Schoenenberger, and Hisham M. Shehata
Dynamic Test/Analysis Correlation Using Reduced Analytical Models, Paul E. McGowan
Earth Observation Time Estimates Using Curve Fitted Perturbed Orbit Tracks, Taner Gundogdu
Edge Effects Impact Blue Carbon Dynamics Across Coastal Ecotones in a Tropical Seascape, Erik S. Yando, Jahson B. Alemu I, Kiah Eng Lim, Taylor M. Sloey, Michiel van Breugel, Natasha Bhatia, and Daniel A. Friess
Effect of Family-Centered Care Interventions on Motor and Neurobehavior Development of Very Preterm Infants: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Manasa Kolibylu Raghupathy, Shradha S. Parsekar, Shubha R. Nayak, Kalesh M. Karun, Sonia Khurana, Alicia J. Spittle, Leslie Edward S. Lewis, and Bhamini Krishna Rao
Effect of Rod Gap Spacing on a Suction Panel for Laminar Flow and Noise Control in Supersonic Wind Tunnels, William D. Harvey
Effect of Transducer Size on the Statistical Properties of a Simulated Turbulent Wall Pressure Field, Mehdi R. Khorrami
Effect of Wall Temperature Control on Low-Speed Axisymmetric Body Drag, John C. Lin
Effects of Elevated Temperature on the Physical Aging of a High Temperature Thermoplastic Resin and Composite, Mark Feldman
Effects of Radiative Interactions in Molecular Gases Under Local and Nonlocal Thermodynamic Equilibrium Conditions, Manoj Kumar Jha
Effects of Track Irregularities on Dynamic Responses of a Moving Maglev Train, Aravind M. Hanasoge
Efficiently Learning an Encoder That Classifies Token Replacements And Masked Permuted Network-Based BiGRU Attention Classifier for Enhancing Sentiment Classification of Scientific Text, Muhammad Inaam Ul Haq, Khalid Mahmood, Qianmu Li, Ashok Kumar Das, Sachin Shetty, and Majid Hussain
Eigensensitivity Analysis for Space Structures with Applications in Design Optimization, Sean Patrick Kenny
Eigenvalue Reanalysis Techniques Using MSC/NASTRAN, Christopher B. Barton
Elastic Buckling of Stiffened Composite Curved Panels, Navin R. R. Jaunky
Electrochemical Routes For Extraction Of Iron From Acid-Activated Red Mud: A Carbon-Free Iron-Making Process, Nandan Nag Mr. and Sandeep Kumar Dr
Emergency Room Utilization Rates Among Unhoused Patients Receiving Care at a Student-led Free Clinic, Lindsey Torres and Tina Gustin
Emerging Directions in Leveraging Machine Intelligence for Explainable and Equity-Focused Simulation Models of Mental Health, Philippe J. Giabbanelli
Emissions Studies for a Natural Gas-Fired Internal Combustion Engine, Carlos M. Buitrago
Empower Diversity in AI Development, Karl Werder, Lan Cao, Balasubramaniam Ramesh, and Eun Hee Park
Energy Use Analysis of a Multi-Unit Housing Facility A Parametric Study, Brian David Cooper
Engaged Learning in the Public Service Classroom, Josephine Gatti Schafer (Editor) and Bruce D. McDonald III (Editor)
Enhancing Risk and Crisis Communication with Computational Methods: A Systematic Literature Review, Madison H. Munro, Ross J. Gore, Christopher J. Lynch, Yvette D. Hastings, and Ann Marie Reinhold
Epicardial Cryoablation During Cardiopulmonary Bypass in a Pig Survival Model, Federica Serra, Jonathan M. Philpott, Anna Bulysheva, and Christian W. Zemlin
Error and Correction Analysis for the FFA@CEBAF Energy Upgrade, Alexander Mattison Coxe
Estimating Depth Of Roadway Flooding Using Data From LiDAR And Surveillance Cameras, Mahta Zamanizadeh and Mecit Cetin
Estimation and Management of Observation Time for Low Earth Orbit Satellite, Serdar Cagirdar
ETDPC -- A Multimodality Framework for Classifying Pages in Electronic Theses and Dissertations, Muntabir Hasan Choudhury, Lamia Salsabil, and Jian Wu
ETDSuite: A Toolkit to Mine Electronic Theses and Dissertations to Enrich Scholarly Big Data Using Natural Language Processing and Computer Vision, Muntabir Hasan Choudhury
Evaluating Social Media Reach Via Mainstream Media Discourse, Himarsha R. Jayanetti
Evaluating the Influence of Trypanosomiasis on Murine Model Using Corchorus olitorius Leaf Extract as a Trypanocidal Agent, Fatima M. Madaki, Adamu Y. Kabiru, Ogunrombi D. Clinton, Sakariyau A. Waheed, and Yunusa O. Ibrahim
"Every Direction We Turn, It’s a Wall”: North Carolina School Counselors and Their Advocacy and Support for Undocumented Students’ Access to Higher Education, Wendy Eberhart Cook
Experimental Analysis and Modeling Validation of A Knee Brace in Shock Mitigation, Manish Prakash Dhekane
Experimental Determination of Proton-Cation Exchange Equilibrium Constants at Water-Membrane Interface Fundamental to Bioenergetics, Haitham A. Saeed and James W. Lee
Experimental Investigation of a Rectangular Surface Thermal Plume, Li-Cheng Chu
Experimental Investigation of Crossflow Instability Waves in Rotating Disk Flow, Alan E. Blanchard
Experimental Investigation of the Inlet Deflector Configuration Variation in the Flow Field at Mach 1.9, Kyu C. Hwang
Experimental Parametric Study of a True Airspeed Sensor, Adel R. Ibrahim
Experimental Study of Delta Wing Leading-Edge Devices for Drag Reduction at High Lift, Thomas Dwight Johnson Jr.
Experimental Study of Pressure and Heating Rate on a Swept Cylindrical Leading Edge Resulting from Swept Shock Wave Interference, Christopher E. Glass
Experimental Study of Transition in a Supersonic Free Shear Layer, Rudolph A. King
Expert Systems for Automated Maintenance of a Mars Oxygen Production System, Ming-Tsang Ho
Exploring Instructional Designers' Utilization and Perspectives on Generative AI Tools: A Mixed Methods Study, Tian Luo, Pauline S. Muljana, Xinyue Ren, and Dara Young
Exploring the Impact of Value Co-Creation Through AI-Driven Chatbbots on Customer Repeat Purchases, Dooyoung Kyung Choi and Jaeha Lee
Extension to the Dynamic Modeling of the Large Angle Magnetic Suspension Test Fixture, Lucas E. Foster
Extraction of the Strong Coupling from the Electron-Ion Collider, Darren Upton, Xiaochao Zheng, and Alexandre Deur
Fabrication of Thermoplastic Composite Laminates Having Film Interleaves by Automated Fiber Placement, Anthony Bruce Hulcher
Factors Influencing Pedestrian Decisions to Cross Mid-Block and Potential Countermeasures, Kun Xie, Hong Yang, Sherif Ishak, Guocong Zhai, and Zizheng Yan
Fat-Free Mass is Positively Associated With Urine Specific Gravity in Athletes and Active Adults: A Quantitative Review, Patrick B. Wilson and Ian P. Winter
Feasibility of Quasi-Random Band Model in Evaluating Atmospheric Radiance, Navin Mirakhur
Feasibility Study of Oyster Shell Filtration Media for Stormwater Pollutants Removal, Sadiq Omer
Feel Bad to Discard a Fashion Product: How AI Designers Influence Individuals' Sustainable Consumption, Ha Kyung Lee and Dooyoung Choi
Field Emission Migration in CEBAF SRF Cavities Using Deep Learning, K. Ahammed, J. Li, A. Carpenter, R. Suleiman, C. Tennant, and L. Vidyaratne
Finite Element Analysis of Nonlinear Panel Flutter of Rectangular Composite Plates Under a Uniform Thermal Load, lain Ross Dixon
Finite Element Analysis of Structures with Constrained Viscoelastic Layer Damping, Yung Chen
Finite Element Analysis of Thermal Post-Buckling and Vibrations of Thermally Buckled Composite Plates, Charles Clifton Gray
Finite Element Model of a Tennis Racket, Sayali Shashikant Kapatkar
First-Generation College Students and Sense of Belonging at School: The Moderating Effect of Remote Learning, Christina Ju
First Measurement of Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering on the Neutron with Detection of the Active Neutron, A. Hobart, S. Niccolai, M. Čuic, K. Kumerički, P. Achenbach, J. S. Alvarado, W. R. Armstrong, H. Atac, H. Avakian, L. Baashen, N. A. Baltzell, L. Barion, M. Bashkanov, M. Battaglieri, M. Benkel, F. Benmokhtar, A. Bianconi, A. S. Biselli, S. Boiarinov, M. Zurek, and Et al.
Fixture Design for Load Measurement in Friction Stir Welding, Shekhar S. Kulkarni
Flexible Fitting of AlphaFold2-Predicted Models to Cryo-EM Density Maps Using Elastic Network Models: A Methodological Affirmation, Maytha Alshammari, Jing He, and Willy Wriggers
Flow Control of Airfoil at Post-Stall Conditions by Multiple Frequency Applied SAADO Jets, A. Şamil Demirsöz
Forced Displacement Technique for Measuring Blunt Body Aerodynamics in a Magnetic Suspension Wind Tunnel, Mark Schoenenberger, David Cox, Colin Britcher, and Caleb Hull
Front Matter: 2024 State of the Commonwealth Report, Dragas Center for Economic Analysis and Policy, Old Dominion University
Frozen Green Leaves as Potential Nutrient Subsidies in North American Mangrove Ecosystems, Katelyn Overstreet, Emily M. Dangremond, and Ilka C. Feller
Fully Relativistic Derivation of the Thermal Sunyaev-Zel'Dovich Effect, Balša Terzić, Geoffrey A. Krafft, William Clark, Alexandre Deur, Emerson Rogers, Ioannis Sakiotis, and Brandon Velasco
Functional Medicine’s “Therapeutic Partnership”: Re-envisioning Patient-Provider Communication, Cristina De Leon-Menjivar
GAN-based Event-level Inverse Mapper (GEIM) - An Application on Quantum Chromodynamics Global Analysis, Tareq Alghamdi, Yaohang Li, Kishansingh Rajput, and Nesar Ramachandra
Gauss-Hermite Integration for Reliability Calculation and Sensitivity Analysis, Nilesh K. Borade
Generalized Functions in the Study of Signals and Systems, Erik I. Verriest, Gunther Dirr, and W. Steven Gray
Geoff Bouvier: 47th Annual ODU Literary Festival, Geoff Bouvier
Global Modeling of Pitch Damping from Flight Data, Noah M. Favaregh
Global South Sisterhood in Virtual Exchange: A Critical Autoethnography, Bhavika Sicka and Arzu Atajanova
Golden Spirals Everywhere?, John Adam
Golden Spirals Everywhere? Solutions for Fermi Questions, January 2025, John Adam
Guidance and Navigation for A Spinning Projectile Using A Strapdown Seeker, Timothy J. Josey
How Multilingual Writers Talk About, Write About, And Engage With Sources in First-Year Composition, Mary Ann Zehr
How Personalized Chatbots Win Customer Loyalty, Jaeha Lee and Dooyoung Choi
Impact of Airline Business Models on Fuel Efficiency of Aircraft Operations in the National Airspace System (NAS), Trisha R. Khetia
Implementation of a Multiblock Sensitivity Analysis Method in Numerical Aerodynamic Shape Optimization, James Matthew Lacasse
Improving Usability of Data Charts In Multimodal Documents for Low Vision Users, Yash Prakash, Akshay Kolgar Nayak, Shoaib Mohammed Alyaan, Pathan Aseef Khan, Hae-Na Lee, and Vikas Ashok
Inclusive Reactions From Finite Minkowski Spacetime Correlation Functions, Marco A. Carrillo Bernal, Raúl A. Briceño, and Alexandry M. Sturzu
Inference for Informative Intra-Cluster Group Sizes in Clustered Data, Hasika K. Wickrama Senevirathne and Sandipan Dutta
Influence of Time Pressure and Flood Information Type on Flood Alert Effectiveness in Driving, Katherine R. Garcia, Scott Mishler, and Jing Chen
Institutional Pressures on School Leadership and Innovation After Pandemic-Related School Closures: A Phenomenological Study, Gary Eugene Skeen
Interaction of a Two-Dimensional Transverse Jet with a Supersonic Mainstream, Gilbert Otto Kraemer
Interactive Approach for Geometry Definition with Automatically Differentiated Sensitivities for Practical Airplane Design, Yvette Cordero
Intercellular Mitochondrial Transfer Contributes to Microenvironmental Fate Redirection of Mammary Cancer Cells, Julie Sofie Bjerring
Internationalization and investment efficiency, Alireza Askarzadeh and Kenneth Yung
Interview with Linda Beazley, Linda Beazley
Intrinsic Manipulation of Microstructure and Strength of Ice-Templated Lithium Titanate, Rohan Parai
Investigating the Effects of Empathy on Implicit Race Bias, Macy Kisiel
Investigating the Method of Structural Topological Variations for Sensitivity Analysis and Design Optimization, Niki A. Mehta
Investigating the Viability of Low Frequency mHVSR Estimates Using Deep Shear Wave Velocity Profile, T. Mai, C. C. Nweke, P. Wang, and F. J. Ornelas
Investigation of an Alternative Technique for Measuring Turbulence in the Upper Atmosphere, Charles Patrick Leonard
Investigation of Drag Reduction on a Two-Dimensional Circular Cylinder by Ejecting Jet From the Rear Stagnation Region, Satoshi Atsuchi
Inviscid Two-Dimensional Vortex-Panel Method for Calculating the Pressure Distribution Over Noncircular Cylinders at Various Flow Incidence Angles, Sophia Kokkinos Ashley
Ionic Current Rectification Phenomena in Asymmetrical Polymer Nanopores Under Salt Gradients, Murat Bakirci
IR-Hot Gas Heat Source for Automated Tow Placement, Ray Walton Grenoble
Jeff Schnader: 47th Annual ODU Literary Festival, Jeff Schnader
Join the Sons of Liberty! Exploring 1773 Bloxels Boston, Elisa Shaffer
Kent Wascom: 47th Annual ODU Literary Festival, Kent Wascom
Kinodynamic Motion Planning for a System With Squid Dynamics, Logan E. Beaver, Cong Wei, and Wei-Kuo Yen
Laminar Deflagrated Flame Interaction with A Fluidic Jet Flow for Deflagration-To-Detonation Flame Acceleration, Joseph P. McGarry
Language Teachers' Intersectional Identity Positions and Advocacy for Emergent Bilinguals, Jihea Maddamsetti
Latent Space Dynamics Learning for Stiff Collisional-Radiative Models, Xuping Xie, Qi Tang, and Xianzhu Tang
Lattice Truss Structural Response Using Energy Methods, Winfred Scottson Kenner
Leveraging Transformer-Based OCR Model with Generative Data, Wael Khallouli, Mohammad Shahab Uddin, Andres Sousa-Poza, Jiang Li, and Samuel Kovacic
Liberatory Motherhood: A Framework & Praxis for Caring and Scholaring Otherwise in the Neoliberal Academy, Bhavika Sicka
Life Cycle Impact Assessment Method for Early Design Phase of Industrial Products, Harpreet Singh Multani
Linearized Dynamics of Space Structures with Articulated Appendages, Gopichand Koganti
Line List for the A²Π−X²Σ⁺ and the B²Σ⁺−X²Σ⁺ Band Systems of CaF, Léo Lavy, Peter F. Bernath, and Adam Pastorek
Literacy Leadership: Power in the Discourse of Learning, Melissa Guinn Crawley Twisdale
Load Characteristics for an Aluminum Alloy Friction Stir Weld, Lewis T. Henderson
Low Speed Handling Characteristics of a Supersonic Transport by Eigenstructure Assignment, Michael Peter Lazar
LS-DYNA3D Modeling and Simulation for Uncontained Engine Debris Impact on Fuselage Skins, Robin Eileen Lawson
Lucien Mattison: 47th Annual ODU Literary Festival, Lucien Mattison
Luisa A. Igloria: 47th Annual ODU Literary Festival, Luisa A. Igloria
Manuela Mourão: 47th Annual ODU Literary Festival, Manuela Mourão
Manufacturing Revolutionary Culture: The Rise of the French Bourgeoisie, Chase Plante
Mapping Seagrass Distribution and Abundance: Comparing Areal Cover and Biomass Estimates Between Space-Based and Airborne Imagery, Victoria J. Hill, Richard C. Zimmerman, Dorothy A. Byron, and Kenneth L. Heck Jr.
Marianne Chan: 47th Annual ODU Literary Festival, Marianne Chan
Marine Emissions of Methanethiol Increase Aerosol Cooling in the Southern Ocean, Charel Wohl, Julián Villamayor, Martí Galí, Anoop S. Mahajan, Rafael P. Fernández, Carlos A. Cuevas, Adriana Bossolasco, Qinyi Li, Anthony J. Kettle, Tara Williams, Roland Sarda-Esteve, Valérie Gros, Rafel Simó, and Alfonso Saiz-Lopez
Measuring CLAS12 d(e, e′Π±) Cross Sections For e4nu, Caleb Fogler
Membrane Surface Charges Attracted Protons Are Not Relevant to Proton Motive Force, James Weifu Lee
Micah Nemerever: 47th Annual ODU Literary Festival, Micah Nemerever
Micro-Scale Dielectric Spectroscopy of Biological Cells, Arindam Ghosh
Mobile Clinic Effects on a Rural Emergency Department, Jonathan Levenson and John S. Hudson
Modal Analysis and Validation of a Gasoline Fuel Injector Using Ansys and Laser Vibrometer, Ravi Kiran Kothamasa
Modal Analysis of Gyroscopically Coupled Sound-Structure Interaction Problems, Vijay B. Bokil
Modeling and Analysis of Low Earth Orbit Satellite and Ground Station Data Exchange Topology, Ersin Kocoglu
Modeling and Simulation of Load Introduction for Fuselage Crown Panel Testing, Kevin P. Belack
Modification and Application of a Turbulence Response Analysis Method for Flexible Aircraft Configurations, Christie Jeanne Funk
Mounir Laroussi, Mounir Laroussi
Mounir Laroussi, Glen McClure
Multidisciplinary Design Optimization of Transonic Airfoil Sections Using Multiobjective Optimization and Computational Intelligence Tools, Amit A. Kulkarni
Multi-Element Airfoil Optimization Using Computational Fluid Dynamics, Mustafa Kubilay Ictuzer
Nanosecond Pulsed Plasma And Electric Field Against Cancer Cells In Vitro, Edwin Ayobami Oshin, Zobia Minhas, Siqi Guo, and Chunqi Jiang
Natural Convection in Shallow Inclined Enclosures, Effendy Arif
Natural Enemies of Varroa destructor identified from Eastern North America Honey Bee Colonies: A Biological Survey of Candidates for Mite Control from Maryland, USA, Francisco Posada-Flórez, Daniel Sonenshine, Jay Evans, Dawn Boncristiani, Monica Pava-Ripoll, and Steven Cook
Navier-Stokes Analysis of Cold Gas Scramjet Nozzle-Afterbody Flowfields, Walter C. Engelund
Near Earth Asteroid Mission Design for 2000 SG344, Gökhan Çahşkan
New Spin Structure Constraints On Hyperfine Splitting and Proton Zemach Radius, David Ruth, Karl Slifer, Jian-Ping Chen, Carl E. Carlson, Franziska Hagelstein, Vladimir Pasculutsa, Alexandre Deur, Sebastian Kuhn, Marco Ripani, Xiaochao Zheng, Ryan Zielinski, and Chao Gu
Non-Linear Boundary-Layer Receptivity Due to Distributed Surface Roughness, Tahani R. Amer
Nonlinear Flutter Analysis of Curved Panels Under Yawed Supersonic Flow and at Elevated Temperatures Using Finite Elements, Satyajit Sudhir Ghoman
Numerical Study of Combustion of Hydrogen and Ethylene in a Two-Dimensional Dual-Mode Scramjet Combustor, Robert A. Carson
Numerical Study of the Turbulent Boundary Layer in a Hypersonic Nozzle, Joan Patricia Gosink
Old Dominion University Space Systems Engineering Competency Development to Accommodate Orbital Flight Projects, Ersin Ancel
Open-Loop State-Space Model Identification from Closed-Loop Data, Lori Guy
Optimal Active and Passive Control Design for a Slewing Piezoelectric Laminate Beam, Travis V. DuBois
Optimization and Oscillation of a Two-Dimensional Bump to Enhance Airfoil Performance, Dinesh Atchala
Optimization of the ODU Maglev System Ridership Performance, Eric Salvador M. De Leon
Optimum Preventive Maintenance by Markov Processes, Wen-Chun Chung
Parametric Correlations for Generic Scramjet Combustors with Ramp-Type Injectors, Jason Granville Bush
Part 1: Virginia's Economy Grows, Will Consumers Remain Unhappy?, Dragas Center for Economic Analysis and Policy, Old Dominion University
Part 2: Virginia's Metropolitan Areas: Growth, Challenges, and the Road Ahead, Dragas Center for Economic Analysis and Policy, Old Dominion University
Part 3: Does It Still Pay to Attend College in Virginia?, Dragas Center for Economic Analysis and Policy, Old Dominion University
Part 4: Rising Disability Rates (Or Not): A Sign That We Care or an Epidemic Problem in the Commonwealth?, Dragas Center for Economic Analysis and Policy, Old Dominion University
Part 5: An Older Commonwealth, A Better Commonwealth, Dragas Center for Economic Analysis and Policy, Old Dominion University
Payday Power-Up: Let's Make a Raise Distribution, Ayse Ozturk
Pedestrian-Motorist Self-Reported Behavioral Intentions Toward Using Alternative and Standard Safety Infrastructure, Emma Sunshine Hood
Perspectives on a Recently Merged Family Medicine Residency Program: A Post-Match Survey of Ranked, Unmatched Applicants, John E. Snellings, Karo G. Ohanian, and Ismail El Moudden
Photoelastic Investigation of Load Transfer in Eccentrically Loaded Single Lap Joints, Stephen Antrim Hann
Photoluminescence Switching in Quantum Dots Connected With Carboxylic Acid and Thiocarboxylic Acid End-Group Diarylethene Molecules, Ephraiem S. Sarabamoun, Pramod Aryal, Jonathan M. Bietsch, Maurice Curran, Sugandha Verma, Grayson Johnson, Lucy U. Yoon, Amelia G. Reid, Esther H. R. Tsai, Charles W. Machan, Christopher Paolucci, Guijun Wang, and Joshua J. Choi
Piezoelectric Sensor in the Application of Rolling Bearing Health Monitoring, Yinyin Liu
Point Cloud Diffusion Models for the Electron-Ion Collider, Jack Y. Araz, Vinicius Mikuni, Felix Ringer, Nobuo Sato, Fernando Torales Acosta, and Richard Whitehill
Poisson Regression Model With Application To Wastewater Surveillance Under a Threshold Linear Mixed Model for COVID-19 Sensitivity Rates, Norou Diawara, Hueiwang Anna Jeng, Kyle Curtis, Raul Gonzalez, Nancy Welch, Cynthia Jackson, Rekha Singh, David Jurgens, Sasanka Adikari, and Omotomilola Jegede
Potentiation of Gelonin Cytotoxicity by Pulsed Electric Fields, Olga N. Pakhomova, Eleni Zivla, Giedre Silkuniene, Mantas Silkunas, and Andrei G. Pakhomov
Prediction of Recurrent Lateral Ankle Sprain and Ankle Pain Using Applied Care Strategies and Patient-Reported Outcomes, Ryan S. McCann, Elisabeth Ohrnberger, Kyle B. Kosik, and Phillip A. Gribble
Prediction of Shock Diamonds and Mach Disk in an Under-Expanded Air Jet, Praveen D. Malali
Preliminary Development of A Subject Specific Finite Element Model of the Hindfoot, Liang Dong
Preliminary Structural Design of a Lunar Transfer Vehicle Aerobrake, Lance B. Bush
Preservice Teachers' Visions and Understandings of Classroom Documentation and Displays of Children's Work in Elementary Schools, Angela Eckhoff
Prevalence of Sexually Implicit Attitudes in Entry-Level Dental Hygiene Students, Monica Drew, Emily Ludwig, Jessica Suedbeck, and Adaira Howell
Privacy in IoT Cloud, Aftab Ahmad, Ravi Mukkamala, and Karthik Navuluri
Probing the Urea Dependence of Residual Structure in Denatured Human α-Lactalbumin, Victoria A. Higman, Heike I. Rösner, Raffaella Ugolini, Lesley H. Greene, Christina Redfield, and Lorna J. Smith
Quantification of Antiretroviral Drug Emtricitabine in Human Plasma By Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy, Marguerite R. Butler, Terry A. Jacot, Sucharita M. Dutta, Gustavo F. Doncel, and John B. Cooper
Rapidity Evolution of Gluon TMD From Low to Moderate X, Ian Balitsky
Rapid Prediction of Coastal Flooding with Deep Neural Networks, Ali Shahabi and Navid Tahvildari
Real-Time Navigation System for Breast Cancer Surgery with Pre- and Intra-Operative Imaging Using Neural Networks, Motaz Alqaoud
Rebekah Taussig: 47th Annual ODU Literary Festival, Rebekah Taussig
Recent Increase of Ethane Detected in the Remote Atmosphere of the Northern Hemisphere, Bruno Franco, Whitney Bader, Benoît Bovy, Emmanuel Mahieu, Emily V. Fischer, Kimberly Strong, Stephanie Conway, James W. Hannigan, Eric Nussbaumer, Peter F. Bernath, Chris D. Boone, and Kaley A. Walker
Reconsidering the Impact of Access Spacing on Crash Risk, Kun Xie, Hong Yang, and Xiaomeng Dong
Refinement of AlphaFold-Predicted Models Using Cryo-EM Density Maps and Enhancement of Protein Secondary Structure Topologies With Residue Contacts, Maytha Naif Alshammari
Reinforcement Learning for Cyber Operations: Applications of Artificial Intelligence for Penetration, Abdul Rahman, Christopher Redino, Dhruv Nandakumar, Tyler Cody, Sachhin Shetty, and Dan Radke
Relationship Between Technology Student Association Participation and Soft Skills Development, Lauren Lapinski, Mickey Kosloski, and Philip Reed
Relationship Between Ureteral Stent Dwell Time And UTI, Deja K. Hunt, Catherine Smith, and Kathie Zimbro
Remica Bingham-Risher: 47th Annual ODU Literary Festival, Remica Bingham-Risher
Repeating Ground Track Design for Low Earth Orbit Satellite, Gurkan Gurdal
Representation in Engineering-Focused Children's Literature: A Critical Content Analysis, Angela Eckhoff
Resource Selection of the Southern Fox Squirrel (Sciurus niger niger) in the Coastal Plain of Virginia, Marissa H. Guill, Jesse L. De La Cruz, K. Marc Puckett, and W. Mark Ford
Reusing Random Walks in Monte Carlo Methods for Linear Systems, Hao Ji and Yaohang Li
[Review of the Book Remote Work Revolution: Succeeding from anywhere, by T. Neeley]., Taylor Rodriguez
Revisiting Gauge Invariance and Reggeization of Pion Exchange, Glòria Montaña, Daniel Winney, Łukasz Bibrzycki, César Fernández-Ramirez, Giorgio Foti, Nadine Hammoud, Vincent Mathieu, Robert J. Perry, Alessandro Pilloni, Arkaitz Rodas, Vanamali Shastry, Wyatt A. Smith, and Adam P. Szczepaniak
Roles of the His-Purkinje System in Long QT Syndrome Mediated Arrhythmias, Anthony Owusu-Mensah
School Counseling District Leaders' Experiences with Anti-DEI Laws and Policies: A Phenomenological Investigation, Emily Goodman-Scott, Darrell J. Sampson, Kaprea F. Johnson, and DeHaven Sawyer-Mays
Self-Identifying Minoritized Doctoral Students’ Experiences of Epistemic Injustice in Counselor Education and Supervision, Francisca Rivas
Service Guarantee Decision of Online Service Providers and Market Implications, Aijun Lu, Fuzan Chen, and Harris Wu
Sex Differences in the Association Between Cardiac Vagal Control and the Effects of Baroreflex Afferents on Behavior, Xiao Yang, Jacob Chaney, Aaron S. David, and Fang Fang
Shape and Size Sensitivity Analysis of Geometrically Nonlinear Laminated Composite Plates, Nitin R. Mane
Shape Optimization for Elastic Hollow Bars in Torsion, Jahau Lewis Chen
Short-Semester Courses: Mitigating Unfavorable Precollege Issues for Students at a Technical College, James T. Moore Jr.
Sigrid Nunez: 47th Annual ODU Literary Festival, Sigrid Nunez
Simulating Plankton- Getting It Right in the Era of Digital Twins in the Ocean; Core Features of Plankton Digital Twins, Kevin John Flynn, Angus Atkinson, John Beardall, John Berges, Maarten Boersma, Christophe Brunet, Albert Calbert, Dave Caron, Hans Dam, Pat Gilbert, Per J. Hansen, Peng Jin, Michael W. Lomas, Christian Lønborg, Dan Mayor, Bettina Meyer, Nicole Millette, Thomas Mock, Margaret Mulholland, Alex Poulton, Carol Robinson, Sebastian Rokitta, Björn Rost, Enric Saiz, David Scanlan, Katrin Schmidt, Evelyn Sherr, Diane Stoecker, Camilla Svensen, Stefan Thiele, Frede Thingstad, Fernando Unrein, and Selina Vage
Simulating Plankton- Getting it Right in the Era of Digital Twins of the Ocean; Simplicity vs. Complexity, Kevin Flynn, Evelyn Sherr, Angus Atkinson, Christian Lønborg, Margaret Mullholland, Sebastian Rokitta, Björn Christian Rost, Katrin Schmidt, Diane K. Stoecker, and Stefan Thiele
Simulation and Thermo-Economic Analysis of a Solar-Assisted Heat Pump System for Domestic Water Heating Application, Vaibhav D. Gagrani
Simulation Based Six-Sigma Design for Service Industry, Shantanu Dhananjay Ghate
Simulation of 3-D Viscous Flow Around a Nozzle-Afterbody at High Speeds, Wendy B. Hoffman
Simulation of Electron-Proton Scattering Events by a Feature-Augmented and Transformed Generative Adversarial Network (FAT-GAN), Yasir Alanazi, Nobuo Sato, Tianbo Liu, Wally Melnitchouk, Pawel Ambrozewicz, Florian Hauenstein, Michelle P. Kuchera, Evan Pritchard, Michael Robertson, Ryan Strauss, Luisa Velasco, and Yaohang Li
Simulation of Vertical Tail Buffet in Internal Vortex Breakdown Flows, Mark William Flanagan
Simultaneous Aerodynamic Analysis and Design Optimization, Satish Venkatasubra Mani
SJ Sindu: 47th Annual ODU Literary Festival, SJ Sindu
Smart Learning Development Model of Indonesian Higher Education, Jajat Sudrajat and Widodo Samyono
Socially Shared Regulation of Learning and Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities to Support Socially Shared Regulation, Jinhee Kim, Rita Detrick, Seongryeong Yu, Yukyeong Song, Linda Bol, and Na Li
Solar-Assisted Heat Pumps for Low-Temperature Industrial Process Heat Applications, Kamran Fouladi-Semnani
Spacecraft Trajectory Design for Short Duration Near Earth Asteroid Missions, Synthia Mirlin Findlay
Stability Design of a Slender Column with Curved Longitudinal Stiffeners, Mark S. Lake
Stability of Three-Dimensional Compressible Boundary-Layers, Samarasingham Jeyasingham
Stack Bonding in Pentacene and Its Derivatives, Craig A. Bayse
Statewide Seismic-Induced Landslide Risk Assessment in Virginia: A probabilistic approach, Sara Tahajomi Banafshehvaragh and Pengfei Wang
Static and Modal Analysis of the Magnetic Levitation Vehicle, Santosh Kumar Desetty
Static and Vibration Analyses, and Sensitivity Analysis of Stepped Beams Using Singularity Functions, Carla Rocio Davila
Statistical Interpretation of Mohr-Coulomb Theory as Applied to Fracture in Brittle Materials Containing Cracks, Mudit J. Monsi
Stress Fields in Composites with a Variable Interphase Under Thermo-Mechanical Loadings, Nianfeng Chen
Structural Self-Shadowing and Its Effects on the Thermal-Structural Behavior of Orbiting Trusses, Jack Mahaney
Studies of Fracture and Deformed Surfaces of High Strength Aluminum Alloys by X-Ray Diffraction, Tamma K. Kumar
Study of Algebraic Reynolds Stress Models for the Computation of Secondary Motion in Channels, Tomas Chylek
Submarine Groundwater Discharge as a Major Nutrient Source in River-Fed vs. Tidally Dominated Estuaries, Stephanie J. Wilson, Joseph J. Tamborski, Bongkeun Song, Peter Bernhardt, and Margaret R. Mulholland
Suppression of Dynamic Aeroelastic Response of a Semispan Wing Using Traditional and Distributed Sensing, James Ramey
Symbolic Regression for Data-Driven Equation Discovery: A Physics-Informed Approach, Anusha Reddy Singireddy
Synthesis of Bis-Thioacid Derivatives of Diarylethene and Their Photochromic Properties, Pramod Aryal, Jonathan Bietsch, Gowri Sankar Grandhi, Richard Chen, Surya B. Adhikari, Ephraiem S. Sarabamoun, Joshua J. Choi, and Guijun Wang
System Identification of an Autonomous Surface Vehicle, Christopher John Cook
Teachers' Perceptions of Their Self-Regulated Learning Practices in Elementary School Classrooms, Stephanie Greenquist-Marlett, Linda Bol, and Courtney Hill
The Anaerobic Rose Chamber (ARC): Novel Applications for Probing Clostridioides Difficile Dynamics, Tatiana Zvonareva
The Analysis of a Subsonic Jet Issuing Perpendicular to a Freestream Flow from a Flat Plate and a Body of Revolution, Donald R. Haberman
The Association Between Sports Camp Participation and Perceived Competence and Independence Among Visually Impaired Youth, Mary A. Keene, Justin Haegele, and Xihe Zhu
The Complex and Marginalized Experiences of BIPOC Trafficked Women: An Examination of Disabilities, ACEs, Discrimination, and Racism, Jacquelyn C. A. Meshelemiah, Fabian Arroyo Rojas, Hannah Ruth Steinke, Marlene Carson, and Justin A. Haegele
The Crash Simulation and Analysis of the Friendly Mobile Barrier, Bryan Edward Marz
The Cytotoxic Effect of a Cu(II) Complex with Thiosemicarbazone Ligand on Triple Negative Breast Cancer, Augustine Ofeh, Duaa Alajrou, Sidy Diawara, Divine Satchivi Akakpo, Tanaya Washington, Stephen Beebe, and Alvin Holder
The Design and Testing of an Inlet-Airfoil for a High Altitude Remotely Piloted Aircraft, Preston Bradley Martin
The Discharge-Induced Polarity-Dependent Propagation Characteristics of a Strong Shock Wave, Anna Markhotok
The Effect of Elastic Boundary Conditions on the Dynamic Response of Rectangular Plates, Terry K. Brewer
The Effect of HANS Device on Brain Pressure Values in Finite Element Brain Models, Mihir M. Jawale
The Effect of Temperature on the Optical Absorptive and Reflective Behavior of Metals, Thomas A. Hunyady
The Effect of Unreinforced Cutouts on the Buckling of Thin Conical Shells Loaded by Central Axial Compression, Garla Arjuna
The Effects of Bending on the Strain Distributions in a Stiffener-Skin Interface Region, Osvaldo F. Lopez
The Effects of Nonlinearities on the Optimal Design of Forced Vibrating Beams, Cheryl Celestine Jackson
The Flesh and Silicon Mesh: A New Materialist Conception of Advanced Digital Machines, Joshua Nieubuurt
The Gift of Life, Nicole Gunawansa
The Impact of a Coaching Program on Student Retention and Course Pass Rates in an Associate Degree Nursing Program, Angela Dryden and Jeffrey Doucette
The Impact of Pharmacotherapy in Weight Loss, Jessica Edwards, Kathie Zimbro, and Carolyn Rutledge
The Impact of Short-Term Rental Activity on House Prices: Evidence from Coastal Virginia, Navid Safari, Lei Zhang, and Timothy M. Komarek
The Influence of Payload Dynamics on Trajectory Tracking Performance of Robot Manipulator, Atul G. Kelkar
The Influence of Shopping Context and Anthropocentric Bias on Consumer Preferences for Human and AI Designers in Fashion, Dooyoung Kyung Choi, Ha Kyung Lee, Christina Soyoung Song, and Ji Young Lee
The Manifesto for Teaching and Learning in a Time of Generative AI: A Critical Collective Stance to Better Navigate the Future, Aras Bozkurt, Junhong Xiao, Robert Farrow, John Y. H. Bai, Chrissi Nerantzi, Stephanie Moore, Jon Dron, Christian M. Stracke, Lenandlar Singh, Helen Crompton, Apostolos Koutropoulos, Evgenii Terentev, Angelica Pazurek, Mark Nichols, Alexander M. Sidorkin, Eamon Costello, Steven Watson, Dónal Mulligan, Sarah Honeychurch, Charles B. Hodges, Mike Sharples, Andrew Swindell, Isak Frumin, Ahmed Tlili, Patricia J. Slagter van Tryon, Melissa Bond, Maha Bali, Jing Leng, Kai Zhang, Mutlu Cukurnova, Thomas K. F. Chiu, Kyungmee Lee, Stefan Hrastinski, Manuel B. Garcia, Ramesh Chander Sharma, Bryan Alexander, Olaf Zawacki-Richter, Henk Huijser, Petar Jandrić, Chanjin Zheng, Peter Shea, Josep M. Duart, Chryssa Themeli, Anton Vorochkov, Sunagül Sani-Bozkurt, Robert L. Moore, and Tutaleni Iita Asino
The Motives for Mergers and Acquisitions and Their Implications for Research and Practice, Kris Irwin, Craig Armstrong, Paul Drnevich, and Mario Schijven
Theory of Constraints Project Management in A Manufacturing Environment, Shihching Kraft
The Phenomenology of Experiencing Critical Thinking in Vocational Higher Education, Sean Castleberry
The Pre-Polarization and Concentration of Cells Near Micro-Electrodes Using AC Electric Fields Enhances the Electrical Cell Lysis in a Sessile Drop, Kishor Kaphle and Dharmakeerthi Nawarathna
The Promise and Pitfalls of GenAI in Education, Helen Crompton
The Relative Contribution of Deep and Shallow Benthic Sources to Iron Supply in the Ross Sea, With Specific Emphasis on the Ross Bank, Blair J.W. Greenan, Michael S. Dinniman, Dennis J. McGillicuddy Jr., Peter N. Sedwick, Stefanie L. Mack, and Walker O. Smith Jr.
Thermal Compatibility Analysis of the Passive Damping Treatment Proposed for the Space Shuttle Remote Manipulator System (SRMS), Mahesh Chowdhary
Thermal Management for Optimal Performance of Unitized Regenerative Fuel Cells, Mythy T. Tran
Thermodynamic and System Performance Analysis of a Heat Pump That Employs a Two-Phase Flow Collector as Evaporator, Yu-Fang Chiang
The Role of Full-Time Job Postings for Postsecondary CTE Faculty in Curriculum Design: A Document Analysis, James Bartlett II and Michelle Bartlett
The Role of Policy Entrepreneurs in Understanding Oral Health Care Policy: A Case Study Approach Analyzing Multiple Streams Framework in NC Oral Health Policy, Lori Gordon Hendrick
The Significance of Peel Stresses in Cyclic Debonding, Richard A. Everett Jr.
The Strategic and Governance Implications of Solar Radiation Modification: Perspectives from Delegates of International Climate Negotiations, Todd L. Cherry, Steffen Kallbekken, David M. McEvoy, and Wai Yan Siu
The Unexpected Ethical Concerns of Developing Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice Review Tools: A Design Case, Betsy Gilbertson, Stephanie Shepherd, and Jeffrey Fergus
The Use of Complex Versus Normal Modes in Structural Model Improvement, Chih Lin
The Weighty Words of Lord Rayleigh, John Adam
The Weighty Words of Lord Rayleigh: Solutions for Fermi Questions, January 2024, John Adam
The White Supremacy to Anti-immigrant Violence Pathway: Deaths of Migrants at the U.S. Southwest Border, Ida Oesteraas
Three-Dimensional Transport Simulations of the Dispersal of Volcanic Aerosol From Mount Pinatubo, T. Duncan A. Fairlie
Tidal Flooding Contributes to Eutrophication: Constraining Nonpoint Source Inputs to an Urban Estuary Using a Data Driven Statistical Model, Alfonso Macías-Tapia, Margaret R. Mulholland, Corday R. Selden, Sophie Clayton, Peter W. Bernhardt, and Thomas R. Allen
Tikking the Tok and Leading the Way: Teacherpreneurs Leading on TikTok, Jori S. Beck and Derrick Riddle
Toward a generative modeling analysis of CLAS exclusive 2π photoproduction, Tareq Alghamdi, Yasir Alanazi, Marco Battaglieri, Alesanndro Pilloni, Yaohang Li, Łukasz Bibrzycki, Astrid Hiller Blin, Vector Mokeev, Glòria Faiget, Nobuo Sato, Adam Szczepaniak, Tommaso Vittorini, Wally Melnitchouk, Luca Marsicano, Evgeny Isupov, and Andrey Golda
Toward An Ecosystem of Non-Fungible Tokens From Mapping Public Opinions on Social Media, Yunfei Xing, Justin Z. Zhang, Yuming He, and Yueqi Li
Toward a Unified Description of Hadron Scattering at All Energies, D. Stamen, D. Winney, A. Rodas, C. Fernandez-Ramirez, V. Mathieu, G. Montaña, A. Pilloni, and A. P. Szczepaniak
Towards Inclusive Public Administration Systems: Public Budgeting From the Perspective of Critical Race Theory, Juan Pablo Martínez Guzmán, Meagan M. Jordan, and Philip G. Joyce
Transfer Function Models and Control of a Flexible Structure Using Piezoelectric Laminates, Joseph A. Colvin
Transfer Learning for Field Emission Mitigation in CEBAF SRF Cavities, K. Ahammed, J. Li, A. Carpenter, C. Tennant, and R. Suleiman
Transient Finite Element Analysis of A Base Excited Frame on A Six DOF Motion Simulator to Simulate Wave Slamming, Matthew Douglas Davis
Transient Simulation of a Trombe Wall Passive Heating System Coupled to a Thermally Stratified Room, Ali Saleh Kheireddine
Type-B Energetic Processes: Introduction and Invitation to Special Issue of Energies, James Weifu Lee and Daniel P. Sheehan
Uncertainty Quantification in Large Language Models Through Convex Hull Analysis, Ferhat Ozgur Catak and Murat Kuzlu
Unconventional Philosophies and Practices: Vietnamese Family Firm Performance in Multiple Countries, Amon Simba, Mai Thi Thanh Thai, Aymen Ammari, James V. Koch, and Paul Jones
Unlocking the Potential of Primary Healthcare Nurse Practitioners Globally: A Concept Analysis of Their Added Value, Isabelle Savard, Gina Sophia Costanzo, Colette Henderson, Deborah C. Gray, Melanie Rogers, and Kelley Kilpatrick
Unplanned Maintenance Scheduling a Lean Application Using Group Technology and Adaptive Conflict Resolution, Manish Shashibhushan Mittal
Unraveling the Complex Interactions Among Lung Cancer, COPD, Cardiovascular Disease, and Pulmonary Fibrosis: Overlapping Risks, Converging Pathways, and Integrated Care Approaches, Daisy Umutoni, Mayowa Soloman Owolabi, and Sakariyau Adio Waheed
Unsteady Numerical Analysis of a 2-Dimensional, Hydrogen Fueled, Air-Breathing Dual Mode Scramjet Engine, Nathan John Luetke
Unveiling Resilience and Motivation through Testimonios: Exploring the Influence of TRIO Student Services on Motivation and College Completion, Emily Leonard Garrison
Use of a Generalized Set of Variables in Fluid Flow Calculations, Pawel Chwalowski
Using to CoSAI Ecosystem to Archive Scholarly Code with Docs and Discussions, Vicky Rampin, Tayla Cooper, Martin Klein, David Wilkinson, Lyudmila Balakireva, Emily Escamilla, David Calano, Michael L. Nelson, and Michele C. Weigle
Validation of Finite Element Beam Models, Pavan R. Madhineni
Validation of Open Chain Model During Kinematic Analysis of Joint Mobilization of the Foot: An In Vitro Study, Anthony Ross McNally
Virginia Academy of Sleep Medicine Position Statement on School Start Times in Virginia, Sean Hesselbacher, Mariana Szklo-Coxe, Sachin Relia, Jonathan Gellman, and Nicole McIntyre
Virtualization of Physical Experiments Using Real-Time Data Generation from a Computational Fluid Dynamics Code, Kaustubh A. Dharwadkar
Viscous Modeling and Computation of Leading-And Trailing-Edge Vortex Cores of Delta Wings, Balakrishnan Lakshmanan
Water Vapor and the Equatorial Mesospheric Semi-Annual Oscillation (MSAO), R. L. Gattinger, E. Kyröla, C. D. Boone, W. F. J. Evans, K. A. Walker, I. C. McDade, P. F. Bernath, and E. J. Llewellyn
Weight Bias Internalization and Disordered Eating: Examining the Role of Sexual Orientation in a Sample of Women Who Binge Eat, Meredith I. Turner
Wine Dark Sea: 47th Annual ODU Literary Festival, Drew Lopenzina and Liz Black
Wing-Section Optimization for Supersonic Viscous Flow, Cem Cihan Item
Workforce Education and Labor Market Demands for North Carolina Community Colleges, Christina Anne Bunch
Yalie Saweda Kamara: 47th Annual ODU Literary Festival, Yalie Saweda Kamara